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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() March 1891 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown March 6, 1891 Issue The number of convicts in the penitentiary, according to the 10th Census, was 30,659. The 11th Census, just completed, shows the number to be 45,233, or an increase of _____ to the million. This is not an alarming growth. Of these, there were 30,456 whites, 14,657 colored, 237 Chinese, 180 Indians and 3 Japanese. In respect of sex, 43,442 penitentiary convicts are men and 11,781 women. It is an interesting remark, easily retained in the memory, that of 43,127 penitentiary convicts whose birthplace and parentage are known, the foreign born element of the population furnished 14,725, the colored population furnished 14,687, and the native white population, which probably outnumbers them both, only 13,745. In other words, each of these elements furnishes about one third of all the inmates of our state penitentiaries. FROM KEESEE'S FERRY Lafayette Jones returned from Yellville a day or two ago and reports everything lively down there, especially in the mining business. Andy Shelton, of Tidewell, Mo., dehorned 80 head of cattle for Elias Keesee, Reed Keesee and Isaac Copelin. Ben McKinney's little son, LeRoy, aged 3 years, while playing with some other children, unfortunately got his left arm broke just above the elbow. The little fellow seems to be doing well so far. John Haws has been quite sick for some time, also Reed Keesee's wife. Tom Terry, of this place, and Miss Emmma Graham, of Cedar Co., Mo., were married here last week, also John Langwell, of Oregon, Boone Co., and Miss Mary Jane Casey, of Lead Hill.-- Wm. Teague and Miss Mary Hoosier, who eloped together (which your correspondent mentioned last week) were captured in the Sylamore mountains, by Rev. John Hoosier, an uncle of the girl, and Wm. Hoosier, a brother. Teague was sent to the Forsyth(sic) jail. FROM BRUNO Editor Echo: We had preaching yesterday by Elder Thompson, and singing last night at John Angel's conducted by Mr. Carsten of Greasy creek School closed Friday last with an exhibition at night. The exhibition would not have been a pleasant place for whiskey dealers or whiskey drinkers, as the iniquity of their conduct was condemned in the strongest and most appropriate terms. We are glad to know that our children's minds are being trained in the right direction in this respect. There is another thing of importance, however, among our children, which demands the attention of every teacher and parent in the country. I allude to the use of tobacco. While it is not so degrading as whiskey, it is nevertheless an evil which every parent who is interested in the prosperity, happiness, and fullest development of his child, both physically and mentally, should earnestly guard against. I shall not insult the intelligence parents and teacher by making an argument against tobacco. I have only to say that every parent should see to it that his children do not contract the pernicious habit of using it. Although you may use it yourself, you and all others, look upon bright-eyed intelligent children who have contracted the habit, with an unpleasant co-mingling of pity and disgust. I must say to teachers that, if you are accustomed to using it, you should never do so in the presence of your students. "As is the teacher, so is the school." You should use your utmost influence to discourage the habit among children. In a short article to The Echo a short while ago, I stated that State Supt. Shinn would be at Yellville in March. I have not heard from him since on the subject, but I suppose, if he comes, he will be here the 19th or 20th, during Public Examination, notice of which was given directors last week. Every teacher, director and other person interested in Public Institutions, should be present. Let us not lose sight of the great cause of education. While our mineral prospects are very flattering and the future prosperity of the country, in a financial sense, very encouraging, let us not neglect the education of our children, knowing that "intelligence and virtue are the safeguards of liberty and the bulwark of a free and good government." -- B. B. Garrett. LOCAL ECHOINGS Fresh garden seeds of all kinds at J. S. Cowdrey's. Ben Fee is putting up a new building. Court will not adjourn before Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Peery and daughter, Drusie, have all been quite sick this week. "Uncle" Joe Lewallen has moved back to his farm in the Flippin Barrens. Brassfield took a change of venue to Baxter county. His case is set for next Monday. The case of Crunkleton versus Seawel was decided in favor of the latter. If you want to see the Star of Bethlehem, get up about 5:00 o'clock in the morning. This will be your last chance for 500 years. It rises now about 4:30. Lost, black overcoat, on road between Lead Hill and Yellville, about February 1st. Will give liberal reward for return of same. Address, C. Leavitt, Rush, Ark. F. D. Denton, of Batesville, has been attending court her the past week. Mr. Denton is an old newspaperman and founded the Batesville Guard. He made The Echo office several pleasant calls. Haywood Linville, commonly known as "Uncle Jim Arr" was indicted for burglary during the present sitting of the grand jury, and a change of venue will be taken to Baxter county. He is charged with breaking into McDowell's store. The grand jury adjourned last Wednesday. They found 48 indictments, condemned the old jail and earnestly recommended that steps be taken at once to build a new one. The recommendation should be acted on at once. The old jail is a disgrace and a useless expense to our county. It is pretty generally conceded that Hackett, the fellow who was given three years in the penn for breaking into a store, was less guilty than Madewell, who went Scot free. Justice is rather eccentric in her business in Marion county of late, anyway. She will even select a juror to weigh out justice, when the law breakers consider ____ more criminal than them ____ [this is faded and cut off at the bottom.] Last week - Amos, son of C. P. Amos of Bruno, and a young man by the name of John Mann got into a quarrel near Big Flat, this county. Amos drew a knife and stabbed Mann in the abdomen, inflicting a painful though not dangerous wound. Friends of young Mann then gave Amos a good threshing and he is now on the dodge. These facts we learned from Dr. Adams, of Big Flat, who was at Yellville attending court this week. Dr. A. J. Brewer and Eli Hogan of Mtn. Home are here this week invoicing the drug stock of R. F. Patterson, which they have bought. They propose to put in a first class stock of drugs and carry on the business in first class style. Mr. Patterson retires from the business enjoying the perfect confidence of the people. He will probably remain at Yellville. Messrs. Brewer and Hogan will move to town in a few days and two more splendid families will be added to our splendid town. In case of the State vs. Henry Madewell attracted considerable attention. DeRoos Bailey, counsel for the defendant, proceeded on the theory of idiocy, and the acquittal of Madewell was a great victory for Bailey. Several good men testified that Madewell did not know right from wrong, and a good number of equally as good men testified that he did know right from wrong. Pros. Attorney Floyd ably prosecuted the case and made one of the greatest speeches in his closing argument that was ever made before the Marion county bar. It took the jury 20 hours to reach a verdict. When they first retired they were about equally divided as to a conviction or an acquittal. SCHOOL NOTES Misses Lillie Nelson and Henrietta Patterson visited their homes Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Rora Patterson, of Baxter county, and Miss Lizzie Davenport, of Georges Cr. entered school Monday. Visitors Miss Lillie Carter is out of school now on account of poor health. We miss Lillie very much and hope she will soon be able to be with us again. FOLLOWING ARE THE CRIMINAL CASES THAT HAVE BEEN DISPOSED OF SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE: Wesley Stephens, selling property over which was ____ not guilty. Henry Madewell, grand larceny, jury trial, not guilty. H_z. Davenport, breach of peace, jury trial, not guilty. Perry Poynter, selling liquor, jury trial, not guilty. Andy Lee, wearing weapons, continued. Ed Dodson, wearing weapons, jury trial, fined $50. Rufus Stephens, running mortgaged property, continued. Rufus Stephens, selling mortgaged property, jury trial, not guilty. Riley Golden, Thos. Osborne, A. L. Jones, killing fish with dynamite. Nol pros. but defendants held on old bond till next court. IN MEMORY OF G. W. TAYLOR ******* March 13, 1891 Issue (Top) CENSUS FIGURES Boone county with 15,816, population, only 92 are colored; Benton has 108 Negroes out of a total population of 27,715; Baxter, 16 Negroes and a population of 8,511; Carroll, 82 Negroes and 17,288 population. Madison, 57 Negroes and 17,402; Marion, 34 Negroes, 10,359 whites, but Newton beats them all, she has a population of 9,750, of which only 6 are colored. [parts of this are missing.] Instances will clearly indicate Chicot has 10,112 Negroes and only 1,303 whites; Crittenden county has 14,925 Negroes and 2,075 whites; Jefferson has 30,068 Negroes and 10,788 whites; Lee 14,313 Negroes and 4,500 whites, etc. LOCAL ECHOINGS There is a great deal of sickness this week. Mrs. J. W. P. Bedford has been very sick this week. Court adjourned last Saturday after having disposed of a large amount of business. The Brassfield case was continued till next term of the Baxter circuit court. Quite a number of our citizens are over at Mtn. Home this week as Witnesses in the Haywood Linville case. F. L. Hamilton, Deputy U.S. Mineral Surveyor, was over from Harrison last Wednesday. He will probably locate here. Mrs. T. A. Blake, of Columbus, Kan., is visiting her husband who is here in the employ of the N.Y. Lead and Zinc Company. The funeral sermon of Mrs. W. H. Peery will be preached by D. C. Ross on the 4th Sunday in this month at 11:00 o'clock a.m. Mrs. W. H. Peery, wife of one of our best citizens, died last Friday. She was a Christian lady and was loved by all who knew her. John Noe got back to Yellville last Saturday. He has been out in the Indian country for several weeks. He says he is going away again soon. Mr. W. H. Peery and his daughter, Drusie, have had a serious siege of sickness but are some better. They need and deserve the attention of every charitably disposed person in town. Miss Martha Pennington, who has been visiting relatives at Gainsville, Mo., came back to Yellville last Thursday evening. She was accompanied by Messrs. Geo. and Thos. White and Mrs. Earl Ebrite, all of whom visited relatives here. Dr. F. L. Brewer was over Wednesday and made arrangements to locate in Yellville. He has just returned from the medical college at Louisville, Ky., and brought back his sheep skin. Yellville always has room for one more. Dr. A. J. Brewer will move over as soon as the Baxter county court adjourns. Mrs. J. W. Black, of Powell, has just recovered from a severe spell of typhoid fever. Mrs. John Nowlin, a very estimable lady, died this week. The family moved to this county from Texas a few months ago. Mr. A. S. Layton, of Yellville, has been attending court and visiting relatives here this week. The citizen acknowledges a business call from him yesterday. He has bought the Dr. Hart property east of town. -- Baxter county citizen. The following are among the prominent citizens of Marion county who have been attending court here this week as witnesses in the Brassfield murder case or the larceny case, which cases were allowed a change of venue from the Marion to the Baxter circuit court: John Herrington, Jesse Adams, H. L. Stanley, Dr. G. F. Elam, Rev. J. R. Pennington, Rev. B. F. Pennington, K. F. Cantrell, Jno. Angel, W. C. McEntire, B. H. Martin, E. A. Akins, Quimby Seawel, Charley Covington, John O'Neal, Columbus Henderson and Billie Lefevers. -- Baxter citizen SCHOOL NOTES Several of the students have not been well this week and have not been in school all the time. They are nearly all able to be with us again. Misses Oma Woodward and Ethel Harris visited us last Monday. Rev. D. C. Ross conducted chapel exercises Monday morning. Mr. Harvey Matthews of Valley Springs visited us Wednesday. -- A Friend. MARRIAGE GONE HOME ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ******* March 20, 1891 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS J. E. Wickersham is the happy father of a bran new boy. Miss Mary Lefevers is visiting at Flippin this week. R. S. Armitage, of Harrison, was here last Friday, Saturday and Sunday working up the S.S. interest. Claude Layton, who was recently on trial at Ozark, Mo., for murder in the first degree, has been acquitted. W. Q. Seawel, J. N. Griffin and J. A. Rose were appointed by Judge Hudgins as jury commissioners. Anderson Foster of Powell has been confined to his bed with rheumatism ever since the Harrison fair. His condition is feared critical. Newt Strickland, who went west about two months ago, writes that he thinks he will come back to Marion county this summer. He is now out about Austin, Tex. Andrew Cox, of Onset, Wm. Buffalo, of Yellville and Mrs. Mary Parker, of Georges creek, each proved up their homestead at Yellville last Saturday. Ambrose Bratton and wife, of Wiley's Cove, visited Mrs. Bratton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hudson, of this place, this week. E. L. Berry has a position in the Navy Department, at Washington, at a salary of $900 per year. He expects to be advanced shortly after which he will receive $1200 per year. Word reached here last week of the death of Will Weast at DeLeon, Tex. He had been suffering for some time with consumption and went to Texas with the hope of improving. Will was one of our best young men and his early death was sad news to his many friends. G. R. Patterson writes The Echo that he arrived safely at Pine City, Wash. He says about the first thing he inquired for after getting to his brother's was The Echo. He is not sure whether he will like that country or not. The snow up that way he says is about "neck" deep. One load of Dr. A. J. Brewer's household goods arrived Thursday. The families of both the doctors will probably arrive this week. Willie Carter writes from Lamar county that he intends to come back to Marion county next fall. Willie Hudson writes from Sherman to the same effect. "Uncle" Jack Noe again calls the attention of the public through The Echo to "Our Native Herbs." He has received great benefits from this remedy and has not sold a single bottle that has not given satisfaction. Dr. J. C. Higgs will be back home in a few days. He will bring his "sheep skin" with him and will be fully equipped to heal the sick. Dr. J. I. Thompson will also be home in a few days. He will not graduate this term, however. T. J. Smith writes us from Monarch that he has been in the U.S. Court again. It seems that after he was acquitted some time ago, he thought the court had no more use for him and came home without being formally released. He was taken back to Fort Smith [line is unreadable] of court. When he got back he found his family all down with the measles, and if his brother, J. W. Smith, had not looked after the post office, he (T. J.) would have had more business with the U.S. Court. Sheriff Poynter and Matt Jenkins got back from Little Rock last Saturday. They left Haskett in the state prison. They were surprised to find "Fed" Woods, the fellow that assisted Haskett in breaking into Newt Bearden's store, in the penitentiary. Woods was an escaped convict and after assisting in breaking into Bearden's store left this county. He was picked up in Lawrence county and sent back to the penitentiary. The Hammond boys had their trial continued till the next term of the Baxter county court. The officers passed through Yellville with them, taking them back to the Harrison jail last Monday. Brassfield, of this county, was also taken back to the Harrison jail. Atterberry has not yet been taken to Harrison but probably will be. He is unable to pay the fines assessed against him at the last term of court, besides he is indicted for petty larceny and has not been able to give bond. "Fed" Woods' term in the penitentiary expires next October. Sheriff Poynter will go after him when his term expires and bring him back to this county to answer to the charge of burglary. An effort will be made to get Haskett pardoned so that he can appear as a witness against Woods. It transpires that the "spells" that Haskett had when brought into court for sentence to be passed on him were brought about by his swallowing large quantities of tobacco juice and tobacco. Haywood Linville, who took a change of venue from this county to Baxter, was found guilty of grand larceny and sentenced 3 years in the penitentiary. The evidence showed that Linville and Ambrose Atterberry stole the goods from G. W. McDowell's store on the night of January 31st. Linville entered through the back window and Atterberry stood on the outside and kept watch. About $15 worth of boots, pants, tobacco, etc., were taken. [remainder too faded to read.] OUR NATIVE HERBS ******* March 27, 1891 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS The infant child of Andy Davis, east of town, died last week. The wife of William Poynter, near Flippin, died last week. Mr. Poynter is a brother to Sheriff Poynter. Dr. Brewer and Eli Hogan have decided to not buy Patterson's drug store and Mr. Hogan will not move to Yellville at present. Dr. A. J. Brewer's family arrived at Yellville last Monday. The doctor is now a permanent citizen of our town. We understand that Dr. F. L. Brewer has decided to locate at Oakland. Dr. J. I. Thompson got back from Little Rock this week. He passed a good examination before the Examining Board and was licensed to practice medicine. He will practice with Dr. Ware. We wish him success. Thos. Stokes, one of our best farmers, believes there is more money in wheat than in cotton. He has been raising a surplus of wheat for several years and with the same process it would make just as good flour as any that comes from the north. T. R. Wheeler, who has been at Trimble's Flat, Baxter county, several months, came over to Yellville last Friday. He says that "Uncle" John Trimble's wife died very suddenly last week. She and the children went out to the barn to get some straw to make hens nests. She took an armful of straw to the house and the children stayed at the barn. About the time she got to the house, a shower of rain came up and she went into the house. About the time the shower was over, some neighbors stepped in and found her lying on the floor dead. The coroner's jury had not reached a verdict when Mr. Wheeler left. Capt. Bodenhammer's daughter, of Baxter county, was probably fatally burned by her clothing catching fire last week. The sad news reached here this week from Brumlow, Tex., of the death of Stell Davis, son of P. R. Davis of Powell. Stell left Marion county for Texas to teach school. He wrote to The Echo recently that he would get $50 per month for an 8 months' term. He was in robust health when he left here and had a host of friends who will be shocked to hear of his sudden death. He died of brain fever, the attack being so severe that he was blind from the first of the attack until his death. [NOTE: There is a Postell Davis, age 12, son of Pleasant R. Davis, in Water Creek Twp., 1880 Marion Co., Census.] Whitfield Harris' new roller mill is now at McBee's Landing and will be brought up this week or next. ![]() Top of Page