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Mt. Echo Newspaper
May 26, 1921 Issue
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Lois Sullivan Stradley

Dividing Line

May 26, 1921 Issue


Russell MELTON left Friday of last week for Davidson, Okla., to look after business interests.

Rev. I. L. CLAUDE and family feasted on new potatoes, grown in their garden, Friday of last week.

County Agent SETZLER was doing terracing work for some of the farmers in the southwest part of the county last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy RANSOME of Oklahoma, arrived here last week and will spend sometime visiting with Mrs. Ransome's parents Mr. and Mrs. LEFEVERS. They drove through in their car.

Don't fail to attend the all day services on Cemetery Hill next Sunday. Preaching at eleven o'clock by Rev. H. H. PATRICK. Dinner will be served on the ground. Decoration service will be observed. Bring something to eat, and plenty of flowers.

Mr. and Mrs. Will PRIGRIM who were in Yellville one day last week, said that Robert LORANTZ , Mrs. PRIGRIM's brother, of Oklahoma, came in a few days ago to accompany his mother, Mrs. Sarah NIPPS , to his home where she will spend the summer with him. Mrs. NIPPS is 77 years old, but still hale and hearty, and was very anxious to make the trip.

Judge MATLOCK is yet confined to his room, but his condition is not considered serious.

Hon. J. O. LEDBETTER and his mother of Pyatt, and his uncle, Mr. J. T. WRIGHT, of Marshall, were visitors in Yellville the first of the week.

For Sale-My residence in Yellville-5 lots, 5 room house, barn, garage, garden place, well on porch. Gus BUTLER

Mrs. C. Z. PRUETT left Monday for Augusta, Kansas, where he has the contract to do a lot of carpenter work. He said he did not know just how long he will be gone.

All parties in Yellville contemplating having a well drilled, see W. A. MOORE before contracting as his prices are like his work, right. Will be in Yellville with-in a few days.

All parents who are interested in a summer term of school for children from 4 years to the 7th grade, send children to the school building Monday, May 30th, at 8:30 o'clock. Tuition $2.25 per school month. Euna ESTES .

Mr. COKER , an engineer sent here a few days ago by the State Highway Commission, at the request of Judge MATLOCK to make a re-survey of the road between Yellville and Rush, completed the survey Monday, except running the levels. As to the real object of this survey, we are not thoroughly informed-but here's hoping

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. BARDEEN of Red Oaks, about three miles north of Flippin, were transacting business in Yellville Saturday, They said they were getting along very nicely out on the farm-that they had about 25 acres in meadow and pasture, and their cattle and hogs are doing fine, and that they have a nice flock of chickens.

Rev. J. D. SHANKLE of Maumee will preach Saturday night and Sunday night at the C. M. Church.

Mrs. Lonnie Briggs who was quite sick the latter part of last week and the first of this is reported to be convalescent.

Little Miss Helen Sue SEAVEL of Muskogee, Oklahoma, is visiting her uncle, W. L. SEAVEL at Summit this week.

After having spent several weeks with friends and relatives in Yellville, Stacy ROBERTS left Monday for Gary, Ind., where he has been living for the past few years.

Misses Amber CARSON and Madelyn SEAWELL attended the commencement exercises of the Mountain Home College, returning home Tuesday. They were accompanied home by Miss Obeta CARSON who has been attending the College the past year.

Clyde J. THOMPSON who has charge of Athletics, English, History, and Economics in the Grace High School at Grace, Idaho, arrived home Sunday, and will spend the summer here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. I. THOMPSON . Clyde says he has been getting along nicely and likes his winter's work fine.

At the school meeting held last Saturday in Yellville a 12 mill tax was voted, and Messrs. L. M. WEAST , Fulton PATTERSON and James PERKINS were elected directors. The length of the term of school was not voted on. We are hoping however, that not less than an eight month term will be arranged for.

Hugh COPLIN of Keesee township was transacting business in Yellville Monday.

Mr. A. R. RUSSELL of Everton came over Sunday for a visit with his brothers, T. V. and Jerome. returning home Monday.

Floyd AVEY who killed John STEVENS and Garfield NORMAN in Stone County on March 5th, was tried at Mountain View last week for Killing. NORMAN, and found guilty of first degree murder and the penalty fixed was life imprisonment.

Mr. Price PATTERSON formerly of this county but who has been in Mississippi county for the past several years, returned to Marion county last Saturday with his family and expressed his intention of locating here. We are always glad to see our former citizens return.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan JEFFERSON of Willard, MO., after spending a few day with Mr. JEFFERSON'S parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. JEFFERSON left Wednesday of last week for their home. They came here in their car and returned via Claremore, Okla., where Mr. JEFFERSON will spend a short time looking after business interests. They were accompanied by Messrs. Ran COKER and Fred BERRY of this place who will look after business interests.

John QUIGLEY of Dodd City was looking after business in Yellville Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. DOSHIER spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives in Rush.

H. R. RECORD OF Mountain Home came over Saturday and spent until Sunday noon with his friends in Yellville.

Rev. LANGSTON of Mountain Home, lectured at the Methodist church in this town on last Monday night, on Christian Education, and showed what the Southern Methodist church was doing along this line and stated that the Baptist and other churches were doing a great work in this great movement.

Mr. J. D. HARDY of Kingdon Spring was transacting business in Yellville Thursday of last week.

We desire to tender out heart felt thanks to the people of Flippin for their kindness rendered to our son, Ellis, during his recent illness, and assistance rendered us after his death. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. TREAT

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