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Mt. Echo Newspaper
April 1887 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

Dividing Line

April 1, 1887 Issue


A sensitive colored man in Cincinnati has brought suit for damages against an actress who pointed him out as she sang, "Dar's a New Coon Come to Town."

The women of Kansas are registering with a view to voting in the coming municipal elections, the late Legislature of that State having granted them that privilege.

Ex-Senator Jones of Florida, announces again that he will leave Detroit on the meeting of the Florida Legislature, and returning home, will explain his absence from the Senate and offer for re-election. His health is said to be improved.

Frank James, until recently engaged in the wholesale and retail-robbing and murdering business, with general offices in Missouri, attended the cattle convention recently held at Fort Worth, Texas, and it is rumored that a Dallas clothing house will employ him as a salesman. A Texas exchange makes a vigorous kick against the ex outlaw. It says: "The house that would employ James to use his career as an advertising medium deserves no reward. Texas has had a sufficiency of the Frank James stripe of outlaws, but they have been laid to rest, one by one, until the State I almost free from their demoralizing presence, and James might profit by reading the tail end of their histories. It is good reading matter for all who seek to emulate them."


Mining operatoins continue near Hot Springs.

Arkansas appears to be on a general boom.

The acreage of tobacco planted in Arkansas is larger than ever before.

Northern capitalists are investing in real estate at Mammoth Spring.

Fayetteville has a natural gas well and three newspapers -- gas enough for one town.

Judge John M. Bradley, of Warren, one of the oldest lawyers in the State, died recently.

Prof. M. P. Venable, of Logan county, is spoken of in connection with the State geologist appointment under the new law.

Charley Raye, a Missouri stockman, was waylaid and robbed of $1400 while riding between Pine Bluff and Sheridan recently.

Congressman Dunn, of this State, has been in bad health for some time, and intends spending the summer in Southern California.

In Logan county a drunken rowdy named Campion, for kissing another man's wife, was severely cut with a knife and badly beaten.

John Sutton, near Nashville, has a cow that has produced seven calves in the last three eyars -- twins twice -- and the other day triplets -- all of which are thriving.

Arkansas Gazette: Gen. R. C. Newton, as he reads the notices in some of the newspapers of his death, is inclined for the first time to question the absolute reliability of the press. Gen. Newton had a "close call," but is now rapidly regaining his wonted health, with every prospect of being spared to his family and friends for many years. We print this to stop those obituaries.

Amos Johnson, a colored preacher aged 40, was hanged on last Friday at Marion, Crittenden county, for outraging a little white child aged about 10 or 12 years. The girl had been left in his charge by its parents, who were traveling down the Mississippi river in a flatboat, and he cared for her four years. The crime was committed last December, and he was convicted by a jury of his own color. He confessed to the crime on the scaffold.


A few flakes of snow fell here on last Monday.

Mr. Vard McBee, of White River, enrolled with The Echo last Friday.

The recent cold snap has greatly injured, if not entirely killed, the peaches in this locality.

We learn that Abe McVey has moved his stock of drugs from Oakland to Isabella, Mo.

Our young farmer friend, Felix Huddleston, was in town Saturday. He says he will put in a big crop this year.

The Arkansas Legislature adjourned yesterday - just in time to celebrate All Fools Day. Let us give thanks.

The protracted meeting closed last Monday night. Between twelve and fifteen conversions were the result of the meeting.

James Young, while chopping wood the other day, had the misfortune to cut an ugly gash in the big toe of his right foot.

A friend in Searcy county, in a private letter to the editor of this paper says DeRoos Bailey will carry that county nearly solid.

The Baxter County Citizen says that Elder Wright failed to fill his last appointment at Yellville on account of being a witness in court.

There are four candidates out for prosecuting attorney-- Bailey, of Searcy; Horton, of Baxter; Murphy, of Boone; and Phillips, of Fulton.

The students of the public school have had vacation this week. On next Monday Prof. Wickersham will open school again, and all who can should be promptly on hand.

From the Commercial Bulletin, published at Lane, Kansas, we learn that the father of George Watkins lives at that place. The Bulletin says: "The dreadful taking off of his son is a great load of sorrow for him to bear, as he is quite old."

Dr. W. M. Noe returned last Sunday from an extended trip over the State in the interest of his "Carbolic Smoke Ball." He looked in on the legislative solons at Little Rock and visited Fort Smith on his trip. He says the "boom" at Fort Smith is immense.

It is reported that Clerk Dodd has hired himself to Len Weast. As every hand Len hires gets married right away, the Clerk has determined to try his luck by hiring to him as a last resort. Len guarantees to have him married before the leaves begin to fall.

Mr. W. Q. Seawel informs us that he is going to ahve the house formerly occupied by L. Seawel, north of the court house, remodeled and enlarged, and will move his stock of goods over there. He says he must have more room and less expenses on insurance.

Mr. T. M. Rea, who was in town last Friday, said he did not have very good luck with his cattle which he shipped to East St. Louis as many of them were crippled and several were killed in transit. He experienced much trouble in crossing White River and could not procure stock cars at West Plains.

"Uncle" Jack Noe, our accommodating P.M., on last Wednesday night fell and dislocated his left ankle, which has been causing him great pain and he has been confined to his bed ever since. He has been a sufferer of rheumatism for a long time and has not had good use of his left leg for several years. We hope his injuries are not very serious and that he will soon be out again.

The Echo office was visited by an angel on last Saturday. Most printing offices claim a "devil" but few are ever honored by Angel visits. This Angel has been a reader of The Echo for the past year and called to renew his subscription. He lives in Hampton township and is none other thatn that clever, energetic farmer, Mr. John Angel. Mr. Jos. Sasser, who called at the same time, also subscribed.

MATRIMONIAL MARKET FOR MARCH-- The County Clerk has issued marriage licenses to the following persons during the month of March.
N. B. McFaden 22 - Miss Minta Malissa Tucker 14
W. J. Cook 28 - Miss T. J. Durden 28
John Allen 73 - Miss Emily J. Hays 26
H. G. Trammell 21 - Miss Mary E. Richardson 19
W. W. Casey 19 - Miss. L. V. Looney 17
W. P. Birdsong 20 - Miss Alice Hogan 17


There is nothing new as to the concealing of Watkins' body.

Grandma Horn, mother of Hon. W. M. Horn, is slowly improving.

Dr. Willie Brooksher will hang out his shingle at his office near Clear Creek P.O. We predict for Willie great success.

DeRoos Bailey is fast gaining ground here. In fact, (although a small man) he occupies the entire space here, as regards the voters.

No weddings or deaths. It has been about eight months since our section has been visited by the cold hand of death, hence you see we have a healthy country. March 31, 1887. ... Will Say.

NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that there will be a public examination of teachers, at Yellville, Ark., on Friday, the 15th Day of April, A.D. 1887, to ascertain the professional qualifi-cations of all persons desiring to teach in the public schools of Marion county. J. C. Floyd, County Examiner - March 31, 1887.

April 8, 1887 Issue (Top)


The boys waste on cigarettes every year $6,500,000.

John G. Saxe, the poet, died at Albany, N. Y., March 31.

Fifty thousand people paid $8 a seat to witness a bull fight in Mexico.

A cross-eyed cat has turned up at Hartford, Conn. It is said to be the only one in existence.

Col. Ingersoll says he will deliver no more anti-religous lectures. This will not effect(sic) the sulphur market.

Rev. Phillips Brooks says that when a mother brings him a baby to admire he takes the baby, turns it over, holds it up and says: "Now, that is a baby." He thus avoids telling any white lies regarding the baby's merits.

Two attempts have recently been made to assinate the Czar of Russia. It is better to be a "jim-crow" editor and live on cove oysters and dry crackers than to be the Czar and be compelled to dodge bombs and other Russian play-things.

Buffalo Bill sailed from New York recently with his troop to give the Europeans a taste of the wild western life. He took with him 111 Indians and 40 squaws, 25 cowboys, 25 Mexicans, 20 women riders, who are crack shots, 125 American ponies, 30 buffaloes, 15 elk, bronchos and the like.

At the solicitation of the authorities and citizens of Christian county, Mo., Judge Hubbard has issued a call for a special term of the Circuit Court to be held at Ozark on the 19th isnt., for the trial of 16 of the Bald Knobber prisoners now in jail for the murder of Green and Edens. -- Boone Banner

Exchange: Masked hugging parties are now the fashion in Ontario, and it is said that for fifteen cents a man is allowed to hug a girl, but he is first blindfolded. It is also said that scenes of unseemly wrath are sometimes exhibited when men find that they have been hugging their wives at schedule rates. When ever a man pays fifteen cents for the privilege of hugging his own wife it is plain that he has been swindled, even though the proceeds go to charity, and the new game ought to be abolished by law.


Several cases of chicken pox in town.

Mr. J. C. Floyd went over to Oakland yesterday.

Parson W. W. Soward, we learn, has returned from the Rock.

Hon. Jno. W. Cypert, of Shite River, was in attendance at county court Monday.

Presiding Elder P. B. Summers will preach at the M. E. Church, South, tonight.

Wanted -- To know what has become of our good natured Flippin correspondent.

Three prisoners made their escape from the Baxter county jail one night last week.

Mr Jos. Wood, of White River, called one day this week and renewed his subscription.

We do not know that we ever heard that cove oysters and soda crackers were good brain food, but doubtless they are.

Dr. George F. Elam, of Bruno, one among the first subscribers to The Echo, made us a pleasant call Wednesday and renewed his subscription.

Mr. James Tipton, son of Hon. H. C. Tipton, Register of the Land Office at Harrison, and Deputy Sheriff Gibson, of Harrison, were in town Tuesday and Wednesday.

Rev. Mr. Slusher, the new M. E. Church pastor of the Yellville circuit, preached at the M. E. Church, South, at this place last Sunday night. He has not as yet made any regular appointment for this place.

Mr. John B. Thompson, the gentlemanly collector for the receiver of the S. B. Kirby sewing machine company, having wound up his business in this section, left on Monday for Marshall and other points.

April 15, 188 Issue (Top)

CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMN - General News From Differenet Parts of the Country. [Correspondent: wanted at every postoffice in the county. Stationery furnished on application.]

JAMES' CREEK - James Creek, Ark., April 12. Editor of The Mountain Echo:

I will endeavor once more to give you the news from this section, although it is quite a task; not because there is so much of it, but because it is so scarce.

G. Gregory has cleared and fenced (with the assistance of a hired hand), since the first of March, forty acres of land and contemplates cultivating it in corn the present season. We would be glad to have all of the vacant in this township settled by such men.

Rev. --- Butler delivered quite an interesting sermon at the Parker school house no Sunday last. Mr. Butler is one of our best citizens, and the Baptist Church recognizes in him a true friend and an able minister.

We regret to learn that Robert Sanders, one of our energetic farmers, has been confined to his room for several days by a sun pain. Hope he will be about soon.

That handsome lawyer, J. C. Floyd, of the law firm of Floyd & Floyd, passed down the creek on Thursday last en rount to Oakland to attend to some legal business.

We trust that Mr. Dodd, our accommodating county clerk, is well pleased with his job, and that ere the leaves shall have withered, Len will have fulfilled his part of the contract. Success to Neal.

When a P.M. so far forgets himself as to close his office doors at 5 o'clock, and refuse to open them when parties call for their mail, we think it is time he should be "fired" or retired on the superannuated list.

Now, Mr. Editor, unless sombody gets killed, or married, this will, perhaps, be the last that you will hear from NIGHTHAWK.


Tom Barb is the boss fisher.

Our merchants, Stillwell and Jackson, are getting very lazy. The farmers are too busy to go to the store, and S. and J. have nothing to do but go fishing and play marbles and they have rubbed their heads until they are getting as bald as a country editor, and some editors' heads are as bald as a skating rink.

Dr. Waters delivered a Sunday-school lecture here last Sunday to a large audience. [abstract only] ... W. B. F., Jr. (Wm B Flippin JR)


Mr. and Mrs. Racer's babe has been quite sick the past two weeks.

Sunday next is Elder Wright's regular day to preach at this place.

Mr. W. H. Fortune, the watchmaker and repairer, of Mountain Home, was in town this week.

A good vegetable garden should adorn every farm, and the absence of one denotes meanness or laziness.

DeRoos Bailey's star is rising in the east as well as in the west end of the district. His prospects are indeed bright.

Assessor Cravens commenced work on his books on last Monday. He is assisted by Dr. W. R. Brooksher, of Blythe township.

Charles Phillips, Esq., the candidate for prosecuting attorney from Fulton, came here a stranger, but many were the friends he made before he left.

Dr. Charles E. Cantrell, of Wiley's Cove, Searcy county, sent us in a club of even one-half dozen subscribers last Friday, for which he will please accept our thanks. This is the kind of work that encourages.

A surprise donation party was given the inmates of the parsonage last night by the Rev. O. H. Tucker's parishoners and friends. Mrs. Tucker makes a graceful acknowledgement in a card elsewhere in this paper.

We learn from Clerk Dodd that W. J. Taff, of Blythe; William R. Reynolds, of White River; and James Coventon, of North Fork, have been appointed by the Governor as the Board of Equalization for Marion county. The board meets the first Monday in June.

The Echo acknowledges a call from "Grandma" Layton and her daughter, Mrs. D. G. Hart, of Mountain Home, on last Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hart came over on last Saturday to visit her mother and other relatives, and went up to Bellefonte Tuesday to visit her daughters who live up there, and where another daughter will enter school.

       Beautiful and impressive were the exercises at the M. E. Church, South, on last Sunday. Although the time for preparation was short, a most interesting programme was arranged and carried out to the edification of all present. The church was tastily decorated with evergreens and flowers, the work of the young ladies, who never do their work by halves. The opening address by Mr. J. C. Floyd, superintendent of the Sunday-school, was delivered in his usual easy, graceful manner, and was well received. We publish it in full on first page. The rest of the programme consisted of excellent and appropriate papers by Dr. Wilson and Mrs. A. S. Layton, a beautiful selection by Miss Lillie McDowell, Bible verses by Miss Annie Cowdrey, and Bible verses in concert by a class of children, all being interspersed with music by Mrs. Tucker's music class, assisted by several of the young men. A fervent prayer was offered by Mrs. Berry. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" was sung, and the congregation was dismissed.

       The weather prophets have been very correct in regard to many of their predictions, but they failed in one instance, at least.
       About Wednesday at noon, when the inmates of the parsonage were away, a storm struck the house, causing the front door to open, and a whole set of new chairs drifted in. The storm continued until about 8 or 9 o'clock Thursday night, with some abatement. During th etime the family returned, but no one was injured, but to the contrary notwithstanding. Their hearts were made glad by many nice presents, of quite a variety. Long will the old and young people of Yellville be held in kind remembrance for these oases in the desert of life. We receive every gift with a prayer for the donor that he or she may receive many spiritual blessings. "Praise God from whom all blessings flow." The Preacher's Wife.

April 21, 1887 Issue (Top)


James G. Blaine, of Maine, while visiting his daughter in the Indian Territory, was taken seriously ill, but is now said to be recovering.

Mrs. Cleveland is quoted as saying that so many babies have been named for the President that he says he is afraid that in twenty years the penitentiaries will be full of Grover Clevelands.

       A dispatch dated Austin, Texas, April 11, says: Governor Ross has received a letter from the neighborhood of the Medina river, which states that cattle are starving to death, and even bottom lands are bare of grass. The ends of the branches of the trees are being used for feeding cattle, but the supply of those will not last long. The letter begs the Governor to let the State take the cattle of that region and have them transported by rail to places where they can get grass, as they are too weak to walk. There has been no rain since the storm in August that ruined the cotton crop.


Jim Jones, colored, will be hung for murder at Texarkana May 18th.

There are about seventeen or eighteen divorce cases on the docket of the Benton circuit court.

Lonoke had a destructive fire Tuesday morning, the 12th inst. The Democrat printing office was destroyed.

Richard Bennett, aged 106, the oldest citizen of Benton county, joined the Christian church a few Sundays ago and was immersed by a minister aged 69 years.

A little child at Lonoke, while running around the house playing with an open knife in its hand, fell down and ran the knife through its heart, and expired instantly.

Fayetteville Democrat: The marshall of Springdale was arrested last week for gently tapping at a lady's chamber door, [late in the night time.] He was fined $50.00 and cost, simply that and nothing more.

Patrick McCarty was hanged at Fort Smith on Friday, the 8th inst. for murder committed in the Indian Territory. He was convicted upoin circumstantial evidence, and to the last moment he protested his innocence of the crime.

Dick Brugman, formerly of St. Louis, but now editor of the Little Rock Clipper, had a street fight at Little Rock with G. R. Brown of the Gazette, over an offensive editorial in the Clipper. Two employees from each paper joined in the fight, but none of the six were hurt.


Work on W. Q. Seawel's store house is progressing rapidly.

George Layton, the Oakland merchant, was in town a few days this week.

The Echo is indebted to a lady friend for the first nosegay of the season.

Mrs. Tucker's music class will give a concert sometime in the leafy June.

Mr. Thos. McDowell, late of Missouri, is clerking for his uncle, Mr. G. W. McDowell.

Rev. O. H. Tucker will preach at the Methodist church on Sunday morning and at night.

Mr. R. J. Hurst says his wheat is in the "boot," and looking as fine as he ever saw wheat at this time of year.

Elder Wright, of the Baptist denomination, preached at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. He is an able preacher.

Dr. Willie Brooksher, who has been assisting Assessor Cravens on his books, was called home on professional business Tuesday.

John Allen Cowdrey is the agent for Estes' nursery, of Boone county. John is an energetic young man and will make a good salesman.

John H. Thompson, Jr., showed us last week a beautiful piece of native chalk. It is found in large quantities on W. H. Johnston's place on Lee's Mountain.

We learn from the Assessor that the increase in the valuation of personal property is greatly in excess of the assessment last year. Statistics will be published next week.

Hon. H. C. Tipton, Register of the Land Office at Harrison, and Mr. R. L. King, cashier of the Boone County Bank, passed through town the first of the week, en route to Izard county.

A company has bought out Luke Matlock's stock of goods at Rush Creek. The company s composed of N. J. Bearden, A. D. and D. A. Thompson and Luke Matlock. Luke was in town this week replenishing their stock.

Jail Commissioner Cowdrey informs us that he has rejected Thompson & Covington's bid for repairing the jail, believing $1000 to be too much to expend on it. The work of repairing the walls has been let out by the county judge and is progressing.

We learn that Robert Jefferson, formerly of this county, has been arrested and put in jail at Gainsville, Mo., charged with robbing a cattle man at Isabella ("Goober"), a few weeks ago. His downfall can be credited to corn liquor, women and cards.

Messrs. Pierce & Heffner, proprietors of the mill and gin at Clear Creek, have recently purchased a new Brown gin, condenser and feeder with patent whipper attached, and they gave it a trial week before last on the last bale of the season and it worked like a charm. They purchased through B. J. Carney, agent.


Editor Echo -- The following persons will preach at the following named places and times:

Rev. J. H. Wade, of the M. E. Church, South, will preach at Yellville first Sunday in each month at 11 o'clock a.m.; at Liberty, third Sunday at 11 a.m.; at Pleasant Ridge, fourth Sunday at 11 a.m.

Rev. O. H. Tucker, of same denomination, at Pleasant Ridge, first Sunday in each month at 11 a.m.; Shiloh, third Sunday at 11 a.m.; Dry Hill, third Sunday at 4 p.m.

Rev. J. L. Russell, Protestant Methodist, will preach at the Adams School house on the first Sunday in each month at 11 a.m. and Saturday night before.

Sunday school at Adams' School house every Sunday morning at 8:30. Prayer meeting at 4 o'clock of same days.

Yours truly. L. Adams.

Rev. Henry Sasser, Missionary Baptist, will preach at New Hope, Water Creek township, on second Sunday in each month and Saturday before. At Pleasant Hill, Hampton township, on first Sunday and Saturday before in each month.

April 29, 1887 Issue (Top)

The remains of President and Mrs. Lincoln were removed from their secret tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, at Springfield, Ill., recently, and interred in the north vault of the Lincoln monument. Less than a dozen persons, members of the Lincoln Monument Association and the Guard of Honor, were present.

A Destructive Cyclone Sweeps Over Johnson and Franklin Counties.
       A Kansas town destroyed.
       On last Friday morning a destructive cyclone swept through Johnson and Franklin counties, this State, leaving death and destruction in its track. The Clarksville Herald published an extra paper on Friday evening, and from its report quoted in the Little Rock Gazette we make the following extract:
       "About three years ago Johnson county was visited by a fearful cyclone which destroyed a great deal of property and injured a number of people. Several months later a cyclone passed through the same scope of country from east to west, but the extent of the damage was not so fatal as that occasioned by the first storm. This morning at 7:30 o'clock another one, more violent in form and greater in volume and extent, and more dreadful in effect, passed through the same territory, killing and wounding many persons, killing and wounding stock, utterly demolishing residences, barns and other houses, blowing fences and scattering the rails for several miles, tearing up orchard trees and peeling off the bark from those left standing. A reporter of the Herald visited one of the neighborhoods struck by the deadly wind as soon as the report reached Clarksville and a conveyance could be secured. He found himself in the midst of a scene of death, destruction and sorrow that would have brought tears from the most callous heart and a feeling of the purest sympathy."
       The report also shows that no less than six people were killed and many others were seriously injured and may yet die from the injuries received. The story is indeed heartrending, and the people have made an appeal for aid.
       A later report in the Gazette shows that the loss of life was greater than first reported.
       The report from Franklin county shows no loss of life, but the loss of property and the suffering in consequences of the destruction of homes is great.
       Seventeen persons were killed and many injured on Thursday of last week in Kansas. The dispatches say that the town of Prescott was literally wiped out of existance and not a single building left standing.
       A destructive storm also visited the vicinity of Nevada, Mo., and four presons were killed outright and several dangerously wounded. Houses were wrecked and the suffering is great.

       A dispatch dated at Ozark, Mo., April 22, says: "The grand jury yesterday indicted all of the Bald Knobbers now under arrest - eleven in number - for the murder of George Edens. It is reported that Judge Hubbard's instructions to the grand jury spread terror throughout the Bald Knob section and about Chadwick, and a general exodus of the unmasked brotherhood will take place soon. Joe Inman made out a list of the members of the Bald Knob order in Christian county, and implicates preachers, merchants, doctors, justices of the peace and many wealthy and influential citizens. Inman and Graves estimate the number in Christian county at 800, and name many prominent men who accompanied them in criminal raids behind black masks. Graves relates that Howell Walker proposed to prove an alibi for each man present at the Edins-Green murder, fixing an impeachable witness for each guilty man. The chief himself carried his wounded boy into Doublass county that night. Public opinon asserted itself and the regulators are now terror stricken."

As George Werner, a teacher in Williamsburg, Wis., was punishing a pupil by beating him on the wrists with a ruler the boy fell back dead. Werner fled, and the farmers are looking for him and threatening to lynch him.


Bob Spencer will be hanged at Augusta today for the murder of Dick Byrd in December last.

A farmer while at work in his field near Dardanelle, Yell county, plowed up a 40-pound chunk of lead.

Jack King, of Texarkana, Ark., attacked City Marshall Edwards of Texarkana, Tex. King was shot to death in the affray.

A Mrs. Myers, living at Conway, is the inventor of a spinning wheel which may be attached to a sewing machine, and it is said, does good work.

Gen. Green, of the memorial association of Virginia, proposes to locate a $10,000 statue of Gen. Pat. Cleburne at Pine Bluff, if the citizens of that place will raise $1,000.

The Mammoth Spring in Fulton county has been purchased by a Boston company, who will erect a million dollars worth of machinery on it. This spring is said to be the largest in the world.

Ex Sheriff J. P. Grady, of Logan county, horse-whipped a deputy sheriff named Green on the streets of Paris for preferring charges against him in connection with the late safe robbery in that county.

John N. Nuckles, who robbed the Mountain View post office a few weeks ago, has been taken to Little Rock for trial. One or two other young men of that town are charged with being implicated in the robbery.

The Conway Log Cabin is responsible for the following remarkable story: "A very remarkable occurrence happened recently to Mrs. Curry, a married lady residing about three miles west of Conway. When about three years of age she became deaf from a spell of sickness, and was, of course, as aconsequence, also a mute. A few years ago she went blind and remained so until a short while ago, when her eye-sight gradually came to her, and with it she regained her hearing, and is now learning to talk as a child."


K. J. Hudson is now a full-fledged sewing machine agent.

Jasper Hughes is doing a good job of stone work on the jail walls.

The Odd Fellows had a grand celebration at Gassville on the 26th.

Our friend B. Flippin, of White River, paid us a pleasant call on last Saturday.

Rev. J. H. Wade will preach at the Methodist church on Sunday morning next.

Messrs. H. J. and C. W. Noe, of Oakland, were among the callers at The Echo office on Tuesday.

Thompson & Covington are making the grates for the jail windows, and they are making a good job of it too.

Mr. Jno. C. Rea, of North Fork, attended the convention last Saturday. While in town he made us a substantial call.

Hon. H. C. Tipton and Mr. R. F. King returned Sunday evening from Izard county and took in the convention Monday.

Mr. DeRoos Bailey, our next prosecuting attorney, and Dr. J. S. Lindley, started for Izard and Fulton counties last Tuesday. They will return about Sunday.

Dr. C. E. Cantrell, who is now located in Wiley's Cove, Searcy county, is visiting his old friends in this county. He made The Echo a substantial call yesterday.

On last Friday morning a considerable storm swept over a portion of White River township. We learn that considerable damage was done on Tom Barb's place.

Suscribe for The Mountain Echo, a 21-column, 4-page newspaper. One dollar pays for it one year -- 52 numbers. No half sheets, but an occasional extra for good measure.

We learn that the work of extending the telephone from Harrison to Valley Springs and Lead Hill is progressing. The line, it is thought, will be put through to Yellville.

Mr. S. K. Whitlock furnishes us the following item: Little Calvin McBee, aged six years, son of Mr. Vard McBee, of White River township, had his thigh bone broken on last Friday evening by the falling of a large gate. Dr. Noe is attending him.

Our friend Ben Weast turned hunter the other day and went out and killed a fine old gobbler. He (the gobbler, not Ben) had beard that measured nine inches.

John A. Cowdrey, representing the B> M> Estes nursery, of Boone county, is ready and willing to take your orders for fruit trees and vines. The Echo can recommend both the nursery and agent to is readers.

Mr. R. A. Mingle, of Woodbury, Tennessee, is visiting his relatives, Mr. Wm. Thompson's family, near town. He is a printer, and rendered us valuable assistance yesterday. He will remain in the county several months.

The matrimonial market for April was quite dull in this county, the clerk issuing licenses to ony two couples during the month. The contracting parties were
Solomon Patton to Miss America J. Smith
James G. Thompson to Miss Clora Bogle.

W. H. Fortune is located in Mountain Home as watchmaker and jeweler. Parties in Yellville and vicinity having work they want done in that line, can leave their orders with Dr. W. C. Wilson and he will forward to him and good, honest work will be done.

Mr. T. M. Rea, of Rea Valley, laid on our table last Saturday a modest but sweet bunch of roses, sent us by his estimable wife, for which we make our politest bow. We assure her the flowers are highly appreciated, but not more than her endorsement of our feeble editorial efforts.

We were indeed glad to form the acquaintenance of Messrs. S. L. Redwine and V. C. Bratton, of Marshall, who were delegates to the convention held here last Monday. Mr. Redwine is a solid merchant of Marshall and Mr. Bratton is the efficient clerk of Searcy county. They are both high-toned gentlemen, with whom it is a pleasure to meet.

Following are the names of the delegates who were present at the district convention held here on last Monday: Hon. B. F. Hudgins, Col. J. F. Wilson, Messrs. G. J. Crump and E. G. Mitchell, of Boone county; S. L. Redwine and V. C. Bratton, Searcy county; A. G. Byler and Rev. H. H. Hilton, Baxter county; Messrs. W. S. Woods, J. B. Baker, Gus Dixon and Perryman, Izard county; and the Marion delegation. Dr. Lindley was proxy for Newton and Albert Cravens for Fulton county.

A Runaway Wife Captured.
       On yesterday morning a man by the name of Carson, from Aurora, Lawrence county, Mo., came to town and swore out a warrant for the arrest of his wife and one O. B. Daily, who were living as man and wife at the notorious Mrs. Epperson's, near this place. The deputy sheriff and A. G. Cravens went out and made the arrest and brought the prisoners to town late yesterday evening, and they will have a trial today before Justice Noe. Full particulars next week.

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