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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST June 1887 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown June 3, 1887 Issue BRIEF MENTION From the Times, we learn that Harrison now has telephonic connection with Bellefonte, Valley Springs, Rally Hill, Elixir Springs, Carrollton, Green Forrest, Berryville, and Eureka Springs. Contemplated lines: Doddville, Yellville, Gassville, Mtn. Home, St. Joe, Marshall, Wilcoxin and Jasper. The people of Gassville are very anxious to have the telephone line extended from Harrison to their village, via Yellville, and on to West Plains, via Mtn. Home and Waterville, and propose to subscribe literally to such an enterprise. The cost of constructing the line would be a trifle if properly distributed among the towns along the route, and would be a great convenience to business men and the public generally. LOCAL ECHOINGS Capt. Pace, of Harrison, is in town. Rev. J. H. Wade will preach at Yellville next Sunday. Ladies' "Cape May" sunshades from 25 cents to 50 cents at Berry's. Mr. Racer, the photographer, made a flying trip to Harrison this week. Mrs. Tucker's music class will give an entertainment sometime this month. Dr. Coker informs us that a large crowd attended church at Pleasant Ridge last Sunday. Mr. Alex. Hurst has on his creek bottom farm the finest field of wheat on the road from Yellville to Mtn. Home. All those interested in a public cemetery should not fail to attend the mass meeting at the Methodist church on next Tuesday night. The correspondent of the Harrison Times favors a reunion of Harrell's Battalion (better known as Johnny Cake Battalion) at Harrison next fall. Dr. W. T. Bryan will, in the near future, have an office built on the lot between Thompson & Covington's shop and W. Q. Seawel's old stand. Part of the lumber is now on the ground. We do not publish anonymous communications. If "W. C. C." of Desoto, would like to see his productions in print, he will hereafter sign his real name, not for publication, but that we may know the author. Messrs. T. M. Rea and Z. P. White, of Onset, were in town Monday. Mr. White is in the sawmill business and his advertisement will appear in The Echo soon. He informs us that he has a fine lot of seasoned lumber now on bands.(?) There will be a mass meeting at the Methodist church on next Tuesday night for the purpose of making suitable arrangements for a public cemetery. All persons having friends buried at private places about town are cordially invited to be present. A cow belonging to "Uncle Billy" Lefevers dropped a male calf the other day which, at the age of nine days, kicked the beam at 110 pounds. If you have a calf of the same age that will out weigh this, "Uncle Billy" would like to hear from you. The mother of the calf is seven years old. Married, at the residence of J. H. Case, in the town of Mtn. Home, on May 19th, Mr. Emile Holden, of Stecher City, Marion County, and Miss Isabella Williamson, of this county, J. S. Howard officiating. The Citizen extends congratulations and wishes them a long life, and that they may always be as happy as each appeared to be on leaving our city for their future home in Marion County. --Baxter Citizen. HARRISON HASH. [From the Times.] Mr. N. B. Crump left for Washington last week to receive instructions concerning the office to which he was recently appointed; and by this time he is on his way to his new field of labor in New Mexico. Messrs. A. L. and Robt. King, Jr. and their wives returned from their wedding tour Thursday. They spent a week pleasantly in visiting places of interest about St. Louis, took an excursion up the Mississippi, and then were glad to return to the "old folks at home." Now we may expect them to settle down into the sedate happiness of married folks in general. D. G. Otis, one of the engineers of the Chadwick extension survey, was in town Tuesday, having passed over the route between here and Forsythe, Mo., examining as to the possibilities so far in case that road should conclude to come by Forsythe instead of the former survey via Kisse's Mill. He thinks that the road will touch us, in case it takes the Forsythe end, and is inclined to believe that this route offers many advantages over the other. Elders J. G. Wood and J. G. Armstrong, Seventh Day Adventists, from Nevada, Mo., have pitched a tent in the grove just south of H. J. Thorn's residence, and on last evening commenced a course of lectures which will be continued every evening as long as interest may demand. Some of our citizens have made a mistake by confounding these people with the Salvation Army; there is no similarity in the two. The general belief of Adventists seems to be somewhat similar to that of the Missionary Baptists, and their peculiarity is a belief in the second coming of Christ; that He will come in person and take charge of all his people - living and dead - and that He will come during the life of the present generation. May Marriages. During the month of May the county clerk issued marriage permits for the following persons: June 10, 1887 Issue (Top) BRIEF MENTION Gen. R. C. Newton died at his home in Little Rock on the 2nd Inst. after an illness of six weeks. Mr. Sigle Lebow, junior publisher of the Harrison Times, went over to Dardanelle last week and captured a wife. Our congratulations, Bro. Lebow. Mrs. Jenness Miller, the dress reformer of Washington, delivered an address before the students of Vassar College the other day, and the girls agreed to wear a costume without corsets, to be designed by Mrs. Miller. Newport is the most "citified" little town in the state. Waterworks will soon be in operation there, and electric lights will no doubt follow. A gambling den at Newport was raided last week by officers and all the gambling tools and devices were piled in the street and burned. The Herald says it is a "strong indication that day is breaking in the matter of the enforcement of the laws of Newport." HARRISON HASH. [From the Times.] That it was an idle or malicious rumor concerning the failure of our sheriff to make proper settlement is proven by the fact that he has this week made full and absolute settlement of all public funds in his hands, and has the receipts to show for it. CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMN IN FAVOR OF A COUNTY FAIR. GEORGE'S CREEK Crops are looking fine at this time. Rain fell in good time. Wheat cutting is the order of the week. Harvest hands are scarce in this neck o' the woods. Mr. Davenport intends acting as a sort of body-guard to his present hireling and will see that he does not give him the "dirty shake." Mr. Robert Lee died last week of measles. Health, however, generally speaking, is good. Rev. James Rose preached two able sermons for us on the 5th Sunday of last month. He will preach for us again by-and-by. I anticipate eating fried chicken by-and-by. Won't you have a leg with us, Mr. Editor? [Thanks, pass the foul - Editor.] Success to The Echo and its readers. More anon. ... June 6, 1887. Kit Ballard. COWAN BARRENS. Editor Echo:- I didn't come with my "piece" last week owing to business engagements but take my pencil to mark a few thoughts for this week's issue. The religious services at Pleasant Ridge on the 5th Sunday were very interesting indeed. The sermon at 11 o'clock by Rev. J. H. Wade was very appropriate and I think made a good impression. Rev. Alex. Mathas concluded with an exhortation that was truly spiritual in its character and made an impression that I think will not soon be removed. The congregation was large and well behaved. The many friends that attended have our sincere thanks for their presence, and especially do we feel grateful to those who were so liberal in making preparations for dinner. I think there was plenty for all with some baskets full to take up of the fragments. Rev. John Cantrell preached a sermon after dinner that was truly good and edifying. Our Sunday school is progressing finely, with interest increasing. WYLIE'S COVE. June 2, 1887 Editor Echo:- I was very much delighted to spend a week with my old friends and relatives in and around my old home. Having but one week to stay, I hurried from one place to another more than I would if I could have stayed longer. And as I hurried along, it was a pleasure to me to call and spend a few moments and words with the editor of this paper. It was a real feast for me to meet so many friends at old Pleasant Ridge, and once more to hear our old father in Israel (Bro. Wade) who preached at 11 o'clock. Also, I was glad of the opportunity to preach to a much loved congregation in the afternoon. We left the Cowan Barrens last Monday morning and came to Marshall, where we spent the remainder of Monday. We left Marshall for home Tuesday and came to G. B. Griffin's, where we got some little repairing done to our buggy, counted a visit and got our dinner. Leaving this place we reached home at 3 o'clock Tuesday evening, but just one hour too late to attend the burial service of one Mrs. Steel, who, having suffered for many weeks, had passed into rest, "for God took her." Although we crossed water, rocks and hills, we are safe at home again, executing the work of our God with great assurance of success. The Lord is blessing us with fine prospects for corn, cotton, wheat, and oats. I think of paying Quitman a visit in this month with Rev. O. H. Tucker. I anticipate a pleasant time in the service of God with you all at your next camp meeting. Miss Mollie Estes, a niece, who came down with us to spend the summer, seems to like our cove splendidly. ... Respectfully, J. M. Cantrell. LOCAL ECHOINGS The carpenters are at work on Dr. Bryan's office. Miss Edna Layton entertained a number of her young friends on last Friday evening in her usual happy manner. A small child of Ben Suizer, who lives on Rush creek, was run over by a cow on last Sunday evening and seriously injured. That clever gentleman, Mr. N. Barksdale, gave us a call on Tuesday morning and left substantial evidence of his appreciation of The Echo. We understand that Mrs. Tucker's music class and the public school will unite and give two entertainment's at the close of the school - June 24th. Assessor Cravens has finished his work for this year and turned the books over to the county clerk. The books are neat and clean and will bear inspection. From Mr. K. J. Hudson, who returned Monday from a trip to Gainsville, Mo., we learn that Robt. Jefferson's trial was continued to the October term of court. Mr. George Layton, of Oakland, has been visiting in town several days the past week. George is a general favorite of the young people of Yellville, and especially the girls. As only a few turned out on last Tuesday night to consider the subject of a public cemetery, the matter will be discussed on the night of the fourth Sunday in this month, at the Methodist church after preaching. A post office inspector was in town last Friday. That he found "Uncle Jack" Noe's books and accounts all square, goes without saying. "Uncle Jack" hasn't a very exaulted opinion, however, of the "brass colared." Mr. Brown, the gentleman who intends starting a newspaper at Marshall, was in town again this week. He walked over from Marshall and was on his way to look after his material, which was left at the Missouri state line some time ago, on account of the wagon breaking down. He says he is growing tired of "Walkers Line." The Yellville Watchman has turned its toes up to the daisies. In the language of P. Donan - Our young farmer friend, Felix Huddleston, of Buffalo, was in town the first of the week. He reported everything lovely down his way. The miners have been bidding for his farm, which is located in the mineral region on Rush creek. "Uncle Billy" Lefevers weighed his fine calf again this week. It weighed 134 pounds, gaining 24 pounds in ten days. "Uncle Billy" is sure to take the blue ribbon with this calf at our county fair -- if we have one next fall. Deputy Sheriff Lawson and A. G. Cravens went up in Franklin township Wednesday after a deaf-mute and the man Jones, who was adjudged insane two weeks ago. They will start to Little Rock with them next Monday, where Jones will be placed in the lunatic asylum and the other in the deaf-mute institute. Mr. Wm. Racer and family left this week for Lead Hill. He and his estimable wife made many friends during their short sojourn here, all of whom wish them success wherever they cast their lot. Mr. James Vandine bought Mr. Racer's interest in the photograph gallery and will continue the business. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. YELLVILLE CAMP MEETING. June 17, 1887 Issue (Top) BRIEF MENTION Yellow fever is prevailing at Key West, Florida. Cora Lee, charged with the murder of Mrs. Graham, is on trial at Springfield, Mo. A woman is the democratic nominee for superintendent of public schools in Madison County, Kentucky. In Garfield County, Col. there are 1100 unmarried men and only 28 unmarried women. Hawkins Corley, deputy county treasurer of Logan County, has been arrested and taken to Fort Smith for robbing the safe of the Logan County treasurer in February last. The amount stolen was $11,200. John Lane was shot down and killed in the street at Eureka Springs by Alf Barnhill on the 9th instant. They had a dispute about a debt of $1.20, which Barnhill claimed that Lane owed him. Barnhill made his escape. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Missouri, passed a reso-lution in 1882 declaring saloon-keeping unmasonic conduct. And now, the Grand Master of that State has notified all lodges that members who are engaged in the traffic must either quit the business or withdraw from the order. THE GREEN EYED MONSTER. The people of Yellville are to hold a public meeting to take steps to provide a public cemetery. There must be some way to start a graveyard in Arkansas. - Benton County Democrat. An Austrian doctor says that nine times out of ten headache can almost instantly cured by swallowing a spoonful of salt dissolved in a quantity of water, sufficient to allow the sufferer to swallow it. Vol. Walker enjoys the distinction of having secured the first conviction for murder in Washington County since the war, and there have been numerous murders committed. - Fayetteville Democrat. Burial places of our presidents are widely scattered. Washington lies at Mt. Vernon; the two Adamses are buried under the old church at Quincy, Mass.; Jefferson rests at Monticello; Madison's grave is at Montpelier, not far from Monticello; Monroe's remains lie in Richmond Cemetery; Jackson's grave is in front of his old residence, "The Hermitage;" Van Buren was buried at Kinderhook; Harrison at North Bend, near Cincinnati; Pierce was buried in Concord, and Buchannan at Lancaster; Lincoln's grave is near Springfield. Johnson's at Greenville, Garfield's at Cleveland, Grant's at Riverside, and Arthur's at Albany. LOCAL ECHOINGS Coffee has taken a rise. Talk up the county fair. Come up and renew your subscription. Dr. Bryan's office will soon be ready for occupancy. Dr. G. W. Jobe and family will remain in town this summer. Yellville, we suppose, will not celebrate the "Glorious Fourth." Some of the farmers have commenced "laying by" their corn. Mr. J. B. Rowden, of George's Creek, enlisted with The Echo last week. The dog fennel crop in the court yard is immense. Ditto all around town. Next Sunday is the regular day for the Baptist minister to preach at this place. Carson and Company's distillery, in Water Creek Town-ship, has shut down for the present, we learn. A new blacksmith shop has been opened in town by a Mr. Campbell, late of George's Creek. Mr. Wm. Hayes, of Marshall, was in town Wednesday. He favored The Echo with a pleasant call. J. C. Floyd, Esq., is having his residence properly improved. "Straws show which way the wind blows." Jas. Wickersham has greatly improved the looks of his cottage by the application of two coats of paint. Dr. J. S. Lindley went over to Gassville Wednesday to take part in the organization of the District Medical Society. A very good congregation was out last Sunday night to hear the Rev. Mr. Slusher preach, but the preacher failed to materialize. Dr. Case, a prominent merchant of Mtn. Home, was in town Thursday in company with Mr. Dixon, the commercial pilgrim. Mr. H. W. Hudson, Sr., has been quite unfortunate with his horses the past few months. He had another one to die with the bots a few days ago. The public school will close next Friday. Thursday and Friday night, the students of the school and Mrs. Tucker's music class will give entertainments at the public school building. Dr. Wilson, in a communication in today's paper, suggests that a mass-meeting be held here on the first day of next circuit court to consider the subject of organizing a Fair Association. In the meantime, keep the ball rolling and have everything cut and dried for the occasion. The "tonsorial parlor" and shoe shop have been moved to the room formerly occupied by K. J. Hudson as a drug store. Isam takes pleasure in saying he has "come to the front" - part of the building - where he will be glad for his customers to call and get a shave or have their soles saved. Deputy revenue collector, Davenport, of Fayetteville, was in town several days this week. Hon. John W. Cypert, of White River, was in town last Friday and Saturday trying to organize a lodge of Knights of the Gold Cross at this place. We learn as we go to press that Mr. G. C. Jackson, of Water Creek Township, died yesterday after a lingering illness. Mr. Jackson was an old and highly respected citizen. Last Saturday, while Mrs. Alice Doshier, who lives five miles southeast of town, was riding a mule to or from a neighbor's house, the animal fell, throwing Mrs. Doshier from her saddle. She received painful, but, we are glad to learn, not serious injuries. Mr. L. L. Seawel, who has been attending college at Fayette, Mo., for the last nine or ten months, returned home the first of the week and was given a hearty welcome by his relatives and numerous friends. He was well pleased with the school he attended and will go another term next. A District Medical Society, composed of the counties of Baxter and Marion, was organized at Gassville Wednesday, June 15th, 1887. The following are the officers for the ensuing year: The printing material for the Marshall newspaper passed through town yesterday. Mr. R. F. Brown has leased the material to Prof. W. R. Jones, our new school teacher, who, in connection with a Mr. McClung, of Illinois, will publish a paper at Marshall to be called the Dollar Times. Prof. Jones and Mr. Brown have gone over to Marshall to put up the press and set the machinery in motion, and when this is accomplished the office will be turned over to Mr. McClung, and Prof. Jones will return to Yellville to take charge of his school. Mr. Brown has been engaged to work on the paper. We wish them all success. June 24, 1887 Issue (Top) BRIEF MENTION The Supreme Court has decided in favor of Russellville as the county seat of Pope County. Five brothers married five sisters at Jonesboro, Georgia, and the old man eloped with the mother. W. M. Murchison, after fasting 90 days, died near Mebon, Madison County, Tenn. on the 15th instant. Dan Rice, the ex-clown showman and lately temperance lecturer, has married Mrs. W. C. Robinson, the richest person in Lavaca County, Texas. Forty-three murders have been committed in Christian County, Missouri since the war. The Boone Banner thinks either the name or the character of the county should be changed. The Fourth of July will be celebrated on the old battle field at Pea Ridge. "Uncle" Zack Baker, the sweet warbler of Benton, will deliver an oration and sing an original song appropriate for the day. The Boone County Telephone Company has its general office here with lines to Eureka, Lead Hill, Yellville, Bellefonte, Valley Springs, Rally Hill and Jasper. LOCAL ECHOINGS St. John's Day. The nights are uncommonly cool for this season of the year. Deputy Sheriff Lawson and Capt. A. G. Cravens returned from Little Rock last Saturday. Mr. George Layton came over from Oakland yesterday to "take in" school exhibitions. Mr. Felix Huddleston will teach the public school at Desoto Springs this summer, commencing July 4th. We learn that Mr. T. A. Blake has bought, for his mining company, Felix Huddleston's Rush Creek farm. The doctors report quite a good deal of sickness in various parts of the county. Just none of the very serious type. Mrs. Ollie Phillips handed us a dollar this week with instructions to keep The Echo going. Very many thanks. Mr. B. F. Thompson, a Marion County boy, who has been attending school at Valley Springs, has returned home. Mr. James A. Young left on last Monday for Memphis, Tenn., where he goes to seek employment. We wish him success. J. S. Cowdrey, Jail Commissioner, advertises this week for bids to repair the county jail. A full house turned out last night to witness the public school exercises. An interesting program will be presented tonight. Our jolly White River friend, B. Flippin, was in town Saturday. He says the crops in White River are fine and promising an abundant yield. Rev. O. H. Tucker and Dr. J. M. Coker, who attended the commencement exercises of Quitman College last week, returned home Saturday evening. Mr. J. C. Floyd is having his yard enclosed with a very neat picket fence. Legal business being a little dull at this time, he is superintending the work in person. The pastor, Rev. O. H. Tucker, will preach at the M. E. Church, South on Monday night. Subject: Christian Education." He should have a good congregation. Mr. J. J. Morrow, of this county, who attended the Valley Springs high school the past year, was in to see us Monday. He has been engaged to teach the public school in District No. 17, and will commence on July 4th. Prosecuting Attorney Bailey, of Marshall, came over yesterday to attend the closing exercises of the public school. He always receives a hearty welcome from his Yellville friends. The public school closes today. Prof. A. J. Wickersham, principal, and Miss Mattie Wilson, assistant, have given entire satisfaction as far as we can learn, both to pupils and patrons, having endeared themselves to the former and won the confidence of the latter. If their successors only prove as efficient and faithful in the discharge of their duty as teachers as have Mr. Wickersham and Miss Wilson, all will be well. On the night of the 14th inst., Mr. Harrison Stanley's store house and its contents, his mill, gin and all the machinery, on Hampton Creek, about 10 or 11 miles southwest of Yellville, were totally destroyed by fire. There was not insurance on any of the property destroyed, and the loss is quite heavy, and will not fall short of $3000. The origin of the fire is not known, but it is thought to have been the work of an incendiary. It is understood that Mr. Stanley backed by Phillips & Baker, of Harrison, will resume business again as soon as he can rebuild. Top of Page