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Contents, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 10, Page 11, Page 12, Page 13, Page 14, Page 15, Page 16, Page 17, Page groom index, Page bride index
page 9
p 131 William P. SCOTTP, 26,  to Christina GRIST,  25, at res
of Joseph Golightly, by S. W. Ridge JP, Hampton Twp
19 Jan 1858
p 131 William Lee SIPIT, 19,  to Martha Ann WILLIAMS, 17, 
by W. T. Roland JP
  9 Feb 1858
p 132 Lemuel S. WALLACE, 24,  to Mary Catherine BARNER, 17, 
by J. G. Rogers JP
21 Feb 1858
p 132 William J. TARLTON, 21, of Ark. Co., to Zilpah SEABURN,  20,
by G. W. Danforth JP
11 Feb 1858
p 133 John C. KELLY, 21, to Permilia J. PENNINGTON, 19, 
by G. W. Danforth JP
11 Feb 1858
p 134 George W. BROWNING, 21, of Phillips Co., to Sarah Jane ROGERS
(Brown also used), 18, by G. W. Danforth JP
28 Jan 1858
p 135 Charles HAGGINS, 23, to Miss Eleanor E. CUNNINGHAM, 18,
res of John Cunningham, by William J. Hood MG Baptist
3 Apr 1858
p 136 Coleman F. RUBICUM, 23, to Miss Mary S. H. BROWN, 20,
res of John Cunningham, by William J. Hood MG Baptist
3 Apr 1858
p 136 James L. RABAN, 25, to Maran Ann BROWN, 17,
by James S. Wright JP, Cache Twp.
7 Feb 1858
p 137 Dr. Thomas RYAL/RYLE, 21, to Barbary PALMERTON, 21,
by Wm. H.H. Fellers JP, Cache Twp, res of John McCullah
9 Apr 1858
p 138 Andrew McKANE, 24, to Miss Nancy J. EVERETT, 18,
res of Wm.Cockrum,   Jackson Twp., by David E. Poynter JP
14 Mar 1858
p 139 John AKIN, 30, to Jane PHILLIPS, 18,
res of John Furllews?, by Wm. H.H. Fellers JP, Cache Twp.
29 Apr 1858
p 139 Ruben CARVER, 21, to Miss Amanda EDWARDS, 15,
res of Samuel Hawkins, by Wm. H.H. Fellers, Cache Twp.
29 Apr 1858
p 140 Newton WRIGHT, 26, to Mary COMBS, 25,
by William T. Rowland JP
15 Apr 1858
p 141 J. H. COXSEY, 22, to Miss Louiza BOOTHES, 20,
in Town of Aberdeen, by Harvey P. Richardson JP
6 Jun 1858
p 141 Wm. C. GRIMES, 42, to Miss Adaline BURKHART, 15,
res of E. Black, by James S. Wright JP
18 Apr 1858
p 142 Henry INGRAM, 24, to Jane BREEDING, 15,
res of W. T. Breeding, by S. W. Ridge JP, Hampton Twp.
25 Mar 1858
p 143 James L. COOKSEY, 20, to Martha Ann OVERSTREET, 20,
res of Thomas P. Ponder, by James S. Wright JP, Cache Twp.
11 May 1858
p 143 J. W. L. RISEN, 25, to Nancy A. MASON, 19,
res of  D. Pike,   by James S. Wright JP, Cache Twp.
7 Jul 1858
p 144 Francis M. ROBERT, 28, to H. E. HIGHTOWER, 18,
res of Lindsey Lee, by H. P. Richardson JP, Duncan Twp
25 Jul 1858
p 145 William McCULLA, 28, to Desdumond MYLOR, 35, of St. Francis Co.,
res of & by Wm H. H. Fellers JP, Cache Twp.
14 Jul 1858
p 145 Egbert FITZHUGH, 35, to Margaret WHITE, 16,
res of S. N. Daniels, by Wm H. H. Fellers JP, Cache Twp.
6 Jun 1858
p 146 Jacob WILLFORD/WILLFOND, _, to Elizabeth TEAGUE, _,
by J. Blanton MG M. P. Ch.
8 Aug 1858
p 147 Joseph T. ACRE, 27, to Roda G. MARSH, 25,
res of & by S. W. Ridge JP, Hampton Twp.
27 Jul 1858
p 147 James M. SKIDMORE, ca 24, to Malissa E. LOCK, ca 19,
by W. J. Robinson JP
10 Sep 1858
p 148 William SIMMONS, 37,  to Salina LOCK, 22,
res of Prudence Easley, by James G. Gay Co. Judge, Jackson Twp.
15 Aug 1858
p 148 John R. HOGGARD, 22, to Miss Martha HARROD, 17,
by consent of her parent, res of Sophia Privett, by Harvey P. Richardson JP
31 Aug 1858