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Mt. Echo Newspaper
January 1888 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

Dividing Line

January 6, 1888 Issue


A Kentucky woman presented her husband with four babies - two boys and two girls - on Christmas night. Kentucky is a great state.

James Meltcher, a young man about 23 years of age, committed suicide in a hotel at Melbourne, Izard county, on the third inst., by shooting himself with a shotgun. The young man's father lives in St. Louis.

The Rev. Dr. A. R. Winfield, editor of the Arkansas Methodist, died at his home in Little Rock, on December 27th, of pneumonia. Dr. Winfield was one of the pioneer preachers of Arkansas, and was an eloquent and earnest divine. He has held many high positions in his church and his place will be hard to fill. He was 65 years of age and came to this state 42 years ago. He was born in Haywood county, Tenn.


George Wickersham has gone to Bruno to sell goods this year.

Holder of ticket number 1,111 is entitled to the music box at W. Q. Seawel's.

Mr. Z. M. Horton, the handsome young attorney of Mtn. Home, was attending county court this week.

John Covington has moved to Mrs. Seawel's house, in the lower part of town, lately vacated by Mr. Blake's family.

Misses Barbara and Tennie Thompson are boarding with J. I. Thompson and attending Prof. Jones' school.

Mr. T. A. Blake, superintendent of the mines of Buffalo Zinc & Copper Company, has moved his family down to the mines.

Mayor J. M. Bartlett and wife left yesterday for Marion county. They will be absent for several days. -- Batesville Pilot, December 30.

Prof. Jones' subscription school opened on Monday morning with 40 students in attendance. He is teaching at the Masonic hall.

Mr. W. C. McBee, of White River, has been quite low with pneumonia for over a week, but we are glad to learn from Dr. Noe that his fever has given way and he is now improving.

Squire W. T. Gooch and J. R. Sheppard, two of the good citizens of Prairie township, favored The Echo with a pleasant call Tuesday. They left us with evidence of their appreciation of The Echo.

This is Leap Year. The editor of this noble sheet would modestly inform young ladies who are able to support two and split kindling that he is "heart whole and fancy free" and open for an engagement.

Dr. W. L. Massey, a former Marion county boy, now residing in Pope county, where he enjoys a good practice in his profession, spent the holidays with his father's family and old friends in Hampton township. He was in town Wednesday and gave us a short call and ordered The Echo sent to his address.

Only a very few people attended the "watch meeting" on Saturday night at the Methodist Church. The few present heard a good sermon by Rev. J. H. Bradford, and at the solemn hour of midnight, while the bell sadly tolled the knell of the departing year, on bended knees bid farewell to the old and welcome to the new year.

Bob Lefevers is now swinging the hammer and blowing the bellows at Thompson and Covington's shop.

Your attention is called to the card of J. W. Harris, Esq. Mr. Harris is a graduate of the law school of Ann Arbor, Mich., and has had several years practice in the profession. He pays special attention to land matters, and there is not a better posted man in the county in this particular line.

Your attention is called to the card of the Yellville Livery Stable which will be found on the first page. Our young friend, Charlie Wilson, will have the stable in charge and solicits the patronage of the public. Charlie will always be found attentive to the wants of the public, and should, and doubtless will, receive a liberal patronage.

Master Palmer and Willie Black, nephews of Mrs. Mollie P. Barb of White River, and J. B. Mason, of the Batesville Pilot, arrived from Stanton, Tenn., on last Sunday on a visit to their uncle, T. J. Barb, of White River. They are quite young travelers, the oldest being about ten years of age, but they made the trip alone to West Plains, where they were met by Mr. Barb.

Messrs. John Nanny and Henry Maxey, who leased or rented Mr. Linn Adams' cotton gin, in Hampton township, have been forced to abandon it and will haul their cotton to the Cleghorn gin. Important parts of the machinery of the gin have been broken or removed at three different times, by some unprincipled parties unknown, and Nanny & Maxey, find it impossible to keep the gin in running order without great expense and delay. The guilty parties should be found out and punished.

Quite an interesting trial came off yesterday in Prairie township before Esq. W. T. Gooch. Old man Willis Wright and his son, and Amos York, were arrested upon a charge of larceny, the affidavit having been filed by Jos. D. Dodd. It was claimed that the accused had killed a stray steer. The affair created considerable excitement in the neighborhood, but up to time of going to press, we had not learned the result of the trial. J. C. Floyd represented the state and B. F. Fee the defendants.

Sheriff Keeter and his son, J. M. Keeter, Jr., commenced collecting taxes in Hampton township today and will be in Prairie tomorrow.

Jailbirds - Rebecca Watkins and Calvin Keeling - have been giving the jailer a little trouble the past few days, and the jail is now guarded at night. Keeling, who was confined in the upper room of the jail, attempted to effect his escape the night before Christmas by removing a stone from the wall, but the aperture was too small. The next day, Mr. Lefevers, the jailer, had the prisoner to exchange cells, Keeling going below and the woman upstairs, and a few nights since we learn that the woman was planning to escape. It was discovered she had soaked with coal oil some of the timbers near the place where Keeling removed the stone, her intention being to burn her way out. Since then the prisoners have again changed quarters and a guard placed over them. Keeling is indicted for not working the road and is also charged with adultery.

       The Echo chronicles with sadness the following deaths.
       Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Weast, died Monday night.
       The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. P. Sims, who live about four miles south of town, died Monday night, aged about two years.
       Mrs. Sally Keeter, aged about 65 years, died at her home, about five miles southwest of town, on Tuesday evening.

Dick Jones, of Berryville, was arrested in Harrison Friday by a post office detective on the charge of being the perpetrator of the mail robbery between Carrollton and Eureka Springs. We hear that Jones was tried at Eureka Springs and acquitted, and that one Tibbets, who had furnished evidence against Jones, was arrested on suspicion of being engaged in the robbery. - Boone Banner.


Friday January 13, 1888 Issue (Top)


Rev. Horace Jewell will act as editor of the Arkansas Methodist until the perfection of an arrangement to fill the position permanently.

Hugh M. Brooks, the St. Louis "trunk murderer," under sentence of death for the murder of C. Arthur Preller, has joined the Catholic Church. Brooks' appeal is now pending in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hon. S. W. Peel has been appointed chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs. The right man in the right place, as it is generally conceded that Col. Peel is one of the best posted men in Congress on Indian affairs.

Hon. Jordan E. Cravens, of Johnson county, is good gubernatorial timber, and would be an acceptable candidate to the great northwest. Of all the honorable gentlemen mentioned in connection with the governorship, none possesses better qualifications or are more deserving than ex-congressman Cravens.


Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cowdrey visited Harrison last week. They are now at home.

Mr. Newt. Watts died at his home four miles south of Yellville, on Tuesday. His disease was pneumonia.

Prof. Jones informs us that his school is increasing in numbers. The average attendance this week was 56.

Old man Wright and the other parties charged with killing a stray steer in Hampton township were discharged.

Mr. L. Davenport, of George's Creek, has returned from his visit to Alabama. He arrived at home last Friday.

Mrs. Abigail Seawel has been quite sick this week, threatened with pneumonia, but is now reported better and improving.

There is considerable sickness in the Sims and Watts neighborhood, about four miles south of town. Pneumonia is the prevalent disease, and is proving quite fatal.

Prof. Jones is teaching several orphan children free of charge. This is the kind of charity we like. Home first and the world afterwards. Before trying to educate and civilize the heathen Chinese, we think the heathens at our own door claim our first attention.

Kenneth Hudson and George Fee have made a rich find of lead on their ranch on James Creek. They brought us a specimen of the mineral, which is a solid piece of lead with perhaps a good percent of silver. They say there are "dead loads" of the mineral on their place. That it is valuable, there can be no doubt.

Mr J. W. Briggs gave us last week a specimen of slate rock, which was taken from his place near town. Slate is said to be a good indication of coal. A coal mine would prove a regular bonanza in connection with our zinc and copper, and we think the indications of coal in this county would justify thorough and systematic prospecting.

Pink Fagg, who killed S. A. Doran, at Fort Smith, was tried in the Greenwood circuit court last week, on a change of venue. The jury found him guilty of manslaughter, but disagreed as to the punishment. It is said that Fagg has served two terms in the penitentiary for murder, while Doran is reported to have killed 25 men, and served one term in the penitentiary.


Judge Flippin and lady have returned from a visit to Lead Hill.

We are glad to say that W. C. McBee is getting along as well as can be expected and sincerely hope to see him at his post soon. It is true that McBee is small in person but in mercantile lines he weighs a ton. That prince of all good fellows, C. C. Poynter, has charge of McBee's store, and judging from the appearances, is doing a land office business.

Uncle Jas. Jackson is going to go to Memphis, on the first boat, to lay in a mammoth stock of merchandise. Tom Flippin, the efficient clerk, says when Jackson gets back that Flippin will get on a regular boom, put on city style, and have no corner lots.Jas. Wood and Sue Hutcherson were "spliced" last week in marriage. May their life's pathway be strewn with thornless flowers and its routine of daily duties yield only the sweet products of domestic bliss and happiness. ...W. B. F., Jr. *Wm B Flippin Jr)


Joe Johnson has become quite sick with pneumonia, but is now convalescent, I learn.

No marriages or deaths to report. ... Emma Lawson, January 8, 1888


Friday, January 20, 1888 Issue (Top)


Col. Peel has appointed his son, David M. Peel, clerk of the Committee on Indian Affairs.

A. F. Davis was indicted in Newton county for selling a bottle of McLean's Strengthening Cordial and fined $200 and the supreme court has affirmed the decision. -- Harrison Times.


Will and John Weast have returned from a trip to Arkansas River.

The arrival of bouncing boys is announced by Dr. Coker and Prof. Jones. Both say they have the finest boy in town.

Mr. Wm. Wilson and Miss Lizzie Fee, daughter of Judge Henderson Fee, were united in Marriage on Thursday night, January 12th.

Mr. George Lawson and wife went up to Harrison last week and have not yet returned home. Mrs. Lawson went up to have her eyes treated.

[Mrs. or Mr.] J. Frank Wilson has returned to town, after spending a month in the country with Uncle Johnnie and Aunt Ollie Phillips and other friends.

Virgil, the five-year old son of Mr. Wm. Cowdrey is quite low with typho-malarial fever. Claude Cowdrey, who was first attacked with the same fever, has about recovered.

Mrs. J. S. Cowdrey did not return from Harrison last week as The Echo stated. Mr. Cowdrey returned, but Mrs. C. is still up there under treatment of Dr. Kirby for a throat trouble.

An obituary of Mr. Samuel Brooksher, who died on the 16th inst., at the residence of his son, Mr. W. R. Brooksher, Sr., of Blythe township will be found in another column. He was in his 87th year.

Grayson, the 16-year old son of Mr. R. H. Callahan, died at his father's residence two and a half miles south of town on last Monday evening. He was first taken with typho-malarial fever, which developed into pneumonia. The family have our sincere sympathy.

A Negro woman down at Yellville gave birth to five boy children one day last week, and said that was mere child's play to what she could do if she tried. -- Boone Banner.

Why not tell a "good one" while you're at it? Make it an even half dozen. But perhaps the Banner is superstitious and bets on odd numbers.

Eli Bearden, the fortunate individual who still lives, notwithstanding the death sentence was passed upon him by our court several years ago, gets his copy of The Times at McBee's Landing, Marion county, these days, and pays for it like a man who is prospering. -- Harrison Times. He also takes his county paper and pays for it.

Dollie NoeWm. Lefevers
Ben WardThomas Butler
Walter SeawelHattie Bradford
Nellie ReedMary Berry
Joseph WhiteAlbert Estes
John HurstOdelia Stockton
Nannie WigginsElbert Noe
James BiggsMollie Estes
Barbara ThompsonMary Pierce
W. R. Jones, Teacher

Eros, Arkansas, January 13, 1888

Mr. F. M. Howard and his amiable wife have returned from Monroe county where they have been visiting for several weeks. We gladly welcome them back.

On or about New Years Day, Mesdames. Wm. Maxwell, G. A. Glen and D. A. Gooch presented their husbands with brand new babies, Dr. G. W. Jobe making the delivery -- of the presentation speeches. Each man wears a smile about a yard long.

A short time ago Carson Stanley and a Miss Tyler resolved themselves into a committee of two, with power to increase the number.

Our neighbor, Mr. Bob Patterson, we are sorry to say, is still lingering with fever. Also Mr. Will Ingle is very sick.

       Samuel Brooksher was born in Spartenburg District, South Carolina, August 25, 1800, and died in Marion county, Arkansas, January 16, 1888. He was married to Nancy Wilson (date unknown); was the father of six children, two sons and four daughters. Moved with his family to Georgia in 1845, where he lived until 1882, when, having been bereft of his companion, he came to Arkansas and found a home with his son, W. R. Brooksher, until called to his home above.
       Brother Brooksher was converted in early life and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for over 50 years has been a faithful soldier of the cross. He loved his Master and loved his church. Many of the preachers in the Arkansas conference remember Grandpa Brooksher.
       Everything that loving hearts and kind hands could do was done for him in his last hours, and when the writer visited him and saw how tenderly his son lifted him and how careful he was to attend his every want, I thought of the first commandment with promise, so often quoted by me to children: "Honor thy father that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth."
       There is a vacant chair in the home, but thank God his sufferings are ended and Heaven is richer. His influences as a father, a Christian, a neighbor still lives. His five living children and many of his grandchildren are members of the church. May the Lord grant them a happy reunion in our Father's house above.
"Servant of God well done,
Rest from thy loved employ;
The battle fought, the victory won,
Enter thy Master's joy."
... J. H. Bradford


Friday, January 27, 1888 Issue(Top)


Cora Lee is on trial for the second time at Springfield, Mo., charged with being accessory to the murder of Mrs. Sarah Graham in 1885.


Helen will have electric lights in sight of thirty days.


Dr. Hart, of Mtn. Home, was in town a day or two this week.

Mr. John P. Sims, who was in town Wednesday, reported that the sick in his neighborhood were improving.

Local news around and about town this week is distressingly scarce. The all absorbing topic is the Hudspeth case.

Mrs. J. S. Cowdrey returned from Harrison last Wednesday much improved. Mrs. DeRoos Bailey came down with her.

John H. Thompson, Jr. is entertaining a new arrival at his house - a young lady, who made her appearance on last Saturday. We hope she has come to stay.

Last week someone reported that the bones of Watkins had been found and would be exhibited at the trial of Andy Hudspeth. As we expected, the report proved to be all a hoax.

On Thursday evening of last week, Mr. Ben Weast met with an accident that came near proving serious. While driving down a hill which was all covered with ice and snow, the wagon ran down on his horses, causing them to run away. Mr. Weast was thrown from the wagon and received some very painful bruises.

Quite a large number of witnesses have been summoned by the defense in the Hudspeth case which is now on trial at Harrison. Near 65 witnesses have been summoned and perhaps not more than half a dozen of them can testify anything in regard to the case, on either side. It appears to us that this is a great expense to the county for nothing.

       Nothing definite has been heard from Harrison in regard to the Hudspeth case. Witnesses returned from Harrison yesterday state that the evidence both for the state and defense was all in, and the argument probably commenced yesterday afternoon. The lawyers in the case are: For the state - prosecuting attorney Bailey, Hudgins Story and Vol. Walker. For the defense - Floyd, Harris, Pace and Murphey.

ROLL OF HONOR (Yellville School) - Third Week
Robert HurstLon Lawson
Nellie WilsonMyrtle Wilson
Virgil Weast Bennie Ward
Walter SeawelHattie Bradford
Tennie ThompsonMary Berry
John NoeJoseph White
Albert Estes John Hurst
Thos. BradfordWilliam Hudson
Nannie WigginsElbert Noe
James HiggsMollie Estes
John PierceMary Pierce
W. R. Jones, Teacher

HARRISON HASH [From the Times]

The Keith murder case from Newton county has been postponed until Thursday next.

At 8:30 o'clock last evening the residence of Mr. J. H. Thorn, in the south part of town, was destroyed by fire. Loss but partially covered by insurance.

Measles all over town and still spreading. The attacks seem rather mild, however, and the victims are laid up but a short time period.

GRAPEVINE TELEGRAPH [Stringtown Notes, January 24, 1888]

Mr. John M. Sharp's wife presented him with a 16 pound boy.

One night last week while Mr. Lige Shanks was conducting Miss Vinie Milum across the creek on the ice, to the ball, he led her into a hole of five feet of water, where the ice had been cut by some fishermen. As he went into the water, he let off a howl that was "hark from the tomb." As he came out, his last words were "farewell, Miss V." We have learned since that he wants to bet on a foot race. ... A. B. D.

VALLEY SPRINGS [January 24, 1888]

Sunday, January 15, we were electrified by the good news that there had been a wedding in the neighborhood. Mr. W. W. Mills and Miss Sarilda Rogers were joined in matrimony. We wish them a long and happy journey through life.

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