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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() March 1890 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown March 7, 1890 Issue John Jacob Astor, the richest man in America, is dead. An Arizona dam gave way last week and several hundred people were drowned. The cold wave that struck us last week was the result of a violent cyclone that swept over the state Tuesday morning of last week. A school house was blown down in Saline county and nine children were injured but none of the killed. Between Hot Springs and the Ouachita river, farm houses, barns, fencing and timbers were blown down and many persons badly injured and some killed. Our people should be thankful that they live in a section where storms are rare. ANNOUNCEMENTS We are authorized to announce J. B. Taylor as a candidate for the office of Assessor, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Convention should one be held. We are authorized to announce A. S. Callahan, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Convention should one be held. We are authorized to announce C. C. Poynter as a candidate for office of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Convention should one be held. We are authorized to announce J. W. Brady as a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of Marion county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Convention should one be held. We are authorized to announce J. S. Owens as a candidate for the office of County and Probate Judge of Marion county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Convention should one be held. We are authorized to announce A. W. Wickersham as a candidate for the office of Circuit and County court Clerk of Marion county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary Convention should one be held. LOCAL ECHOINGS Wasn't it cold last week though? Justices' Blanks are for sale at our office. "No tax" tobacco at Henry Young's is a bargain. Col. Neal, of Batesville, is here attending court. Miss Annie Morris has returned from Mountain Home. John Pierce started to the Institute Monday. Ada Putman(sic) started to school here last Monday. The Echo has done a thriving business this week. Hellen and Lellar Hurst entered school last Monday. Mrs. DeRoos Bailey is visiting relatives and friends here. Bob Thompson, of Exter, will start to school here soon. Too much whiskey in town this week gentlemen. That won't do. Rev. J. M. Cantrell, of Mountain Home, was visiting friends here last week. The jury commissioners are Judge Flippin, N. Dodd and J. B. Williams. J. B. Wilson's family moved back to Yellville last week and Myrtle started to school last Monday. Some bargains can be had by calling at H. A. Young's within the next ten days. J. E. Wickersham will not take charge of the P. O. till next Monday. We forgot to state last week that a new girl has taken up board at Henry Young's. Mayor Yancey and ex-Mayor Bartlett, of Batesville, are here this week attending court. J. B. Clark and Stell and Oscar Davis, of Powell, entered school here last Monday. If you want a new hat, go to Cowdrey's. He can suit you in style, quality and price. Eight new students entered the Institute last Monday and officers will enter next Monday. Capt. Rea, of Oakland, will start two boys to the Institute at the beginning of the next term. The democratic meeting last Thursday night was not a success, owing to the severe weather. The businessmen of this place are turning their attention to the river for transportation. West Plains is entirely boycotted. Frank Pace, a bright young law student at Harrison, paid our office several pleasant visits while attending court. McMerriott will have to lay in jail seven years for selling liquor. The fines and costs against him being over $2,000. McMerriott and John Lovelady were taken to Harrison today where they will languish in jail. Let law breakers take warning. Twelve dollars' worth of whiskey is more than two attorneys and church members ought to drink in one week. This is simply extravagance gentlemen. Eighty passengers came up to Buffalo City on the steamer Eagle last Saturday. This looks like things were booming down that way. There are several young men and some young ladies on the south side of the creek that would come to school here if there was a bridge across the creek. By all means let us have a bridge. All the records of the Baptist college at Mountain Home were destroyed by the burning of the court house. We understand that the building of the college will be postponed. J. L. Vaughn, of this county but who has been teaching for some time at Western Grove, was in town last Monday and made The Echo a pleasant call. We think Mr. Vaughn will attend school here this summer. Miss Mae Cravens, who has been visiting the family of J. E. R?..brough[faded] for some weeks returned to her home a McBee's landing on the Ralph Tuesday. She was accompanied by Miss Rena Fraley who will be absent three or four weeks. -- Batesville Guard. The steamer, Ralph, came up to McBee's landing on Tuesday last almost loaded down with freight for J. S. Cowdrey. Look out next week for the largest and most attractive stock of spring goods that has ever been opened up in this county. Several of our people are suffering with La Grippe. Our new type left St. Louis March 1st. It will take it nearly two weeks to reach us by the river. We must pay for it within 60 days. Please help us all you can. ******* March 14, 1890 Issue Missing ******* March 21, 1890 Issue (Top) [Front page ads] J. S. Cowdrey successor to Layton & Cowdrey, Wholesale and Retail, Dealer in General Merchandise. W. McDowell, the Old Reliable Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Coats, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions. This space is reserved for W. Q. Seawel. This space will be filled soon by Berry & Son. B. F. Fee, Atty. at Law. W. C. Wilson, M. D. W. M. Noe, M. D. Dr. J. M. Coker, Physician. Floyd & Floyd, Atty's. at Law. Hill, Fontaine & Co. Cotton Factors Commission Merchants. E. L. Berry, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. B. J. Carney, ...... Agent for all Kinds of Machinery. Covington & Hutchison, Blacksmiths. Woodward & Cheek, Painters and Paperhangers. Nick Miller, Contractor for Stone and Marble Work. C. L. Glines, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Harrison. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the announcement of Hon. B. B. Hudgins as a candidate for the office of Circuit Judge. Mr. Hudgins is a native of northwest Arkansas. He is proud of his birthplace and his birthplace is proud of him. He studied law under that great lawyer, Col. James H. Patterson, and was licensed to practice in the Circuit courts in 1879, and in the Supreme Court of Arkansas in 1887. He was elected to represent Boone county to the legislature in '84, 86, and '88, the last time without opposition. During his first term he was a member of the judicial committee having been appointed by Gov. Eagle. He was then Speaker of the House. He served on the same committee the next term, and his legal talent was thus fully recognized. So well did he perform his duty in the committee and on the floor, that he was chosen Speaker of the House at the last session, which position he filled with credit to himself, to his party and the his State. His ability is unquestioned, his private character is above reproach, his political record unsullied and if he is elected judge, he will do his duty honestly, firmly and impartially. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the announcement of Hon. J. C. Floyd as a candidate for the office of prosecuting attorney of this district. Mr. Floyd is a young man and entirely self-made. He entered the State University at Fayetteville with very limited means, but in spite of every obstacle he climbed to the top of the ladder, and completed the classical course graduating with high honors in '79. He taught school two years and was admitted to the bar in '82, and commenced at Yellville to build up a practice. His success as a lawyer needs no comment. He is known at every county seat in the District, and by nearly all the people, as one of the best lawyers in northwest Arkansas. His natural judgment and logical reasoning, his scholarly language, his careful study of every case, and his devotion to the side he represents, makes him an opponent that the best lawyers in the District respect. In '88, he was elected to represent Marion county in the State legislature. No member of the legislature ever attracted more favorable notice during his first term than did Mr. Floyd. The great speech that he made nominating Hon. B. B. Hudgins for Speaker, attracted attention all over the State as one of the greatest oratorical efforts ever made in the legislature. He was appointed chairman of the committee on Circuit and Justices courts, the second committee in importance in the legislature. He filled this important place so well that he was complimented by all the leading papers in Little Rock and by many others in different parts of the state. His public record is without a blot, his private character is above reproach or even suspicion. Those who know him best admire him most. He is every inch a democrat, and if his party honors him, we will have a Prosecuting Attorney that lawbreakers will dread, one whom money can never buy and whom policy will never influence. LOCAL ECHOINGS Pure drugs at Patterson's, cheap. Mrs. J. H. Berry is better. There is considerable sickness prevalent. Dr. J. M. Casey, of Mountain Home, has failed in business. Mrs. W. R. Jones has been very sick this week. John O'Neal and L. L. Seawel will assist Prof. Harris in the Institute till Prof. Watson arrives. J. T. Dysart had a severe attack of pneumonia last week but is better now. A good load of 14 inch stove wood will pay for The Echo if brought in before April 1st. The Echo will become a seven-column paper about May 1st. We hope everyone that is owing us will pay up before that date. Dr. Wilson has been very sick this week but is better now. Mr. John Dunlap has been very low but is improving some. Mrs. S. F. Honeycut, it is thought, will not live through this week. Mr. Honeycut lives out near the campground. Mrs. Mary Gear, arrived here last Wednesday, and was happy to find her mother, Mrs. J. H. Berry, much better. Two good girls who are willing to do general housework can learn where they can get good positions and good wages by calling at The Echo office. Rev. D. C. Ross returned from the Lead Hill circuit last Friday. He met with considerable encouragement up there, getting a liberal subscription, and hearing many kind words for our splendid school. Marcus Brewer's health failed and he was compelled to leave school. He went home last Monday. We hope he will soon regain his health and be with us again. He is a bright boy and made many friends here. It is useless to try to enumerate all the families that have suffered with the grippe. The surest way to give the news is that there is not a family that we know of that has ...[faded] more or less with that disease. We don't know of any late attacks of it, however. Thomas Cox, a young man of Onset, and J. C. Higgs, of Flippin, were examined Monday by the Board of this county for a license to practice medicine and surgery. Mr. Cox failed, but J. C. Higgs came out in great shape. Jimmy was one of our old students and we feel proud of his success. So do all of his numerous friends. [Incomplete article] Dr. Louis McCurry has just graduated with Honor at the Little Rock Medical College. We also understand that he was to marry Miss Moody, a charming young lady of Huntsville, last Sunday. The bride is a sister to Mrs. Dr. [unable to read this] of Lead Hill. ******* March 28, 1890 Issue (Top) An Indian who was 150 years old died in Monterey, Cal. last week of old age. He was never sick a day in his life. Jake Kilrain got licked by Sullivan, who is now serving out a two months' sentence in jail for engaging in the fight. LOCAL ECHOINGS The Layton marble front is being pushed to an early completion. Go to Patterson's for your patent medicines. There will be a school vacation next week. John Covington has completed his porch and otherwise improved his dwelling. We omitted to state last week that Will Duren, of Fredonia, Texas, had started to school. Town Election next Tuesday. Who do you want for Mayor and Aldermen? The teachers training class is a great success. About twenty were in attendance last Saturday, and splendid interest was manifested. Miss Annie Morris returned to her home a Searcy last Monday. She made many warm friends here. William Bennett and son are very active this week. They are securing all the mineral land they can possibly get. Miss Irene Wilson left her last Monday for Alton, Mo. If she meets her father there, she will go with him to California. Her many friends regret to see her leave. DeRoos Bailey, Hon. B. B. Hudgins and Hon. J. C. Floyd, left last Saturday for Salem, Fulton county, where they will attend court. Mrs. Thursey J. Honeycut, wife of Samuel F. Honeycut, and sister of R. F. Patterson, died last Thursday. She was a consistent christian(sic) and died in great peace. Yellville now has two splendid literary societies, each striving to excel in the most friendly and laudable manner. As soon as a new student arrives in town, he is made to feel at home, as the representatives of both societies are sure to be after him. Logan Gilley, one of Marion's best young men, started to school here last Monday. Hurrah for the Marion county boys that are for Marion county. The Echo hopes [unreadable] some of them for Governor in a few years. Marion county will honor the young men who honor her. Marcus Brewer was taken with Chorea(sic) last Wednesday at Yellville, where he has been attending the Yellville Institute this winter. Charlie Wilson brought him to the river and his father, A. J. Brewer, met him with a buggy and brought him home. He is some better but it will be several weeks before he is well. -- Baxter County Citizen. KIND WORDS Nat Estes, W. Q. Seawel and J. J. Horner, who were appointed at the last term of the county court to report at the next term on the advisability of building a bridge across Crooked creek, will make a favorable report next Monday. They will recommend that the bridge be built just above Mrs. Tutt's spring. They think a bridge can be built that will stand the highest rise for less than $2,500. By all means let's have the bridge. The Ralph brought up our new type last week but for some reason did not bring our paper, and we are compelled to get out a half sheet this week. We think the paper will be here before next week's issue. We are proud to know that we will soon be able to give our readers a seven-column paper. Those who are owing us are coming right up and paying, which will help us get more new type than we thought we could afford. The Echo will be a seven-column paper on or before May 1st. Help us all you can. The following parties have been licensed to marry since February 1st. ![]() Top of Page