Mrs. James Johnson died at her home, on Lee's mountain three miles north of this place, on Wednesday, the 10th inst. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. .
James A. WILSON: April 2, 1886 Issue of Mt. Echo Newspaper: Yellville, AR. From the Harrison Banner, 26th ult. Died. -- Of apoplexy, on the night of the 22nd inst., after an illness of but a few hours, James A. WILSON, of this town. He was born in Yancy county, North Carolina, in 1821; removed to Marion county, Ark., in 1846, and was once a Representative of that county in the Legislature. For many years up to the time of his death he had been a prominent member of the bar and had an extensive acquaintance and practice in North Arkansas. He leaves a widow and several children. .
Mrs. W.J. PAXTON: George'S Creek: Mrs. PAXTON, wife of Rev. W. J. PAXTON, died the night of the 7th inst. of catarrhal fever. She leaves a large family and a host of friends to mourn her loss.
Mrs. DODD: April 30, 1886 Issue of Mt. Echo Newspaper: Mrs. DODD, wife of Mr. Sam DODD, of the vicinity of Doddsville, died on last Tuesday night of consumption.
Mt. Echo Newspaper May 21, 1886 issue: Died-- At his residence near this place on Monday morning, May 17th, 1886, of apoplexy(sic), Mr. Jesse BRIDGES, aged about 47 years. His death was very sudden. He leaves a widow and five children who have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereave- ment and great sorrow. Resolution Of Respect Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom has seen proper to remove from our midst our friend and brother, Jesse BRIDGES, be it therefore Resolved, 1. That we, as members of the Young Peoples' Christian Association of Yellville, extend to the grief stricken family of our deceased brother our deepest sympathies in the great bereavement and that we commend them to the mercy of God, who alone can comfort them in this sad affliction. 2. That while we are grieved at this untimely death of one of our members, and while we prayerfully sympathize with the sorrowing ones who mourn in him the loss of a father and husband; yet it is consoling to remember that at the first meeting of the Society -- and the only one which it was his privilege to attend -- he gave public testimony that he had found Jesus in the forgiveness of his sins; that he was at peace with God, and that he rejoiced in the hope of a bright immortality beyond the grave. 3. That a copy of this resolution be furnished The Mountain Echo with request to publish, and also that a copy be given to the family of the deceased, and that the same be spread upon the record. James Young, J. C. Floyd, Committee. Yellville, Ark., May 28, 1886. "Death Of A Brother" [The following verses in remembrance of Mr. Bridges, were written and handed in by Mr. Thomas Railsback with the request to publish.] Death has been here and borne away A brother from our side; Just in the morning of his day, As young as we he died. Not long ago he filled his place And sat with us to learn; But he has run his mortal race And never can return. Perhaps our time may be as short, Our days may fly as fast; O Lord impress the solemn thought That this may be our last. We cannot tell who next will fall Beneath thy chastening rod; One must be first, -- but to us all Prepare to meet our God.
Charley LEWALLEN: From the Mt. Echo Issue May 14, 1886 Sunday evening I visited Charley LEWALLEN, one of my old class- mates at school when we were boys, who has been confined to his rooms for six months with lung fever. He is yet hopeful of his recovery. Since my last, Charley LEWALLEN gently passed from this earth to that better world above where sorrow never comes. Charley was a consistent Christian and an affectionate husband. He leaves a wife and four little children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn over his death. In times like this, when a family is bowed down with grief at such a loss, words of sympathy cannot alleviate the pain of suffering hearts. But the vicinity can not refrain from tendering the bereaved friends and relatives such heartfelt condolence as we can give, and may the divine Master be with them in their sad bereavement, and when they, too, follow after may they form a united family in the Christian's eternal home.
Mt. Echo Newspaper Jun e11, 1886 Issue: Elder Jacob SMITH died at his home in Prairie township, on Sundaynight, the 9th inst. He was buried on Monday with Masonic honors at the Patton graveyard. He was an old and respected citizen of the county.
Mt. Echo Newspaper June 11, 1886 Issue: Mrs. John SOWARD died on Friday last, June 4th, at her home three miles north of town, after a lingering illness. She leaves a husband and three small children.
Mr. Echo Newspaper June 18, 1886 Issue: It is reported here that Mr. OAF, the young man who was jilted by Miss HATCHETT, of Wiley's Cove, Searcy county, about three weeks ago, committed suicide the other day by taking chloroform. It will be remembered by our readers that Miss HATCHETT and J. M. BOYD were married at this place on the 26th of last month. The editor of this noble sheet would not now be here to chronicle this sad fact if he had adopted such a plan of getting even with girls whenever they chose to "kick" him.
From the Mt. Echo Newspaper, June 25, 1886 Issue: The sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. DINSMORE, wife of Hon. Hugh A. DINSMORE, of Fayetteville, reached here yesterday. Mr. DINSMORE'S friends, all over the state, will learn of his sad bereavement with deep regret.