Marion County, AR - Obituaries


JOHNSON posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, July 16, 1886

Mt. Echo Newspaper, July 16, 1886 issue: An old man by the name of JOHNSON died very suddenly on yester- day at his home on Lee's Mountain, five miles north of town.

BROWN, MANES, NAVE posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, September 3, 1886

Mt. Echo Newspaper, Sep 3, 1886 Issue: We learn that last Thursday night one James BROWN stole some bedding and clothes from Mr. J. W. NAVE, who lives near the river in the northern part of this county. Next day he was found in the brush near Forsythe, Mo., by a posse who were looking for him. He shot one of the party, Jno. MANES, who returned the fire, breaking BROWN'S arm and shooting him through the breast. BROWN escaped and was not found till next day several miles distant. Both died Saturday. Boone Banner, August 26th.

HULL posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, September 17, 1886

Mt. Echo Newspaper Sep 17, 1886 issue: The death of Mrs. Jessie HULL, wife of Mr. C. T. HULL, of the Baxter County Citizen is announced in that paper. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Hull in his sad bereavement.

CHAMBERS, ELLIS posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, September 24, 1886

Mt Echo Newspaper, Sept 24, 1886 In a shooting affray, near Seba, Benton county, on the 4th, between Dr. R. O. CHAMBERS and Charles ELLIS, the latter was killed.

HAMILTON posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, October 22, 1886

Mt. Echo Newspaper, Oct 22, 1886 issue: James HAMILTON James N. HAMILTON, who was assassinated on Monday morning at his home, in North Fork township, this county, was one of our best citizens; a quiet, law-abiding man. The news of his death at the hands of an assassin was received here on Wednesday morning with sorrow, as the deceased had many warm friends in Yellville. James HAMILTON moved to this county from Searcy county about a year ago. In Searcy county he was highly esteemed, and at one time he was sheriff of that county, and it is said he made a most excellent officer. He was a candidate for sheriff of this county at the late election and made a manly, open race as a Republican, but was defeated by his Democratic opponent. He was, comparatively, a young man, being about 30 years of age. He leaves a wife and three children.

NEWMAN posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, December 3, 1886

Mt. Echo Newspaper, Dec 3, 1886 issue: Mr. Thos. NEWMAN, the veteran newspaper man of North Arkansas, died at the home of his son, Mr. John R. NEWMAN, editor of the Times, at Harrison, on the 24th ult., aged 54 years. He established in 1869 the first paper ever printed in Boone county - the Advocate, which he continued to publish at Harrison for about five years. He has been connected with several news- paper enterprises in this section of the State, among them the Elixir Bugle, afterwards moved to Lead Hill and called the Lead Hill Bugle, which was suspended a year or so ago. Mr. NEWMAN was a practical printer and thorough newspaper man; he was kind-hearted and genial, and always had a word of encouragement and wholesome advice for young men, especially those engaged in the printing business. His bereaved widow, sister and son have our sincerest sympathy. Peace to "Uncle Tom's" ashes.

AYRES posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, January 7, 1887

Mt. Echo Newspaper, Jan 7, 1887 Issue: On Wednesday morning of last week the dead body of John W. AYRES was found lying at the front door of the court house at Harrison. His skull was crushed, either by falling from the second story of the court house or by a heavy stroke made by a club or rock. The coroner's investigation did not throw any light upon the killing. The Boone Banner says of AYRES. "Deceased was a native of England and had no relatives here. He was an inoffensive old man, but much given to habits of drunkenness, in which condition he was often the sport of the mischievous boys about town, who would blacken his face and play other tricks upon him. He was last seen at a late hour Tuesday night in a drunken condition and with his face blackened."

ALEXANDER, BROWN, NOE posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, January 14, 1887

Mt. Echo Newspaper, Jan 14, 1887 Issue: Our Oakland correspondent furnishes the readers of The Echo with the facts of the accidental killing of Miss Sarah ALEXANDER, near that place on the 6th inst. It was a very sad affair, and should be a warning against carelessness with fire-arms. North Fork: "An Estimable Young Lady Killed by the Carelessness of a Worthless Young Man". Special Correspondent to The Echo. Oakland, Ark. Jan. 10, 1887. On the 6th inst., John BROWN, a worthless young man living on H. J. NOE'S farm, near here, borrowed a Winchester rifle to take a hunt, but instead, spent the day going through the neighborhood making himself conspicuous by his carelessness in handling the gun. He was repeatedly cautioned to be more careful with the gun, or he would kill some one, -- a prophesy which proved too true. In the evening he went to the house of Mr. ALEXANDER, and after staying there a short time he picked up the gun, placed it on his shoulder, and took an old fiddle under his other arm and started out, the muzzle of the gun pointing back into the house. As he stepped out at the door his foot slipped and in his struggle to prevent falling the gun was discharged, the ball passing near enough to Miss Eda ALEXANDER'S head to singe her hair and striking her sister Sarah over the region of the heart. The blood spurted three or four feet each way from the wounds in her breast and back. "Dear me," she feeble said, sank to the floor and was dead in less than a half minute. Miss Sarah was one of nature's noble women, loved and respected by all who knew her, and her sad death has cast a gloom over the entire community.

HIGGS, INGRAM posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, January 14, 1887

Mt. Echo Newspaper, Jan 14, 1887: Homicide IN Boone. On the night of the 24th December last there was a dancing party at the residence of R. H. HIGGS, in Sugar Loaf township in this county. About 10 o'clock, Samuel J. INGRAM and several others came into the yard, acting in a drunken and disorderly manner, and demanded admittance. HIGGS told INGRAM to go away, that he would not admit drunken men. INGRAM then broke open the south door of the house and threw missiles into the room at the same time telling HIGGS to come out and he would cut his d---d heart out. He then went to the north door and broke that open, and putting his head in, cursed and abused HIGGS and his family and swore he would come in or die. While he was in this position, HIGGS got his pistol and going out of the south door, went around and shot INGRAM, inflicting a wound from which he died the next day. After his death, W. H. Raby(?) a justice of the peace, summoned a jury's inquest of twelve men, and after hearing the evidence of half a dozen witnesses, as to the same effect, the jury found that Ingram came to his death as above stated, and that HIGGS was fully justified in killing him. Boone Banner. ,

NOE posted by Mt. Echo Newspaper on Tuesday, January 28, 1887

Mt. Echo Newspaper Jan 28, 1887 Issue: Mrs. Ann NOE, wife of Dr. Wm. NOE, died on yesterday (Thursday) at 11 o'clock, after a lingering illness of several years. Her remains will be buried at the grave yard near this place this afternoon. "Obituary" Sister Ann NOE, by her pious walk and Godly ways, ever adorned her profession. All through life she was a Christian, faithful in all the relations of life. She was affectionate as a mother, and true as a neighbor. To know her was to lover her. Her last words were encouraging. We hope the husband, motherless children and friends will profit by her long and tried experience and Christian patience, exhibited in her protracted affliction, and the Lord grant that we may all be housed in the House not made with hands eternal to the heavens.

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