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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown September 3, 1886 Issue (September 3rd microfilm is nearly impossible to read.) At Chattanooga, Tenn., a groom went to the marriage altar in a state of intoxication. The intended bride, discovering that he was drunk, promptly and very properly, refused to marry him and went home. TWO MEN KILLED We learn that last Thursday night one James Brown stole some bedding and clothes from Mr. J. W. Nave, who lives near the river in the northern part of this county. Next day he was found in the brush near Forsythe, Mo., by a posse who were looking for him. He shot one of the party, Jno. Manes, who returned the fire, breaking Brown's arm and shooting him through the breast. Brown escaped and was not found till next day several miles distant. Both died Saturday. ... Boone Banner, August 26th. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. Thos. S. Noe is canvassing and papering the walls of the school house. Misses Lillie McDowell and Una Jobe and Mr. DeRoose Bailey returned from Harrison Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Scott, after a brief visit to her son, Mr. Alex. Scott, left for her home in Illinois on last Tuesday. Mr. John Cowdrey, accompanied by his little daughter, Annie, and Misses Virgie and Mary Berry, went up to Harrison last Friday. They returned Tuesday. On last Monday, Mr. John Covington's youngest child was playing near a fire in the yard where his mother was washing clothes, fell in the fire and was painfully burned on the arm. FLIPPIN FACTS W. H. Lynch is getting material on the ground for a new residence. Mrs. A. G. Cravens started for Batesville this week to visit old friends and neighbors. Col. John C. Huddleston is dangerously ill at his residence in White River township. Mrs. James Lynch, Mrs. C. C. Poynter and Grandma Flippin have been quite sick for the past week. Judge W. B. Flippin returned home from an extended trip down in the eastern part of the State. His health is greatly improved. (The remainder of Mr. W. B. F., Jr.'s article is too faded to read.) ODDS AND ENDS Lost -- Between John McVey's and White river, a saddle. Any information that will lead to the finding of the same will be appreciated by Thos. Railsback, at Yellville. September 10, 1886 Issue (Top) THE ELECTION (abstract) The vote on liquor license was Against license, 607; For license 473. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ELECTION NOTES "Uncle Mike" wasn't a bit scared but he ran like a scared Wolf. Cravens wears a very pleasant smile, but it would have spread all over his face had the ticket gone through. Hon. T. H. Flippin, although defeated in the primaries for Representative, like the Democrat he is, worked faithfully for the ticket. J. P. Carson always has an answer for those who attempt to say why he voted for a Democrat. He is a Democrat from principle and he votes that way. A good report comes from Dr. Pierce and other solid Democrats of Blythe. They worked manfully for the ticket, and did some good work for Representative. J. C. Rea, E. T. Record; T. M. Rea?, J. M. Phillips, N. J. Bearden, and numerous other Democrats, paid their respects to The Echo this week. They were faithful. NEWS NUGGETS Gen. Frank Cheatham died at Nashville, Tenn. on the 3rd. McCulloch county, Texas has ordered the non-naturalized Mexicans out of the county. Two negroes were hanged at Marion, Crittenden county, this State, on the 3d for the murder of Lee Goldsmith. The murder was committed last January. Rev. James K. Beecher, a brother of Henry Ward Beecher, shot and killed himself at Elmyra, N.Y. He had been suffering with severe mental troubles for a number of years. He served in the late army as a brevet Brigadier General. An earthquake such as has never before been known in the his-tory of the country shook up portions of the South on the night of August 31. At Charleston, S. C., the effect of the shocks was most disastrous. Press dispatches say "the city is literally in ruins. The streets are encumbered with masses of fallen bricks and tangled telegraph and telephone wires. More than sixty per-sons are known to be killed or wounded." At Columbia, S. C., sixteen distinct shock were felt, but no damage to property reported. LOCAL ECHOINGS Judge Flippin, of White River township, was in town Tuesday. The Red House, next door to the postoffice, is the place to get bargains. The Echo is under obligations to Mr. James A. Young for favors this week. Old papers for sale at this office at 25 cents a hundred. Just the thing to put under carpets. The Echo comes out a little late this week in order to give as full election reports as possible. The election is over but you need The Echo all the same. One dollar a year, and no half sheets. John Sims, living five miles south of town, brought in the first bale of cotton on the 8th. Berry & Son bought it. Maj. J. P. Clendenin, of Batesville, now a book-keeper for Cox & Denton, at Gassville, has our thanks for late St. Louis papers. Hon. H. C. Tipton, Register of the Land Office at Harrison, passed through town Wednesday en route to his old home in Izard county. Last week The Echo should have said Matthew Patton, of Blythe township, instead of Arnold, in speaking of the first bale of cotton put up in the county this season. We are informed by Mr. J. W. Covington, who has just finished taking the census, that there are 171 children of school age in this (No. 4) district. Of this number 163 are white and 9 colored. H. A. Young takes this method of saying that he wants every man, woman and child in the county to call at the Red House, next door to the postoffice, and see his new stock of goods. He is selling at bed rock prices. Mr. L. Davenport, of George's Creek, dropped in to see us on Monday, and reported that Mrs. L. had returned from her visit to relatives at Warrior Station, Alabama. Their little ?ve-year-old son had a spell of fever while in Alabama, and took a relapse while en route home, and is now dangerously ill. A man by the name of Houston was tried before a justice of the peace of Prairie township last Friday, charged with kidnapping and assault with intent to kill his wife. He was held to await the action of the grand jury, and not being able to give bond for his appearance he was brought to town and placed in jail. He has been quite sick, and Dr. Bryan was called to see him. September 17, 1886 (Top) OUR ANSWER GENERAL The Harrison Times says Gen. W. Daniels and V. C. Bratton, of Searcy county, will soon begin the publication of a paper at Marshall. NEWS NUGGETS The damage to property by the earthquake in Charleston is esti-mated at $5,000,000 by the City Appraiser. The government inspector, after proper investigation, reports that there is no yellow fever at Biloxi, Mississippi. The President has been asked to appoint the widow of the late Gen. Frank Cheatham postmistress of Nashville, Tennessee. A colored child born in Charleston has been christened "Earthquakionia". An attempt to pronounce the name will paralyze the average citizen almost as much as the recent earthquake. Accounts from Nashville state that Gen. Frank Cheatham's death was that of a soldier. He was sitting in his chair, having just called his wife to his side. A passing vehicle on the street made a rambling sound. His eyes opened and he raised his head. There go the troops," he said. "Bring me my horse; I am going to the front." His head fell and the veteran had gone to the front. It is estimated that the annual revenue from the two-cent tax on oleomargarine will amount to one million dollars. This is on the basis of home consumption of fifty million pounds, and is a low estimate. The exports of oleomargarine last year amounted to nearly thirty-eight million pounds. The total production of butter in the United States in 1880 was 777,250,587 pounds. LOCAL ECHOINGS Cotton picking will soon be the order of the day. Several North Fork citizens were in town this week. Since the election everything and everybody seem perfectly quiet. Mr. DeRoos Bailey attended circuit court at Mountain Home this week. Mr. B. L. King, of Harrison, was in town two or three days this week. Mr. William Covington, of Baxter county, is visiting relatives and friends in town. Those who want to take The Echo, and have not the cash, can pay for it in wood. Mr. John H. Thompson, Jr. gave us on Wednesday the first and only peach we have seen this year. It, with about half a dozen others, grew in his garden. The death of Mrs. Jessie Hull, wife of Mr. C. T. Hull, of the Baxter County Citizen, is announced in that paper. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Hull in his sad bereavement. People who attend campmeeting, or any other kind of meeting, should learn to behave themselves. If they will not, we say, in the language of the law books, "soc it to um," or words to that effect. Dr. R. J. Pierce, of Blythe township, who was in town Tuesday, reports some sickness in his neighborhood, but none of a very serious type. We were pleased to learn from him that Mr. L. Davenport's little boy is convalescing. The Methodist campmeeting, two miles south of town, is still in progress. There have been 21 conversions, and there is a great deal of interest manifested in the meeting. We are not advised as to when the meeting will close. Messrs. John Keener and --- --- Frost, of Harrison, attended the campmeeting Saturday and Sunday last. By the way, the camp-meeting is not the only attraction down this way for the above named young gents. Call again boys, don't forget the number. Mr. W. Q. Seawel has leased his mill and gin to Messrs. Pierce & Bro., experienced millers and sober, industrious men. They will have everything ready for work by the first of October. A new Pratt gin has been put in and the mill machinery is first class in every particular. the Pierce's are lately from Illinois, and will make good citizens. The other day Assessor Cravens presented us with the finest apple we have seen this year. It is a whopper. In his presen-tation speech he said, "Give this to your girl." Our girl is hereby requested to call and get the apple. We make this request simply because our office is easier for "our girl" to find than it is for us to find "our girl." Call early, or else the "devil" who is also the editor, will have devoured that same fine speci-men of fruit with which mother Eve tempted our father Adam. The parties guilty of the low and contemptible conduct at the campgrounds the first few nights of the meeting, should be pun-ished. How any boy or young man, living in a civilized community can become so low and mean as to be guilty of such conduct is a mystery to us. Cutting tent-ropes, stealing the Bible from the pulpit, putting brush in the roads, and other meaner acts, can be of no pleasure to those committing the offenses, and is a great deal of annoyance to those who attend the meeting for the purpose of worship. Such conduct should not be tolerated, and the offen-ders should be made to respect the rights of others, if they do not have any respect for themselves. SHERIFF'S SALE September 24, 1886 (Top) STATE NEWS The ladies of Eureka Springs have organized a society for the relief of the poor in that city. In a shooting affray, near Seba, Benton county, on the 4th, between Dr. R. O. Chambers and Charles Ellis, the latter was killed. Gov. Hughes on the 8th inst. pardoned Mrs. Minerva Ivy, of Lead Hill, convicted of selling whisky without license, at the last term of our circuit court, and fined $400. It would seem to a man up a tree as if Gov. Hughes is mighty liberal with the Boone county fines. -- Harrison Times. Last Friday night John Brannam, of Searcy county, and John Terry, of Boone, sawed and dug their way out of our old chicken-coop, called a jail, and left for parts unknown, without bidding good-bye to the watchman who stood without. Nobody seems to be crying over their departure. Brannam's wife was confined that night (no pun meant) in the jail with her husband. There being no charges against her she remained to tell how the delivery was accomplished. -- Boone Banner. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. W. C. Beven's school in District No. 44, closed on last Tuesday. Rev. O. H. Tucker will fill the regular appointment at Harrison on Sunday. Madam Rumor says there will be a wedding in town soon. Just wait and see. Mr. George Layton and Miss Nellie Jeffries went up to Harrison on Wednesday. Ben Carney, the invincible machine man, was in town several days this week. The Echo acknowledges a pleasant call from Presiding Elder Summers on yesterday. Mrs. W. Q. Seawel has gone on a visit to relatives at Valley Springs, Boone county. The campmeeting at Lead Hill closed on Wednesday. We learn there were 11 conversions. Rev. Mathis on last Sunday, at the camp ground, preached the funeral of Rev. George Wade. Presiding Elder, P. B. Summers preached at the M. E. Church South, on Wednesday night. The Mountain Echo is no object of charity. If you no likee, no takee. "Them's our sentiments." Mr. T. O. Stegall won the pair of boots offered by W. Q. Seawel for the first bale of cotton brought in by his customers. J. W. Black, county surveyor, called one day this week and ordered The Echo to be sent to his brother in Texas. Col. Peel's majority over Hon. H. A. Dinsmore in the Congressional Primary in this county was 820. Peel's total votes in the county was 963, and Dinsmore's 134. The Methodist camp-meeting, near this place, closed on Monday night. We learn from Rev. O. H. Tucker that there were 48 conversions and 29 a_ccssions[?] to the M. E. Church South. The public school house has been papered and otherwise improved, and the well has been nicely walled and covered, and all it lacks of being a well is water. When the school will open we are unable to say. Mr. F. N. Matthews and wife, of this place, left for Flippin, Marion county, where they will make their future home. Mr. Matthews has been connected with the Democrat at this place for the past year. He made many friends while here who regret his departure. -- Huntsville Democrat. The Democratic County Central Committee have appointed Messrs. E. L. Berry, DeRoos Bailey, and J. C. Floyd as delegates to the Congressional convention which meets at Harrison on next Friday, October 1. G. P. Lawson was appointed proxy. Marion county is entitled to 3 votes. Doc Houston, who was put in our so called jail a few weeks ago on a charge of kidnapping and an assault with intent to kill his wife, made his escape on last night. A crowbar was furnished by some one from the outside. It's no trouble for a man who is not too lazy to make the effort, to get out the old trap. Mrs. Carter, of Elixir, came to town Thursday and stopped over night at Mr. Thomas Railsback's [small fold in paper] Some barbarous inclined horse barber conceived the idea of shaving her horse's tail, and did so, in the latest mode, we learn. In the language of a Lead Hill pedagogue, the conduct of some of the boys of this town is very "reprehensible as well as commendable." Mr. George Layton and Miss Nellie Jeffries while returning yesterday from Harrison met with an accident that came near proving serious. While driving down hill about eight miles west of this place, some part of the harness broke, and the buggy running down on the horses gave them a fright causing them to run. The buggy tongue was broken and Mr. L. was drawn over the dash board by the reins and Miss Nellie was thrown out to one side of the buggy. Miss Nellie escaped injury, but Mr. L. was considerably bruised by his fall. They secured a wagon and arrived at home late last night. This morning Mr. L. said it was fully fifteen minutes before he could tell whether he was alive or dead. His friends pronounce him as fully alive, however, and as happy and gay as if he had an accident policy for a cool thousand or two. ![]() Top of Page