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Mt. Echo Newspaper
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Lois Sullivan Stradley

Dividing Line

July 7, 1921 Issue

Local & Personal:

J. B. TATUM sells Peters Shoes. which he says are the best on the market. See his Ad in today's Echo.

Bert HAND who has been working in Tulsa, Okla., for some time came in last week to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HAND

The many Yellville friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ESTES of Harrison will be sorry to learn that she recently suffered a stroke of paralysis at the home of her daughter in Nowata, Okla., and is yet in a critical condition. It is hoped that she will soon completely recover.

Mrs. J. C. PERKINS spent a few days with friends and relatives in Harrison the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Cam COWDREY were among the Yellville folks attending the celebration at Harrison Monday.

Mr. J.F. CARSON and family drove over to Harrison, Monday and spent the day meeting their friends at the big picnic.

Mrs. Will COWDREY and her daughter, Mrs. Baz TATUM spent the Fourth at Rush with Mrs. Lee HICKS , Mrs. COWDREY sister.

Frank L. WHITMAN who spoke here some time ago under the auspices of Dennis ESTES Post of the American Legion, has accepted the secretaryship of the Newport Chamber of Commerce and will assume his duties about July 15.

Mrs Olive TREAT of Rea Valley was reported quite sick last week with fever.

Geo. ROINSON and Bob MCCRACKEN have bought the meat market, and Mr. W. D. DOSHIER has retired from the business.

Ralph WEAST and Howard SANDERS and Misses Maxine NANNY and Hazel SANDERS motored over to Harrison Monday and spent the day at the picnic.

Mrs. Carrie BRYANT of Springfield MO., came in last week to visit Mr. Fred WILLIAMS and family just west of Yellville, and Mr and Mrs. John GOFF of Flippin.

Mr. Bud HUDSON of Buffalo, was in Yellville Friday, and said crops were fine in his section. Mr. HUDSON owns a fine farm on Buffalo.

Frank REED of near Comal has set about ten acres in sweet potatoes,

Mrs. Worth BRIGGS was among the many lady shoppers that visited Yellville last Friday.

Mr. C. O. PARTEE formerly of this town, but now of Cotter was in Yellville Friday of last week. He informed us that he had been employed to teach a six months term of school at Push Mountain, near Advance in Baxter county, and that school would begin the second Monday in July.

Mrs. W. B. RUDDELL went to Flippin Friday to spend a few days with her brother, Mr. J. B. MASON and his wife.

Mr. John GOFF one of the good farmers of Flippin barrens was transacting business in Yellville Saturday.

The many friends of Dick GRAVES of Zinc, will regret to learn that he fell a few days ago while repairing his house, and sustained painful injury which has confined him to his room. It is to be hoped that he will soon recover and be able to look after his business affairs.

Mrs. Bertha WARD and her little daughter, Mary Dell, who had been spending some time visiting Mrs. WARDS'S parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. JONES left Thursday of last week for their home at Russellville. They went via Crane, Mo., to visit Mrs J. B. WARD for a few days.

Authur SCOTT of near Peel, was in Yellville Saturday, and says crops are looking fine.

Mr. M. J. CORLEY who lives on the Ran COKER place a few miles south of Yellville, who was over come with hear a few weeks ago has not yet recovered. Last week his neighbors came in and plowed and hoed his crop out, and put it in good shape, and to them for this act of kindness Mr. and Mrs. CORLEY are very thankful. That the world is not growing worse, is evidenced by such acts as the above

Mr. A. A. THOMPSON of the A. A. THOMPSON Mercantile Co.,went to Carthage, Joplin, and other points in Missouri, and Fort Scott, Kansas, last week on business.

Mr. Wm. FERNIMAN the enterprising merchant of Rea Valley, was transacting business in Yellville Friday.

The Marion County Teachers Institute convened at the public school building Tuesday with an enrollment of about 84 teachers, all of whom were deeply interested in educational interests. The Institute is being conducted by Prof. W. E. HALBROOK one of the best educators in the state, assisted by Miss Ethyl JULIAN The county superintendent has promised us a full report for next week.

While over in Harrison last week, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Joe WOODY who are well known to many of our people in Yellville..

Esq. W. L. CLARK of Keeter township was in Yellville Friday, and said the report was current in that section that Sheriff WILLINGHAM was shot and killed a few days ago in the south part of the county while raiding a moonshine still. When Mr. WILLINGHAM was interviewed he said it was a mistake, and did not seem the least bit alarmed over the rumor. MR. CLARK also stated they had fine prospects for crops in his section this season.

We wish to express our deepest appreciations to the friends who so graciously administered unto us during our bereavement. The neighbors who so untiringly served. And the Yellville friends for their beautiful floral offerings and their every assistance. Again we thank you.. Wm BUTLER Mr. and Mrs. O. E. BUTLER , Miss Carry BUTLER , Mr. and Mrs. S. D. BUTLER


JULY 14, 1921 Issue (Top)

Lorenza COKER came in from Oklahoma last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. COKER

Pat MCCORMACK has completed his bungalow on West Church street, and has moved his family into it, and they are now citizens of Yellville.

W. J. TREADWAY and son, Pierce, formerly of Peel, came in from Oklahoma last Saturday to visit relatives and friends they said they made a good crop in Oklahoma this year.

Judge MATLOCK last week appointed Messrs. Wm. MCVEY , J. J. BRIGGS and John Q. ADAMS Sr., as members of the pension board. They met Monday and organized, but as there was no business to transact, they adjourned.

Mr. Frank WATTS , Ernest CALLAHAN and Will SUMMERS all of whom have been suffering with fever, are reported as convalescent at present.

Will GAV and Thomps PACE two of the good farmers on White river, were transacting business in Yellville the first of the week. They reported crops looking fine in their section.

Attorney Sam WILLIAMS returned Sunday from Fort Smith where he had accompanied his wife who underwent a surgical operation. The operation was successful, and she is getting along nicely.

John WILBER of Joplin and Robert COWDREY of Aurora are visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. COWDREY in this city.

After a visit with relatives and friends in and near Yellville Miss Blaine CAMP returned Thursday to her home in Batesville.

The Commissioners of Accounts J. H. THOMPSON , I. N. LINTON and Elza BURLESON will meet next Monday to audit the accounts of the county officials.

The revival meeting at the Baptist church will begin Sunday, August 7th. Rev. H. E. KILPATRICK pastor of the First Baptist Church of Walnut Ridge, will be here to do the preaching. Brother KILPATRICK is a great preacher and man of God. Let's work with him as "co-laborers with God." Luther MUNCY pastor.

The county Educational Board at a meeting held in Yellville last Friday night, filled two vacancies on the local school board in this district, by the election of Mrs. Elnora PHILLIPS and John Q. ADAMS One vacancy was caused by Mr. H. H. PERKINS leaving the district, and the other by Mr. James PERKINS who was elected at the May term, and was ineligible to hold the office by reason of the fact that he was postmaster. The newly elected directors are live educational boosters.

Haskell SMITH who is a great chicken faucier, and who is a breeder of the Rhode Island Reds, says he now has pullets a little over four months old that are laying.

Same time ago the government advertised a competitive examination for a rural carrier on the route our of Oakland. Fay RECORD, Victor BERRY and a Mr. CASEY were applicants. BERRY having made the highest grade, was awarded the contract and entered upon his duties last Monday. Victor is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dink BERRY north of Flippin.

During an electrical storm last Thursday evening, the fine barn of Geo. MASSEY near Bruno, was struck and set on fire by lightning. It burned to the ground together with his hay of this season, which was stored in the barn.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. JONES went to Springfield Mo., last Friday. Mr. JONES returned home Tuesday Mrs JONES will remain in Springfield for a day yet.

Mrs. Delores PITCHFORD and her little son Robert, and Misses Lee and Leota MOSSMAN all of Oklahoma are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs A. J. MOSSMAN this week, and both parents and daughters are happy. It is their first visit home in about a year.

Mrs. Ebben WOOD of Flippin and her son Lester, are visiting relatives in Colorado.

Mr. W. D. MOSSMAN of Chattanooga Tenn is visiting his brother, Mr. A. J. MOSSMAN in this city.

Grover JAMES came down from Joplin Sunday to spend a few days here with his family who is visiting relatives in Yellville.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MORROW of Cowan barrens are visiting Mrs. MORROW'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. STOKES at Leslie this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MURRAY accompanied by Canady FREEMAN left Wednesday in their car for Stradford, Okla., where they expect to make their future home.

Mr. and Mrs. DONOHO of Springdale spent two or three days the first of the week with Mrs DONOHO'S parents Mr. And Mrs. L. M. DUREN in this city.

The first cotton bloom of the season was brought to this office on Wednesday of last week by H. T. OWENS who is cultivating the Alex HURST farm on Crooked creek a few miles east of Yellville.

V. E. RISLEY of Peel informs us that Mr. T. J. WHITE who sustained a broken leg a few days ago when a wagon load of oats turned over with him, is getting better.

He also informed us that Ross COPELAND of Keesee township died last Friday, after a very short illness, and was buried Saturday in the Peel cemetery. He left two little girls, his wife having died a few years ago

Rev. I. L. CLAUD began a protracted meeting at the Methodist church in this town two weeks ago last Monday


JULY 21, 1921 Issue (Top)

Miss Audry PICKENS of Kingdon Springs was having Dr. STRODE do some dental work for her last week.

Walter TAYLOR went to Little Rock Monday to appear before the Federal Vocational Board for examination.

Mr. James CALLAHAN of Cowan barrens had the misfortune to lose a fine mare a few days ago from some unknown disease. Mr. CALLAHAN said she left a fine two months old colt.

Roy MCCARTY who is in the U. S. Navy, stationed at Pensacola, Fla., arrived home Monday, having been given a 30 day furlough. Roy said he would be here until about the 4th of next month. He is looking fine, so the navy evidently agrees with him, physically, at any rate.

Judge and Mrs J. H. BLACK have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. W. BLACK of Cotter for the past week.

Arthur LAYTON of the Layton Department Store spent a few days in Kansas the first of the week on business.

Ernest CALLAHAN who has been confined to his room for some time with fever, was able to come to town Saturday, but was very weak.

Mr. Will LAY of this place was out last week with his threshing machine. He says in three days he threshed grain for farmers in Marion, Boone, and Searcy County. He say there is but little wheat to thresh, but the oat crop is fairly good.

W. P. DUFFY head sawyer for the Miller Lumber Company who has been living at the company's mill southeast of Yellville has moved his family to Yellville. and is now occupying the G. H. PERRY residence on Broadway.

Mr. and Mrs. Noah TILLEY left Thursday for Marshall to visit Mrs. TILLEY'S parents, Judge SUTTERFIED and wife

Mr. Alfred WATTS down on the MCCARTY and ANGEL farm, says his crops are fine.

Mr. James TUCKER who is cultivating a Crooked creek farm just west of Yellville

Hon. T. H. FLIPPIN says he raised a large family of children but, by observation in latter years, he realizes he deprived them of one of the greatest pleasure by not providing for them a good bank of white sand in a good shade.

Mr. Frank CARSON cashier of the Citizens bank and Cam COWDREY the garage man went over to Harrison last week and Mr. CARSON bought a new Ford with a self-starter and all modern equipments. Mr. CARSON already owned a good Ford, but it had to be cranked, and he said he sold it to Mr COWDREY. His sons, Theo and Kit who have good positions in the American Bank in Little Rock will be home on their vacation in next month.

Noel RUSSELL is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. RUSSELL at St. Joe.

W. A. KEELING of Lead Hill passed through Yellville last Saturday, being enroute to Rogers to visit his father, Mr. J. F. KEELING

Miss Dortha WEAST who holds a responsible position with a contractor and architect at Wichita Kansas, came home a few weeks ago to spend the summer with her father, Mr. G. W. WEAST but was called back to Wichita a few days ago on important business. The scarcity of male help during the war, developed the fact that women are as efficient help in a great many lines as are men.

After having spent a few days in Yellville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. COKER Lorenza COKER left Tuesday for Holister, Mo., where he will spend a few camping.

Mr. Ol RISLEY of Peel was looking after business in Yellville Monday, and visiting his son Burl, who is deputy county and Circuit clerk. Mr. RISLEY said that Mr. Tom WHITE who sustained a broken leg sometime since was getting along very well.

Miss Pauline MOORE returned last Saturday from a visit with relatives and friends at Lead Hill.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WATTS , Thursday morning, a boy. All parties getting along nicely.

Mr. Wm. FERNIMEN the enterprising merchant of Rea Valley, accompanied by his wife and son, left Friday of last week in his car for an extended visit with relatives in Oklahoma. Their many friends hope they will have a pleasant visit.

Mrs. W. R. JONES returned Saturday from Springfield, Mo., where she had been spending a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley GENTRY of Rush, are the proud parents of a girl. It is thought that Charley will recover.

Mrs. Myrtle LANGER who has been in a hospital at Fort Smith for the past three weeks, has recovered and returned home Sunday.

The many friends of Mr. Jack BRIGGS will regret to learn that on last Friday he fell and sustained injuries which for a time seemed as if they might prove fatal. At present he is resting well and it is to be hoped the crisis is passed.

Eugene RUSSELL of McAllister, Okla., spent a few days in Yellville last week visiting his brothers T. V. and Jerome. Eugene was a student in the school here last year, and he now has a good position with a wholesale grocery firm in McAllister.

After having spent several days visiting friends in Yellville, Miss Lucile WOLF returned on Friday of last week to her home at Mountain Home. Miss WOLF made many friends during her visit in Yellville who will welcome her back at any time.

Henry V. YOUNG has just been notified that his application had been accepted for enrollment at the Citizens' Military Training Camp to be held at Camp Pike, August 1st to 31st 1921.

Two or three years ago a lady friend of Mrs. T. L. WILSON gave her some ornamental beans. They were very beautiful. The vine, the bloom and the bean were a beautiful purple.


July 28, 1921 Issue missing

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