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Post Offices and Postmasters
By: Glenn Johnson
Retired Postmaster
Pages: 331-337

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History BookRESPECT THE COPYRIGHT: This book is still under copyright of the Marion County Historical Association and may not be used for any purpose other than your own personal research. It may not be reproduced nor placed on any web page nor used by anyone or any entity for any type of "for profit" endeveor.

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Click here for map showing location of post offices

       (Page 331) The first post office in Marion County was Yellville. It was established in 1831 and at that time was listed with Lebanon and Wiley's Cove as being in Searcy county. In 1836 when Arkansas was admitted to the Union, the county lines were re-established and Yellville became the county seat of Marion county. More information about Yellville will be given along with the seven post offices now serving the county in this Bicentennial year 1976.
       Much information is revealed in the progress of the county as to transportation, industry, recreation, mining, agriculture, and forestry, when we take a historical look at the establishment and discontinuance of post offices. We also see politics as a prime source of change. "To the victor belonged the spoils" was common practice until the 1930's among Postmasters and some changes were made without orders from the Post Office Department. When the Postal Inspector arrived and found the office in balance, he would give the new Postmaster the "Oath of Office" and go on his way. A former businessman of Flippin, W. N. Christian, told of having bought a store and post office for four hundred dollars from a man who was in trouble with a neighbor. When the inspector arrived, he explained the situation and was accepted as postmaster.
       We have many unusual names of post offices. The Maryhattieanna office was named for the three daughters of the owner of a store, mine, and newspaper. The office was established in 1899 and discontinued in 1902. W. A. Webber was the only postmaster serving this office.
       Many new offices were established and discontinued during the one hundred forty years of history we have of the county. As soon as a store was opened in a new location, a post office was sure to be the next step in giving the people service in the community. Sometimes two stores in a location would be politically divided and the office would be changed with the election of a new congressman. Some stores could not stay open without the income from the post office and they would be discontinued. Someone would open the office later under a new name. This writer found in the research of records two of his grandfathers' names who had served as postmasters, F. G. Huddleston at Bruno and J. E. Wickersham at Yellville.
       An indication of growth in population is evidenced in the 1900 to 1930 period by the establishing of new offices. Most of these were named (Page 332 Top ) from a mine. Many offices were closed after the mining boom. These offices were needed to serve the workmen who lived near the mine because the hours of work were long. When the mine closed, nothing was left to keep the employees around.
       It is impossible to give the location of each office. We will try to give an approximate area location as it relates to some other office where the mail was dispatched to at the closing of the office. Some of the postmasters who served an office would be found as serving in another later on in time and some distance from his first office. It is likely that someone who could get an office established did not want to operate the office himself and would hire someone as postmaster.
       One interesting part of the information found in the research was an office by the name of Sherman, established in 1870 with the courthouse letters indicating it to be a county seat. The postmaster was Thomas Sutton then Daniel Wickersham. The office was discontinued November 14, 1871. This office was located near Talbert's Ferry on White River some eleven miles east of Yellville.
       (Page 333 Top) Etmo Ingenthron, who has written a history of Taney County, Missouri, has given me help in locating several offices in the north part of the county. He is now writing a history about the Civil War and hopes to find the reason for Sherman being a county seat office. He thinks the papers of the county may have been moved to this place because there was no courthouse at Yellville, the courthouse having been burned about this time. At this time the answer is not available to us.
       Records obtainable are not always complete and it is likely that errors and omissions may appear hereafter as an effort is being made to list in alphabetical order the names of the post offices that have had an existence, the year such office was established, the name or names of those who served as postmasters, the date the office was discontinued, and the location, if possible.
       Adams -1907- Emma Adams, 1910- South of Yellville
       Ball - April 22, 1881 - John H. Pangle, June 22, 1881- unknown
       Bend - 1907- Austin Brown, 1910- near Peel
       Bendona -1924- Nancy Dixon, 1931 - near Peel
       Brodie - 1910- James B. Melton, 1911 - Cowan Barrens
       Bnmo - November 10, 1885 - F. G. Huddleston, H. A. Fulbright, William T. Thunnan, G. W. Wickersham, H. F. Cantrell, T.J. Evans, Felix G. Huddleston, Robert E. Keeter, Arthur V. Adams, Dolphus A. Angel, Tollie Adkins, (acting) Robert W. Elam, Mrs. Willie F. Burleson. Office remains in 1976.
       Buffalo - January 5, 1848 - Ele B. Lines, J. H. Tunstall, Ambrose Cochran - discontinued 1856 but re-established as Toney in 1884 with L. D. Toney as postmaster; was discontinued shortly thereafter and re-established as Sticker City with Emil Golden as postmaster, followed by L. D. Toney, Sarah D. Blankenship. The name changed back to Buffalo in 1893- M. G. Stookey, William H. Casteel, Bob Reynolds, Bret Record, George W. Hudson. Office was moved to Baxter County June 4, 1923.
       Bull Shoals - 1949 - Rosalie Batchelder, Doris Griffin - office remains 1976.
       Clear Creek - November 11, 1855 - name changed to Powell in 1883 and to Pyatt in 1904. According to Mrs. June Young, the first post office in the area was a private post office located on what is now the Frank Hagy farm on Clear Creek and was operated by a Mr. Stanley - an ancestor of J. Gordon Stanley, the present postmaster of Pyatt. Other postmasters were: Miles Patton, J. V. Cunningham, Robert F. Patterson, David C. Coulson, P. G. Magness, R. S. Lundy, J. F. Davis, J. D. McGregor, A. J. Bradford, S.C. Dodd, I. P. House, J. 0. Ledbetter, Harvey Dodd, Cam Milum, Carl L. Briggs, Robert L. Godfrey and Gordon Stanley, the present postmaster.
       Claffern - 1916- Everett Overton, 1917- near Rush.
       Comel - January 16, 1906 - A. G. Pierce, J. E. Mallard, W. 0. Emerson, Robert D. McKay - name changed to. Turkey in 1918 - L. B. Brookshire, tha P. Burleson, Mrs. Pearl Burleson, Brice Burleson - 1953 - mail to Yellville.
       Cowan - 1900- King Doshier, Alex Cowan -1904- near Yellville
       Demby - 1898- Charles F. Burnes -1899- Water Creek area
       Doddsville - 1872 - Hiempsal S. Dodd - changed to Dodd City in 1888 - L. C. Gray, William L. Clark, Charles E. Wagoner - 1931
(Page 334 Top Photos: Flippin Post Offic, Yellville, Post Office)
       Dugger - 1907 - M. E. Taylor, Mary E. Brannon, F. L. Know, Hannah E. Mitchell - 1918 - Rush vicinity
       Dubuque - 1856- Thomas G. Scott - 1864- unknown
       Eros - 1880 - G. W. Jobe, W. H. Couch - 1884 - but re-established in 1886 - James S. Hudson- 1886.
       Exeter - 1888 - Luke Matlock - appears that name may have been changed to Marionette and was probably closed in 1889 while James Thompson was postmaster.
       Fears -1908- John M. Fears, N. P. Gray, Mary E. Lantz, Benjamin F. Sisney, 1915- vicinity of Oakland
       Freck - 1906 - Albert Adams, Jesse M. Baker, W. T. Harris, W. F. Rice, Minnie A. Harris, Jesse M. Baker, B. F. Burnes, Hester Burnes, 1953
       Flippin - 1878 -James F. Jackson, George Sewell, H. C. Bulhs, William H. Russell, M. P. Fishburn, J. H. Talbert, James J. Messick, W. J. Pierce, Ernest McBee, John H. Burch, D. M. Lee, J. R. Wood, E. K Noe, Glenn Johnson - Vena Wood, Officer in Charge - Everett Dardin - present postmaster 1976 -
       Georges Creek - 1879 - William Denton, William H. Horn, J. K. Davis, Lafayette Davenport -. office discontinued in 1885 but was re-established in 1886-James L. Hudson -1905
       Hampton Valley - 1878 - William C. McEntire, W. Depriest - 1880 probably near Bruno on Hampton Creek Helva - 1917- Henry Sour - 1918- vicinity of Rush
       Hepsey - 1896 - Erasmus E. Adams, Leonard Keeling - 1924 - Southeast corner of the county
       Jacfonton - 1902- John Q. Carter, E. N. McGinnis -1903- near Buffalo
       Keystone - 1904- J. R. Wheeler, William T. O'Bryan, E. Stickler, Thomas J. Wheeler - 1911- probably near Buffalo
       Kingdon Springs - 1902- Felix Wallace, William R. Noe, U. S. Fisher, W. T. Penn, Joe D. Hardy, L. D. Bolin - 1933
       Lion Hill - 1895 - M. F. Tunstall, J. A. Survy, William H. Tripp, 1899 - near Hand Valley
       Maryhattieanna - 1897- Col. W. A. Webber - 1899? - near mine in Rush Creek area, probably
       McBee Landing -1887- Winnifred McBee - 1906- near Cotter
       Monarch - 1887 - J. W. Smith, T. J. Smith, Zed Griffith, James F. Sloan, Bert Whitmore, H. K. Stevenson, Ford Whitmore, Ell E. Davis, 1955
       Mt. Perrion - 1921-John T. Motley - 1926- near Protem,
       Missouri Mull - 1919 - J. J. Davenport, Marvin Gilley, Hugh McClain, Zula P. Mc Clam, Ruth A. Hollingsworth, Ruth Sailors, John A. Ware, Ruth C. Stamper, Margaret Wilson, Mary A. Losey, Willodene Barnes, Benjamin H. Smith, Alice Smith - 1954
       Noe's Landing - 1873- Levi Pierson, Williath Harmons, William Dammonds; office discontinued in 1879 but was the same year re-established only to be discontinued on December 2, 1879. The office was re-established in 1880 and named Noes with John R. Price as postmaster followed by F. E. Norton, R. A. Jefferson, Andrew Vantroade, James Small - name changed to Oakland - 1886.
       Oakland - 1886 - Postmasters have been: James Small, J. N. Griffin, S. E. Orcutt, Ida Record, H. H. Evans, G. W. Layton, G. W. Billings, L. E. Evans, (Page 335 Top) Hobart Milligan and Esther Elliott - the present postmaster.
       Olna - 1895- Charles R. Steele - 1896- unknown
       Onset - 1884- Tramel M. Rea, Julia Flippin - 1914- near Rea Valley on Hall Mountain
       Onwata - 1916- William A. McClellan - 1918- near Kingdon Springs
       Otis Island - 1878- M. W. Hall - discontinued - unknown
       Pyleville - 1880- S. G. Pyle - in operation only 41 days - Georges Creek
       Peel - 1883 - Austin Brown, C. W. Milum, V. E. Risley, John H. Cagel, J. A. Treadway, Justin Brown, J. Frank Treadway, George Randall, present postmaster
       Pyatt - See Clear Creek and Powell
       Ralph - 1884 - Harriet A. Camp, Jimmie Watts, J. B. Morrow, Patrick H. Keeter, J. C. Stokes, F. P. Treat, Nancy A. Sims, Mary S. James, Augusta A. Birrer - 1925- Highway 14 south
       Rosslow - 1880 - John R. Milum, Ezekiel Adkins, Whitfield Depriest 1882 - south part of the county
       Rush - 1886 - Jesse E. White, John Cox, G. W. Chase, James L. Barker, W. C. Hall, N. J. Bearden, Samuel J. Wilson - discontinued in 1904 but re established in 1907 with W. 1. Taylor as postmaster - W. C. Bearden, E. J. Delaney, Ella Richardson, Russell Melton, Roscoe Hicks, R. L. Hall, James A. Goodall, J. B. Melton, Samuel James, Nadine Goodall, Audria K. James, Virginia Smith, Lee C. Medley, 1954
       Silver Run -1896-John W. Massengale - 1917- near Maumee
       Salado - 1900- Fred B. Sanders - 1911 - Rush - Buffalo area
       Sherman - 1870 - Thomas Sutton, Daniel Wickersham - discontinued Nov ember 14, 1871 - near Talbert's Ferry, eleven miles east of Yellville, on White River
       Spierstown - 1877- Albert C. Spiers - no other record
       Stewartstown - 1875 - John C. Parker, Jasper Matthews - 1876 - probably near present Fairview Community
       Stone - 1884 - Lewis E. Evans, John H. Pangle, J. F. Lemon, L. S. Foster, Mary King, Edmon L. Keller, James Mean, T. B. Music, Lillian H. Dut ton -1910- on Jimmies Creek below Kingdon Springs - near mouth of Wild Cat
       Sugar Loaf Mills - 1872 - Austin Brown - open only 23 days - located near present town of Peel with Austin Brown first postmaster of Peel
       Summit - 1905-Joshua M. Tolliver, J. B. Rowden, Helen R. Keeter, Helen R. Rea, Everett Dardin, Military leave - Velcy M. Wingate, acting post master, Everett Dardin, George L. Stice, present postmaster
       Sylvia - 1882 - Nicolas R. Sagarus, Clavin Summers, Francis M. McCallum, David S. Nowlin -1901- Maumee area
       Toney - See Buffalo
       Turkey - See Comel
       Talbert's Ferry - 1860- James M. Archer - 1865- near Denton Ferry
       Teagarden - 1916- W. D. Hendrick - open three months - Buffalo area
       Water Creek - 1844 - Jipe Edlemore, discontinued in 1844 but reestablished in 1876 for short time with John Reek as postmaster - followed by R. Mar tin in Powell - Pyatt area
       Wolly - 1880- John Lowery - no other record
       Worth - 1848- Henry Maxwell, W. B. King - 1854 - north part of county
       (Page 337 Top) Verona - 1906 - Thomas Rogers, Issac R. Tyler, Thomas Rogers, Sara Eclough, De Kalv Plumlee, William Plumlee, Loyd Slagle, Clarence R. Adams, Mrs. Lon Adams, 1951 - southwest of Bruno
       Yellville - 1831 - William Kavanaugh, William Wood, Jesse N. Everett, William Barnett, Thomas F. Austin, J. W. Weast, John Estes, William H. Perry (Wm. C. Perry) W. M. Keener, H. J. Noe, Victor A. Wilbur, John H. Thompson, Alfred Watts, H. A. Burnes, Don Matthews, Luther Cavaness, Burl King, the present postmaster in 1976

*Records indicate a post office known as - Johnston - 1836 - Walter Talbert - discontinued in 1836 but re-established in 1844 with Nathan Clements as postmaster but no record of location - probably re-established in 1860 as Talbert's Ferry when county seat was located there for short time during Civil War.

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