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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() September 1888 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown September 7, 1888 Issue CROW PROUD BIRD! STORM SWEPT LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. Jno. H. Thompson, Jr. and family have moved out into the Cowan barrens to live. Charlie Wilson entertained a number of his young friends at the hotel on Wednesday night. Wanted - a quiet, good natured, industrious girl, to do general housework. W. R. Jones. Sheriff Keeter and his deputy, J. M. Keeter, Jr., will start to Little Rock today with Irvin Williams. Elbert Noe is visiting relatives in Missouri. He will take in the Springfield fair before he returns home. Mr. J. W. Baldwin, formerly a resident of this place, and associated with his father in the publication of the Vidette, has entered the ministry. Hons. S. W. Peel and E. P. Watson have published appointments for their joint canvass. They speak at Yellville on Friday, October 5th. Mr. L. L. Seawel started on Tuesday to Atlus(sic), Franklin county, where he will enter Central Collegiate Institute, the Southern Methodist College for Arkansas. Capt. Woodbury is building a new steamboat at Batesville to be called the J. P. Eagle. Capt. Smith has changed the name of his new boat, and she will hereafter be known as the steamer "Bandana." Court adjourned last Saturday and Judge Powell started for his home at Melbourne on Sunday morning. A special term of court will be held here in December, commencing on the first Monday. Mr. A. H. Cowan, of the Cowan barrens, gave us yesterday a few samples of his peach crop. They were the largest we have seen and were very toothsome. The editor and the "devil" both extend thanks, Mr. Cowan. Mr. John Cheek, who was in town Wednesday, informed us that his grandchild, daughter of Randolph and Minerva Cheek, of Blythe township, died on the night of August 27th, age between ten and eleven months. Mr. W. I. Lefevers, who has for a number of years carried the keys of "old stony," has resigned the position of jailer. Mr. Ab. Huchison as been appointed to fill the vacancy. "Uncle Billy" doubtless thought there was "too much sugar for a cent" in the business. Kenneth Hudson says he talked with more men and pulled more fodder than any other candidate in the field. But K. J. was on the wrong side of the fence, and Taylor will winter on the fodder. However, K. J. ran ahead of his ticket, a fact in itself a compliment. He should be, and doubtless is, satisfied. A petition was circulated and signed by a large number of citizens, asking the governor to pardon Irvin Williams, who was convicted of seduction at the late term of court and sentenced to one day's imprisonment in the penitentiary. If the pardon should not be granted, Mr. Williams would lose his citizenship, and it is quite likely the governor will intercede. There were three candidates in the field for justice of the peace and the same number for constable in this township. The candidates themselves made no effort, but were "in the hands of their friends." The candidates were Hon. Wm. Horn and Messrs. A. J. Noe and W. J. Moreland for J.P., and Messrs. Geo. Lawson, Dan Reed and Sam Sharp for constable. Messrs. Noe and Horn were elected J.P. and George Lawson knocked the constable persimon(sic) with a long pole. Mr. Austin Brown, of Peel Franklin township, writes to inform the public that he was not a candidate for county judge, and that the votes he received were unsolicited by him. He says he knew nothing of his name being used in this connection until Monday, when he learned that in some portions of the county he would receive a scattering vote. He further says: "I went into the Democratic convention in good faith, and I still have the faith. If I were to go back on the convention, I would be a traitor to myself and the Democratic party. I would no more deceive anyone in politics than I would in anything else, for I am opposed to dirt in elections in any form." Judge Brown very sincerely thanks his friends for past favors and their continued confidence, and fully explains that he had no intention of running. His letter is crowded out but the above gives the main points. CIRCUIT COURT ITEMS The grand jury returned 32 bills of indictment. The Fox case which was remanded by the Supreme Court, was not prosed. Hiram Hankins was indicted by the late grand jury for selling liquor without license, and in default of bail was sent to jail. Irvin Williams, charged with assault with intent to kill, was acquitted. He plead guilty to breach of the peace and was fined $10. Hon. B. B. Hudgins was Williams' attorney. There were three cases against Mack Meriott for selling liquor without license. Two cases were tried by jury and the defendant was found guilty in both. In the first case he was fined $200, and in the second $300. He plead guilty to the third and was fined $200. The fines and costs in the case will amount to about $750. Meriott was put in jail, but has since made his escape. Court adjourned Saturday evening to the first Monday in December. At this special term, Doc Blankenship's case will come up for trial. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS THE COUNTY JAIL Well, no matter. Talking about the county jail does not make it secure, if so, The Echo would long since would have had it made so. BAXTER COUNTY ITEMS Accidentally Shot. John Hall, a sixteen year old boy, whose parents live in Marion county, was accidentally shot at Gassville last Monday by Thos. Montgomery. The two boys, Hall and Montgomery, were on their way to Missouri, and stopping at Gassville went into Cox & Denton ware room to oil an old pistol which they had with them, and while thus engaged, Montgomery accidentally let the hammer fall upon a cartridge and the pistol fired, inflicting a dangerous if not fatal wound upon his comrade, the ball lodging in his thigh. Dr. B. F. Denton dressed the wound and took the young man to his house for treatment.Dropped Dead. Last Thursday Mr. A. S. Stratton, who lived five miles south of town, dropped dead at his home while having some words with one Dunn, who lived near by. The facts as related to us are about as follows: Dunn had gone to Stratton's house to borrow a pair of scales and was refused, when a quarrel followed. Stratton was standing in the door and Dunn was in the yard, and Dunn threatening violence picked up a couple of rocks when Stratton suddenly fell upon the floor and died immediately. Dunn left the premises and has not been seen since. Mr. Stratton was one of the first settlers of the country, and was a peaceful and law abiding citizen. He had been affected with heart disease, for several years, which under the intense excitement, is thought to have been the immediate cause of his death. ******* September 14, 1888 Issue (Top) TWO INCENDIARY FIRES LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. R. J. Wilson and family are visiting friends at Oakland. Messrs. William and John Weast have returned from their trip to the Indian Nation. The recent burglaries and the burning of the school house and church have fully aroused the people of Yellville. Mr. Wm. Fielding and family, of Harrison, returned home Monday, after a short visit with Mr. Isaac Wilson's family. Yellville has at last got rid of a great nuisance - the Widow Watkins and her interesting(?) family. The citizens made up a purse and sent her hence one day this week. Drs. Wilson and Bryan attended the meeting of the District Medical Society held in Gassville Wednesday. They report a pleasant meeting and hospitable entertainment. We are not advised as to what the directors will do in regard to the school. The attendance has been quite large and we doubt that there is a room in town that would accommodate all the students. Prof. J. W. Blankinship, principal of the Rally Hill Academy, was in town Saturday and gave The Echo a short call. His school opens October 1st. Mr. John A. Gilley, of this county, is one of the professor's assistants. Honors are crowding thick and fast upon J. C. Floyd, Esq. First, his wife presented him with a fine daughter, a few days later he was elected Representative of his county, and this week elected judge (special) of the circuit court. The case of the State vs. Ben Stinnet, for assault and battery, which has been on the Baxter county circuit court docket for four or five years, has at last been disposed of. The case was not prosed at the present term of the Baxter court. The total number of votes polled in Marion county at the recent election was 1,416. Two years ago the popular vote reached something over 1,500. Not half the voters in Buffalo township voted, and in other townships the turnout was small. That the school house and Methodist church were fired by an incendiary is a fact beyond question, but the cause of the hellish acts is a mystery. There are several theories, but the matter is absolutely wrapped in mystery. The citizens of the town should organize and make a united effort to solve this mystery and punish the perpetrators of the crime. Geo. Lawson and Ben Weast took Doc Blankinship to Harrison last week and placed him in the Boone county jail for safe keeping. Mr. McFann, of Taney county, Mo., one of Blankinship's attorneys, informs us that the report that Blankinship had served a term in the Missouri penitentiary for rape, was a mistake. The crime for which he was sent to the pen. was for assault with intent to kill. As the report was published in The Echo, from and exchange, we cheerfully make the correction and give the prisoner his due. ******* September 21, 1888 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS Judge Floyd returned from Mountain Home on Saturday evening. Elbert Noe returned Saturday evening from Missouri. He attended the Springfield fair and says he had a pleasant visit. Mr. B. L. Weast will soon commence building a tin shop between B. F. Fee's residence and J. C. Floyd's law office. Most of the lumber is now on the ground. On Wednesday of last week (the same day the Methodist church was burned) an attempt was made to burn the Seawel mill. Burnt paper was found in a room which is seldom used. The school opened on Monday morning at the Masonic hall. The cotton picking season is near at hand, and the school will be considerably reduced in numbers until crops are gathered. Our young friend, Jack Fraley, of Batesville, is visiting Assessor Craven's family in White River township. Jack and his winsome nieces, Misses Fannie and Mae Cravens, paid Yellville a short visit yesterday. On Thursday evening, just as The Echo was being put to press, the alarm of fire again startled the natives of this village. Upon investigation it was found that the fence near the parsonage barn was on fire. The flames were promptly extinguished and another conflagration was prevented. The fire was undoubtedly intended to destroy the barn and parsonage. On last Saturday night between eight and nine o'clock, Mr. W. P. ("Babe") Langston, of Desoto township, and Miss Tuttie Wiggins, of this place, eloped with matrimonial intent. It is not known whether they went to Missouri or to some of the adjoining counties in this state, to have the ceremony performed. Miss Wiggins is between 14 and 15 years of age and her mother objected to her marriage. Quite a large number of our citizens of the town are of one opinion as to who burned the school house and church, but whether their opinion is correct or not is yet to be proven by stronger evidence than has yet has been developed. Perhaps with a little more discretion on the part of the certain individual, the innocence or guilt of the party suspected would have been proven before this. Some people have Brother Blaine's fault -- They write too many letters. Irvin Williams, who was convicted of seduction at the late term of court and sentenced to the penitentiary one day, was granted a pardon by Gov. Hughes after having remained in the penitentiary 24 hours to a minute. The pardon was merely granted to restore his citizenship and does not relieve him of the $25 fine which was imposed on him. Sheriff Keeter returned from Little Rock Friday evening with Williams, and while out for a stroll with one of the sheriff's sons, Williams concluded to go up to his home in Boone county to see his children, and he accordingly went and has not yet returned. The fine and costs remain unpaid, but the sheriff is of the opinion that Williams will come back and settle up. FLIPPIN FACTS A bouncing 10 pound boy at James Flippin's. Dr. Robinson was master of ceremonies. We are informed that Mr. Abner Cox and family, of Georgia, will soon occupy the Dr. Waters' log mansion on East Goat street, while Dr. Robinson is strongly ensconced on West Front Colorado street, and is handing out the pills quite lively. ... W. B. F. Jr. ******* September 28, 1888 Issue (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS "Old Stony" has one occupant. Lefevers would greatly oblige the P.M. by keeping less noise in the P.O. at night, as it is no loafing shop. P.M. Mr. T. R. Wheeler, who is teaching school near Monarch, was in town Saturday. His school is progressing finely. R. F. Patterson, Esq., of Prairie township, called to see us yesterday and left with us some nice specimens of apples grown by him. Rev. Downing, the Presbyterian minister, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday, and also on Sunday following. Frank Davis, a merchant of Clear Creek, Ark., goes home tonight after a short stay in the city. Springfield (Missouri) Herald, 21st inst. Our young friend, Roney Davis, closed his school near town, in district number 44, last Friday. Roney is one of the best young teachers in the county. Mr. E. T. Record, of Oakland, passed through town yesterday from Marshall, where he goes on duty for your Uncle Sam, at the distillery near or at Marshall. Misses Mary and Ida Cox, of Gassville, started last week to Arkadelphia to enter college at that place. They will graduate this year. - Baxter County Citizen. Mr. Jos. G. Adams, of this county, will leave today for Little Rock where he will attend medical college this winter. He has The Echo's best wishes for success in his studies. Mr. A. S. Layton has had a large barn built on the lot east of his residence. It is nicely furnished and presents a more handsome appearance than half the houses in town, including stores and private residences. ![]() Top of Page