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Mt. Echo Newspaper
April 1889 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

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April 5, 1889 Issue

       The long delayed executive proclamation has been issued which opens the Oklahoma lands to settlement. The proclamation fixes April 22 as the date upon which it is to take effect, and especially warns all persons not to enter on those lands before that day, under penalty of being forever afterward excluded.
       The "Oklahoma Boom," first made conspicuous by Capt. Payne, is 12 years old. The lands which have so long been a temptation to adventurous settlers are situated south of Kansas, and comprises about 6,000,000 acres, being the western half of the old Creek Nation, ceded by that tribe of Indians to the U.S. in 1886. The lands are no better than those of the contiguous States, are remote from trade centers and all the conveniences of civilization, and yet the adventurous pioneers have for years been kept back only by Federal troops. - Gazette.


G. W. McDowell is headquarters for tobacco and cigars.

The Sunday school literature and song books have arrived. Come out Sunday.

The new firm of Seawel & Sons sells goods for cash only.

Mr. J. W. Vanzandt has struck a splendid load of lead near Flippin. He handed us a full account of it which we regret getting misplaced.

Because of our belief that the parties who disturbed our streets last Tuesday sincerely regret their action, we will not state particulars.

The Medical Society was in session last Wednesday. A more intelligent body of men could not be found in the county.

Mr. J. C. Berry and wife has settled down to business like old folks. They have the best wishes of their many friends and a prosperous and happy future prospect before them.

W. Q. Seawel has bought Layton & Cowdrey's store at Rentchler and will continue business at that place. Mr. Seawel shows his faith in the mineral of this county by his works.

Peter Snyder has his meat shop in good running order and is selling good beef, bacon, eggs, butter, lard, tallow, bologna, and everything else in his line very cheap. He will run a wagon to the Rush Creek mines every Friday for the accommodation of the people down there.

Wallie Berry and his new bride arrived in Yellville Tuesday. They report a pleasant trip from Washington. When they got to Harrison the were met by the Harrison Band and otherwise received courtesies from that place which was a very handsome way Harrison has of showing her respects to one of the most promising young men of North Arkansas. The many friends of Mr. Berry gave the young couple a cordial greeting here and they, in this evergreen secluded, romantic spot; are as happy as mortals could wish to be.
       Mrs. Berry lived in Washington instead of Baltimore, and her name before marriage was Miss Kitty L. Thompson. The young couple will pass the summer here with Mr. Berry's parents.


April 12, 1889 Issue (Top)

       D. F. McElyea, one of the oldest citizens of our county was in town the other day and from him we obtained the following sketch of his life: He was born in Montgomery County, Tennessee, in 1815, and is therefore 74 years old. He is living with his second wife who is now 57 years of age. His father was a soldier under General Jackson during the War of 1812. He remembers the early customs and habits of the people in Tennessee, which will probably be of great interest to many of our readers. Emigrants coming from North Carolina to Tennessee would come in a cart rigged up in the following manner: the hub was made of black gum, spokes of white oak, felly of white oak, and tire made of splitting a small white oak sapling and nailing around the felly. One horse with a pack saddle on his back, pulling the cart with tugs made of white oak splits, with iron on each end. The families were usually walking, and seemed as happy as they could be. These emigrants would settle down and go to work, using shafts to the plow, and in a few years could be in good circumstances. Mr. McElyea worked at the blacksmith trade over 50 years. His family seems to be long-lived, his grandfather living to the great age of 104 years. He lived in Tennessee during the war and had two sons killed in the Confederate service. One of his sons was a member of Forest's famous cavalry and stayed with that General until the surrender. Thinks that people in his younger days were more happy than now, and that the women could do more hard work then than three can now. About 16 years ago Mr. McElyea came to Arkansas and has been a peaceable, quiet, law abiding citizen ever since. He has 8 living children, is in good health, and is as spry and vigorous as many men who are 20 years younger. He bids fair to live many years yet, but says he is ready to go when the summons comes. Do the young and rising generation respect age as it should? The old pioneers who conquered the great wilderness of the West, are one by one dropping into that "dreamless sleep" that will forever kiss their eyelids down, while we enjoy the fruits of their hardships. Thousands of noble men have fallen and "no friend taken note of their departure." This should not be, all should strive to make those who are in the evening of life as happy and comfortable as possible. The great dread of every ambitious, noble, great-souled man is, that when he dies the world will forget he ever lived. The very thoughts of this forgetfulness causes him to cling to life, and work with never ending energy, that their names may be honorably mentioned by generations that are yet unborn.


Mrs. Henry Young was able to come to the store last Tuesday.

Please bring home my forceps. Dr. W. M. Noe.

Bro. Ross and family went visiting last week in the neighborhood of Pleasant Ridge.

Mrs. John Burlison, an estimable young lady of George's Creek, died last Monday.

Mrs. A. S. Layton and Mrs. Ab. Hutchinson have been on the sick list for several days.

John Swofford was very sick a few days but is now convalescent.

You who failed to pay your taxes before last Wednesday, will have to pay more now.

Everett Noe was in town last Saturday and made us a pleasant and profitable call. He is well pleased with the school at Valley Springs.

Kenner Cantrell came up from Bruno last Tuesday and made us a pleasant and substantial visit. He works for The Echo as every man who loves his country should.

Mat Estes has disposed of six of his mineral claims on James Creek for $1000 cash and an equal share of the capitol stock. These claims are on James Creek in White River.

The older people should attend Sunday school better. The children generally come, but there is not enough older persons there to teach them.

W. Q. Seawel has three stores in this county. One at Rentchler, one at Yellville and one at Exter. He is always deeply interested in our mineral.

Bluford Milum, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Prairie township, died March 30th. He had lived in Marion county for more than 40 years.

Judge Owens entered judgment this week against M. H. Wolf, our missing ex-treasurer, for over $900. His bond was perfectly good, and we presume they will pay the judgment without question.

Mr. D. W. C. Newton and Miss Martha A. Doshier, were married last Thursday by Squire C. G. Thompson [The remainder of this short notice is cut off.]

Strayed or stolen. A large black horse with one hip lower than the other, one white hind foot, raised in Searcy. Any information of said horse will be thankfully received by Mrs. Olive Carter, Yellville, Ark.

Squire C. G. Thompson says that the correspondent of The Echo did him an injustice in writing a sketch of the jurors, by reporting him a married man. He says he is not a married man but a marrying man.

Rial Golden, while on the road from Bearden's store, dropped his shotgun on the rocks, which caused it to fire, part of the load taking effect in Lafayette Jones' foot, causing a somewhat painful though not dangerous wound.

In a fight between Thos. Davenport and a man by the name of Ply, last Saturday week, Ply received such a blow in the face as to break his cheekbone and injure the sight of one eye. It is said he will sue for damages. Davenport gave the blow with his fist.

County Court adjourned without taking any steps toward building a courthouse. John Cowdrey, building commissioner, resigned and James Wickersham was appointed to his place. We trust that "Uncle Jim" will have a report of some kind to make at next court. We need a courthouse and we need it badly.

We had the pleasure of seeing some flour corn ground at the Yellville mill last Friday. The corn was brought in by Mr. H. T. Gaines who stated that he raised about 18 bushels of it on one half acre of ground. It would take an expert to tell the difference between the flour it made and that made from wheat, and Mr. Gaines says it makes fine biscuits. Our people should try this corn as our soil is well adapted to its growth.


After careful study and three weeks' trial, we have come to the conclusion that we have not the time to devote to any other profession than the one of our choice - the newspaper. We have, therefore, made arrangements with Harris & O'Neal to take entire charge of the law and real estate business that has been entrusted to our care, and we will devote our whole life in the newspaper work, believing we can be of more service to the county in that line than in any other. We are sincere in wishing to help build up this county, and our every thought should be toward that end. We stopped here less than two years ago, a northern stranger, without a dollar but lots of nerve. We found ready and profitable employment among the kind people here which has been the means of our getting on "our feet" again. This and other things has caused us to love the country; and now we look upon the evergreen hills and silvery streams as fondly as though we had been reared here from childhood. This county has a great future before it; its glittering ores have attracted men of progress and capitol to us; and the hundreds of other natural advantages it possesses cannot fail to bring it to the front. But a great and momentous question arises. Will the people be ready for the wealth that is sure to come, and will they be able to keep it here? Or will they suffer our wealth to be digged up and carried to some other place for employment? Now is the time the people of this county must strike or the golden opportunity will be lost forever. We must have more and better schools and buildings. We must have better church and county buildings. We must down the legal sale of whiskey. We must treat strangers with all the respect possible and encourage them to come among us. We must silence the chronic croakers, who being too lazy to work, almost starve, and are always talking disparagingly of the country. To accomplish the above, looks like a Herculean task, but we intend to do our best to mold the sentiment of our people in that direction, hoping that all progressive citizens will back us in our efforts.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Berry on whose marriage in Washington City we spoke of last week arrived here on their way to the groom's home at Yellville last Monday, and in the evening were given a reception at the Eagle Hotel and a serenade by the Cornet Band. "Wallie" is to be congratulated on securing so charming a lady for his future partner. Mrs. Berry is a gifted as well as accomplished musician and delighted her friends with some excellent music during her stay here. We hope to have them visit us often. Harrison Times.

FROM PEEL - April 2, 1889 ECHO, ECHO: We have had an interesting debate here between Elder S. L. Riley, of the Baptist church, and Elder Thomas Nowland of the Christian, or Campbellite church. Elder Riley affirmed that repentance and faith were the only gospel prerequisites to pardon. Elder Nowland denied. Elder Nowland affirmed that baptism preceded by faith and repentance were the gospel prerequisites to pardon. Elder Riley denied. Five hours were given to each affirmation, and a very attentive congregation was present during the discussion. The conduct of the disputants was dignified and respectable. A majority of Elder Nowland's brethren claims a victory for him; but Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians and outsiders say that Riley gained a signal victory.
       It was certainly one of the most interesting religious debates I ever attended, and the very best of feeling appeared to prevail throughout the whole discussion. Observer.


April 19, 1889 Issue (Top)

There are 185,000 acres of government land yet in Marion County that can be homesteaded.

The Izard County courthouse was burned by incendiary on the night of April 10th. All the records were destroyed. There was $2000 insurance.

Russell Harrison, son of President Harrison, was arrested in New York City the other day charged with libel. He gave a $5000 bond for his appearance and was released from custody. The charge was preferred by ex-Gov. Crosby, of Montana, who had Harrison arrested for accusing him of stealing.


The little four year old son of A. W. Wickersham, is very sick.

Sheriff Poynter and Deputy Sheriff Drake started to Little Rock last Friday with the county's revenue.

Dr. Bryan and his new wife are visiting the Doctor's mother at Marshall.

John Cowdrey and family went to Bawcom's Mill fishing yesterday. We have not learned the result.

P. Putnam and son of Lead Hill is visiting his brother, D. C. Putnam at this place.

Will McDonald has been very sick for a few days but is better now.

Dr. Coker reports the birth of two children this week. Mrs. Dunn gave birth to a fine girl, and Mrs. Sam York to a bouncing boy.

Neal Dodd and Dr. Bryan accompanied by Misses Hattie McDowell and Emma Weast took in Harrison last week.

Rial Garrett, our young and competent School Examiner, was in town last Saturday and made The Echo a pleasant call.

McBride arrived with his hands and tools yesterday and went to work at once on his brick kiln. The kiln will be erected in Mrs. Tutt's field.

Mrs. Daniel Stockton, who has been visiting her mother and other relatives and friends here, left for her home in Baxter County last week.

We have four good farms for sale on easy terms and very cheap. All letters of inquiry answered with pleasure. Harris and O'Neal.

Neal Dodd, of Marion County, one of our Land Office aspirants and one of the cleanest, ablest young Republicans in this district, was in town this week. -- Harrison Times.

Hon. J. C. Floyd and wife and "baby" arrived home last Friday. We were all glad to again shake hands with the man who, as our Representative, not only won a name for himself, but for our great and growing county.

Miss Priscilla Bawcom, who has been suffering for over four years with encysted tumor on the neck, submitted to a surgical operation last Friday. Drs. Pierce, Elam, Jobe and Bryan performed the operation and succeeded nicely in removing the tumor. The patient is doing well.

Dr. E. E. Adams, of Big Flat, was in town last Monday, and of course paid The Echo office a visit. He informed us that Albert Long and William Palmer, of Wayne County, Ill., have moved to this county. We are all well acquainted with Mr. Palmer and Mr. Long, and hope they will like Marion County as well as we do.

Mr. A. L. Dirst, an enterprising Marion County man, has gone into the nursery business, and is prepared to furnish nursery stock for our people. This is a move that should meet with hearty encouragement, as every man who opens up an industry of this kind does that much toward building up the county. Our readers will please read his card which appears in The Echo this week, carefully.

       Contract is let to Mr. E. D. McBride of Harrison. Work is to begin this week. House to be 32 by 54 feet; wall one foot thick, and 16 feet from floor to ceiling. Vestibule 10 feet square with bell tower. [The remainder of this is cut off.]

       Last Sunday evening, it was whispered around that there would be a prominent wedding at the Presbyterian Church after evening services. The result of this news, as well as to hear an interesting sermon, the church was filled at an early hour, almost to suffocation. The congregation was not disappointed in the least; for the Rev. D. C. Ross preached one of the greatest sermons of his life to one of the most attentive audiences. Promptly at 9 o'clock p.m. the church doors were thrown open, a wedding march was played by Mrs. Baker, and Dr. Bryan and Miss Emma Weast, accompanied by Neal Dodd as brideman and Miss Hattie McDowell as bridemaid, marched up to the altar and were married. As soon as the ceremony was over, the newly married couple changed places with the brideman and bridemaid, and to the surprise of all present, the latter couple were married also; Rev. D. C. Ross officiating in both cases. A wedding march was then played, the newly married parties returned to their carriages, the congregation was dismissed and everybody went home heartily wishing the newly wedded long life and true happiness. The young people who have taken upon themselves the vows of marriage, are well known and highly respected residents of Yellville. The Echo joins in wishing them a prosperous and happy voyage over the stormy sea of life.


April 26, 1889 Issue (Top)

At Kirbyville, Taney County, Mo., Mrs. White dreamed of seeing a dead body under a certain large rock in the neighborhood. The dream so impressed her that she made an examination and beneath the stone found the badly decomposed body of a human being. At last accounts the remains had not been identified.


Scott Ham has moved into the Indian Nation.

Jim Drake makes a first class deputy sheriff.

Mrs. Jones' school is progressing finely.

The brick kiln is being rapidly built.

Dr. John Morrow has gone to Wiley's Cove and entered upon the practice of medicine.

C. C. Poynter, by the capture and return of Hankins, adds another feather to his cap.

Miss Belle Ham, while clerking at a store in the Indian Nation, fell downstairs and hurt herself badly.

A ladies Aid society has been organized for the purpose of raising money to help build our new church.

Dr. Beebe is with us again and of course is using all his wonderful energy working up the mining interests of this county.

W. Q. Seawel and E. V. M. Powel have gone to St. Louis. We presume for the purpose of working up the mineral interests of this county.

Just as we were going to press, our jailbirds broke jail. The editor of The Echo ran Hankins down and captured him. Keeling is still at large.

Mrs. Bradbury, who was sent from this town several years ago to the insane asylum, and who was reported dead, is yet alive but is in very poor health.

A. W. Childers and S. L. Meadows, of Wayne County, Mo., arrived in our town last Saturday, and will become citizens of this county. Mr. Childers will occupy the George Wickersham property and Mr. Meadows moved into the house vacated by Isam Cantrell.

Last Wednesday night a house of ill-fame at Fletcher's Mill four miles south of town was visited by the citizens of the community, and the inmates told to leave. This they refused to do. Several shots were fired into the roof of the house in the hopes of scaring the inmates to terms, but instead of getting scared, several shots were fired at the outside parties by friends of the inmates. The assailants then went away, but Thursday night went back, carried everything out of the house and set fire to the building. The house, which was worthless, was burned up. The women then left the neighborhood and we understand have located at Oakland.

Sheriff Poynter and Deputy Drake returned last Saturday from taking Haywood Chaffin to the State Penitentiary. On their return, they stopped and captured Hiram Hankins, whom it will be remembered made his escape from our jail last fall just after Circuit Court had adjourned. [abstract]


Johnson, the eye Dr. left Monday for parts unknown.

Dr. L. E. McCurry is doing a lively business. He is a young doctor, and we wish him success.

Miss Janie Williams has been quite sick this past week, but is convalescent.

Some unknown gentleman, while passing by J. F. Jackson's last Sunday night emptied his revolver. [abstract]

YELLVILLE READING SOCIETY [cut off at bottom of page but continues at the top of the next column] Swofford, Mr. J. S. Benton, Mr. Thos. Jefferson, Miss Ella Noe, and Misses and Emma and Dalia Hudson. An extract from The Lady of The Lake was then read by the society and commented on to the pleasure and profit of all present. The society then adjourned to meet at the residence of Prof. W. R. Jones next Monday night. Miss Jeannie Hudson, Secretary.

At a meeting of the citizens of Yellville April 23, 1889, the following proceedings were had: W. R. Jones was chosen as chairman who stated that the object of the meeting was to respect the 30th day of April as the day of thanksgiving as set apart by the president of the U.S. A motion was made and carried that we have religious services at 9 a.m. of said day. A motion was made and carried that all business men of the town be requested to close the doors of their place of business at the ringing of the church bell at 9 o'clock a.m. and remain closed until services are over. A motion was carried that a committee be appointed to arrange a program for a patriotic meeting in the p.m. Dr. Coker, Dr. Bryan and Mr. J. E. Wickersham were chosen as committee. It was moved and carried that The Echo be requested to publish the proceedings of the meeting. Adjourned. J. S. Cowdrey, Secretary.

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