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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() August 1891 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown August 7, 1891 Issue MINING NEWS (Excerpts only) William Bennett got back from St. Louis last Monday. He will be here several weeks. C. C. Horn, formerly of this place, now of Murrillo, Van Buren Co., was in town last Sunday and Monday. He left some specimens of mineral at our office that came from his section of country. A part of it was iron ore, but one piece was silver that would assay about 85 percent of pure silver. However, it had been stamped by the Government and exactly paid Mr. Horn's subscription to The Echo one year. Joseph Lemen, formerly of St. Louis and whose family resides here, sold a two-third interest in a zinc claim in Marion Co., Ark., for $1,200 cash. He bought it a year ago for $5 and a $15 watch. He is superintendent of the Shoney Consolidated, Mining and Milling company's crusher. The work in the Bear Hill mine, Jimmie Creek Dist., is 16 feet in zinc of a superior quality, and there is a boon on. A movement has been started to establish a telephone line between West Plains, Mo. on the Kansas City, Springfield and Memphis Railway, to Yellville, Ark. The distance is seventy-five miles. There is now $100,000 invested in the Marion county mines. At least $75,000 is St. Louis money. Kansas City, Iowa and New York have put up $25,000. W. H. Bennett, a prominent Arkansas mining man, is in town now conferring with St. Louis Railway men in regard to the extension of a St. Louis line into the Marion county district. - St. Louis Chronicle. LOCAL ECHOINGS Frank Burr and Alfred Keeter, living north of town, each lost a child last Sunday. We did not learn the particulars. "Uncle" John Phillips, one of our oldest and best citizens, died last Monday at the age of 80. A suitable obituary will appear next week. [Sometimes obituaries don't appear as indicated. GHB] A. S. Layton, Dr. Pierce, J. C. Berry and J. C. Lemon have begun work on Sugar Orchard. The Council last Monday night authorized the Mayor to take the necessary legal steps toward opening up Church and College streets. Steps will be taken at once. We call the attention of our readers this week to the card of Henry McCabe. Henry is too well and favorably known to need any recommendation at our hands. He deserves a fair share of the public patronage. Steve Wood of Buffalo, and "Bill" Rory had a fight at Big Flat last Monday. Wood got badly used up getting his leg broke by a fall. Whiskey and an old grudge was the cause of the trouble. We call attention of our readers this week to the professional card of Dr. Noe. The doctor is known to everyone of our readers in this and surrounding counties and deserves the liberal patronage in his line that he will no doubt receive. Jo. W. Ellis, of DeSoto, has got the saw-mill he bought of T. M. Rea in first class working order and is ready to saw any kind of a bill of lumber on short notice. No waiting for weeks waiting for lumber anymore. I hope to receive my share of the public patronage. Jo. W. Ellis, Prop. W. T. Tuttle and others are putting up a whiskey still in Blythe township. It won't be long now 'till the quiet and peaceful community out that way will begin to be terrorized by the few toughs that are still left in Marion county. Yellville will also be party to some trouble, no doubt, and the town authorities should make up their minds in advance to run in the first intoxicated fellow found on the streets and fine him to the full extent of the law. Hon. Ed. M. Dickinson and Mrs. John P. Boyd have been engaged for ten days in straightening out the books of the steamer Ralph. Those books were left in the express office at West Plains by Capt. Semonin and found there. They show Semonin's stealing to be about $1,000, and that the losses of the ____ and operating expenses were about $1,800. We have heard that a warrant has been issued for Semonin, though his whereabouts are not known to the general public. -- Batesville Guard. A. L. Davis has resigned his position as teacher of the Cantrell school and left this week for Texas to take a position in a college at Greenwood. Logan Gilley will take his place at the Cantrell school. Roney is a splendid fellow and well liked by all who know him. Last Sunday night while Rev. Wm. Biggs was conducting a meeting on Sugar Orchard, a mad dog made his appearance and immediately bit quite a number of dogs and snapped at several persons. It ran over a sleeping child a time or two but did not bite it. The dog was finally killed. Look out for another mad dog season. Get ready to instruct your next Representative to favor a dog tax. There are least 10,000 more dogs in Marion county than are needed. FROM KEESEE'S FERRY James Tannihill died recently while Drs. Bolinger and Tipton were amputating his leg above the knee. Mr. Tannihill some time ago accidentally shot himself in the leg. The surgeons decided to amputate the leg because he wished it. Wm. Tackett died last week after a long and painful illness. He was one of the seventeen children that escaped the Mormen(sic) massacre in '57. DODD CITY (Excerpt) Miss Mary Jones commenced a five months term of school Monday with a good attendance. Dr. Dodd is expected home from his eastern trip this week or next. GEORGE'S CREEK Good rains, doctors busy. Grandma Ply died last week of heart disease. W. G. Perry, Mrs. L. Young and Grandpa Willingham have been very sick. Jack Briggs and wife, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Noe, a girl. The picnic at or near the Stanley school house was a success as far as whiskey and a few knock-downs could make it. When will such cease? - HORRACE ******* August 14, 1891 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. J. N. Griffin is visiting relatives in town. Dr. Dodd got back from the east last week. Jno. Twiggs of Gassville was in Yellville last Tuesday. You may now kill deer, provided you can. Born on the 6th inst. to Mrs. John Hawkins, a girl. Born on the 7th inst. to Mrs. R. F. Patterson, a girl. R. M. Briggs will run the shop for J. P. Covington during circuit court and Covington will skip out. Dr. Adams has located at Flippin where he will practice medicine in the future. Dr. McCurry has gone to Protem, Mo. Gus, the little five year old boy of Dr. Sims, is dangerously sick. He has had the measles complicated with other things. J. W. P. Bedford has about recovered from a serious spell of sickness. He will leave us in a few days. Kilgore Horn was up from Searcy county mixing with his old time friends this week. Mrs. Frank Wilson died recently near Mt. Zion, Ill. She had gone to her father's to make his house her future home. ******* August 21, 1891 Issue (Top) BRUNO LOCALS From the school journal. Messrs. W. O. Elam and F. M. Angle are teaching the public school at Bruno. Mr. B. F. Burns, of Bruno, is teaching at kings Prairie this summer. Dr. Elam was called away to Buffalo a few nights ago to amputate a leg for one Mr. Allen. The leg was badly lacerated by a falling tree. Mr. G. W. Jobe, Jr. is teaching at Antioch two miles northeast of Bruno. He contemplates going to medical school when his term is out. "Wattie" is a bright young man and will succeed in whatever profession he may choose. We are glad to note that our young friend, Jimmie Stanley, has recovered from the injuries received while working with the thresher. He is firm in the belief that his thresher will not hesitate to thresh anything that comes in its way. Elder Thompson of the Baptist church is now a citizen of Bruno. He is thinking, however, of moving to Gassville, Baxter County, after a few months stay with us. The Bruno people are thoroughly worked up on the high school question. At a recent meeting of the citizens, a Board of Education was organized consisting of fourteen members with K. F. Cantrell Chairman, R. B. Garrett Treasurer, and F. G. Huddleston Secretary. LOCAL ECHOINGS Born to Mrs. John Dunlop last week, a boy. Born to Mrs. August Schmidt, of Rush, on the 18th, a girl. Rev. S. F. Dykes, and daughter Emma, spent a day or two in Yellville this week. Rev. Wm. Biggs says that none of the dogs bitten at his meeting on Sugar Orchard have gone mad. Rev. S. F. Dykes preached Mrs. Jo. Burlison's funeral last Sunday to a large concourse of people. Prof. T. W. Harris is getting the material on the ground to put up his new dwelling on the four acre lot he bought of W. Q. Seawel. Charlie Sims is learning the printer's trade in The Echo office and is taking hold of his work with an interest that is a sure harbinger of success. Walter Harris, of Melbourne, Ark., arrived in Yellville last Wednesday and has entered school here. His sister, Miss Mable Harris, will get here today. J. E. Wickersham is pushing work on his new dwelling. He is building on a lot just north of the public school lot on the corner of Carter and College streets. A. S. Layton is putting in the foundation of his new building in the Layton and Cowdrey addition. He is building near where Carter street intercedes with Harrison road. J. W. P. Bedford left last Tuesday for Highlandville, Mo. If he finds things to suit him there he will stay. Otherwise, he will remove to western Texas. Frank Sims got back to Yellville last Tuesday. He has been working on the Bonham News, Bonham, Tex., and left to come home on receiving the news of his little brother's illness. He will return to Bonham in a few days. We received a neat catalogue of the Greenwood College, Greenwood, Tex., in which the name of A. L. Davis of this county appears in the faculty list. Roney's old friends all wish him unbounded success in his position. Sam'l. Livingston struck a fine stream of water for J. E. Wickersham at a depth of 59 feet. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ellis, of DeSoto, died last Saturday with Cholera infantum. This is the third child the grief stricken parents have lost leaving them but one. But they have the glorious hope that their darling ones have crossed over into a fairer and happier clime than this. Major J. G. Crump of Harrison, Boone county, this state, died last week aged 95 years. He was a lawyer more than 70 years, being the oldest one in this state and probably in the United States. He was very prominent in Kentucky, where he practiced his profession until 1854, when he moved to Arkansas. While practicing in Kentucky, ex-Gov. Silas Woodson, of Missouri, studied law in his office. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, an old time Whig in politics and a friend and admirer of Henry Clay. He was the father of eight children, Col. J. G. Crump, of Harrison, one of the most prominent lawyers of north Arkansas, being his youngest. A bachelor brother, 93 years old, has resided with him many years and yet survives him. Mark Mears, charged with arson in Searcy county, has taken a change of venue to this county. J. W. Lancaster, living north of town, made The Echo office a present of a package of as fine dried apples as we have seen in Marion county. Mr. Lancaster knows how to handle dried fruit so as to make it in every way desirable. He has invented a machine for cutting peaches that enables him to cut peaches three times as fast as they can be cut by hand. If you have no fruit cans, get you a few large jars and can you enough fruit to last you all winter. Cook the fruit just as you do in canning, put about a gallon of fruit into the jar and then put in a teaspoonful of sal?cic acid. Put in another gallon and another spoonful of acid and so on until the jar is full. Then tie a rag or paper over the mouth of the jar and you are all okay. Twenty-five cents worth of acid will up about ten gallons of fruit. Mrs. H. W. Hudson put up a five gallon jar of peaches this way last year and they kept first rate. MARRIAGES OBITUARY ******* August 28, 1891 Issue (Top) A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY [Brief excerpts from some lengthy articles.] John Twigg shot and killed by Lee and Eng Denton at Gassville, Baxter County. Last Friday morning, August 21, between the hours of 10 and 11, John Twiggs was shot and fatally wounded at Gassville by a pistol shot fired either by Lee or Eng Denton. ARREST AND EXAMINATION The Denton boys were then taken to Mountain Home and kept under the custody of the sheriff until last Monday when they gave bond but at last account were still under the protection of the sheriff, waiting for the excitement a Gassville to die out before going back to their place of business. LOCAL ECHOINGS Wanted. A good steady girl to take full charge of the housework of a small family. Will pay $1.50 per week. Mrs. W. R. Jones, Yellville, Ark. Miss Minnie Crump of Harrison was married on the 18th (unclear) to Rev. W. C. Buchannan of Richmond, Va. The couple will visit the relatives of the groom in Va. after which they will go to Japan and engage in missionary work. Last week Marion Casey of Greasy Creek, one of our best citizens, had a misunderstanding with his stepson, Joseph Green, about some fodder pulling. Clem drew a knife and severely cut Mr. Casey in the side. The cut did not penetrate deep enough to make a dangerous wound. Clem has skipped the country. Miss Lillie Carter came over home on a visit this week. The Mears case will be tried next Monday. We understand that J. N. Griffin will move into the building now occupied by Prof. T. W. Harris as soon as the Prof. can move out. Born on 22nd inst. to Mrs. John Sweeney, a girl. Born to Mrs. Alfred Watts on the 14th, a girl. Mrs. Alfred Watts who was dangerously ill last week of childbed fever is slowly recovering. Frank Sims left Tuesday for his position in Bonham, Tex. Frank has a good job on the Bonham News. Robert Berry, who has been visiting his sister, Ms. Mary Gear, at Springfield, for several weeks, got back home last Friday. He says he had a fine time. The Hollis case. The most important case that has yet come before the court at its present term is the case of the State vs. Robert Hollis, charged with killing Tobe Johnson at Lead Hill. The change of venue has been taken by Hollis to this county. [This is a lengthy and probably most interesting article but the poor quality of film makes it too hard to read.] ![]() Top of Page