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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST January 1892 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown January 1, 1892 Issue LOCAL ECHOINGS [This page is badly faded out, and after studying it, this is what little can be gleaned relating to genealogical interest.] C. J. Edney has watches for sale. Capt. Pace, of Harrison, was in town this week. Seawell will sell 20 yards of cotton plads(sic) for $1.00. Henry Walker, who was ___ly stabbed by Will ____ drunken dance on the Anglin ___ this side of Oakland __ ago is still alive and __ hopes that he will recover. "Uncle" Jonathan Dobbs, of George's Creek, is lying at the point of death with la grippe. "Uncle" Billy Carson and wife and "Uncle" Jimmy Carson are also dangerously sick with the same thing. Also "Grandma" I____ Wilson. The grippe is going badly with old people. The man who was drowned in White river a few weeks ago was found about two miles below McBee's Landing last Sunday. He had on his person a watch and a few dollars in money. It is evident that he had largely overstated the amount of money he had. He was floated over to Baxter county side where an inquest was held. We have not learned ____ investigation but presume a verdict of accidental drowning will be found. ******* January 8, 1892 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS Born to J. Q. Adams, Jr. on the 3rd, a boy. Mrs. S. W. Woods is still dangerously ill. Tom Hutchison will move to his new residence north of the college in a few days. L. Sasser will move to town as soon as the health of his family will permit. Alex Davis spent the holidays at home and returned to the medical college at Little Rock this week. Aaron Carson, living a few miles southwest of town, died last Sunday with consumption. Rev. ___ Wilson, of Wiley's Cove, is stopping at Yellville this week. He will probably stay over and take in the normal. C. J. Edney has bought a lot of Berry and Son just west of A. J. Noe's residence and will build a dwelling in the near future. A chapter will be organized at Yellville Saturday night. All Royal Arch Masons in the county are expected to be present. The Medical Society held an interesting meeting at Yellville last Tuesday. Drs. Pierce, Elam, Lay, Coker, Matthews, Higgs, Adams and Wilson were present. Mrs. Dr. Park left this week for her home at Hot Springs. She was accompanied to the river by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harris. Capt. Albert B. Smith died at Newport December 30th. He was reported dead several weeks ago but the report was a mistake. Knause, the fellow who is charged with threatening the life of Eng. Dento(sic), and who is also suspected of burning some property in Baxter county, is in limbo. The case is continued till next week. J. M. Montgomery, of Rea Valley, was thought to be dying Tuesday evening. He has been suffering with cancer a long time and was taken with a severe attack of the grip. Rev. J. H. Thompson, a first class stone mason of Izard county, is here and his family and three others from that vicinity will make Yellville their future home. They propose to buy lots and put up stone dwellings. Miss Martha Shanks is a young lady that deserves special praise. She has saved enough of her hard earned wages during the last three years to buy a lot and build a house to rent. She is keeping house for G. W. McDowel and her house is built on a lot bought of A. J. Noe near the Masonic hall. Crit Noe occupies the new house. B. F. Fee, Recorder of the Buffalo mining district, requests us to say to the public that he cannot afford to record mining claims this year without the cash being paid when the work is done. He has done a great deal of recording the last year and has been paid but very little money for it. All who ___ of this kind done and ____ certainly pay for it. E.V.M. Powell will pay $100 reward for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who burned his residence recently. Dr. W. T. Bryan has placed all his accounts in my hands and notified me to collect at once. Those who are owing him will save costs only by making immediate payment. B. F. Fee. ******* January 15, 1892 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS Corn and firewood will pay for The Echo if brought in at once. Good sized snow and 9 degrees below zero are very rare in Arkansas, but that is the way it was last Wednesday night. James Blythe, son of J. E. Blythe of St. Louis, arrived in town this week and is looking over the country. His father is interested in the Shoney Mining Co. There has been considerable sickness of a serious nature during the last week, but no deaths have been reported at this office. Grippe is the prevailing trouble. The Echo office is a day late this week and will have to come out a half sheet again next week for the reason that Mr. Rice, the gentleman who brings our ready print from Springfield, failed to bring it this trip. Such things will always happen till we get a railroad. The Newton Herald says "on Thursday of last week, I. C. Murphy, editor of the Sentinel, was brought before A. R. McPherson on the charge of an Assault with Intent to Kill and murder his wife, and the court held the defendant to await the action of the grand jury. E. W. Homan; one of Yellville's new citizens, formerly of Indianapolis, Ind. has been appointed to a fat position as head of one of the Treasury departments at Washington. He received his appointment as an Arkansas. Mr. Homan is Treasurer of the Springfield, Yellville and White River R.R. Company, also of the Princeton Mining Company operating on Warner's creek. Mr. Homan will be in position while at Washington to interest large capital in this section and it is unnecessary to say he will use his influence in that direction. His father is a wealthy Indiana politician and is in close touch with the Harrison administration. B. T. Thompson, a first class mechanic of Izard county, is now located in Yellville. His card will appear next week. The Echo wishes Mr. Thompson great success. W. R. Baker, the blind son of Newt Baker, requests us to say that he is located at Yellville and that he is prepared to clean and repair organs and pianos and he will, on notice, go to Mtn. Home, Lead Hill, Harrison and Bellfonte on this kind of business. He is also agent for musical instruments and would like to meet all who wish to buy anything in that line. Mr. Baker is a worthy young man and desires to earn his own living. We wish him success. Harrison and Mtn. Home papers please copy. MARRIAGES FROM THE JOURNAL Alex and James Nowlin left for Tex. December 28th. The people of Salem are prepared to build a brick school house. Some first class teacher can secure a good school at Leslie in Wiley's Cove. We acknowledge the receipt of a nice letter from Dr. Goodman of Calico Rock. Let every progressive teacher subscribe for the School Journal and then help to make it a success. Fine enclosed fifty cents for a School Journal. I have been receiving a paper and I want my name on the list of subscribers. Resp. Miss Mary A. Lewis, Mtn. Home, Ark. Every teacher of North Arkansas should follow the example of Miss Lewis and become a subscriber of the School Journal. ******* January 22, 1892 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. Elizabeth Coker, of Blythe township, died on the 14th. Read her obituary in another column. Charlie Sims last Wednesday cut his foot badly with an axe.____ toe was almost cut off. J. C. Berry is the happy father of a bran new girl. This ___ should have appeared last week. Mrs. Carrie Harris and daughter, Miss Maggie, left Monday for Yellville accompanied by Frank Hodges. Izard Co. Register. J. F. Toliver, who has been living for some time over in Baxter county, is back on his place northwest of town. Josh is a good fellow and we gladly welcome him back. Another load of Mr. N. A. Thompson's family arrived from Izard county last week. They occupy a part of "Uncle" John Allen's house northwest of town. "Uncle" John has rented Mr. Thompson his farm and will canvass the country with a very interesting book this year. ******* January 29, 1892 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS "Grandma" Seawel has been very sick the past week. Rev. Thomas Wilson is back from his recent trip to Fort Smith, to which place he went as a witness in a civil suit. J. N. Griffin, of Oakland, was over here with his family Sunday. Mrs. Griffin has been seriously sick, but is better now. B. M. Estes, of Boone county, was over here last week visiting "Grandma" Jackson who has been very low with La Grippe. Samuel Lewis, a respected citizen of Baxter county, died last week. He was the father if Misses Mary and Mattie Lewis who attended school here last year. The last issue of the Progress was published yesterday. It is understood that Mr. Todisman will remove soon to Monet, Mo. Batesville Guard. Harvey Mathis is over here this week, having given up his school in Baxter county, owing to the position taken by the school directors regarding the management of the school. Gus. Pannell, of Blythe township, tried to commit suicide last week by striking himself on the head with a rock. He has been demented for some time. He is in a critical condition. John O'Neal, who was over in Baxter county defending Knauss, the fellow who is charged with having threatened to kill Eng. Denton and also with burning Hopper's livery stable, got back Monday. He says the examining trial lasted three days. Dyer and Horton were prosecuting and he, O'Neal, defending. Knauss was bound over in the sum of $2,000. Knauss was not related to the Twiggs but has been staying with them of late. His threats grew out of the Denton Twiggs tragedy. S. R. Sanders, of Stone, was one among the few of our friends who thought times were too hard for him to afford The Echo this year. The following note shows that he has changed his mind. "Please send me The Echo again. I feel lost without it. When Saturday evening comes, I want The Echo to read and learn the news." S. R. Sanders. Last Sunday night Judge J. S. Owens, living south of town about five miles, got his house and everything he had in it burned. Cause unknown. "Grandma" Durin, who was living with him, was very sick with La Grippe. They had no fire in the cook stove after dinner Sunday. After midnight, the judge woke and the house was on fire. It was all he could do to get "Grandma" Durin and his children out of the house, and he could not save a single article from the dwelling. Mrs. Durin was taken to Ed McCarty's where she is very sick. Monday a subscription paper was passed around and several dollars were subscribed to __ [unable to read the res.] H. C. Charters is just back from St. Louis. Mrs. H. W. Hudson is convalescent. C. J. Edney will take produce for work in his line. Don't forget that C. J. Edney repairs sewing machines. Some of our citizens put up a fine lot of ice that will be quite a luxury next summer. Eld. Sasser moved to Yellville this week. He occupies the Carter house. J. D. McGregor left this week for Fort Smith where he will serve on the U. S. grand jury. Mr. W. E. Winner and ____ Anderson got back to Kansas City this week. They will be back in a week or ten days. Granville Poynter, son of Dolph Poynter of Flippen Barrens, got his arm thrown out of place last week. He suffered a great deal with it. Dr. Laird, the long haired Indian doctor, has been doing up the "suckers" of Boone county during Circuit Court. NOTICE. Dr. J. E. Andrews, Dentist of Harrison, Ark. will be in Yellville on February 22, to remain 6 days. A TRIUMPHANT DEATH. [There is an article here in very tiny print regarding the death of Mr. A. M. Carson. It is a long article that I can't read due to it being such small print.] RESOLUTION [in part] At a special meeting of Jefferson Lodge 284 F. & A.M. held at George's Cr., Ark. January 19, 1892, a committee was appointed on resolutions to draft a suitable memorial upon the death of Bro. Jonathan Dobbs of Yellville Lodge 117. We, the Committee, submit the following: Whereas on January 19, 1892 the Divine Master saw fit in his unerring wisdom to call from us our beloved brother, Jonathan Dobbs, who has been a member of Yellville Lodge for many years. [Signed by] R. J. Pierce, J. Davenport, W. R. Brooksher, J. B. Taylor. WARNING ORDER Isaac W. Pangle against John T. Dysart and Louis O. Smith. The defendants, John T. Dysart and Louis O. Smith, are warned to appear in this court within thirty days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Isaac W. Pangle. A. W. Wickersham, Clerk, this 14th day of January, 1892. Top of Page