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Contents, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11, Page 12, Page 13, Page 14, Page 15, Page 16, Page 17, Page groom index, Page bride index
page 5
p 55 William E. MOORE, to Sallie Ann WASHINGTON, both of  lawful age, at Lawrenceville, by J. B. Lambert MG, Cumb. Presbyterian. recorded 24 Oct 1854 18th Ins
p 56 Mather STOKES, 34, to Nancy COSTAR, 30,  by James G. Gay JP 12 Nov 1854
p 56 G. W. SMALLEY, 21, to Christian GADBERRY, 19,  by S. W. Ridge JP, Hampton Twp 13 Jun 1854
p 57 William W. BOWLES, 21, of Chicot Co., to Elmira McMULLIN, 21, at res. of Andrew McMullin, by James G. Gay JP Jackson Twp 26 Nov 1854
p 57 Isiah WALKER, 38, to Elnor WILLIAMS, 24,  by Hilliard W. Hays JP 3 Dec 1854
p 58 Greenwood HILL, 21, to Martha Ann SEABRON, 20,  at res of Henry Goings, by James G. Gay JP Jackson Twp 17 Dec 1854
p 58 Charles TUCKER, 19, to Neoma INGRAM, 21, at res of Jesse Henderson, by Nathan Rushing JP Duncan Twp 25 Dec 1854
p 59 John R. CRISP, 22, to Nancy Emeline ROGERS, 21,  by Jerry G. Rogers JP 20 Dec 1854
p 59,60 Baker BATEMAN, 21, to Jane E. DUNCAN, 21, by E. H. Bryan JP   7 Dec 1854
p 61 John WALKER, 27, to Nancy Jane BROWN, 21, at home of Wm. Goble, by James G. Gay JP Jackson Twp 18 Feb 1855
p 61 Virgil C. BIGHAM, 20, to Rachel D. BREEDING, 17, his father's written consent, by G. W. Wilmoth JP 25 Jan 1855
p 62 W. E. JEFFERS, 25, to Annie EDDINGS, 16,  by W. J. Hood MG 1 Mar 1855
p 63 S. W. RIDGE, 49, to Nancy LEVETT, 42, at res of  S. W. Ridge, Hampton Twp, by L. B. Dixon JP 25 Feb 1855
p 63 John BROWN, 30, to Sarahann HAWKINS, 17,  by Obadiah Womack JP (at my res), Cache Twp 4 Feb 1855
p 64 Ephreigm GOBLE, 24, to Rachel Malinday GAY, 22,  by J. G. Rogers JP 22 Feb 1855
p 64 Henry FAKE, of lawful age, to Sarah Ann HANEY, 15,  consent of her parent, by J. B. Lambert MG Cumb. Pros. 20 May 1855
p 65 E. J. F.(E. F. J. used also) ANDERSON, to Mary Henarittea  (name not complete), both of lawful age, by J. B. Lambert MG Cumb. Pres. 24 May 1855
p 65 Richard BROWN, 37, to Rachel BERRY, 25,  by Ezekiel Holland MG Baptist 22 Apr 1855
p 66 John W. JOHNSON, to Miss M. Virginia HALL, both of  lawful age, consent of parents & guardian, by J. B. Lambert MG Cumb. Presbyterian 23 Aug 1855
p 67 John TAYLOR, 22, to Elizabeth E. AKENS, 22,  by E. Black County Judge 28 Jun 1855
p 68 Gerard W. BANKS, 26, to Miss Mary E. POYNTER, 16,  consent of father, at res of David E. Poynter, Jackson Twp, by Hilliard W. Hays JP 13 Jul 1855
p 69 E. T. MITCHEL, 43, to Miss Sarah C. ENGLISH, 27,  by W. J. Hood MG 16 Aug 1855
p 70 William GRANBERRY, 28, to Miss Lurana D. KERR, 18,  at res of James Kerr, Jackson Twp, by H. W. Hays JP 17 Jul 1855
p 71 Samuel DANIELS, 21, to Martha JOLLY, 18,  by E. H. Bryan JP 23 Jun 1855
p 72 Cavender B. HILL, legal age, to Sarah Ann COUNTS, 17,  their mutual consent, by E. H. Bryan JP 15 Apr 1855

(Page 73 was skipped when pages in book were numbered by hand)