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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() August 1887 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown August 5, 1887 Issue BRIEF MENTION John Taylor, the president of the Mormon Church, died last week at Salt Lake City, Utah. An effort is being made for a reunion of Colonel John M. Harrell's battalion and the 16th Arkansas Regiment to be held at Harrison during fair week, commencing October 5th. There are a number of the "Johnny Cakes" in this county. Mrs. Samuel Kellett, of Sharpe county, offered a reward of $50 to anyone who would whip two certain women and kill another. Nine men undertook the job, and did whip the two women, and after the whipping was accomplished, the fiends held one of the women while another one outraged her. Mrs. Kellett paid over the $50 and promised to make the reward $65 when the other woman was killed. The "boodle" was not equally distributed by the man who received it, and some of his companions turned State's evidence and warrants were issued for the arrest of the perpetrators of the crime. Three of the men were captured, and several others have been apprehended. One of the women whipped is said to be a highly respectable lady, while the others are not above suspicion. Mrs. Kellett was prompted by jealousy. She will risk a trial. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. Will McBee spent Sunday in town. Circuit court convenes at Marshall next Monday. Dr. Elam, of Hampton, and Mr. R. B. Barret, of Prairie township, were in town Monday. The man, Ellis, charged with rape, was released yesterday upon a writ of habeas corpus. Overseer, Len Weast, put the boys through on the streets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Prosecuting Attorney Bailey and J. Frank Wilson, Esq., left here Tuesday morning for Marshall. Felix Huddleston, of DeSoto, has been dividing his time this week between probate court and the Institute. Judge R. H. Powell objects to the publication of the jury list until the court convenes, and hence we will not publish it. The Medical Society met at the court house yesterday. Owing to the sickness in the county, the attendance was not large. Mr. J. N. Griffin, of Oakland, was in town a day or two this week. We understand he has sold his house and lot at this place to Mr. Bud McVey. Bill Baughman, while loading a rifle gun on Tuesday morning, had ..... [unreadable] to shoot himself in the foot inflicting a painful wound. Mr. Luke Marlor, who lives on Sugar Orchard in Blythe township, is probably the oldest man in the county. He was 96 years old last June and has lived in Arkansas 50 years. Judge Wm. Horn brought in on Monday a specimen of ore from his place on George's Creek. It has the appearance of copper, and is found near the surface of the ground. The jolly tinner, Mr. Ben Weast, is out in the country this week with a good stock of ware and his fancy book. He will sell you tin ware, buy your produce, or take your order for The Echo. There will be no Sunday school at this place next Sunday or the Sunday following, on account of the camp meeting. Sunday school will be held on the camp grounds on the afternoon of those days. The commissioners of accounts met at the court house on last Monday and were engaged several days examining the books of the county offices. The commissioners are: Jon. H. Thompson, Sr., H. Fee, and W. T. Gooch, J.P. The two prisoners confined in jail here attempted to make their escape on last Saturday evening by removing a stone from the wall. They were discovered in time to prevent their escape. They have been wearing chains since then and the jail has been guarded at night. Dave Hampton on Sunday night stole a horse from Jas. Moore, who lives seven miles northwest of Yellville. Hampton is the young man who was jailed at Mtn. Home last year for forgery, and who made his escape some time ago. Officers are in pursuit of the thief. We learn that four business houses will be built at Bruno, in the southern portion of the county, in the near future. Messrs. K. F. Cantrell and John Angel, Wm. McIntyre and Felix Huddleston, Jas. Brown and E. Adkins and Dr. Geo. F. Elam are all getting ready to build. Three firms will deal in general merchandise and Dr. Elam will sell drugs. Capt. J. Dobbs, of George's Creek, was in town Wednesday and made a pleasant call. He came to town to close a trade with a party who wished to purchase his farm on George's Creek, but the trade was not consummated. Had he made the sale, Capt. Dobbs intended to move to Texas. He was not at all sorry that he did not make the trade. As he is a good substantial citizen, we are glad to retain him. It is understood that Mr. A. J. Noe, the post-master of this place, will be removed upon the recommendation of Inspector Detherage. In justice to Mr. Noe, it is well to say that his removal is directly in opposition to the will of the patrons of the Yellville post-office. He has made a faithful post-master, and that he is too feeble to attend to the duties of the office and that he is a Republican, are the reasons given by the inspector for the removal. Because he is feeble and needs the office, together with his faithfulness to the performance of his duty, is one reason the people wish him retained. As to the charge that he is a Republican, Mr. Noe says he never voted any other than the Democratic ticket. CORRESPONDENCE COLUMN From Eros. Editor Echo. Can you find space for a few items from Eros? Our farmers have finished threshing their wheat, and contrary to their expectations, it turned out remarkably well. There is some talk of a store, mill, and gin being put up at this place by a Mr. Coulter, of Bellefonte. Rev. Jenkins has closed a protracted meeting at the Glenn(?) school house. Two accessions to the church are reported. The attendance was very good. Dr. W. L. Massey of Bruno has gone to Conway county, where sickness is plenty and doctors scarce. His many friends regret to lose him, and wish him success as he is an energetic and worthy young man. ... Lancelot. FROM STRINGTOWN. Clear Creek - August 3, 1887 Some sickness in the vicinity. Mrs. Pollie Milum, wife of Jno. B. Milum, is very ill with fever. Mr. Wiley Patton, who sometime since was wounded by a wheat thresher, is fast recovering. Wheat in this part of the country made a good yield. Corn is suffering from the lack of rain. Some rust on cotton, but neither damaged badly yet. Sweet potatoes also fine. The good people of this vicinity are making preparations for the picnic at this place on the 29th. We anticipate a nice social time. There will be arrangements made to take care of all who may wish to come. Both those who wish to behave themselves, and those who do not; if any such there be, will be properly cared for. Sociability is what we want. Mr. Carson Davis left here yesterday for the foundry at Lead Hill where he will get his cane mill repaired. Mr. Tuttle of the firm of Tuttle and Hancock, of this place, went with him. Mr. C. C. Foster has purchased the residence of R. B. Compton at this place and is making some tidy improvements on the dwelling. The public school at this place has been in session for two weeks. It is a five months term and is being taught by Miss Lucie Swafford, an amiable young lady of high renown, who will no doubt rank as first class among the teachers of our country. A protracted meeting at Sugar Orchard, two miles north of this place will commence next Saturday. Bro. Mathes(?) is expected to be there to tear the bone out as preacher, while we boys tear the flesh from the chicken legs and wings. We do not know when the matrimonial fever will break out in this vicinity but think there will be no funeral occasions if the clerk will be prompt. My motto is, if you can do a man no good, be sure to do him no harm. Success to The Echo is the wish of your corespondent. ... A.B.D. FLIPPIN FACTS "All is quiet along the Potomac tonight." Our "blue eyed blondes" have all donned their Cape May hats and our aesthetic young men are all smiles again. Hon. S. W. Peel, White River's favorite M.C., passed down by our berg a few days since en route to Mtn. Home. He stopped at Flippin long enough to shake hands with several of the boys and ask a little about his fences. Frank Henenings(sp?) shot one of his fingers off while "monkeying" with a pistol last week. Grandma Flippin is 89 years old and she gets around as lively as a cat on a pallet. Home sickness in this vicinity. Mr. H. H. Poynter and wife and one of Mr. John Alford's little girls are very sick. MARRIAGE LICENSE FOR THE MONTH OF JULY August 12, 1887 Issue (Top) On night last week, a mob, took from the Jackson County jail at Jacksonport, one Boyd, charged with wife murder, and shot him to death. BURNED TO ASHES LOCAL ECHOINGS. Mr. J. S. Lawson brought in some fine melons on last Friday. He remembered The Echo. L. L. Seawel and H. A. Young have dissolved partnership. Mr. Young holds forth at the old stand and Mr. Seawel has moved his part of the goods to his brother's store. Mr. Sam Phillips, an old and respected citizen, died at his home at Oakland on the 9th inst. He was the son-in-law of Mrs. Nancy Tutt, of this place, and is well known all over the county. We take pleasure in correcting the report that Geo. Lawson was shot and killed by a horse thief last week. The report was started by some unthoughted (sic) boys here in town, and was extensively norated(sic) over the county. Geo. is a pretty lively corpse, we can tell you. Mr. J. W. Pierce, the contractor, is doing excellent work on the county jail, following out the plans and specifications of the work to a letter, except that he is doing more work than the contract requires. When Mr. Pierce gets through with it, we think our county jail will be as secure as it can be made. Mr. Pierce may not make any money out of the job, but he is doing good, substantial, honest work. Mr. Wm. R. Cook, of Lane, Kansas in a letter to the editor says John B. Watkins, of Indiana, and Lafayette Watkins, of Kansas, brothers of George Watkins, and their aged father, of Lane, Kansas, will be present at circuit court to attend the Hudspeth trial for the murder of George Watkins. He says "all we await is notice of when to start." For the benefit of all, we state that court begins here on the fourth Monday of this month, August 22nd. DAVE HAMPTON CAPTURED James Creek Township, August 7, 1887 D. Marlor is all smiles, and it is nothing but a bouncing girl that came to cheer his home on the 15th inst. FIRE NOTES The boys worked nobly. It is well there was no wind. Neal Dodd and Charlie Floyd look like orphans - and feel that way too. Our next circuit court will probably be held in the old Presbyterian church. Clerk Dodd will make his office for the present in the Wickersham building. There was but little excitement and all worked with a will and determination. A large number of the citizens of town were at camp meeting. The time for applying the torch was well chosen. Luckily, Mr. J. E. Wickersham had in his possession a certified copy of the Hudspeth indictment, which has been turned over to the clerk. It is the same copy that was served on Hudspeth, and was left in the jail here when he was taken up to Harrison. Jim got possession of it and, fortunately, took care of it. August 19, 1887 (Top) BRIEF MENTION A reunion of the 10th Arkansas Regiment, CSA, was celebrated at Beebe on the 11th inst. The Prison Mirror is the name of a paper published in a penitentiary at Stillwater, Minn. Cole Younger, the Missouri outlaw, occupies the position of printer's "devil." Had he learned the trade earlier in life, he would not now be in the "pen." A reunion of the surviving Confederates of the Battle of Oak Hills was held at Little Rock on the 10th inst. Gov. Hughes delivered the address of welcome, and speeches were made by other prominent men who were in the Battle of Oak Hills (Wilson's Creek). An excursion train on the Toledo Peoria and Western Railroad containing about six or seven-hundred passengers, drawn by two engines, went through a bridge five miles east of Forrest, Ill., while running at a speed of a mile a minute, shortly after midnight of the 10th inst. It was perhaps the most terrible railway disaster which has ever occurred. About 200 persons are known to have lost their lives and several hundred were more or less injured. The excursionists, as far as known, were from points of central Illinois. WOMAN SUFFRAGE.Senator Vest, of Missouri, gives the following reasons for being opposed to Woman Suffrage: The great evil in this country today is emotional suffrage. If the voters of this country would always think coolly(sic), and if they could deliberate, and if they could go by judgment and not by passion, our institutions would survive forever eternal, as the foundations of the continent itself; but massed together, subject to the excitement of mobs and these terrible political contests that come upon us year by year, under the autonomy of the government, what would be the result if suffrage were given to the woman of the United States? Women are essentially emotional. It is no disparagement to them that they are so. It is no more insulting to say that women are emotional than to say that they are delicately constructed physically and unfitted to become soldiers or workmen under the sterner, harder pursuits of life. What we want in this country is to avoid emotional suffrage, and what we need is to put more logic into public affairs and less feeling. There are spheres in which feeling should be paramount. There are kingdoms in which the heart should reign supreme. The kingdom belongs to woman - the realm of sentiment, the realm of love, the realm of the gentler and the holier and the kindlier attributes. I would not, I say it deliberately, degrade woman by giving her the right of suffrage. I mean the world in its full signification; because, I believe that woman as she is today, the queen of home and of hearts, is above the political collisions of this world and should always be kept above them. PUTTING IT RIGHT The Jackson County Herald enters protest to the above, in which it says "The people at Newport are not saints, nor are they saintly in their ways, but they are not the murderers of Boyd." The affair referred to occurred at Jacksonport. We received a lengthy and interesting letter from young Arthur C. Martin who escaped from his guards at Bellefonte some time ago while under arrest charged with forgery. He is at Paris, Texas, and writes to vindicate himself, claiming that his whole trouble was the result of a deep laid plan which he promised shall be ferreted out. We sincerely hope that he may in the near future be able to remove this blemish from his character. - Harrison Times. LOCAL ECHOINGS. Picnic at Clear Creek tomorrow. Rev. O. H. Tucker will preach at the M.E. church next Sunday night. A brick court house with fire proof vaults is what Marion county needs, and must have. Dr. Calvin Burnes sent us in this week some fine specimens of manganese ore from Buffalo. If you are hungry, you can find salmon, oysters, sardines, sweet crackers, ginger snaps, etc., at Henry Young's. Clerk Dodd and his deputy, Mr. James Estes, are busy getting ready for circuit court. There are some 40 odd criminal cases and several civil cases docketed. The county treasurer's books and money very luckily were not in the court house when it burned. The cash was in J. H. Berry & Son's safe and the books were in Judge H. Fee's office. Dr. J. B. Sims, of this place, has invented a car-coupler, which for simplicity and practicability rivals anything we ever saw in that line. He has sent a neat model of his invention to Springfield, where it will be submitted by railroad men. Sheriff Keeter lost about $200 in fees and script when the court house burned. Deputy Sheriff Lawson's loss amounted to about $500 in fees and script. Clerk Dodd will issue you your marriage license just the same as if his office had never burned. He can write you out a "pair" that he will warrant to never "rip, ravel or run down at the heel." The lower room of the jail has been repaired and now the jail birds may be considered safely caged. Notwithstanding the kicks of chronic growlers, Mr. Pierce has done a good job. We consider the jail as safe as the old thing can be made. While Dr. J. S. Lindley and Mrs. H. A. Young were coming into town from the camp ground on last Sunday, the team ran away with the buggy. Neither Mrs. Young or the doctor were hurt, but the buggy was slightly damaged. Circuit court convenes here on next Monday, and notwithstanding loss of most of the papers, indictments, etc., there will be considerable business before the court. Most of the indictments can be reinstated and a number of civil case will come up. The gentlemen, who pursued and captured the horse thief, paid their own expenses. If the owner of the horse is too poor or unwilling to pay their expenses, the citizens should see that the gentlemen do not lose anything. In fact they deserve their expenses and maybe a liberal reward for their hard work and the wear of their stock. Sometime ago we offered a year's subscription to The Echo for the first watermelon given us during the season. Mr. W. A. Lawson and his son, Mr. Jams S. Lawson, so far are the only contestants, both having presented us with fine melons. Both melons were delicious, as several of our friends will attest, and were the largest we have seen this year. At present, we declare the contest a tie, and unless we get a larger melon, will have to give each contestant six months subscription. We will not now give the weight of the melons as that would give others an unfair advantage. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. J. C. Floyd will office with Mr. J. W. Harris for awhile. Miss Venia Twiggs, of Gassville, visited friends at Yellville a few days this week. Mr. Curtis Rea and wife, of Oakland, have been visiting in and near town the past week. Our friend, Mr. T. J. Barb, of White River, has lately returned from a trip to Texas, bringing with him his daughter as far as Batesville. From a letter from Dr. J. D. Waters we learn that he will move from White River township to Washington county. We wish the doctor success. Clerk Dodd and the editor of this noble sheet have been elected honorary members of the Gassville Reading Club. Now get jealous, you other old codgers. Mr. E. L. Berry, who has been attending Emory and Henry College in Virginia, the past year, surprised his many friends on last Saturday by driving into his ------ village. It was understood that he would spend his vacation in Virginia, and his return was a complete and pleasant surprise to all, including the family, with the exception of his father, mother and Cammie. He is in excellent health and looks quite natural. Wally says he is glad again to be among the hills of his native state and to greet his friends, but there is a far away expression on his face that very plainly says that old Virginia has not lost her charms for him. He was well pleased with Emory and Henry. GOING WEST [part] Flippin, Ark., August 15, 1887, Editor Echo. As I am leaving for the west "to grow up with the country," will leave a short note for your many readers. I am sorry, however, to go away at this season, but bad pay-masters like my friend, W. H. Flippin, is the cause of such a procedure. A great many people like a physician in attendance, but when the bill is presented they are like a fish out of water -- all over in a flutter. Such is the case of some of my friends at this point. Well, enough on this line of thought. Health is improving in the Barrens. H. R. Poynter and wife are convalescent. They have had quite a severe attack of malarial fever. Hoping to receive The Echo at my new place of abode. I bid you all adieu. ... Respectfully, Jno. D. Waters. DOWN ON THE BUFFALO - Buffalo, August 15 Dr. Lack is very sick at the present writing. John Hibbett and Miss Annie Williams, of Sylamore, have been visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Mattie Thompson, of Yellville, is making a prolonged visit to her sister, Mrs. John Morris, on Leatherwood. No recent marriages or deaths to report.- Don - August 26, 1887 (Top) BRIEF MENTION A voodoo doctor of Deshea county, this State, has been sent to prison for murder because one of his patients died. Stanley, the great African explorer, is reported dead one day and alive the next. The latest report is that he was deserted by his escort and massacred by the natives. On the 22nd of September, there will be a reunion of Tennesseeans at Springfield, Mo. Democrat and Republican Taylor, of Tennessee, are billed for speeches on that occasion. The ex-Confederates of Benton county have organized a memorial association, and will hold a reunion and camp-fire of soldiers who participated in the Battle of Pea Ridge on September 1, 2, and 3. The following is from a circular issued by the association. "On this occasion, a monument will be erected at the historic Elkhorn Tavern to the memory of the three general officers who fell in this battle, Gens. McCullough, McIntosh and Slack. U. S. Senator Berry will preside on this occasion. The opening address will be delivered by Hon. S. W. Peel and the memorial address by Gov. Ross, of Texas. You are invited to be with us on this occasion, to partake of our hospitality and to renew friendship and acquaintance sealed by the blood of our fallen comrades. Those who come from the south will leave the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail Road at Avoca station. Those who come from the north will stop at Garfield station. From those stations transportation to the battle ground can be obtained. LOCAL ECHOINGS Owing to bad health, Seawel is closing out his mammoth stock of goods. Deputy Sheriff Lawson played a pretty good prank on our worthy ex-jailer, Mr. W. I. Lefevers, on last Sunday morning. Ask "Uncle Billy" about it. Dr. J. H. Case, merchant and assistant post master at Mountain Home, got into a fight on the 13th last, with Matt Tracy, during which Bert Case, the doctor's son, threw a five pound weight at Tracy, hitting an inoffensive boy who was standing near, fracturing his scull. Mr. W. R. Brooksher, of Blythe, reports the loss of a valuable mule by death on last Saturday. It is a heavy loss for these hard times. George Duck, of Baxter county, who was summoned here as a witness in a case, got drunk yesterday and was sent to jail to get sober. Mr. Dave Jackson has entered the watermelon contest. He brought in a fine melon Wednesday, which now stands ahead in the list. Come on with your finest melons. We learned from Capt. J. R. Dowd, of Oakland, that on last Sunday evening a Mrs. Duggins who lives just over the state line, in Ozark county, Mo., tried to commit suicide by cutting her throat. Dr. Small, of Oakland, was called and sewed up her wounds. Our George's creek friends are working like beavers for the removal of the county seat to their place. They are now circulating a petition asking the county court to order an election. The law requires that one third of the voters of the county shall sign the petition before the court can make the order. PERSONAL MENTION John Covington wears a broader smile than common. Cause: a find boy at his house. Col. Eli Dodson, of Bellefonte, is circulating among his old Marion county friends this week. Elza Record, of Oakland, is attending court as a petit juror. He is one record of the county to escape the fire. Capt. L. D. Toney, Wm. Noe, John Twiggs and Lee Denton, all of Gassville, were in town this week at court. Mr. R. F. Patterson, of Clear Creek, paid his respects to The Echo while in town attending court and left with us evidence of his appreciation of our paper. Mr. H. J. Noe, formerly of Oakland, has moved his family to West Plains, Mo., where he will engage in the grocery business. We wish him success and commend him to the good citizens of West Plains. Mr. Isaiah Watkins, of Kansas, and his son, Mr. Jno. B. Watkins of Indiana, father and brother of George Watkins, are here to attend the trial of Andy Hudspeth, charged with the murder of George Watkins. Our Clear Creek friend, Mr. J. F. Davis, has been attending court this week, and gave us a call. He is a friend to his county paper, and we are placed under many obligations to him for valuable favors. Mr. F. L. Ball, the wide awake merchant at Peel in Franklin township, who is attending court as a petit juror, paid The Echo several pleasant calls during the week. He is a clever, affable gentleman, with whom it is a pleasure to meet. Capt. J. R. Dowd, of Oakland, ex-sheriff of Marion county, and a former resident of this town, came over to attend court this week. This is his first visit to the county seat for a long time. He appears to be enjoying the best of health. Mr. C. C. Poynter returned from Eureka Springs last week. His wife, who went up there a few months ago for her health, is slowly improving. Mrs. A. G. Cravens' health, we regret to learn, has not improved since she went to the springs. Mr. Henry Fielding, senior editor of the Boone Banner, passed through town last Saturday en route to Lithia Springs in Baxter county. After a few days rusticating at the springs, he will make a visit to Alabama. We wish him a pleasant trip as such a good editor deserves. Our new circuit judge, Hon. R. H. Powell, seems to be giving entire satisfaction. When on the bench he is courageous to the bar, but firm; to litigants, witnesses, jurors and officers kind, but strict. The business this week seems to drag a little owing to the bad shape everything is in on account of the burning of the court house, but we know the judge of old, and he believes in dispatching the work before him, and the slow progress made is not his fault. When off the bench, the judge is quite a social, jolly, kind hearted old gentleman. He enjoys a good story and relates some very humorous anecdotes himself. INDICTMENTS: ![]() Top of Page