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Contents, Page 1, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11, Page 12, Page 13, Page 14, Page 15, Page 16, Page 17, Page groom index, Page bride index
page 2
p 11 James M. ADCOCK to Mary Jane WHITE, both of lawful age,
by Jas. J. Cowart MG M E Ch So
23 Sep 1851
p 12 G. W. BANKS, lawful age, to Louisa McMULLIN, over 14,
parents consent, per usage of C Pres Ch, by J. B. Lambert MG
8 Oct 1851
p 13 George W. STAHL, 26, to Julia Ann JOLLY, 17,
at home of   Peter Jolly, by James Duncan JP
18 Sep 1851
p 13 Thomas G. RIDGE, of age, to Sary J. JONES, of age,
by T. A. Barton MG Baptist
  4 Sep 1851
p 13 Duncan MORE, __, to Rachel GUIST __,
by S. W. Ridge JP Hampton Twp
10 Aug 1851
p 14 David JONES, __, to Nancy Jane CAWINE, __,
by S. W. Ridge JP Hampton Twp
22 Oct 1851
p 14 Rolley HUGHES, lawful age, to Phebe JACKSON, 20,
  parents consent, per usage of C Pres Ch, by J. B. Lambert MG
22 Nov 1851
p 15 Benjamin J. TERRY, lawful age, to Mary C. MABERRY, 21,
by Lewis Garrett MG M E Ch So
  2 Dec 1851
p 15 John T. WEST to Martha A. K. WEST, both lawful age,
by Lewis Garrett MG M E Ch So
11 Dec 1851
p 16 Frank BENSON, __, to Julia GROOMS,  __,
by Benj. F. Eddins JP
11 Dec 1851
p 16 Isaac BARTON, 26, to Miss Elizabeth M. STEED, 19,
at Lawrenceville, by H. W. Hays JP
23 Dec 1851
p 17 Thomas A. JONES, 31, to Mrs. Louisa WILDER, 19,
by Hilliard W. Hays JP
16 Dec 1851
p 17 S. L. HOWERTON, __, of White Co., to Lucinda MORRIS, __,
parents present & consent, by J. J. Cowart MG M E Ch So
  7 Jan 1852
p 18 Daniel BIDDY, __, to Louisiana H. BIDDY, __, 

parents present & consent, by J. J. Cowart MG M E Ch So

15 Feb 1852
p 18 E. L. DIXON, __, to Sarah K. FARR?/ Farrer?, __,
by S. W. Ridge JP Hampton Twp
30 Dec 1851
p 18 John RICHARDSON, __, to Mary Jane McDUFFEY,  __,
by S. W. Ridge JP Hampton Twp
12 Feb 1852
p 19 Lemuel CRISP, 20, to Jane STEVENS, 20,
his parents consent, by D. D. Snellgrove JP
  3 Apr 1852
p 19 John W. Ellis, 24, to Nancy K. CUCY?/CURCY?, 16,
his parents consent, by D. D. Snellgrove JP
  4 Mar 1852
p 20 Henry BOLIN?/BOHN, __, to Elizabeth W. BAYLOSS, __,
by J. J. Cowart MG M E Ch So
21 Apr 1852
p 20 David MOSES, __, to Judy Ann RAGSDALL, __,
parents present & consent, by J. J. Cowart MG M E Ch So
10 Mar 1852
p 21 W. T. 0. HARRIS, 25, to Sarah Jane LEMMONS, __,
by William Harvick Co. Judge
15 Jun 1852
p 21 Henry STALGH, 22, to Lagader HUGHS, 17,
by B. F. Edings JP
15 May 1852
p 22 Michael COMBS, 20, to Martha E. SERCY, 17,
by D. D. Snellgrove JP
13 May 1852
p 22 Lazarus C. VANN, 21, to Susan RICHARDSON, 20,
by G. W. Wilmoth JP (signed 9 Jul 1852, filed 20 Jul 1852)
20 May 1850
p 24 Ephraim BURGETT, 30, to Nancy WEEKS, __,
by G. W. Wilmoth JP
29 May 1852
p 25 Creed THOMAS, 22, to Elizabeth SCOTT, 21,
by Ezekiel Holland MG
  8 Jul 1852
p 25 John MADDEN, 27, to Sarah JACOBS, 17,
by Wm J. Stafford PC M E Ch So
  1 Sep 1852
p 26 Albert OWEN, 30, to Jane BOREN, 20,
by William Harvick Co. Judge 
22 Aug 1852