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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() August 1890 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown August 1, 1890 Issue Democratic Ticket Election September 1, 1890: For Governor, James P. Eagle, of Lonoke; for Secretary of State, B. B. Chism, of Logan; for Auditor of State, Wm. S. Dunlop, of Monroe; for Treasurer, Robert B. Morrow, of Sebastian; for Attorney General, Wm. E. Atkinson of Nevada; for Supt. of Public Instruction, Josiah H. Shinn, of Pulaski; for State Land Commissioner, C. B. Meyers, of Pulaski; for Commissioner of Agriculture, M. F. Locke, of Crawford; for Associate Justice of Supreme Court, M. H. Sandels, of Sebastian. A cyclone at Lawrence, Mass., July 26th, leveled 100 houses, killed eight persons and wounded many more. The pecuniary loss is about $100,000. Abraham Bonnafield, Clerk of Tucker County, West Virginia, is dead. He was born without legs, yet served as a soldier in the Confederate Army. A rebellion is going on in the Argentine Republic and a fierce little war is being waged by San Salvadore and Guatamala, two small republics in Central America. While in Eureka Springs, Rev. N. B. Fizer, was very naturally and properly, the special guest of his chief, Powell Clayton, in whose political interests he is canvassing the State for Governor. Gazette. The unhappy people of the North have been sitting under thermometers that mark 104 to 109 degrees, while in this side of the Ohio we have been complaining of the moderate figures between 90 and 96. Come south and keep cool, brethering(sic). Courier Journal. The cottage that Mrs. Harrison accepted as a gift has caused such a stir that the President has forced the generous to accept his check for $10,000. The check, however, came too late to save the administration from one of its greatest disgraces. LOCAL ECHOINGS [Continues to be damaged] The free school opens Monday. Get ready to take advantage of it. Jimmy Williams is very poorly again. The hot weather is very hard on him. J. W. Pierce is putting on a new roof, and otherwise improving his house. Work on the court house is moving right along. It will be neatly finished and seated before court. The old Shiloh Church, about seven miles west of town, was burned Monday night. It was the work of an incendiary. Misses Lavada Reed and Roetta and Ella Weast visited friends at Powell last Sunday. They report a very pleasant time. Henry Berry and wife last week left here for their home near Cape Fair, Mo. He having disposed of his mail contract. The little girls gave Miss Rena Wilson a surprise party last Friday evening in honor of her 12th birthday. The party was a very enjoyable affair. ___ last week stated that Ben ___ and family had left for West ___. This was a mistake. The family are still here. Mr. Davis and John Stanley went up there to look for a job. E. C. McFerson, of Baxter County, is in town this week looking up a location. He expects to move here so that he can take advantage of our splendid school. He has three children who will attend. I will sell my residence on George's creek, for cash or good note due Oct. 1st. A lot of corn, oats, good killing hogs, cattle, sheep, horses and mule colts. -- W. T. Davenport. Joe Lemen last week struck an opening in one of the mines belonging to the Shoney Co. As far as the rays of the lantern will penetrate the opening, large quantities of lead and zinc can be seen. Joe thinks he has struck it rich. T. J. Smith, of Monarch, was arrested last Monday and carried to Fort Smith, charged with selling liquor in the post office. Mr. Smith has been considered one of the best citizens and we hope he will be able to prove his innocence. John Cowdrey was appointed one of the trustees of the Yellville Institute by the District Conference in the place of Dan McCurry who had resigned. NOTICE - J. E. Andrews, Dentist, will be in Yellville the coming circuit court and will be prepared to do all kinds of Dentistry, in first class style, at reasonable rates. A NEW INDUSTRY FROM KEESEE's FERRY [Abstract] Elias Keesee is very feeble. Mrs. Louisa Wood has just returned from a visit to her daughter in Taney Co., Mo. John Longwell is teaching our summer school in District 38. He taught school at the same place last year and gave general satisfaction. FROM POWELL The bell at the graveyard this morning called the people together to pay their last fond respects to one of the youthful maidens of this country, and tomorrow calls us again to witness another burial. The Reaper is slowly and constantly gathering his harvest of death. Mrs. A. J. Davis, of Texas, is with us again. Let everybody come out to the Literary Friday night and hear the tariff discussed. -- (no name) J. P. Sims authorizes us to say that he has withdrawn from the race for sheriff. DAILY HACK LINE TO HARRISON ******* August 8, 1890 Issue (Top) The Flat Head Indian trouble in Montana threatens to become serious. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. and Mrs. DeRoos Bailey have been in town several days. J. T. Montgomery moved back to Yellville Wednesday and will be one of our citizens in the future. Several of our young folks will attend the picnic at Powell on the 23rd. D. W. C. Mentor, of Sulfur Rock, writes us that he is contemplating coming to Yellville and starting a cabinet shop. G. E. Outlaw and company arrived in our town Monday from Lead Hill where they spent several weeks cleaning featherbeds. They come here bearing the endorsement of the best citizens of that place, to the merits of their work. Yellville should follow suit and have her bedding purified. B. F. Fee and this editor last Sunday drove down to Denton's ferry on White river. We noticed several new buildings along the road and found the cotton looking fine but needing rain. The corn will be light except on the bottom lands. We tender our thanks to T. W. Barb for the fine watermelon treat given us. Baxter County nominated the following county ticket: Representative, J. C. South; County Judge, J. W. Cypert; Clerk, R. M. Hancock; Sheriff, A. G. Byler; Treasurer, W. D. Henderson; Assessor, J. B. Schoggen; Surveyor, T. B. Goforth. T. R. Wheeler is canvassing for two splendid books, "Stanley in Africa," and "Encyclopedia of Livestock and Stock Doctor." Mr. Wheeler is an energetic worker and deserves a liberal patronage. Several of our citizens have received "Stanley in Africa," and are perfectly delighted with it. Prof. Watson has not got back yet. John O'Neal is teaching in his place this week. ******* August 15, 1890 Issue (Top) People are starving in Oklahoma on account of the drouth. President Harrison has recommended that Congress make an appropriation for their relief. J. M. Pell, son of Hon. S. W. Peel, was nominated for Prosecuting Attorney. E. P. Watson has announced himself as a non-partisan candidate in that District. He and Keener of this District will go up Salt river in the same boat. Hon. J. C. Floyd received the unanimous vote, for Prosecuting Attorney, of the Democratic Party in this District, and will have no opponent in the election. Mrs. J. H. Berry has been very sick this week. Mrs. J. E. Wickersham has been quite sick the past few days. A. S. Layton is having a new platform built in front of the house occupied by J. B. Wilson. J. H. Thompson is very sick and it is thought he will not recover. Grandma Seawel, who has been very poorly all summer, was able to get out to Church last Tuesday. Joe Lemen has about 50 tons of zinc in sight at the Lost Belt claim on James creek. ___ Barbara Callahan, daugh___ S. Callahan, has been lying at the point of death for several ____ better now. ___ W. Blankenship, of the ____ academy and Miss Nan__er were married last week. ___ the happy couple success. Leonard Weast got back from his Texas trip last Monday. Nin Woods got back several days ago. We think they will both stay in Arkansas. Mrs. A. J. Lee, of George's creek, who has been bedfast with consumption for the past six months, is able to be up a little now but is still very feeble. By an error last week we failed to give the name of the Central Committeeman from Prairie. Eld. J. A. Rose. Ben Davis and John Stanley struck a good job of brick making at West Plains. Stanley came back after the family last Saturday and started back with them Tuesday. J. F. Davis and family who have been visiting here also left for their home at Forest City.Newt. Bearden, Fate Firestone and Rev. Henry Sasser and sons have struck a fine lot of zinc on Rush creek, several miles higher up the creek than had ever been prospected. They are highly elated over the find and are doing the assessment work on four fine claims. MARRIAGES. The following parties have been licensed to marry since July 1st.: HOTEL ARRIVALS ******* August 22, 1890 Issue (Top) Information has been received of the murder of three American missionaries by Soudan Arabs. LOCAL ECHOINGS Henry McCabe has been very sick this week. Miss Mary LeFevers gave us a pleasant call Monday. Thos. Harris called on us Monday. Rev. Biggs is the happy father of a fine boy. Prof. Watson is with us again. He arrived Monday. Cynthia Montgomery has been very sick this week. Mrs. Carter has been very sick but is improving now. Robert LeFevers and Henry Hudson, Jr. started to West Plains Tuesday. H. A. Young keeps the best line of Tobacco and Cigars in Yellville. Call and see for yourself. Mrs. Henry Hudson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Burch, in Flippin Barrens. Mr. David Jackson has our thanks for the nice melon which he left at our office Monday. It was a fine one. A funeral sermon of Mrs. Rebecca A. Brooks will be preached on the fifth Sunday at 11 o'clock at the Hamlet school house by Rev. D. C. Ross. Miss Annie Cowdrey is developing a good talent for music, but for some months past has been bothered with a slight throat trouble. She went up to Harrison several weeks ago and has been having her throat treated by Dr. Vance. She came home last week greatly improved, and her friends hope that her voice will be as good or better than ever. Mr. W. M. Keener, of Lead Hill, gave us a call Thursday morning. News came to town Thursday morning that Bro. Jimmy Williams was thought to be dying. Wm. Estes went to Boone county yesterday to build a house for his brother, B. M. Estes. Mr. Samuel Reed and family, of Gassville, visited Mrs. S. A. Mitchell of this place Saturday and Sunday. You need not go around with your faces wet for Henry Young has I know the prettiest line of towels I ever saw, J. M. Crews and Haywood Hudson, of Franklin township, have sold out to some mineral men. Mr. Crews received $1,300 for his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Pace and daughter, Miss Addie, of Flippin, gave us a pleasant call Thursday. Miss Addie will enter school here September 1st. A glance into the feather shop will reveal the fact that business in on the increase. They are cleaning from 25 to 35 beds daily. If The Echo should happen to be more newsy and attractive this week than common, our friends may attribute it to the fact that the editor has been away the most of this week. The editorial work will be attended to by Mrs. Jones. FROM KEESEE'S FERRY [Abstract] Richard Radcliff and Mrs. Frank Stayton were recently married. May their future be bright. The little babe of Ben McKinley died and was buried at Protem. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all. Andrew J. Turnbo and family, of Pontiac, were visiting relatives at Peel last week. Pine Bluff received its first bale of new cotton on the 16th. The bale weighed 175 pounds and was the best first bale put on the market there for a number of years. LOCAL ECHOINGS Dalia Hudson brought us the finest peach we have seen this year. Thanks Dalia. The Echo force is under obligation to Dave Jackson for another nice melon. Mrs. Nin Woods has returned from her visit to friends and relatives in Texas. H. A. Young will pay 8 cts. for all the eggs brought in this and next week. Mrs. Rebecca Carson, who lives a few miles south of town, is very low and it is thought will not recover. Frank Treat left for Missouri last Tuesday. Frank is a splendid young man and we wish him success. Miss Francis(sic) Hudson visited her sister, Mrs. Burch, in the Flippin Barrens Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. Ben Thompson gave us a pleasant call last Saturday. Miss Mary Pierce has our thanks for the fine pears which we found on our table Saturday. They were splendid. Mrs. W. R. Jones desires to return thanks to Mrs. J. Dobbs of George's creek for the fine peaches sent her last Monday. They were very fine. J. H. Berry and son are the agents for the Love Sewing Machine. It is the finest machine in the market. Works button holes, sews on the buttons, in fact does everything in the way of sewing. Call and examine them. "Curg" Estes who has been up in Mo. for several months returned home last week. Elder Jesse White, formerly of this county, also came down and attended the protracted meeting of the Christian Church at Bruno. Mr. White has returned home. Brother Jimmy Williams, on Thursday of last week, passed peacefully from this life into the life beyond. The resolution passed by the Quarterly Conference, which we publish this week, voices the sentiments of his countless friends. J. W. Huffman, J. F. Stark and S. M. Wright, hustling men of Springdale, are in town this week. Mr. Stark is just from Waverly, Kan., and says Mr. Hammond, a gentleman who was here a few weeks ago, will start two wagons to this county in a few days and that he will be here the first of next month to begin work on some mining property that he leased from W. Q. Seawel. Mr. Stark says a lawyer, a hotel man and a hardware merchant left Waverly the day before he did, intending to come to Yellville to look at the country with a view of locating. On Thursday night of last week, Tobe Johnson was shot and killed at Lead Hill. It is believed that Robert Hollis did the shooting. A daughter of Hollis seems to have been the cause of the tragedy. Two men, Etherage and Trotter, were with Johnson when he was shot, but they did not see the man who did the shooting. After Johnson was shot, another report was heard and a bullet grazed Etherage's throat and he and Trotter ran off. Before Johnson died, he said Hollis did the shooting. Hollis at last account had not been found although a strong posse was in search of him. He is a dangerous man and it is not believed that he can be taken alive. FROM KEESEE'S FERRY Grandma Hunt has been very ill but is now improving. Two fine boys have made their appearance in our neighborhood since we last wrote. One at Jeff McManus' and one at Frank Stearn's. OBITUARY OBITUARY ![]() Top of Page