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Mt. Echo Newspaper
April 1892 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

Dividing Line

(No earlier issues on the microfilm)

April 22, 1892 Issue


Rev. Preston of the M. E. Church South, has caused quite a sensation in religious circles by leaving his work in the White River Conference and joining the Missionary Baptist Church at Little Rock.

Four men were placed in the Taney Co. jail charged with being members of the recent mob that murdered Deputy Sheriff Williams and his prisoner. The four men sued out a writ of habeas corpus and were released, two of them without bond and the other two under $1000 bond. Mob law is hard to overthrow.

Lonoke county held its primary last week. Fishback was instructed for Governor and Fletcher for Congress. Arkansas and Lonoke counties are in this, the Sixth Congressional District. Arkansas county instructed for Crockett, and Lonoke for Fletcher for Congress. In this county we have heard of no call for a Congressional Convention. By what authority then has these counties instructed for their favorites?

       Ed. Echo: My old friend, B. M. Estes, has been visiting friends and relatives at this place this week. From him I learn that he is a probably candidate for Representative of Boone county. Having known him from boyhood, I would say that he is perfectly qualified for the position, and in every way a worthy gentleman. His influence has always been on the side of right and morality and his Democracy cannot be questioned. If he should conclude to make the race, his many friends in this county would take a deep interest in the political news from Boone county. A. W. Wichersham.

[Political Announcements are listed here in small print but not transcribed.]

       Thos. Wooton(sic) is now running the mail hack between Mtn. Home and West Plains. He leaves each place at six o'clock in the morning and arrives at 7:30 in the evening. Those who are acquainted with Mr. Wooton know that there will be no more delays on the West Plains end of the line. He will put every passenger through on time and make the trip as pleasant as possible. Those who have express matter to come via West Plains may now make exact calculations as to when they may expect it to arrive, provided they have Mr. Wooton to look after it. We are sure the readers of The Echo will be glad to hear that Tom is again on deck.


If you want a good plow boy, call at The Echo office.

J. T. White, of Gainesville, Mo., is moving to Yellville.

Ladies, you can have your hats retrimmed in the latest style at Mr. Griffin's millinery store.

Two bushels of good corn will pay for The Echo for a year if brought at once.

Calvin Coker, brother to Dr. J. M. Coker, has located in Yellville and formed a partnership with Henry Woodward.

It was all a mistake about G. Q. Seawel being married. A letter was written to Yellville by Clint Butler to Elbert Noe as a joke.

J. R. Strickland and Clay King are over here working on life insurance.

Miss Mattie Wilson, who has been visiting in Texas, arrived at home last Monday.

J. H. Cunningham, of Baxter county, entered school here again this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, of Snow Ball, Searcy Co., were here this week visiting Mr. Bradley's sons, who are attending school here.

Dr. Goodman and wife, of Calico Rock, were up last Saturday and Sunday visiting their boys who are going to school here.

Dr. Jobe, of Prarie township, who has been suffering with dropsy for a long time, died last week. We have not yet received an obituary.

James Tyler, living on the edge of Searcy county, was badly and perhaps fatally hurt last Saturday near the mouth of Tomahawk creek by the plunging of a horse. He fell from the horse and his foot was caught in the stirrup, and while in that position he was kicked almost into a jelly.

Dyson, who was murdered by Joe Younger, several months ago, and whose body has been searched for by all the officers and detectives in this section, has at last come back to his wife and is a very lively corpse. There is a lesson in this to officers and detectives in the future, especially detectives.

We call the attention of our readers this week to the card of Woodward and Coker. Mr. Woodward is too well known here to need any recommendation. Mr. Coker is one of the finest painters that was ever in Yellville and the new firm is sure to prove a great success.

L. M. Durin, a former Marion county man, who has been in Texas for some years, tired of the parched plains of the Lone Star State, and is once more a permanent citizen of Marion county. He will hereafter have good water, pure air, fine scenery, plenty to eat and begin to live. We welcome Mr. Durin back among us.

       W. R. Jones will address the Democratic club in Blythe township, at Georges creek school house next Saturday night, 23. Let's have a good house present. Also, Hon. E. J. Mitchell, of Boone county, will address the club at Powell Sat. night May 7th. Let us attend both meetings. I. N. Linton, Jasper Burlison , J. P. Brady, Come on, Speakers.

FROM OAKLAND (excerpts)

Oakland is to have a new school house and it will be a good one and a credit to our town.

Mrs. Davis, of Grandon, Mo., is visiting her sister at this place, Mrs. Dr. Brewer.

Dr. Brooksher has just acted as master of ceremonies at the arrival of another Democrat at Elza Record's. [Transcriber's note: This is taken to be the birth of a boy baby.]

Miss Mary Dowd is teaching school for us and has quite an interesting school.

       Died at her home near Dodd City, Ark. on the 2nd inst. in the 31st year of her age, Mrs. Clara Halbert, wife of H. S. Halbert, leaving in bereavement her husband, two infant children, one two years and the other a few days old, and other relatives and friends.
       Mrs. Halbert was born in Benton Co., Mo., and lived there until the time of her marriage in 1881 when she removed with her husband to Pettis Co., Mo. where she lived until their removal in 188? (can't read that year) to Marion Co., Ark., the adopted and prospective permanent home of her husband, self and family. She was a sister of Esq. R. W. Perry of this county, the only one of her own relatives in this state. Her father's family, however, was large. Both her parents died some years ago, but she leaves in Mo. four sisters, in Ohio one, and in Texas two brothers.

       I am running a daily hack line between Yellville and Harrison. I have two good covered hacks and plenty of horses, and will do all I can to accomodate the traveling public. The hack will leave each town at 7 a.m. and reach the other at 6 p.m. Fair for one trip $2, round trip at lower rates. This arrangement will enable capitalists to reach the mining regions from Eureka Springs, without delay, and at reasonable rates. Drummers and all other traveling men will be accommodated. -- Thos. Jones, Prop.


April 29, 1892 Issue (Top)


A fearful cyclone swept over the county near De Vall's Bluff this state Wednesday of last week. It did much damage but fortunately no one was killed. As a sample of the violence of the wind, the hind wheels of a wagon were twisted off and carried a half mile.

NOT GUILTY [William E. Woodruff case]
       "We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty," was the verdict of the jury in the Woodruff case brought in at five minutes till eleven o'clock this morning. 'Not guilty' of embezzling the funds of the State: "Not guilty" of converting to his own use and that of his friends more than a hundred thousand dollars of public money. Thus ends the case. [More editorial comments disagreeing with this verdict is not transcribed.]

       Dr. J. A. Young accompanied C. N. Wilson on his trip to Ava, Mo. last week. From him we learn of a killing near Gainesville in Ozark coutny. Nat Aldrich's daughter a few weeks ago joined the Christian Church. To this Aldrich and his two sons seriously objected and as John Crawford was a leader of that church they seemed to blame him for the girl's action. One Wednesday of last week, Aldrich went to Crawford's house, called him out, and they talked the matter over and had it about settled when one of Aldrich's sons came up and began to abuse Crawford, as he and his brother had done a few days before. Crawford went into the house and got his gun. He and Aldrich fired about the same time. Aldrich fell mortally wounded and Crawford was badly wounded but closed the door. Aldrich's son came on, broke into the house, and had a scuffle with one of Crawford's sons. He was finally got out of the house and old man Crawford shut the door. Just at this time young Aldrich fired his pistol and the ball passed through the door and struck Crawford in the eye killing him instantly. He and Aldrich died about the same time. Both of Aldrich's son are under arrest and excitement is high. Aldrich and Crawford are both cattle men living five miles southeast of Gainesville. Both have stood high in the community. Aldrich was not (sic) member of any church.


Willie Hudson is now a fixture in The Echo office.

A. C. Patterson, of Springfield, Mo., is here prospecting the county for mineral for some Springfield parties.

Dogs have been killed right and left in town this week for fear of hydrophobia. There are a good many left that ought to be killed.

The infant child of Geo. Smith was drowned last week in Buffalo river, near the mouth of Big creek. The little child was left in care of an older brother, who allowed it to crawl to the brink and fall in.

Bro. Hynson, former owner of the Monitor at Mammoth Spring, spent several days in our city this week and was a pleasant caller at The Echo office.

C. S. Buckalew says it is the bounden duty of school directors to keep the school houses in their respective districts insured and we second the motion.

C. N. Wilson and Miss Fanny Cravens were married at Ava, Mo. last Saturday. The Echo wishes the happy couple long life, great success and much happiness.

A. S. Layton is getting ready to put up a model bank building and will doubtless show those who are doubting and halting over the question of putting in a bank here that he knows a thing or two about the banking business.

The work of cleaning up the courthouse yard is going on this week. This has been needed a long time. Let the work go on until the yard is put in first class order and made a credit instead of a disgrace to our county.

G. W. McDowell and Mrs. DeRoos Bailey went down to Batesville this week to be present at the golden wedding celebration of John McDowell. Mrs. Bailey will probably stay at Batesville a few weeks.

Week before last we recorded the death of "Uncle Jacky" Williams. Last week we ought to have recorded the death of "Uncle Tommy" Williams, brother to "Uncle Jacky." Their taking off was a sad affair. Both were poor men but pure gold also.

John Noe is now languishing in the Boone county jail, all because he had been monkeying with the "tiger" business. John Baker of writing school fame bought a half pint of whiskey from him and a man who was on the watch purposefully saw the transaction. After Noe was arrested, fined $200 and sent to the Harrison jail, Baker was himself traped(sic) into giving away a drink of whiskey. Before he could be arrested he 'caught on' and left the town. Peace go with him, and justice overtake every "blind tiger."

Dr. W. R. Brooksher, of Oakland, is here looking out a location to put in another drug store. If he succeeds in embarking in the drug business he will locate here instead of at Harrison.

James Wickersham, Sr. is fitting up two nice rooms over the post office to be occupied by E.V.M. Powell as a real estate office. Mr. Powell assists The Echo in keeping up with the mining news.

       For several weeks The Echo was so busy with other things, it neglected to give the list of marriage permits. Following is a list of those who have been licensed to marry since we last published the list. [differences found in marriage book is in brackets]
John G. Shope, James Creek, 49 [John G. Slape in marriage book] - Elizabeth Lawson, James Creek, 46 [Mrs.]
D. M. Wadley, Franklin, 28 - Lizzie Tyler, Franklin, 23
S. B. Johnson, Blythe, 21 - A. B. Pannell, Blythe, ---
C. G. Cowan, Prairie, 18 - Huly Thornton, St. Joe, 20 [Haly]
L. F. Mahler, North Fork, 31 - M. C. Weggines, North Fork, 17 [Mary C. Wiggins]
A. A. Hulsey, Buffalo, 25 - Willie R. Vickery, Buffalo, 16
Wm. Gaines, Searcy County, 16 - Harriet Ramsey R. Searcy County, 19
J. M. Lancaster, Prairie, 21 - N. J. Stanley, Prairie, 20
A. J. Arm, Bearden, 23 - Mahaley M. Hall, Bearden, 20 [Mrs.]
Lay, Batty F., Tomahawk, 18 [Baty] - Lucinda Davis, Prairie, 16
W. Rhodes, Sugar Loaf, 22 - C. A. Dayotn, Sugar Loaf, 21
Joshua Buckmaster, Union, 54 - Nancy Graham, Union, 36
T. N. Cash, St. Joe, 57 [T. J. N. Cash, St. Joe, Searcy Co.] - Rebecca Thornton, Blythe, 56 [Mrs.]
James F. Milum, Blythe, 17 - M. L. Cotton, Blythe, 17
S. B. Nicholas, Buffalo, 32 [Sherman B. Nichols] - Sarah A. Henderson, Buffalo, 38 [Mrs. Sarah]
C. P. Winfield, Blythe, 21 - Lillie Stokes, Blythe, 21
J. H. Stanley, Prairie, 23 - Mary C. Stonecipher, Blythe, 21, [Mary]
J. H. Austin, Sugar Loaf, 16 - Ada C. Lowery, Sugar Loaf, 16 [Ada Looney] -
W. J. Hodge, Sugar Loaf, 21 - Lula Blalock, Sugar Loaf, 18 [Blaylock]

       Mrs. Mary A. Snipes, nee Hollis, wife of Joseph Snipes, was born in Warren County, Tenn. July 17, 1851 and died April 12, 1892. In her death a faithful, helpful and affectionate wife was lost, seven precious children are made orphans and husband, host of relatives and friends stricken with grief. She had been a member of the M.E. Church South since 18?6 [unable to determine this date]. She was of gentle loving disposition, a consistent Christian and loved by all who knew her. She will be greatly missed in the church, community, and home circle. She was ill only a few days, yet she was ready and met death with praises and rejoices on her lips. She told her husband at the first of her illness that he need not send for a physician, that his medicines would not do her any good. She asked for the pastor to come that she might talk with him and he might pray with the family as before. She sung several songs awhile before she departed this life and among them that was remembered was "I have a sweet hope that in Heaven above my Saviour is waiting for me, and I have a home above." While we mourn that one so good should be taken from us, yet we recognize that our loss is her eternal gain. She died as she had lived in the pure atmosphere of Heaven. The burial services were conducted by Bro. Ross and the writer in the presence of a host of weeping friends. We say Goodbye dear friend! With the hope we will meet, may God comfort the grief stricken hearts. L. L. Seawel, Pastor.

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