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Histories & Locations Of Cemeteries
Marion County, AR
Compiled by: Linda Haas Davenport

The information below comes from two copyrighted books - "The History of Marion Co, AR by Earl Berry (1977) now out of print and "The History of Marion Co, AR Silver Anniversary Edition" containing corrected and updated information. The Heritage Society of Marion Co AR holds the copyright on both books. Please respect the Society's copyrights and do not copy any of this information and place on any website. If you want to use this information please link to this page. Small amounts of the information below may be copied for your personal use.
The Heritage Society of Marion Co, AR has granted me permission to use the cemetery information from both books and place it here on the USGenWeb's Marion Co website.
To complied the below information on the histories of Marion Co, AR's cemeteries I used the information found in the two books listed above. From Earl Berry's 1977 book I used the "Cemeteries" Essay by Marian Burnes. From "The History of Marion Co, AR Silver Anniversary Edition" (1997) I used any additional information and noted it as MCH: within parenthesis ( ).
"Cemeteries" by Marian Burnes
from "History of Marion County"
"From earliest recorded history, burial grounds have been considered hallowed ground. The 23rd chapter of Genesis gives an account of the death and burial of Abraham's beloved wife, Sarah. He was in a strange land. The 3rd verse of Genesis 23 gives the following account of his desire of a burial ground, and his request to the sons of Heth who inhabited that land: "I am a stranger and sojourner with you: give me a possession of a burying place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight." The chapter goes on to record that he would not accept it as a gift, but desired the cave of Machpelah, and paid Ephron, the owner, the full purchase price as a sure possession for the cave and field, and all the trees that were in the field and in the borders round about it.
Early Marion County historians have recorded finding Indian burial grounds with spears, arrows, etc., buried with the Indians, thus insuring them a good life in the "happy hunting grounds" where they had gone.
The cemeteries of Marion County, and in fact of any area, are of invaluable aid to family historians as well as those doing research on the history of the County.
Early cemeteries were located on ground usually donated by owners. Several facts were taken into consideration in establishing cemeteries. Roads were poor, so proximity to homes was of great importance. Undertakers as such were unknown, so burials took place soon after death. Creek crossing was difficult, so many small cemeteries were begun when creeks were up and impossible to ford. Many were begun on the owner's own farms as a burial place for their family dead. Usually these continued to exist under that name.
I will give the cemeteries alphabetically and then a few unknown ones last.
In pioneer days there was no perpetual paid care, as is the case in several cemeteries today. Neighbors had a working each spring, cleaned off the brush and old decorations and got them ready for the annual decoration. These occurred, as some still do, on the same Sunday each year. They were somewhat in the nature of a homecoming. Old settlers came from far and near for the annual decoration - to decorate graves, weep over their dead and greet family and friends. Each family decorated its own graves, and, especially in the early days, spared a few flowers for the neglected graves which had no family to care for them. Today the cemeteries in use are usually kept mowed by a committee who solicit donations to pay for the work. Most used cemeteries are kept in better condition today - mowed, well fenced, etc., But alas, the old abandoned cemeteries are being fast lost to history as they grown up brush, the tombstones decaying and falling down."
Clicking on a letter below will move you to that section of the alphabet.
A Top of Page
Adams Cemetery: is located on Greasy Creek on a farm now owned by the Jeffersons. It is about 6 miles south of Yellville in Blue Springs township. It is grown up, stones are broken and falling down, and it is no longer used for burials. It is just off Hwy 235 in S25 T18 R16. (HMC: It was established as a family cemetery by the Pioneer Adams family on the farm they then owned. Most of the grave markers are of people who are related to the family. The earliest marker is of George Adams who died in 1854. One of the latest ones is E.V. Wade, who died in 1938, whose mother was Louisa Adams Wade, known as Aunt "Sis" Wade.)
Anderson Flat Cemetery: is located about 1/2 mile off the State Hwy 235 between Bruno and Pindall. Most burials are from the early 1900s, but the cemetery began a bit earlier. It is large, well kept and has few stones with no names and dates. The cemetery is well fenced with a chain link fence. It is adjacent to Anderson Flat Church and firehouse. (HMC-Located in NW 1/4, S19, T17, R17. There are a few stones in the 1890's of the Anderson family from whom the cemetery and community got its name. For several years the Mennonites had a community there and used it. In the 1960s they all left this area and moved to South America.)
B Top of Page
Barb Cemetery: is located on White River, above Cotter. It is very near the site of the old Denton Ferry. It is grown up and no longer in use. (MCH- Located in a field now owned by Lyle Wood. It is no longer used and was established there by the Barb Family who originally owned the farm. Most early graves are of members of that family. The latest grave is that of Lt. Albert G. Cravens, who died in 1931. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having been a Lieutenant in the 27th Arkansas Infantry. Later he became a steamboat captain on the White River. Before his death at 91 years of age, "Daddy" Cravens, as he was known, requested that he be buried there in sight of the White River. An inscription on his stone reads "Pioneer. Soldier. Patriot".)
Beckham Cemetery: This cemetery is located in the extreme southwestern corner of Marion County. The nearest towns are Everton and Western Grove. It is in use now, and many are being buried there. It is a lovely cemetery and well kept. (MCH- located in SW 1/4, S14, T17,R18. It was established early and one of the earliest markers is of Sarah Tomblen, who was born in 1804 and died in 1882. Many graves have dates in the 1880s. Those buried there include the families of Shults, Slover, Swafford, Taylor, Tramwell, Trueblood, Willis and many others.)
Berry or Cowdrey This cemetery is NOT listed in the Cemetery Book unless I missed it. This information is from MCH: Is about 4 miles below Yellville on the Jefferson farm. It has not been used in years, but was a family cemetery used by Berry, Cowdrey and Wilson, who were all related. Only a few markers are now left standing, and the earliest burial date that can be read is 1855, the latest 1893.
Brantley Cemetery: this old cemetery is located in south Marion Co. It is now in Buffalo National River National Park. It was first established on the Brantley farm as a burial place for the family. Later, other people buried there. It is now fenced off by Buffalo National River and has no access. Family members tell us this couple lived there and owned this farm. They had 3 little boys. Rhoda died and 6 days later Jim died and was buried there on the farm by her. An older brother raised the 3 little boys. Also buried here is an Avey child, child of Olivan and Rosa Bell Humprey Avey. Other family members of the Brantley family are buried here in unmarked graves. Two stones only. (Mysty McPherson adds this for your information: Access to cemeteries by roads fit for automobiles is an AR state law. However, this law does NOT apply to federal lands. Therefore, access to cemeteries within the boundaries of Buffalo River National Park has become the equivalent of non-existent. It's been fought out in courts etc. and, of course, the feds have won <groan> Special arrangements can be made with the park service, but I hear that's typical bureaucratic complicate-the-issue garbage. Arrangements include unlocking gates, taking down fences, 4X vehicles, backpack hikes, ad infinitum - all at THEIR convenience, of course.)
Bruno Cemetery: Old cemetery is located near Bruno about 1 mile off of State HWY 235. It is about 11 miles south of Yellville. It is one of the oldest and largest cemeteries in the county. (MCH - S3 T17, R17. One of the older marked graves is that of Joseph G. McEntire, 1842-1875. Many families are buried there, among them Adkins, Angels, Blankenship, Brown, Burnes, Campbell, Cooper, Dodd, Depriest, Elam, Elton, Glenn, Gray, Heath, Keeter, Kyles, Lowrey, Massey Milligan, McEntie, Ogden, Pyle, Roberts, Stovall, Taylor and many others with one to four or five graves.)
Old Buffalo Cemetery: is on White River near the mouth of the Buffalo River. It is on the Baxter Hurst farm and is rather grown up now. The oldest Marker the author could read was one with the inscription "Sacred to the Memory" of William Kendall Hogan 1820-1855. He was operating a store at Old Buffalo City in 1849 and boarding with a Mr. Morland. Buffalo City at the time was near that site. It was later moved across White River into Baxter County. For many years the remains of houses, old cisterns, etc could be seen in the pasture surrounding this old cemetery. The ruins bore mute testimony to the fact that this was once a thriving town. At the present time, white faced cattle roam the fields. With the coming of the railroad the town was moved across the river to be on the railroad. Much ore was shipped from here during the mining boom. Early on, ore was taken from here down the river by barge and steamboat.
Small Cemetery on Cow Creek on the Buffalo River: MCH: about 5 miles above old Buffalo city is a cemetery. It has several native rocks but only one stone with a name and date. This is M.D. Yocham, 1846-1920.
Bull Shoals/Newton Flat Cemetery: is on Newton Flat, near the present thriving little city of Bull Shoals. It was started when this area was known as "Newton Flat" for the Newton family who were early settlers there. Most of the burials here are of retiree's who came here after Bull Shoals was built.
Burch Cemetery: is a family cemetery near Flippin located in SW 1/4 of S20 T19 R15. The oldest marked grave is of St Francis Burch daughter of pioneer Henry Burch who died in 1869 at the age of 9 years. This cemetery is seldom if ever used now.
Burnes Cemetery: See Wickersham Cemetery and Water Creek Cemetery. (HMC - is located about 8 miles south of Yellville on Water Creek. It is named for the pioneer Burnes family who homesteaded near there in the 1850s. It is in the NW 1/4, S20, T17, R16. Two of the older markers are William H. Taylor, who died in 1871, and Susan Burnes Glenn, who died in 1872, aged 27 years. This cemetery is still used today.)
C Top of Page
Cabin Creek Cemetery (Rush), also called Laffon Cemetery and Cedar Creek Cemetery. See both.
Caney Cemetery: is a fairly new cemetery. It is adjacent to the Caney Church of Christ near lower Water Creek.
Cedar Creek Cemetery: is located on Buffalo River several miles below Rush, just at the mouth of Cabin Creek. It is no longer used and is badly grown up. It is inaccessible except by foot. The last burial here that has a marker was made in 1940. Most burials there are of the Laffon family who owned the farm across the river. The oldest marked grave is of F.T. Laffoon who was born in 1833 and died in 1878.
Concord Cemetery: is on the right side of Crooked creek several miles below Yellville. It has not been used in years and is very grown up. It is near the site of the Old Concord school. There are very few graves with markers.
Cowan Cemetery: is one of the older cemeteries of the county. It was so named for the families of Si Cowan and John Wesley Cowan who settled there in the 1830s. It is located in the SE 1/4 of S 26 T18 R16. It is a large well kept cemetery. Two of the older markers are of John and Charity Adams with a single stone dated 1865 with the inscription "Killed by Jayhawkers". John Wesley Cowan was buried there. He was born in 1816 Died 1862. This cemetery is much used today. (MCH-Many names are found there - Cowans, Adams, Mears and Bridges, to name a few.)
D Top of Page
Davis Cemetery: See Old Lee's Mountain Cemetery
Derryberry Cemetery: is located S15 T20 R18. It is now abandoned and not fenced. Most of the stones are down. Tradition has it that the town of Lead Hill, and the first Post Office was established on this farm. It is inaccessible now. (MCH - It is located in the west part of the county in the NW1/4, S23, T20,R18. It is named for the Derryberry family. Dr. Derryberry practiced medicine early in Marion and Boone Counties. An early historian says the Lead Hill Post Office was first established there. The oldest marker yet standing is of Caroline Akin with the inscription, "born in Tennessee 1821, married J.H. Akin 1843, died in 1879". Her husband J.H. Akin, a Civil War veteran, is also buried there, but no dates are given. It is sad, but few, if any Civil War markers give dates, only name, rank, company and state.)
Desoto Cemetery: is located between Mull and Rush in TS7N R15W. It is slightly off the road with a private drive leading to it. It is now in use and has an annual decoration each year in May. (MCH - Many families are buried there, among them J.F. and Elizabeth Smith Dillard and their descendants. The Dillards were long time residents of the area, and raised a large family. Others there include many other old families of the area, including Fletchers, Davenports, Smiths, Langstons, etc.)
Dial Bend Cemetery: See Peel Cemetery
Dodd City Cemetery: is located north of Yellville about 10 miles. It is about 1 mile off paved HWY 14. This cemetery has been used very little for many years. Lately it was cleared and a chain link fence put up. I was told 2 men who were murdered by "bushwhackers" during the Civil War were brought here and buried, this began this cemetery. (HMC - Located about 12 miles north of Yellville and one mile west of State Hwy 14 in the NE1/4 S4,S19,T17. It has a poor access road. According to data given in the "Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region", Dodd City post office was established about 1872 by Dr. Hiempsal S. Dodd and was named by him "Doddville", later changed to Dodd City. He served as first postmaster. He came to the pine lands of the Ozark Mountains seeking a climate better suited to his physical condition. He built a gristmill and sawmill there, then as there were but two post offices in the county, he petitioned for one there, and it was granted. He has a brother, Samuel L. Dodd, buried in the Dodd City Cemetery, but Dr. Dodd and his wife are buried on the hill just above Dodd City. The Dodd City cemetery is an old cemetery and many graves are there with no markers. There are now 22 which can be read. It is no longer in use and is located in a fenced woodland. This cemetery was started right after the Civil War when bushwhackers hanged three men down below the present site of Dodd City. After they were gone, the women cut them down, dug shallow graves and buried them, thus starting Dodd City Cemetery. This cemetery has 4 veterans, with is unusual for a small cemetery.)
Dodson Cemetery: This family cemetery is located on the old Bob Berry place. Eli Dodson owned the farm in 1860-70s. Totally destroyed by 1988. (MCH remember this book was published in 1977: is a small cemetery on Crooked Creek, about 3 miles east of Yellville in a field of the Jefferson farm. Eli Dodson once owned that farm. He had 3 wives and 21 children, and buried 2 wives and several children there. Most stones are down and it has not been used for years. Eli Dodson was a pioneer settler and for a decade was prominent in politics in Marion and later Boone counties.)
E Top of Page
Elm Springs Cemetery: This cemetery is located in Big Creek Township. It has been a large cemetery and you can still see many graves that are marked with common rocks. Only these few have marked stones. It is located about 3 miles past Cozahome. You can drive to it but the road is quite rough. It is between Cozahome and Rush. (MCH - in southeast Marion County, NW1/4, S31, T17, R14. It is grown up and no longer used, has many native rocks, but only two markers. One of this J.J. Jones who died in 1898.)
F Top of Page
Fallen Ash Cemetery: See Noe Cemetery.
Fairview Cemetery: is about 4 miles north of Flippin on State Road 178 in SE 1/4 of S31 T20 R15. It consists in part of Wildcat Cemetery which was moved when Bull Shoals Dam was built. Wildcat cemetery was on Jimmies Creek near Kingdon Springs in the area that was covered by the lake. This is a large, well kept cemetery and is much used.
Fee Farm Cemetery: is an old cemetery on the Fee farm which is owned by Dr. L.A. Kelly. At the time it was established, Henderson Fee, a pioneer settler and Civil War veteran, owned the farm and began to use it as a burial place for his family. Few stones remain and those that do remain belong to that family. This cemetery has not been used for many years.
Flippin Cemetery: is one of the older, larger cemeteries in the county. It is about one-half mile north of Flippin near the airport. It is named for the Flippin family who settled there in the 1830s. Some of the earliest burials are members of this family. It is a beautiful setting and is well kept.
Freck Cemetery: See Burns Cemetery
Friend Bend Cemetery: See Peel Cemetery
G Top of Page
Georges Creek Cemetery: is another large well kept cemetery on Georges Creek just off HWY 62 about 6 miles west of Yellville. It is located in the NW 1/4 S36 T19 R17. Dates there go back into the 1870s. (MCH - Most numerous burials include families of Briggs, Brooksher, Burleson, Davenport, Dobbs, Hudson, Johnson, Keeter, Lewis, Pierce and Pangle, as well as many others with a few burials.)
Guy Jefferson's Field Cemetery: This cemetery is located in Guy Jefferson's field located in the SW 1/3 2-20=17. Has not been used in this century.
H Top of Page
Hand Valley Cemetery / Elbow Cemetery: is located on State Road 101 below Rea Valley, It is in the NW 1/4 of S17, T18 R14. The oldest grave with a date that can be read is that of Gunilday Cox, wife of GW Cox who died in 1878. Gunilday is said to be of Indian decent.
Hampton Cemetery: is an old cemetery on the head of Georges Creek on the farm now owned by Mrs. Hester Lee. The Hampton family lived there many years ago. There are several graves in the pasture but there are no bought stones. There are several native stones on which there is some information carved but most of the names and dates are illegible.
Hepsey Cemetery: This cemetery is on Big Creek, not far from where it runs into the Buffalo River. It is now in the Buffalo National River Park with road access fenced off. At one time, Hepsey had two schools in the district as well as a store and cotton gin. Before access was fenced off, this was a very popular fishing area. For many years this was a big fertile farm with many families living here. According to the families who have relatives buried here, there are Wallis, Harringtons, Adams, Marburys, Lacks, Davis and other families with dead buried there. Surviving members are now trying to get the road opened to provide access to the cemetery. Families who members I have contacted tell me there are no graves with names and dates. This cemetery was also called Indian Cemetery many years ago.
Hogan Cemetery: See Oakland Cemetery
Old Hurst/Teagarden Cemetery: This cemetery is located on Crooked Creek, six and one half miles below Yellville, on a farm now owned by Lester Jefferson. It has been a large cemetery at one time. Many of the stones are native rock with the inscription chiseled on them. It has not been used for many years. (MCH: I have been told that it was the original Hurst Cemetery, located on the farm then owned by John Hurst. When Crooked Creek was at flood stage, the other Hurst cemetery across the creek near US Hwy 62, was begun due to their inability to ford the Crooked Creek. Many of the markers here are of native stone with names and dates chiseled on them. Buried here are many pioneer settlers and I'm sure many with no markers. One old grave has this inscription: L.B. Horn, 1820-1861 "was murdered". As this was the outbreak of the Civil War, I can only surmise he was probably killed by bushwhackers in the early days of the war. Several graves here have dates of death during the Civil War. Families with 5 or more markers include Halls, Horns and Rea.)
(Feb 19, 1999 Message from the ARMARION-L list: The early Marion county Cemetery known as the Old Hurst or Hurst/Teagarden Cemetery needs your help. We are looking for an advisory group who will help make some decisions as to how this cemetery might be reclaimed. Many pioneer families who made Marion County what it is today are buried here. A lot of work has been done by the late Luther Hall and many others who have set up a maintenance fund. The Jefferson families have graciously agreed that family members can have access to the once quite large cemetery and several workers have been recruited to do some clean up. Some of the early pioneers buried here include: Family members of the John Hurst and Rachel (Wood) Hurst who came from Kentucky to the area in 1811 and donated land from their farm for this cemetery. Their early family members are buried here. Daniel Webster Hall, who was born in Orwell Vermont, moved to Brazil Indiana and married Hannah Treat before coming to Arkansas. Daniel was a member of the NY Militia during the War of 1812 and was captured by the British. After getting out of prison he was granted 160 acres of land bounty in Marion County, now called Hall Mountain. Family members of Wilson Rea, a former Illinois legislator, immigrated to early Marion County and John Rea and wife Martha (Dudley) Rea have family members buried here. The John B. Treat family, John was from Middletown Connecticut, and was sent by the president of the US to Arkansas in 1804, just after the Louisiana Purchase, to trade with the Indians. Family members of this early family are buried here. Many of the stones are no longer legible. The Abram Wood Jr. family came to Arkansas in 1811 from Bedford County Tennessee. He bought squatters rights from one of the local Indians for land on Crooked Creek. Abram gave the Indian a pony, a gun and $25. Abram Wood was married to Mariam Williams, the sister of Thomas Shelte Williams, also an early Marion County settler. Early settler Charles Newton Baker and his wife Sarah Isabell Wood are buried in this cemetery. Many other families are represented in the early pioneers' cemetery. Graves that are still identifiable include Cole, Gaines, Harwell, Horn, Kerr Lovell, Morland, Phillips and others. One gravestone for L.B. Horn 1820-1861 just says "Was Murdered". Many of the graves appear to be Civil War related. Don Ott
Hurst Cemetery: is just off of US Hwy 62 between Yellville and Flippin. Located in the SW 1/4 of S30 T19 R15. This cemetery was evidently begun after 1900. Buried there are Burch, Hall, Holland and Wood among others. aka Hurst/Teagarden Cemetery
I J Top of Page
Jay Bird Cemetery: Is a small cemetery adjacent to the Jay Bird old one room school. It is in the NW part of Marion Co and is still used occasionally. It has very poor access.
Old Jefferson/Weast Pasture Cemetery: is very old and just at the west edge of Yellville in a field behind the Marion Co Hwy Shops. In 1988 all the stones are down and destroyed except one tall spire containing the names of Brice Milum's wife and son. His wife was Elizabeth Parnum Milum and his son was Thomas D. Thomas D was in the Civil War. He was badly wounded and in Little Rock Hospital. His father Brice, took a buggy and went to Little Rock to bring him home. When he died, he was buried by his mother here. Col Jefferson came here very early from NC and bought a large acreage on Crooked Creek. Dr Weast told me he began this cemetery for his family and slaves. Buried there in a marked grave are his son, Rufus Jefferson, who as born in 1825 and died in 1867. He married a Stinnett in Marion Co. A step daughter Rachael Martin and Col Jefferson's first wife, Charlotte C. are buried here. According to an early issue of the paper Mountain Echo, Vienna Austin Rea, wife of Moses Rea is also buried here. Many graves were marked only with field stone markers. It is believed that Col Jefferson and his wife, Charlotte, are buried in this cemetery.
Jefferson Hall Cemetery: aka Hall Cemetery (This cemetery was not in the Cemetery Book unless I missed it) (HMC: Is an old cemetery about 7 or 8 miles south of Yellville in the NE 1/4, S21, T18, R17. It is on the hill above Hampton Creek and has not been used much in years. Burial dates there go back to the 1870s. Most numerous burials with markers are Blankenship, Dodd, Honeycutt and Patterson. The access is poor. A one-room school was near there, and for years was used as school and church. It has been torn down for many years.)
Jenkins Cemetery: (This cemetery was not in the Cemetery Book unless I missed it) (HMC: Is an old family cemetery, established in the NW1/4, S8, T19, R15, for the pioneer Jenkins family and their relatives. It has not been used in late years.)
Jones Farm Cemetery: (Not listed in the Cemetery Book unless I missed it) (MCH: On the Paul Jones Farm across Crooked Creek from the mouth of Georges Creek, there are a few old, old graves. These are covered with big native rocks that form a covering for the grave.)
K Top of Page
Keesee Cemetery: is on Hwy 14 near Monarch in Keeter Township it is about 12 miles north of Yellville and five miles from Lead Hill. (MCH: It is located in East Sugar Loaf Valley, which was an early settled part of the county. It has a long history. Abner Cantrell and his wife Mary are two old, old graves. Abner - born 1793, died 1890; Mary - born 1803, died 1872. The stones read like an early census of the area. Anderson, Austin, Campbell, Chappelle, Markle and Owen have the largest number of burials per family. This cemetery is adjacent to Keesee Church and community building which is now in constant use.)
L Top of Page
Laffoon Cemetery: See Cabin Creek Cemetery
Layton Cemetery: See Yellville Cemetery
Lee Mountain Cemetery: is north of Summit about 2 miles off of N14 Hwy. Most, if not all, burials with names and dates have been made since 1900. (MCH: Located in SW1/4 S29, T19, R16 on Lee's Mountain)
Old Lee Mountain Cemetery: (Not listed in either book.) "Cemetery is on Lee's Mountain on land once owned by Davis Family. Said location is off of Hwy 12 N. turn right onto county road 852 and follow that until you see the Cemetery sign. A lost cemetery that was originally bladed off in 1970's, it was mowed and worked in 2008 some markers were set. Said to be at least 82 graves on the hill. Some of the last to be buried here were dating abt 1907. by Vickie Roberts"
Locust Cemetery: is on the Locust Road between Lead Hill and Peel on Locust Creek. It is a lovely old cemetery. The oldest marker is Lucinda Smith wife of T.W. who was born in 1825 and died in 1874. Several burials were before 1900. (Update from Steve Fowler 10 Oct 2002: Lucinda Smith: That should be Lurenda Smith - Thomas Woody Smith's wife.)
Long Cemetery: (I did not find this cemetery in the cemetery book unless its graves are included in the Fairview Cemetery) (MCH: The Long cemetery is located in S31, T20N, R15W about 4 miles north of Flippin and one half mile west of the Fairview church building. Few markers are readable but among the graves there are those of the Long family who died in the early part of the 20th century; some members of the Rea family and some members of the Robert Sanders family of the same era. One grave is that of a soldier who drowned in White River near Oakland and whose body was recovered some two months later new Dew's Ford and was buried in this cemetery. Graves of those who have been buried here in the past fifty years include a Mr. Coots, members of the Smith and Flippin families and perhaps, some of the Pate King family.)
M Top of Page
McCord Cemetery: See Riddle Cemetery
Midway Cemetery: There is a loose typed history of this cemetery and the people buried there that has been added to the Cemetery book. Midway Cemetery is located near the small town of Midway and many graves from other cemeteries were transferred to the Midway Cemetery when Bull Shoals was built. The majority of names in the cemetery are Yocham, Ziegler, King, Scott and Perkins.
Moccasin: This is an abandoned cemetery on Moccasin Creek, just above old Kingdon Springs, near the artesian spring or well there. There is very poor access to the cemetery now and it is hard to find. (MCH: Is on Moccasin Creek about one mile above the Jimmies Creek road to Flippin. It is in the NW1/4, S3, T19, R16, and is near the site of the Old Kingdon Springs. Most dates are from 1900-1920, which leads me to believe it was used mostly during the mining boom at Kingdon Springs. No burials have been made there in years.)
James Moon Farm Cemetery: This cemetery is on private property of James Moon, NW - NW Sec 27, TS20 R18
Mountain View Cemetery: See Noe Cemetery
Music Farm Cemetery: See Fairview Cemetery. (MCH: A small cemetery located on the Music Farm near the mouth of Jimmies Creek was the burial place of some of the early members of the Music and Fee families. This cemetery was moved by the US Corp of Engineers during the construction of the Bull Shoals Dam and relocated to Fairview.)
N Top of Page
Nanney Cemetery: is located on Greasy Creek, about 6 miles South of Yellville on Bruno Rd. According to the stones it was started about 1870. Many stones dated since 1900. Families with the most numerous burials include Keeter, McKinney, and Wolf. Many other families have several buried there. (A typed list of corrections and background has been added to the Cemetery Book for this cemetery.)
Newton Cemetery: is an old cemetery established before the Civil War. When it was started it was in Carroll Co but when Boone Co was formed from parts of Marion Co and Carroll Co this cemetery was then in Boone Co. It is about equal distance between Everton, Valley Springs and Western Grove. (see typed loose pages of "Civil War Toll Paid" that has been added to the cemetery book.) (MCH: It was started by the Newton family who were early settlers here.)
Noe Cemetery (aka Mountain View & Fallen Ash Cemetery) also see Promised Land Cemetery: There is a marble stand at the gate of this cemetery with the following inscription on it: "The first grave in this cemetery was that of John F Noe 16 year old son of Fletcher and Martha J Noe. Land was donated for the cemetery by the Noe Family and it was first called the Noe Cemetery This plaque furnished by a great grandson of Fletcher Noe, Von Sanders." (MCH: Is one of the prettiest old cemeteries in the area. It is about half-way between Flippin and Yellville on the Fallen Ash Road. One of the earliest markers is that of Fletcher C. Noe, 1828-1878. This cemetery has also been called Fallen Ash Cemetery. Most marked graves are dated since 1900.)
Norton Cemetery: is an old abandoned cemetery. There is no access road at all now. It is located on Crooked Creek, near the mouth of Sugar Orchard Creek near Pyatt in Blythe Township. (MCH: In 1962 it had no access except by walking over very rough terrain. There are few graves, and the oldest marker is of H.J. Bradley, a pioneer settler from Georgia, and ancestor of the Bradys of Marion County today. The marker reads J.H. Brady, 1811-1883.)
O Top of Page
Oakland Cemetery: (Is not listed in the Cemetery Book unless I missed it( (MCH: Is on Hwy 5. Since Bull Shoals was built, this cemetery has been moved and is now in Baxter County, near the Missouri line. It is mostly Marion County people buried there, having been originally located under the present Bull Shoals Lake. After the lake was built, this cemetery, along with the Anglin, Hogan and Yocham graveyards were moved to this site. Unfortunately, many names and dates were lost in the move. There is one old stone I was not able to read the name - born 1770, died 1812. In January 1925, when White River was at flood stage, a heavily loaded boat overturned at Gar Shoals, drowning several. Among them were Tessie Billings, aged 13, buried there; her Uncle Rush Shew, born 1894, drowned January 1925. Others would have suffered the same fate had it not been for the courage of Alva Johnson. This incident is covered in another chapter. Many old time names are found here. Among the most numerous burials are Hogans, Newtons and Yochams.)
Ott Cemetery: Ott Cemetery is atop Hall Mountain near the old Bearden School, on the road from Rea Valley to Ware's Chapel. It was evidently established around 1900; however, there may have been earlier burials with no markers. It is located on the farm of Sherman B. Ott. Most numerous markers are of the Ott and Hall families. It is a well kept cemetery and in use today.
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Packard Cemetery: See Peel Cemetery. (MCH: A small cemetery in the north part of the county near Bull Shoals Lake. It is located in the SW1/4, S15, T21, R18. In 1963 it had only 13 stones with names and dates, the oldest Eul Pickard buried there in 1904.)
Page Family Cemetery: (MCH: is just off State Hwy 235 on Greasy Creek.) (I did not find this cemetery listed in the Cemetery Book)
Panther Cemetery: See Peel Cemetery
Patton Family Cemetery: This cemetery is located near the Boone County line. It is one mile west of Pyatt on Hwy 62, then one mile north on a county gravel road. It is in a field on the Johnny Patton Farm. It is a well kept cemetery with a new chain link fence around it. Most of the information about the ones buried here came from Kirby Patton of Harrison who is a member of the Patton family. There are 24 marked stones and many native rocks. Mr. Patton told me all who are buried here, with one exception, are related to the Patton family.
Patton Cemetery: is one of the larger, older cemeteries of the county. It is located on Crooked Creek at the mouth of Clear Creek. This was the site of Upper Shawneetown, an Indian Village. Tradition says many Indians are buried here. The pioneer James Magness family, who came to the county in the early 1830s and settled near Yellville, later moved to near Upper Shawneetown on Clear Creek. The family is prominently represented here, having at least 10 marked graves. Many were buried in the 1850s many of these graves are covered with large flat native stones with the names and dates very hard to read. Patton has an annual decoration on the 3rd Sunday in May. This tradition has been carried on for many many years. (MCH: Other families with many burials include Davis, Foster, Ledford, Cheek, McEntire, Milum, Melton, Patton, Parnell, Ply, Roark, Smith, Stonecipher, Sullivan, Tabor, Underwood and Young. Many of these families intermarried. ... There are several veterans buried here, also some Masons.)
Pea Ridge Cemetery: This cemetery is located on the ridge road between Bruno and Maumee. It is about 3 miles east of Bruno. (MCH: It is about 5 miles east of Bruno. It is a small cemetery next to Pea Ridge one-room school which is yet standing (as of 1977). All dates that can be read are after 1900.)
Peel Cemetery: is located in the town of Peel, near the lake, it is just off of State Hwy 125 North. It is a large and well kept cemetery and is much used. (MCH: Is near the old town of Peel, just off State Road 125 North that leads to the free ferry across Bull Shoals Lake. There is a dividing line, One part being composed of cemeteries which were moved there when Bull Shoals Lake was built. Dial Bend, Friend Bend, Trimble and one from near Old Arkansas school were move there, probably a few graves from others, also. It has but few marked graves, most having only a white wooden slat, that in most cases has fallen down. Several old pioneers are buried here, among them are the names Keesee, Trimble, Copelin and Anderson. The original Peel Cemetery adjoins this part on the North. It is a large well kept cemetery and is much used. The oldest grave I found here was that of Andre Jaques Lankford dated 1814-1894. Other families with many graves include Benton, Cagle, Fee, Jones, King, Merriman, Weaver, Yocham and Wilkinson.)
Government Plot adjacent to the regular Peel Cemetery (New Peel Cemetery). When Bull Shoals Lake was built the Corp of Engineers supervised the removal of bodies from those cemeteries that were going to be covered by the lake. Bodies from several were moved here. Cemetery that were partly moved here included Dial Bend, Panther, Pritchard, Trimble and perhaps others. The names were compiled from the cemetery where there were stones with names and dates. Others were secured from the Corp of Engineers list. Originally they had white board markers but most, if not all, have rotted down.
Phillips Cemetery: John Garretson Phillips (1801-1891) came to Marion County during the Civil War. He and his first wife, Sarah, (1804-1864), homesteaded the Phillips Farm 3 miles south of Yellville. He had three tenant farmers who did most of the farming, since his main interest was mining potassium nitrate that was being used for making ammunition for the Civil War. He had slaves and they worked on the farm and in the mines. Some of the slaves are buried on the farm on a knoll east of the farmhouse. Before the war ended, he took his slaves to New Orleans and sold them all of them for $30,000 in gold. In 1866 he married his 2nd wife Olive Louise Cox, (1841-1908). He had only one child by his second wife, John Nelson Phillips, who is buried in the cemetery.
Pickard Cemetery: This cemetery is located in Crockett Township, near the Bull Shoals Lake, It is isolated and not well kept, but was in use in 1961.
Pleasant Ridge Cemetery: is about 6 miles so of Yellville. It ranks in size with the larger cemeteries in the county. It is adjacent to Pleasant Ridge Church a well kept Methodist Church which is in use. A long time tradition has been their annual decoration and homecoming each year on the first Sunday in June. Many states are represented there on that day as they come from far and near. (MCH: The basket dinner spread there that day is a gourmet's dream. For many years that was the day to serve the first new green peas and new potatoes. The burial list reads like an early census of that area. Numerous ones are Cantrell, Callahan, Cheek, Doshier, Firestone, Johnson, Keeter, Matlock, Melton, Morrow, Phillips, Summers, Setzer, Watts, Simms, etc.)
Price Place Cemetery: is in S20 T21 R15. It is north of White River in North Fork Township and is not far south of the MO line. It is a large plot and well kept. However, it has few graves. The oldest burial marker is 1892. The cemetery is enclosed with Price Place Church were services are held each Sunday.
Promised Land Cemetery: is in the northern part of Marion Co north of White River. It is not far from the MO border. It is a large well kept cemetery in two parts - the original Promised Land Cemetery and the Noe Cemetery which was moved here when they were building Bull Shoals Lake. Many pioneers are buried here with no stones except native rock with no dates. Martha Jane Hollingsworth is buried here and her dates are 1861-1892. SC Turnbo gave this account of her death: "Lemuel Hollingsworth married a daughter of James Pasco. One day between 11-12 noon she was bitten on the hand by a 2 ft copperhead snake. When her husband came to lunch they had given her 2 pints of whiskey. She never regained consciousness." In that day and time whiskey was suppose to be an antidote to the poison.
Old Pyle Cemetery. Located on old Pyle Homestead 6 miles south of Yellville, off State Hwy 235 near Greasy Creek.
Q R Top of Page
Riddle/McCord Cemetery: is located in north Marion Co about 33 miles from Yellville .8 miles so of the MO line. Best access is to take N14 15 miles turn right on state road 125 to a county road with a sign "McBride's Resort" turn on this road and it will lead directly to this cemetery. From the MO side it is south of Mark Twain school, perhaps a mile. It is about 4 miles from Protem, MO. (MCH: It was named for two pioneer families. The two cemeteries were moved to that location to get them out of the area to be flooded when Bull Shoals Lake was built. It is in Keesee Township and by road is about 92 miles from Yellville. There are a few graves with names and dates. The parents of S.C. Turnbo, the early historian, are buried here: J.C. Turnbo, 1820-1870, and Eliza Onstott Turnbo, 1823-1868. Also some of his brothers and sisters are buried here. Most numerous burials with markers include families of Jones, Riddle, Ridenger and Turnbo.)
S Top of Page
Smith cemetery; Is located about half way been Flippin and Bull Shoals, not far off State Hwy 178
Stanley Cemetery: is located between Pyatt and Eros not far off State Road 125. It was evidently named for the pioneer Stanley family who have many graves there. The only access is through a field. (MCH: Other families include Casey, Lancaster, Pigg and McClean.)
Still Cemetery: is in extreme south edge of Marion Co it is mostly a family cemetery.
T Top of Page
Old Tomahawk Cemetery: This is an abandoned cemetery located on upper Tomahawk Creek on the Arthur Sasser place. It is in Independence township, up in the woods.
Tomahawk Baptist Church Cemetery: This is a new cemetery located by the Tomahawk Baptist Church. It is extremely close to Searcy Co, and it is possible that it is just over the Searcy Co Line.
Trimble Cemetery: See Peel Cemetery
Tutt Hill Cemetery: is located on Tutt Hill, and is within the Yellville city limits. It is one of the oldest cemeteries around Yellville but it has been neglected. It was at one time a large cemetery, but it was cultivated and most of the stones have been taken down and hauled away. There is only one stone remaining at the present time. In 1962 the following stones remained: (5 stones) (MCH: It was first established on land owned by the infamous "Hamp" Tutt and quite likely several Tutts who were killed in the "Tutt and Everett" feud lie there in unmarked graves. It has not been used in many years.)
U Top of Page
Upshaw Cemetery: is near Bull Shoals Lake in the northern part of the county. It is located in the NW 1/4 S26, T21 R18 south of the White River. It has only 4 marked graves. Two of the graves belong to Civil War veterans with no dates given. It seems it is no longer used.
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Vanzant Cemetery: (Not listed in the Cemetery Book unless I missed it) (MCH: is about 5 miles south of Yellville. It has a lovely setting in a large grove of trees and is now no longer used. Its name came from Samuel Vanzant and his wife who are both buried there. They owned that farm and the gristmill and cotton gin near there on Mill Creek. Buried there that can now be identified are Callahans, Clark, Reed and Vanzant. One stone is of J.H. Reed, died 12 March 1865, aged 42 years, 4 months and 24 days. I have been told he was killed near the end of the war by "bushwhackers" and that his wife and other neighbor women hauled him down there on an ox wagon and buried him.)
W Top of Page
Water Creek Cemetery: is on Water Creek near the Freck church of Christ. The cemetery was first called the Burnes Cemetery. It was named for the pioneer family of Thomas Burnes, who settled in the area in 1852 coming to the area form Henderson Co TN. He and his wife Elizabeth, and 10 children arrived in the county in time to pay taxes in Jun 1852. Later it was called the Freck cemetery. The name of the cemetery was then changed to Water Creek. It still goes by that name. Betty Lou James, who is a great granddaughter of John Smith and Julia Ann Burnes, supplied additional names of those who are buried in this cemetery. No stones mark their graves but their names are included. Betty Lou was reared on the farm from which the land for the cemetery was taken. Her father and grandfather knew where every person was buried and they passed the information along to Betty Lou. Thomas Burnes, 1807-1892 is buried there along with two wives. Elizabeth his first wife was born around 1812 and died after 1867. His second wife Matilda Baker Grinder is also buried here. She died in 1885. Also buried are the 4 young children of William Thomas Marion Smith and his wife Mary Missouri Carolina Moody Smith. John W. Smith (1880-1883) accidentally shot himself with an old pistol he had climbed up and gotten off a shelf. Anna died the same day from typhoid. (1882-1883). There are many other unmarked graves in this cemetery but there is no source for the names or dates of any other person buried there.
Wichersham Cemetery: is located about one mile south of Yellville, on a hill near Mill Creek. The largest number of burials are of the Wichersham family. Daniel Wickersham, who came here from Kentucky ran a water mill there on Mill Creek. He was a prosperous man and during the Civil War bushwhackers tortured and shot him trying to make him tell where he kept his money. He refused, escaped from them, and crawled to a neighbor's house. This occurred in 1863, and he died as a result. His first wife Susannah (1783-1854) is buried in the main cemetery. He remarried after her death to Elizabeth Doshier. This cemetery is well kept and still in use.
Williams Cemetery: This old, old cemetery is located near Blue John Creek. It is in a lovely setting on a hill, wooded, grown up and with no access except by walking. There are many graves with native rocks for markers but only two have bought stones and dates. According to surviving family members, George M Williams was waylaid on the road and killed by a shot in the back. The family did not find the body for 3 days. The murderer was never caught so was never punished. Many Ingram Williams had 5 children. One was born 6 months after his father was murdered. She lived 18 years after her husband died. She lived until all of her children were grown.
Old Tom Woods Cemetery: Tradition says that this cemetery was first a burial ground for the Shawnee Indians who inhabited Marion Co. It is located 2 miles below Yellville, near Crooked Creek. It is in the woods and is very grown up with weeds. It is almost impossible to find unless you know where to look. Many old, old graves were here with native rock stones, on which there are no names. (4 names only in book). (MCH: The Old Wood Cemetery is about 3 miles east of Yellville, near Crooked Creek. It is entirely grown in timber and is impossible to find unless you know where it is, or happen to come across it accidentally. It, at one time, was a large cemetery, mostly native rock markers. Most graves are pre-Civil War. Buried here among others is William Hasten, by him is Mary Hasten Dodson. William was killed in a skirmish here in Yellville during the Civil War. His widow later married Eli Dodson, and when she died, he took her there and buried her by her first husband. Also buried here is John Wickersham, the son of old pioneer Daniel Wickersham. According to S.C. Turnbo, John Wickersham ran a store here in Yellville long before the Civil War. He died in 1859. Old citizens have told me that this cemetery was originally an Indian Cemetery. The pioneer Woods family originally owned the farm, hence the name. William H. Hasten was killed here November 16, 1864, at the age of 29 years. His wife died in 1874.)
Wood Family Cemetery: located about 3 miles east of Yellville in a pasture on the Earl Wood farm. It has been in the Wood family for many years. The story is that at a very early day a pioneer of this family bought the land from an Indian for $25 and a pony. Only members of this family are buried here and there have been no burials since one of a new baby in 1942. (Update: Don Ott Feb 1999 - The Wood Family Cemetery is out in the field near the old Wood Estate home on Hwy 412/62, can be seen from the highway and is well maintained and fenced)
Woodcock Cemetery: This old, old cemetery is located on the Buffalo River in section 36 TS7N R14W several miles above the junction of the Buffalo and White Rivers now in the Buffalo National River Park and has no road access. According to the family sketch from a descendant who is still living, Henry Woodcock and his 2nd wife and many children came here in 1848 from Sumner County TN. They built a one room log cabin that eventually burned. Here in addition to the 11 children they brought with them 7 more children were born. A Post Office was established here named Rock Fish on the 5th Aug 1858. Henry Woodcock was the postmaster. It was discontinued on 10 Sep 1866. Deborah Woodcock died in 1864 and Henry died in 1867. They are both buried in this cemetery along with 7 of their children. Tradition and history tell that there are two old cemeteries on the farm. The Woodcock family members are buried in one cemetery and the other cemetery was used to bury soldiers who were killed in a skirmish during the civil war. Several year ago, when the author visited the site, there were no stones with names and dates but many old native stones marking the burial places could be found (no names listed in book.)
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Yellville Cemetery or Layton Cemetery: has a long history. It was first established on Mike Mathis farm and known as the Mathis Cemetery. In 1899 the late A S Layton donated the Mathis Cemetery to the town of Yellville and then sold them the surrounding area for $500 according to the Mountain Echo of that year. The town then charged $1.00 per burial for a time to recover the cost. It is one of the largest cemeteries in the county. It is well kept and is in a lovely site. Many veterans are buried here including Dennis Estes WW1 for which the Yellville Legion Post is named.
Yocham Bend Cemetery: See Oakland Cemetery (MCH: Is on Lakeway to Yocham Bend Road. It is another cemetery that was moved due to the construction of Bull Shoals Dam. It has many wooden slats but few graves with names and dates. The citizens of that area, including many newcomer retirees, cleared it off, made a new sign and did much to improve it a few years ago. It is used occasionally yet.
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