Mt Echo Newspaper, Mar 28, 1890 Issue: Mrs. Thursey J. HONEYCUT, wife of Samuel F. Honeycut, and sister of R. F. PATTERSON, died last Thursday. She was a consistent christian(sic) and died in great peace.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, April 4, 1890 Issue The body of Bryan MERRIMAN, who was drowned in North Fork at Harris' ferry January 9, last, was found last Tuesday in a drift by Jo Dickersons while repairing fence on the Bales place opposite Tracy's ferry. The body had evidently been under water until the recent flood when it was washed up and drifted to land. Although the body was badly decomposed it was recognizable. The remains were interred yesterday. - Baxter Citizen.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, 25 Apr 1890 Issue: OBITUARY Mrs. Thursa J. HONEYCUT, wife of Samuel F. HONEYCUT and daughter of J. W. and Visa PATTERSON, departed this life March 11, 1890. She was born in Yancy county, N.C. 1850 and emigrated with her parents to this county in 1868. She was married to S. F. HONEYCUT and as a result of this union six children, three boys and three girls, came to bless their home. Two of the little girls preceded their mother to the better land. Mrs. HONEYCUT professed religion when quite young and was a consistent member of the Baptist church to the hour of her death. She was greatly afflicted for years before her death, but she bore her sufferings grandly and died supremely happy in a Savior's love. J. R. PATTERSON.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, 2 May 1890 issue: OBITUARY: We received the following clipping from Independence county, which we were requested to publish: Died. - On the 28th of March 1890 in the town of Sulphur Rock, Ark. Mrs. Martha A. MENTOR, wife of D. W. C. MENTOR, in the 25th year of her age. Mountain Echo please copy. T. Mrs. MENTOR was a daughter of "Uncle" Henry DOSIER, was born and raised in Marion county and had many warm friends here. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church and was willing and ready to die. Her husband, parents and friends have the sympathy of our people.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, 23 May 1890 Issue: "Aunt" Phamy Vanzandt, wife of "Uncle Sam" Vanzandt, died at her home last Tuesday. She was a noble woman and was loved by all. A suitable obituary will appear next week.
Mt. Echo Newspaper - May 30, 1890 issue: Obituary [This obituary is too faded to read, but since it is an obituary, an attempt was made. Anyone researching this person should review the newspaper film. The dates are my best translation.]
Amy Uphamy VANZANDT, nee CALLAHAN was born in Rutherford county, N.C. in 1835(?faded) was married in 1854(?faded) to Samuel VANZANDT. Eight children blessed the union. She was converted at a (?faded) meeting about four miles from Harrison in 1855(?faded). She joined the M. E. Church, South, at that time but afterward connected herself with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and still later on reunified herself with the M. E. Church, South, and remained a consistent member in it till her death, her membership being for many years at Pleasant Ridge of the Yellville Circuit.
After almost (?) months ago she had a severe attack of La Grippe. Other diseases set in and her system was broken down. On May 20th the weary and well worn wheels of life stood still.
Her life was one of great usefulness, her death a great triumph. As the writer stood at the foot of her bed and read the 23rd Psalm, she exclaimed, "The Lord is my shepherd. He is my shield and my high tower." She talked calmly about dying. "Aunt Phamy" as she was familiarly called lived so pure a life that she wrote her epitaph on the hearts of her family and neighbors, and surely no one could have witnessed her triumphant death without being drawn nearer to the Cross.
The bereaved husband, children and relatives share largely the condolence of their neighbors whose lives have been so benefited by being associated with so pure a character as was hers. D. C. Ross.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, Jun 1, 1890 issue: Snowden SMITH, of Prarie Grove, died May 30th of Hydrophobia. He was bitten over a year ago by a small black dog. He died in great agony.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, June 13, 1890 Issue: Elsworth GARBLE, a young man living near Harrison, was drowned while fishing in Long creek, Carroll county, one day last week. He and some other young men were carrying a seine when he stepped into a deep hole of water and being unable to swim was drowned. He was 29 years old and unmarried.
Mt.Echo Newspaper, Jul 4, 1890 issue SUICIDE Last Saturday morning Bob MCCARTNY, who lived near Powell, was found dead in his horse lot. A bullet hole was found in the back of his head and a pistol was lying near where he had fallen. He had evidently committed suicide. No certain reason is given for this rash act, but the circumstances surrounding it may serve to through some light on the subject. It seems that MCCARTNY, who was a widower with two children, had promised to marry a girl in the neighborhood by the name of NORTON. He had also promised to go to Texas with Floyd MAGNESS, a young man in the vicinity, who seems to have been dodging the officers. On Friday evening, MAGNESS went to MCCARTNY'S house and MCCARTNY sent his children to a neighbor's house to stay all night. He told MAGNESS of his intended marriage and MAGNESS told him that he was afraid this would interfere with their getting off to Texas. MAGNESS says that MCCARTNY then said that he did not believe he would marry the girl as she was not a very healthy girl anyway. Both men lay down on a pallet and MAGNESS says went to sleep. Early the next morning J. B. CLARK happened to call at MCCARTNY'S and finding MAGNESS asleep, awoke him, and inquired for MCCARTNY. A search by the two men resulted in finding MCCARTNY dead in the condition before stated. He had evidently killed himself about 9 o'clock Friday night.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, 18 Jul 1890 issue:Local Echoings - article was damaged & all could not be read: ___ POYNTER, father of Sher__ __ter, died at his home near ___ last Friday. He had been ____ for a long time with a ____ throat disease.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, Jul 18, 1890 issue: Rev. D. C. Ross will preach "Aunt Phamey" VANZANDT'S funeral at the VANZANDT spring on the first Sunday in August at 11 o'clock. Protracted meeting will follow.
Mt. Echo Newspaper, July 25, 1890 issue: Ed REYNOLDS, who lives between Flippin and McBee's Landing, has lost two children this week, and his wife and one of his other children are lying at the point of death.