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Vol 1. No. 10

Mt. Echo Newspaper
May 7, 1886 Issue
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Linda Haas Davenport

Dividing Line

When the print is so faded that it cannot be read <.....> will be used . All transcription will be as found in the paper, misspellings and all.

Page 1, column 1

Echo Directory and ads unchanged

Page 1, column 2

Announcements for political office same as prior issue

The Arkansas Gazette's Washington correspondent says: "Senator Berry desires his Arkansas friends to know that there is no occasion to fear serious results from his throat troubles. No physician has ever yet pronounced it cancer."

National political snippets

Page 1, column 3 (Top)

We return thanks to Hon S W Peel for a copy of the report of the select committee of the House of Representatives on the condition of Indians and Indian Affairs. Mr Peel is a member of the committee and has gained the reputation as a hard working member. The report is very full and complete, but we have not had time to examine it closely. The speech of Cheif Youngman-afraid-of-his-horses will claim out attention at our earliest convenience.

Chairman Flippin, of the Democratic Congressional Committee, announces that he is ready to call a convention for the nomination of a Democratic candidate for Congress if the other members of the committee will signify their approbation. We do not apprehend any danger of the election of a Republican, but it is always best to be on the safe side of any doubtful quesion, and then we want a true Democrat, elected by Democrats and not by a coalition of soft-headed Democrats and Republicans. In other words, we do not want the Republican part to dictate the Democratic Congressman from the Fifth Congressional district. --Bentonville Democrat

National political snippets

Page 1, column 4 (Top)

Article about Jefferson Davis

Article - Facts About the Bible

Page 1, column 5

Articles: "Economy", :Our Home Industrial Exhibit", "Lippincott's Magazine" and "Attorney Frank Wilson from the Bentonville"

Page 1, column 6 (Top)


Farmers are very busy.

Cotton planting is the order of the day.

The wheat crop promises an unparalleled yield. The hard-fisted sons of the soil contemplate on a huge time in the near future, "gathering in the sheaves."

Our neighbors are gardening extensively and planting as though they fully expect to put an end to the stringency of the times when gathering time appears again.

W. C. McBee is having his mammoth store house painted and papered in "bon ton" style. I advise him to get a lightening rod hat and to subscribe for The Echo in order to be happy.

That indomitable Capt. Stallings arrived this morning at McBee's Landing in command of his boat, the Home, with fifty tons of freights. The Home is the only boat that will come here on twenty-inches of water.

Sunday evening your correspondent strolled down to School District No. 1 to hear the youngsters sing. The singing, I am proud to say, was a grand success, and everything went off smoothly and nicely, and nothing occurred to mar the happiness of any. There were the usual number of small boys on the ground. The Sullivans were quite handy with their fists, judging from the way they "put in their best licks."

Our little city numbers about seventy-five souls, allowing two souls for each goat, and one for each inhabitant. The burg has somewhat of a bygoing appearance, but the quadrupeds are just as gay as ever pruned a honeysuckle or galloped across a stable roof. They (the goats) have the town so well perfumed it smells like a stew of cod fish and onions. --May 4, 1886, W B F Jr

Article - "Bill Nye as a Statue", small snippets from other papers

Page 2, column 1 (Top)


Mr. Edward Kelley, of Bellefonte, Boone county, is in town.

We regret to learn that Dr. Dodd, of Doddsville, is quite unwell.

Big stock of Furniture just received at Layton & Cowdrey's.

Mr. John H. Thompson, Sr., enrolled with The Echo this week.

An adjourned term of county court will be held on next Monday.

The Echo is placed under obligations to Master Robert Berry for a lovely bouquet

Our George's Creek and Flippin correspondents came to the front again this week.

Genuine New Orleans Sugar House Molasses and Syrups at Layton & Cowdrey's.

Service at the M. E. Church, South, on Sunday at the usual hours - morning and evening - by the pastor, Rev. O. H. Tucker.

Attorneys DeRoos Bailey, J C Floyd and B F Fee went to Mountain Home this week on legal business.

Some of the boys have been fishing every day this week and have succeeded in being unsuccessful up to date.

Call at Dr. W C Wilson's and get one of Dr. Bull's almanacs and a trial package of Dr. Bull's Blood and Liver Pills.

Cam Berry turned cow boy one day last week. He had quite a thrilling adventure while "rounding up" the lowing herd.

By order of the President a called meeting of the County Wheel will be held at this place on the 21st inst., at 10 o'clock a.m.

Mr. James A. Young opened a subscription school at the public school house on last Monday. The Echo wishes him success.

Dr. W C Wilson has just received a fresh invoice of Dr. Bull;s celebrated medicines - the only place in town where they are for sale.

Messrs Geo W Stone and W W Record, two of Marion's good farmers, were callers at this office this week. They subscribed for The Echo.

This is the merry month of May, and we haven't heard of a single picnic or Sunday school celebration in the county. Verily, the good old times have played out.

Dr. Bull's Herbs and Iron, Blood and Liver Pills, and Blackberry Tonic, just received at Dr. W C Wilson's. These are the finest propriotory medicines made.

We learn from our nieghbor, the Baxter County Citizen, that the Wheelers of that county, as an organization, will leave politics to the political parties. Good for Baxter.

"Two souls with but a single thought" have been granted license to wed since our last report. John C Langston and Miss Amanda McElyea are the happy twain made one.

Mr. J A Callahan, of Water Creek township, called to see us yesterday. He left a dollar with us to help pay our board bill. Mr. C. will probably be a candidate for assessor.

Mr. Felix Huddleston, of Buffalo, was in town last Saturday mixing with his numerous friends. He was wearing a smiling countenance, the cause of which was the recent arrival of a "new infant" at his house.

Assessor Cravens and his assistant, Mr. J I Thompson, are progressing finely with their work on the assessor's books. The books are indeed neat and clean, and show that great care and pains have been taken with them.

From all paortions of the county come the cheering neews of good crop prospects. The wheat, especially, is looking fine. Farmers are working with a vim, and they are determined that no blame shall fall on them if crops fall short.

Page 2, column 2 (Top)

Some of the stockholders of the Batesville Mining Company have made arragements with a Mr. James of Woodland, Mo, to take charge of their zinc mines in Marion county and operate them. Work is expected to begin at an early day. - Batesville Guard, April 30

Married -- At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. H J Noe, of Oakland, this county, April 26th, 1886, Mr. E T Record to Miss Mary Noe, Elder W D Jennings officiating. The Echo congratulates them and wishes for them many happy years and prosperity unbounded.

At the meeting of the miners of the Harrison Mining District, held at Doddsville on Tuesday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President - Dr. G H Derryberry
Recorder - Judge Wm Keener of Lead Hill, Ark
Marshal - Samuel Mitchel

Mr. Pat Carson smiled on The Echo man last Friday, and The Echo man returned the compliment (smiled a smole on Mr. Carson) when he heard the merry jingle of the dollar of our daddies drop into the fire and burglar proof safe of this establishment. Mr. Carson still wears his arm in a sling.

Mr. H W Hudson, Sr., and James Cowdrey, who have been with the Carthage and Batesville railroad engineers since the corps left here, returned home last Tuesday, the survey having been completed to Bald Knob. From Mr. Hudson we learn that Chief Engineer Van Frank and his corps were ordered to Desoto, Mo., as soon as the work in Bald Knob was completed.

Lay away your guns now. Deer, turkeys and quails are all protected by "Uncle Sam." --Baxter Citizen. "Uncle Sam" who? What has "Uncle Sam" to do with the Arkansas game law? No more than a game rooster has to do with a game of poker between two game legged black-legs. The advice is timely, however. Put your old flint-lock blunderbus in the rack, and grasp the plow-handles.

We had quite a nice ride up the raging Crooked' on last Sunday afternoon. The gallant tub, the "Wiggins" was chartered (in the absence of the owner), and under command of Commodore Cravens she gracefully rode the shoals, and a most enjoyable voyage was the result. Cravens can successfully handle anything that floats, from a canoe up to the Great Eastern, including cedar rafts and flat-boats

Mrs. Bradbury, of this place, is in quite a sad condition. She has been blind for a number of years, and now the light of reason has taken its flight. She showed symptoms of insanity several days ago, and has been growing worse every day. At first she was not boisterous, but talked incessantly on religion. She imagined she was dying on Tuesday, and since that day she claims that her soul has been in heaven, and that it is Christ that speaks through her, and not herself. She refuses to take medicine, and eats and sleeps but little. Yesterday she was much worse and quite boisterous. She will probably be sent to the insane asylum in a few days.


Enterprising farmers have plowed their corn one more time, and are planting cotton this week.

Preaching last Saturday and Sunday by Parson Sasser. The parson is an able talker and a good man.

One of our famous hunters, Jefferson Pulliam, killed four turkeys last week, but I guess he will not kill any more for some time. If he does he will be very careful where he is. -- May 5, 1886 - W L M

       In addition to their mammoth stock of general merchandise, Layton & Cowdrey keep a good supply of Cornmeal, Flour, Bacon and Lard.

Page 2, column 3 (Top)


The weather is fine for farming. farmers are getting on finely with their crops. Many are plowing their corn. Cotton planting about over.

I hope the call of the Executive Committee of the Marion county Deocracy will meet with a hearty response from all the Democrats of the county.

The people of this vicinity have organized a Sabbath school, with Mr. A B Hampton as its superintendent. Hope they will succeed well in so good an enterprise.

We attended church last Sunday at George's Creek Baptist church, where we listened to quite an interesting discourse delivered by Elder James A Butler, of Lee's Mountain, Ark.

Well Mr. Editor, perhaps some of your readers are not acquainted with this section of the country. It is situated in the western portion of the county, near the famous Crooked creek, which affords us some of the best farm lands in the State. The valleys on George's creek are narrow, but quite fertile. The up-lands are very fertile also. Besides, we are near the best stock range in the county. The famous George's Creek zinc minees are some three miles from the mouth of said Creek. This we think is destined to be one of the richest localities in North Arkansas. There have been some recent discoveries of rich copper lead and zinc, in this section that is not generally known to the public.

Well as there is little news afloat, I will close this communication. - Success to you, Mr. Editor. - Yours, &c., May 3, 1886 - Bill Slim


The Arkansas Press Association met at Pine Bluff on the 5th.

A Good Offer - We will send The Mountain Echo and the Arkansas Weekly Gazette, one of the best weeklies in the south, one year, to any address, for $2.50. The subscriber will be entitled to the Gazette premium, a splendid two-bladed pocket-knife, which will be sent by mail prepaid. Now is your chance to get your State and county papers and a good, nice knife.

Rest of column ads for patent medicines and snippets from other newspapers

       The public is hereby notified that I no longer hold myself responsible for the acts and conduct of my son, Levy Cox, he having left home. -- May 1, 1886, G W Cox

Page 2, column 4 (Top)


Mr. Editor - I thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know how things are moving in this part of the county.

Farming is moving up briskly.

The saw mill crew is at work like beavers, making lumber.

Mr. Ecitor, stir up the Democrats of this county to fully organize.

As I am no newspaper writer, I will close. If this escapes the waste basket, I may write again.

Tell "Big Panther" to come down and give our town a puff. Tell him its a good time for snakes to bite, and that "sang diggin" has commenced

I will say to those suffering with dyspepsia, sore eyes and deranged stomach, this is the place to be healed. I could give certificates to prove the facts in this case.

The mining business is getting on a big boom. Specimens of various kinds are coming in almost daily, but I don't know all of the kinds for I am no miner. -- May 3, 1886 - Old Tiger (Come again, "Old Tige," and have no fears of the waste basket - Ed)


Same as last issue

Ad for Saturday Night magazine

Page 2, column 5 (Top)

Ads: J H Berry & Son Drygoods ... K J Hudson Drugstore ... Hill, Fountain & Co Cotton Factors ... B H Trimble Tobacco ... Friedman Bros Boots & Shoes

Page 2, column 6 (Top)

Ads for other newspapers

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