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Bramble Bush


Vol. 8, No. 3         July 2004         Yellville, Arkansas 72687

Dividing Line

(This issue will take a while to load, it is filled with Pictures)



       In the April edition of the Bramble Bush we told you about the Battle of Yellville, which took place in 1862, and we told you about Camp Adams and all the soldiers who were camped there at some time during the War Between the States. In this issue we invite you to enjoy the July edition of the re enactment of Camp Adams and the Battle of Yellville.
       This Fourth of July we wish to celebrate with us as we recap the CMI War in Yellvile in pictures.


Confederate flag

The Confederate flag flew valiantly over the camp.


Tents were raised and camp gear was laid out to use.


Checking the shot for a musket

Just Checking !

Soldiers checking weapons in front of tents

Soldiers Preparing For Battle

Union & Conferate soldiers in front of tents

Pride in one's country

Union & Conferate soldiers in front of tent

No Matter the outcome, we stand for what we believe and for our country.

Women in period dress

Many wives and lovers followed the soldiers from camp to camp

Soldiers with weapons

Come what may, we are ready.

Two soldiers in front of tents

Leisure time in camp

Long view of tents along the creek

On the banks of Crooked Creek, Camp Adams sheltered many soldier

Two men in front of tent with footlocker

A woman in an aprom & an old soldier with a beard

No matter the age or gender they fought for their beliefs.


A camp fire and a tent was home for many during this time of civil unrest

folding table with lamp and a barrel to set on

All the comforts of home


Confederate & Union Troops lined up

       Troops marched to the yellville square on saturday to pay tribute to the many veterans who fought and died during the bloody batfle of the war between the states. Many men from marion county saw service in this war and on this day the troop paid tribute to those men.
       Vicki Roberts, Chairperson, of the Historical and Genealogical Society of Marion County read the names of some 300 men.

Soldiers firing guns

Twenty one gun salute to those civil war veterans as members of thecommunity observed


Men grouped around a cannon

Hughey's Battery
Gene Waters, Bob Thather, Aaron Middleton (front)Brian Jones and Kevin Middleton

Men grouped around a cannon

Hart's Battery
David Artos, Wolfgang Lediner, Patty (Patrick) Lediner, and Billy Bowman

Men grouped around a cannon

Johnny Bowman, Jesse Crowly, Kevin Bodenhiemer, John Crane, Jim Kincace and Walter Kincade

Men grouped around a cannon

Wiggins Battery
Ricky Saunder and Paul Saunder


Group of men by cannon holding Union Flag

Battle plans being made

Union Flag on battlefield

Taking care of Old Glory

The Confederates

Group of confederate soldiers

Confederate troops pose for the camera

Troops being lined up

Preparing to march

moving cannons on to battlefield

moving cannons on to battlefield

Preparing the cannons

moving cannons on to battlefield

More preparations for the coming days

Soldier on a horse

Just part of the calvary



The battlefield with Union Flag

Ole Glory flew proudly as the Yankees charged across the battlefield.

Take aim and fire


Confederate fire

Soldiers on kneew preparing to fire weapons

Ready your guns men and wait till you can see the whites of their eyes.


Fire at will

Smoke on the battlefield

Smoke filled the air around the battle field as the troops took aim and fired rifles and cannons.


The battle raged

Smoke on the battlefield

The smoke filled air

Soldiers running away from the battlefield

Retreat or die

Uniform on hay bale beside creek

After the battle

Guns leaning on tree

Weapons of action

Crooked Creek

On the banks of Crooked Creek

Men lined up at edge of battlefield


Dividing Line


       This entire newsletter L dedicated to the re-enactment of the Battle of Yellville and Camp Adams, which rook place on Memorial weekend of 2004. Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce and all the re-enactors who came and took part in the battle. A special Thank You goes out to Kevin Bodenhiemer and to John Crane for helping to organize the many re-enactors who took part in this event This editor was on hand to view the action and relive a vital part of Marion County and American history Hope you enjoy as much as I did. Have a safe and restful summer.
       The Ancestor Fair was held in Marshall this year and was a huge success, Yours truly was on hand with Mysty to show off our new picture hook and to see what was new in the other counties. Found several new items to add to the genealogy collection.
       Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the Marion County Library Board for their help in expanding the Genealogy Room at the Marion County Library. The room is almost totally complete with new shelves and workspaces, new microfilm reader and printer. (thanks to a grant from Natco and the Board), a new computer and printer, new walls, carpet and a lot of new additions. The society members are in the process of refurbishing the existing books and they really look great.
       We have a brand new addition of added microfilm and several new books, thanks to Norma Freeman who has just moved to California and left her collection to the Society. We are growing all the time. If you are in the area, drop by and see us at the Marion County Library. All of our books are there and many of them 'for sale' ones are there as well.
           Vicki Roberts, Editor

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Confederate and Union Soldiers from Marion County

Adams. John Coker, James A Friend, Elisha Jr Matlaock Clinton
Akin , Jesse Coker, James M Friend, Andrew Matlock, Isaac A.
Akins, James Coker Joseph Friend, Elisha Sr. Matlock, James P
Allen, Green B Coker. S.D Gillespie, John McBee, William C.
Allen, Joseph B. Coker, William P. Gillespie, John McCate, James
Allen, N. G. Conway, Thomas Gillespie, William McCracken, Elim S.
Anderson, Archibald Cooper, John Goodall, James McCracken, Joseph T.
Anderson, Pew C. Cooper, Phillip Goodall, Joseph McCracken, Samuel M.
Angel, James P. Cowan, Henry Goodall, Robert McCracken, William G.
Angel, John Cowdrey, Henry W. Hall, G. M. McEntire, James H.
Arnold, John Cowen, Silas Hall, John Mears, Marcus
Austin, Shelby Cowen, Alfred H. Hampton, A. B. Mears, William
Austin, Thomas F. Cravens, Albert G. Hampton, Adam Meas, Mark M.
Bagwell, Joseph Creasy, Carson Hampton, Alfred F. Merryman, Isaac
Barber, Robert Creasy, Charles Hampton, Ezekial Merryman, Jeremiah
Bearden, Jackson M. Cummings, Pleas D. Hampton, Samuel Messick, E. H.
Bennett, Champion H. Davbis, J. W. Harwell, James D. Methvin, John W.
Berry, James Davenport, William T. Haskatt, John A. Milam, Samuel
Billingsley, James Davis, Alfred Hensley, John Milum, Calvin
Billingsley, Joseph Davis, James Horn, Joseph Milum, Bryce
Billingsley, William Davis, William Hudson, Jess Mings, William C.
Birch, Pinson Dean, Jackson Hudson, John Mooney, Jesse
Blyeth, Anderson Dearman, Asberry Hudson, William H. Moreland, Abraham
Breedlove, William Denton, Abraham Hudspeth, Andrew J. Music, Abram
Breedwell, Henry Denton, Johnathan Hudspeth, Marvin A. Nipps, Henry
Briggs, Benjamin F. Denton, Stephen Hudspeth, James Noe, A. J.
Briggs, Elish W. Dobbs, Johnathan Hull, John E. Northcutt, Randolph
Brown, William M. Dobbs, William Hurst, Abram Nowlin, Thomas F.
Brown, Austin Dodson, A. J. Hurst, Alexander Orr, James W.
Brown, Richard Doshier, Henry Hurst, John Pace, William C.
Bruce, John Y. Doshier, John Hurst, R. J. Patterson, John C.
Bruce, Francis Dosier, Wiley Ingram, Ephraim Patton, William
Buck, Jonathan Dowd, James Ingram, James Porter, Joseph M.
Burleson, Aron B. Dozier, Henry Johnson, Christopher Railsback, Edward
Burleson, Joseph Dozier, John R. Jones, James Rea, Trammel
Burns, John Duggins, James B. Jones, W. C. Rea, John C.
Burns, Wiley Erwin, William T. Jones, W. R. Riggs, James R.
Cagle, Thomas Estes, Benjamin Keeter, James J. Risley, Andrew
Callahan, Andrew S. Estes, Edward Keeter, James M. Roberts, Zephaniah
Cantrell, William P. Estes, James Kelly, James Roberts, John W.
Casey, James W. Estes, John G. Kilburn, W. P. Rowland, Preston
Casey, Jesse N. Evans, Hartwell King, Bryant Rowland, Andrew
Churchman, Robert Evans, Martin King, Allen Rowland, Hiram E.
Churchman, Rueben Evans, William R. Lantz, William M. Ryals, Charles C.
Coker, Mitchell D. Everett, James Layton, John Stinnett, Benjamin
Coker, Randolph B. Finley, James M. Lowery, William C. Stinnett, William
Coker, Strother C. Flippin, W. B. Madewell, Rueben Tabor, Nimrod
Coker, William L. Flippin, William C. Magness, Morgan J. Tabor, Seaborn
Coker, D. G. Fox, William T. Magness, Perry G. Tabor, Seborn
Coker, H. L. Frazier, Patrick T. Martin, Mathew Tate, Joseph
Teaf, William J. White, William D. Teaff, John H. Wickersham, James
Teaff, Oliver P. Wickle, Jarrett Thompson, Daniel A. Wiggins, Seborn
Thompson, Green B. Williams, George Young, Eli Treat, Andrew J.
Wilmoth, George Young, James M. Treat, E. E. Wolf, Martin
Young, Thomas Treat, Edwin C. Wolf, Michael H. Treat, Elijah
Wood, James B. Treat, Ignatius Wood, Martin J. Treat, James
Wood, Nin Treat, William Wood, Thomas B. Trimble, James H.
Wood, Thomas D. Trimble, John H. Wood, Ambrose Trimble, Robert E.
Wood, Benjamin Trimble, William J. Wood, Charles D. Turnbo, James C.
Wood, Gideon Tutt, Davis K. Wood, James Tutt, James H. POW
Wood, William Tutt, Samuel s. Woodcock, Joel Tyler, James
Woodcock, Modena Tyler, John Woods, Obediah Vinson, David
Yocham, William Wallace, Elijah Young, Allen Weast, George W.

Weast, William B.

White, Daniel


Dividing Line


       SERVICE DIRECTORY is published in Bramble Bush as a service to those who may wish to advertise some of the many books, products, and services available that relate to historic and/or genealogical research. The charge per ad is $12 per year. Ads from both members and non-members are accepted. The name and address of a contact person must accompany each ad.

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       "EARLY DAYS AND WAR TIMES IN NORTHERN ARKANSAS." Thomas Jerome Estes. Reprint 1999 (1928). $5. HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687.
       "EARLY DAYS OF MARION COUNTY." Lester & Marian Burnes. Indexed. $25. Marion Burnes, 2102 W. Jefferson, Sioam Springs AR 72761.
       "GENEALOGIES OF MARION COUNTY FAMILIES 1811-1900." Genealogies of 400+ families settling in MCAR by 1900. Hardbound. Indexed. $60. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687.
       "INDEX TO THE MOUNTAIN ECHO 12 March 1886 thru 26 June 1903." Births, marriages, deaths. Indexed. $24.50 + $3.50 s/h. Margie Garr, 1505 Mistletoe, Mountain Home AR 72653, (870)-425-0405.
       IZARD CO. AR 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $4. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28 Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $4. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28 Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107.
       MARION CO. AR 1850 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $10. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28 Avenue, Tulsa 0K 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. Annotated. $20. Nancie Todd Weber. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687.
       MARION CO. 1880 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $21. Gladys Horn Brown. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS 1887-1896." Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGERECORDS 1896-1905" Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGES 1905-1917." Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 2363 MC 032, Yellville AR 72687.
       "MARION COUNTY 1890 CENSUS." Reconstructed from 1880 & 1900 census; land, tax records, etc. Indexed. Hardbound. $45 HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       The Mining Era of Marion County Arkansas by Vicki Roberts ,$30.00 + $3 s&h 2363 MC 5032 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Silver Anniversary" History of Marion County. Reprinted 2002. Indexed, $75 plus $5 sh, HGSMCA P.O. Box 761, Yellville, AR 72687
       "Marion County: The Divided" by Vicki Roberts and Mysty McPherson, $5.00 + $1 s&h HGSMCA, P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Marion County, The Way She Was in 1836" by W.B. Flippin, $5.00 + $1.00 s&h P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Gleenings of PIoneer History" by W.R. Jones , $5.00 + $1 s&H, P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687

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        Marion Co. AR and surrounding areas. Experienced researcher. $10 per hour plus copy costs and postage. Vicki Roberts, 2362 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687 (870) -449-6195 aft 6:00pm CST. E-mail:
       Marion Co. AR area. $10 per hour plus copy costs and postage. Experienced researcher. Mysty McPherson, 35 MC 6023, Yellville AR 72687; (870)-449-5223. E-mail:

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       Membership in the Historical Genealogical Society of Marion County Arkansas is $12 per year.
       Membership for one year runs from 1 January to 31 December of that year.
       Membership includes the quarterly newsletter Bramble Bush
       Membership begun later in the year includes all issues of Bramble Bush for that year.
       Make your check for $12 payable to HGSMCA and send to HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687-9612.

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       The Bramble Bush is published quarterly by the Historic Genealogical Society of Marion County Arkansas, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687. EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor, Vicki Roberts; Design/Production, Mysty McPherson; Art Work, Bonnie Sanders; Queries, Mary Birrer; Subscriptions, Barbara Holland; Printing, Penny Pincher Printing, 722 Locust, Conway AR 72034; Contributing writers, Janice Mears. HGSMCA Officers: Chair Vicki A. Roberts; Vice-Chair, Mysty McPherson; Secretary, Sherry Berthot; Treasurer, Barbara Holland; Grants/Purchasing Mysty McPherson.

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