"A" Names
1936 Arkansas Centennial Float
1954 Telephone Operators, Bradley County, Arkansas
Bryant Adams
Henry Adams Family
J. T. and Emily Sharpe Adams
Ila Dean Adams Miller
Myrtle Totty Adams
James Wiley and Mary Jane Kemp Adams
Jesse Melver Adams
Jesse Warren Adams
Martha Colvin Adams
Sallie Adams Hargis
William Richard and Ida Anna Neely
Nancy Elizabeth Adkins Smith Vines
Mary F. Gorman Anders
Agnes McMurry Armstrong
W. T. Armstrong
Bessie Bertha Ashcraft Sebille
Carl C. and Clemmie L. Reddin
Daniel and Martha Sims
Atkins Family
Neal, Lillian, Carl and Leota Atkins and Eliza Sims
Martha Atkins Gardner
Vernon Lee and Marthaline Temple
Sarah Lavinie "Viney" Auld Nolan
Back to the Top
"B" Names
J. M. Bailey
Edward Simmie and Nancy Louvenia
Dawkins Baker
James Harrison Baker Family
James Harrison Baker and great-grand daughter
Waldean Baker
Banks Boys' Basketball, 1962-3
Banks Girls' Basketball, 1962-3
Banks High School
Banks School Class about 1920
Ira Beasley
Mary Alice "Mollie" Beasley Sharp Savage
Mary B. "Polly Anna" Forrest
William Shelby Beasley family
"Papa Sheb," Ira Lou Hickman,
Alice Annie and Macon Boyce Beasley
Florence Belin Hankins
Elzie and Will Belin
William Franklin Belin
Mary Jane Bell Ozment
Alphonsis Coinburg (A. C.) Berry
Alvin Berry, World War I
Hattie Lou Edwards Berry
Spruce Albert Berry
Spruce Albert and Mary Ann Glover Berry Family
Alvin, Sarah Mack Ruth, Frances Arthusa,
DeLona Berry, Spruce Albert, Edgar Guy,
Mary Ann (Glover) and James Coinburg Berry
Dixon Pierce and Nancy Elizabeth Plair Bethea
Russell Cade and Florence Bethea
Bethea Relations
Ruby George Bethea and Arline Bethea Vickers
George and Bethea Relations
Albert Henry, Billy Ray, Helen,
Arline and Faye Carol Bethea
Vera Blankenship Carter
Cleo Blankinship
Verna Irene Ferrell Blythe Hairston
Rhoda Boington
Joy Bond
Benjamin Franklin Bowman
Bowman Family
Eleanor Louisa McFadden Boyd
Viola Beatrice "Bea" Boyd Wear
Daniel Boyett
Hugh Bradley
Bradley County School Class, 1923
Bradley County Teachers Institute, 1910
Bradley Lumber Co. Baseball Team
Bradley Lumber Company Employees, ca. 1930's
Bradley Store
Sarah Martha Bradley
Etta Braswell Savage
S. E. and T. J. Bratton
Bessie Lorena Briley Reddin
Oda Neal Broach
Jane Finch Brockman
Ruth Stewart Finch (Mrs. Oliver) Brockman
Brooks Ladies
Dorothy Singer Brooks, Mitt Brooks Neumann,
Mary Brooks Trammel, Esther Wade Brooks
Lucy Brooks Stewart
Carson Brown
Charlie Brown
John F. M. Brown
Tommie Brown
Veta Bob Brown Young
Brunson Family
Irene Moseley and Frank Brunson Family
Claude and Kenneth Bryant
John Schuyler "Buck" Burkhart
Lige and Vera Burks Williams
L. C., Moria, Mrs. Katie & John Robert Burton
Back to the Top
"C" Names
Pastor Callaway and Wife
Sarah Larkin (Sally) Callaway Johnson
Dr. Campbell
Cecil Caplinger
Charlie Bell and Fay Kitchell Carr Family
Cora Carr Williams
Annabelle Carraway Williams
Cecil Carraway Family
Emma Clements Carraway and children
Dr. Oscar Absalom Carruth
Robert Hill Carruth
Carter Family
Hurley Bruce, Vera Blankenship,
Thomas Albert, Mollie E. (Mary) Moseley,
Thomas Oliver and Edna Offutt Carter
Edna Castleberry Wear
J. W. Castleberry
Jane Castleberry Wolfe
Jimmie Reynolds Wright Castleberry
Joel Cecil Castleberry
Thelma Chambers Green
Vivian Chambers
Milton Joshua Childers
Watt Childs
Ada Belle Clanton Hargis
Marcelle Reynolds Clanton
Judge J. C. (Julius Ceasar) and Molly Frazer Clary Family
Columbus Washington "Lum" and
Lula Jane Clay Smith
Daniel and Emma Denson Clements
Roy Lafayette Clower
People at the Coker Hotel (18 images)
Lummie Coker
Miss Allie Mae Colvin
Judge G. B. Colvin
Ollie Temple Colvin
Ella and Exine Cook McMurry
Lillie Gorman Copeland Ray
Corinth Baptist Church,
Beulah Lee Belle Corker
Cotton Gin
Harrison, Alma George and Catherine Cox
Jerry and Julia Mann Cox
Thomas W. and Sarah Ann
Loftin Cox
Tom and Ardelia Harrison
William "Chuck" Ephram and Mary
Ada Givens Creed Family
Mary Jo Cronin
Dr. Merl Crow
Sue Martin Crow
Willie Plair, Bud and Lottie Cruce
W. T. Culbreath
Back to the Top
"D" Names
George Davidson
William Barney and Eula
Mae Wolfe Davidson
Emma Idella "Della" Davidson Miller
Loomis Cox
Mary Susan Davidson Ezell
Minerva E. Hayes Davidson
Minerva E. Hayes & Wesley Camp
Davidson, Jr. Family
George Wesley, Mary Susan, Margrette Matilda Jane,
William Barney, Sally Annis, Emma Idella, Robert Lee,
James Henry and John Thomas
Sarah Davis Wolfe
John W. and Elvira Dawkins
Margurite "Margaret" Eva
Paul Dawkins
Sophie A. Blalock Dawkins and Ada Octavia Dawkins
Darace Ethyl McMurry Dean LaFollette
Darace Ethyl McMurry Dean LaFollette
Waymon Dearman
collection of Denson family photos
Nicholas Council Denson
Mary Clair Ragar Derryberry
Linnie Mae and Beatrice Doggett
Shirley Mae Doggett
Charles Frank Douglas Jr.
Carrie Agnes Powell DuBose and Leta Mae DuBose Kelley
Carrie Agnes Powell Dubose
Durmon relations
Katie Sue, Ida Mae Hooks and
Ollie Viola McMurry Durmon and
Mary Frances Durmon Fuller.
Durmon Family
Joseph, John Franklin, Ollie Viola McMurry, Ida Mae,
Myrstine, Noel, Clifton, A. V., Laura Delta, Willis,
Myrtle, Nora, Ruby and , Robert
Clifton and Willis Durmon
Myrtis Lorene Durmon
Ollie Durmon
Ollie Viola McMurry Durmon
Tally Lester Durrant
Duvall Children
Bettie/Betty, Claudie, Gladys, Franklin, Edna, Rubie
Betty Duvall Wear
Ernest Duvall, youngest brother to the Duvall Children above
Back to the Top
"E" Names
East School Teachers, May 26, 1922
Avarilla Easterling George
Avarilla Broach and Joel Harrison Easterling
Robbie Easterling Reddin
William Harrison Easterling Family
Sarah Elizabeth Wright, Horace, Avarilla,
Mary, Margaret, Joel, Milton, Florence,
Albert, and James Easterling
Ebenezer School Classes from
the 1920's
Joan Ederington
John T. Ederington
Louis Ederington
Minnie Wherry Ederington
Hattie Lou Edwards Berry
Kathryn/Katherine Hankins Englehart
Broda Heul Erwin
Gurtha Lee Erwin Henry
Herbert Laird Erwin
Newton and Belle Erwin
Susan Pate Everett
William Henry Everett
Charlie Lee and Mary Susan Davidson
Mary Susan Davidson Ezell
Ruth Ezell Johnson
Back to the Top
"F" Names
Nettie McFadden Falls
Farmville Girls Basketball
Farmville School 10th Grade Class,
Farmville School Class, 1902
or 1903
Farmville School Class of
1904 Reunion
Farmville School Class, About 1927
Ferguson Family
R. Lee, Bunnia, Mary,
Katy Elizabeth and John
Effie Ferguson McMurry
John Ferguson
Kate Singer Ferguson
Mary Permelia G. Ferguson
Fred Ferrell
Ferrell, Ouita and Stella Lowery, Vertie Temple,
Ethel Herring and Jonathen
NEW 30 December 2013
Robert John Ferrell and Family
Verna Irene Ferrell Blythe Hairston
Annie, Smead and Betty Fike
Floy Wheeler Fike
Mattie Ona Moseley (Mrs. W. W.) Finch
Ruth Stewart Finch (Mrs. Oliver) Brockman
Estelle Outlaw Fletcher
Fogle siblings
James Matthew Fogle, Cyntha Fogle Sled
and Fannie G. Fogle Wilson
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Reed Ford
Henry E. Ford
Vol C.Ford, Sr.
Mary B. "Polly Anna" Forrest
Nancy I. Forrest Smith
King Forrester
King Earl Forrester
Virginia Hankins Fort
Dr. T. A. Fowler
Alfred Franklin
Judge J. C. (Julius Ceasar) and Molly Frazer Clary Family
Esther Fuller
Mary Francis Durmon Fuller
Back to the Top
"G" Names
Alice and Raymond Gambill
Fannie Fitzgibbon
Roll Gambill Family
William Thomas and Mary Ida Coats
Gambill Family
Raleigh "Roll" Herbert, Minor Elmoe/Elmer, John
William, Roxie Grace and Iva Lee
Virgil and Bea Stewart Gambill
Dr. C. E. Gannaway
Gardner relations
Betsy, Mary, Marvin and Martha Atkins
Isaac Mason Garrett
Alfred and Annie Eubertie "Birtie" Reaves Garrison, Jr.
James W. and Brown Garrison, 1920's
Mett Garrison
Mary Sue Hairston Garrison
George and Bethea Relations
Alma, Ruby, Birdie, Mabel, Avarilla Easterling,
James Arlington, Nora Ione and Effie Mae George
Alma George Cox
James Arlington "Papa" George
Jewel, Willie, Ruth and Mae George
Abbie Gibb Richardson
Dora Givens
George Washington Givens Family
Jim Givens
Lizzie Givens
Lum Givens
Mary Wood Givens
Minnie Givens
Preston Givens
Robert Columbus "Lum" and
Lester Givens
Robert Daniel Givens
Thomas Jonah Givens Family
(Surnames include Thornton, Wood, Ferguson,
Creed, Rowell, Hampton, Kirkley)
Wesley Givens
Margaret Jeffers Glossom
Mary Ann Glover Berry
Ruth Glover and Joseph Johnson Mann Family
Dott Godwin
William Shields Goodwin
Gorman Family
Lillie Copeland Ray, George S.,
James W. and Mary F. Gorman Anders
Jack Gorman
Willie Belle Gorman Koehler
Green Family
Wilmot Lathan, Thelma Chambers, Mary Amelia
McFadden, Wilmot Rufus, Jewel Leone Lathan Green
Green Family
Eleanor McFadden Green Pennington, Ruby Green
Pennington, Jessie Green Baker, Isaac Wilburn Green,
Mary Amelia McFadden "Mollie" Green, Effie Green
McNeer Leslie, Wilmot Rufus Green, Dunham Leslie Green
Green Family
William Rufus Green, Mary Amelia McFadden Green,
Jessie, Effie, Eleanor, Dunham, and Wilburn Green
Abram and Martha Greenwood
Joshua Claude Greenwood
Ralph Greenwood Family
W. Greenwood
William Karl Greenwood Family
Frederick S. 'Fed' Grice
Susie Grider Hairston
Zema Grider
Mack D. and Allis (Alice) Dawkins
Mrs. Fannie Guice Richardson
Back to the Top
"H" Names
Arthur Lee Hairston
John Hairston
John Francis Hairston
Rebecca Hickman Hairston
"H" Names continue at the top of the next column
Back to the Top
"H" Names
Mary Sue Hairston Garrison
Susie Grider Hairston
Two Hairston Girls
Versa Hairston
Versie and Gladys Hairston
Versie Mae Hairston
Walter Alexander and Verna Irene Ferrell Blythe Hairston
Walter, Cliffton & Ed Hale
Birdie Hall Williams
Nancy M. Speck Hall Moseley
Thomas Ellen Hall Tate
Levi Hamaker and Martha Jeffers
Alexander Hamilton
Ellen Slough Hamilton
Jess Hamm
Melton L. and Ruth Hamm Smith Family
LaCoy, John Benson, Linnie
Fallie Hampton Thornton
Carl, Neely & Johnie Hankins
Charles Woodbin Hankins Family
Kate Hurley, Neppie Martin, Ernest and Edwin,
Myrtie Orton Hankins, Florence Belin Hankins,
Mary Martin Hankins Bryan Martin, Betty Hankins
Henry, Harriett Hankins McClendon, Martin,
Virginia Hankins Fort, Bob, Wilson, Hugh,
Ernest, Jr., Kenneth Martin, Sue Martin Crow,
Martha Martin, Kathryn Hankins Englehart & Edwin, Jr.
R. H. Hankins, Sr.
Dick Harcrow
Hargis Family
Amy, Anna, Barney Lee,Willie Belle Adams
Henry Washington, Jennie Bradley and Sallie Adams Hargis
Hargis Family
Margaret Jane, Sally, William, Lillie,
Drucilla Ann Shaw, Lillie, Columbus "Lum",
Henry Sevenson, Ada Belle Clanton, Noel
and A. Alonzo Hargis
Henry Stevenson and Gordie Francis York Hargis Family
Van, Vanessa and Remona Hargis
Remona Hargis
Ollie Drusilla Temple and Robert Washington Hargis
Washington Blackard Hargis
Arcadie 'Katie' Mae Hargraves Harrelson
Augustus M. and Lucinda Wardlaw Hargraves and Descendants
James Hargraves
John and Missouri Jackson Hargraves and children
Mary Etta Hargraves Whittington
Solomon Snow Hargraves
Nell Harper
Arrie Harrelson Williams
Alma Harris
Cap and Bethel Jeffers Harris
Harrod Men
Otto, Johnny, Hubert, Charles, James
John Thomas and Willie Jean Kelly
Oscar and Van Haven
Minerva E. Hayes Davidson
Kermit, Pauline and O. W. "Dub" Haygood
Mary O'Neal Haygood and Helen Neely
Pearl Haygood
Possibly Virgil Haygood
C. C. Hendon Family
Betty Hankins Henry
Gurtha Lee Erwin Henry
John Pickens Henry Family
Hermitage High School Basketball Team, 1934
Hermitage High School Students, 1911
Hermitage School 1st
grade class, 1936
Hermitage School
2nd & 3rd grade class, 1933
Emily Herring Jenkins
Grover and Ethel Ferrell Herring NEW 30 December 2013
Carl Hewitt
Hickman Siblings
Alec and Hettie Hickman
Ira Lou Hickman Beasley and her Sisters?
Can you put names to the rest of these folks?
Roy "Shortie" Hickman
Sheriff C. W. Hickman
John Cary Hickman
William "Bill" Medell Hickman
Henry Hill
Tom and Kate Hill Jeffers
Henry Newton Hines Family
Enoch and Lilly Odel Poole Hollingsworth
John Lewis Hollingsworth
John Calvin Holt
Johnny Fred Holt
Sophronia Holt
Hooks relations
Billie Dean, Ida Mae Durmon,
and Melody Ann Hooks
Billie Dean Hooks
Hooks Family
Ida Mae Durmon, Johnnie Bob, Wilbur and Billie Dean
Hooks Siblings
Amanda Hopper Hunter
Ivey House McMurry
Mary E., Maudie Ethel, Charlene & Mrs. Sarah Howard
Riley Sylvester Howard
Mary Jane Ruffin and Dorry Vontee Hamilton Howsen
Winnie Lue Norman Howsen
Birtha Lee Hudson and William Walter Johnson Family
Hughes Family
Eligah, Nina Pugh, James, Emma, William Chatman,
Eda Bett, Lucy, Sallie, Elizabeth Weeks and Moses Hughes
Sallie Hughes Waldrop
William David Huitt Family
(possibly) Lucille Hulligan
Rev. Earl Humble
Hunter Family
Orie Edward, Grady Curtis, Amanda Hopper,
Birtie Mae, Lula Belle, Clyde Edward, Dewey,
Elsie, Howard, Eva Jane, Orie Jr. 'Tom," Juanita,
Aubert and Victor Hugh Hunter.
Edith (Pat) and Jane Hurley
Kate Hurley Hankins
Back to the Top
"I" Names
Ingalls High School Basketball
Team, 1929-1930
Ingalls School, Ingalls, Arkansas,
Ingalls Street Scene, Ingalls,
Arkansas, 1920's
Ingram Family Photos (16 photos)
Royal James, Henry, James Chestley,
Sylvester, Beadie, Andrew, Aletha (Lethie)
Bessie Mae Temple and James Chestley
Jeannette Kaye Ingram
Sylvester and Ernie Ingram
Back to the Top
"J" Names
Alma Jackson Mulligan Neves
Della Johnson Jackson Spraggins
Dr. Jackson
John and Missouri Jackson Hargraves and children
Leona Jackson Surrat
Richard Jackson
Mary Ellen Veaz ey James
Miss Thelma James
Jeffers Children
Russell, Bethel and Noah
Cap and Bethel Jeffers Harris
Clarkey and George S. Jeffers
Doris Stewart Jeffers
Doris Stewart and
Noah Jeffers
Leona and George Jeffers
Lucinia Jeffers and William W. Plair
Margaret Jeffers Glossom
Levi Hamaker and Martha Jeffers
Bill and Mary Jeffers Plair Family
Roy and Bill Jeffers
Tom and Kate Hill Jeffers
William R. Jeffers
Willis and Molly Trammell Jeffress
Agnes? Jenkins
Emily Herring Jenkins
Floyd Jenkins NEW 30 December 2013
Herbert Jenkins
James A. Jenkins
Rebecca Jenkins NEW 30 December 2013
Vester Jenkins
Johnson Family
Carrol, Jordan, William Leslie, Martha York,
Della Jackson Spraggins, Georgia Sharp Lillard, Alma
Mulligan Neves, Jim Beck, Molly/Mollie Sharp,
Grace, Tob and Leonard Boyce 'Buck,' Sr. Johnson
Johnson Family
William Hugh, Edward Wylie, Flora Marie,
Bhula R., Bernis Grafton, Arlin
and Josephine Pearl Naron Johnson
Allen Hinton Johnson
Benjamin "Ben" Johnson
Edward N. Johnson
Evelyn Johnson O'Rear
George Allen and Aletha Ingram
George Johnson Family
John Fletcher Johnson Family
Reba, Gordie, John, William Thomas (Bill).
Hugh, Mattie, James, Lulu, Effie
Della L. Mann Wilkinson Johnson,
Sarah Larkin (Sally) Callaway Johnson
Larry Marlon Johnson
Myrtis Smith Johnson
Myrtis Smith Johnson
Myrtis Smith and William Doyle
Myrtis Smith and William
Doyle Johnson
Tol Johnson Family
W. T. Johnson
William Fred Johnson
William Fred Johnson
Birtha Lee Hudson and William Walter Johnson Family
Allen Columbus, Posey Lee, Daniel Wesley, Lydia Cordelia,
Birtha Lee Hudson, William Herring, William Walter,
Ruth Adlee and Mary Lucille Johnson
James E. Jolley
Frances Gennet Cox Jones
Gary Jones
Orlean Jones Outlaw
Armster Jordan
Jane Davies McFadden Justiss
Back to the Top
"K" Names
Bennie Kelly
Ludie Kelly Wheeler
Ida Kinard Neely
Beatrice and Willie Belle Gorman Koehler
Jim Kyser
Back to the Top
"L" Names
Darace Ethyl McMurry Dean LaFollette
Darace Ethyl McMurry Dean LaFollette
Elizabeth Sawyer Langston
James Henry and Joseph W. Langston
Mary Frances Parker and James L. Langston Family
Sarah Theodocia "Docia" Langston
and Fred Poole Family
Otha Lewis, Frances Genetta, Lilly Odel,
Clarence Albert, Hardie E., Gladys and David
Isaac T. Langston family
Bernard Lanier
Lansdale Family
Jewel Leone Lathan Green
Lawton's Store, early
Albert Barton Lawton and
Albert Barton Lawton and
Albert Barton, Barbara Meddie Feldman and Lorice Lawton
Nick M. and Myrtie Irene McLeran Lawton
Children of Nicholas M. and Myrtie I. McLeran Lawton
Legal Hill School, circa 1911
Legal Hill School, after circa
Bill and Myra Leslie
Eleanor Elizabeth Leslie McFadden
Georgia Johnson Sharp Lillard Family
P. I. Lipsey
Audrey Lipton
Emma Hughes Livingston
Sallie Meek Long
Archie Loveless/Walter Savage
Lowery, Delbert, Ouita Ferrell, Stella Ferrell and Owen NEW 30 December 2013
Verda Outlaw Lowry
William and Mary Martha Plair Lumm
Edna and Ora Lyon
Back to the Top
"M" Names
Allie Faye Madden Reddin
Della L. Mann Wilkinson Johnson
James Mode Mann Family
John Watts Mann
Ruth Glover and Joseph Johnson Mann Family
Mary Josephine Mann Stewart
William and City Hooks Mann
Ida Elizabeth Stuard and William Thomas Mann Family
Irene Manns
Neppie Hankins Martin, Kenneth,
Mary Martin Hankins, Bryan & Martha
Albert Martin
Miss Dot Martin
Athleen & Mary Martin
Benjamin Martin
Dr. Charlie N. Martin
Miss Columbia Martin
Edward Martin
H. G. Martin
Herbert Martin
Dr. John Wilson (J. W.) Martin
Mary E. Franklin Martin
Paul Martin
Willis Martin
Rev. Quincy Mathis
May Day Decoration
Dicey Trussell McClain
A. McClendon
Harriett Hankins McClendon
McCone Siblings,
Sue Alice, Margaret or Effie and I think
James Gill & Thomas Garland McCone
John McDodd
McDougald and Stanfield
Mary Amelia McFadden Green
McFadden Family
Mary Amelia, Eleanor, Nettie, Suzanna, Jane,
Isaac Davies, Eleanor Elizabeth Leslie McFadden
Edna Haygood McGhee
Charley Anice McKay and Jim W. Temple
Preston McKinney
Madge McLeod Nichols
Lilly Shumway and Dr. Albert Barton McLeran
Minnie McLeran Wright
Nick M. and Myrtie Irene McLeran Lawton
Monroe McMahon
McMurry relations
Evelyn Wilkerson, Houston Neal,
Ollie Viola Durmon and Bud McMurry
McMurry relations
Darace Ethyl, Donna, Houston, Haskell Aaron,
Sara Ellen Poe, Raymond Withers ("R. W.")
and Mary Elizabeth Wolfe "Lizzie" McMurry
Agnes McMurry Armstrong
Charley McMurry
Lennie, Lillian, Laura Liue Neal and Darace Ethyl McMurry
Mary Elizabeth Wolfe McMurry
Ollie Viola McMurry Durmon
Ollie Viola McMurry Durmon
Pinkney Euphrates/Euphratus McMurry on his 90th birthday
Ollie Viola Durmon, William Taylor, Raymond Withers, John Joseph,
Charlie Clifton, Jesse Franklin, Lee Hoyle, Effie Ferguson, Ella Cook,
Ivey House, Lizzie Wolfe, Exine Cook and Eva Taylor McMurry
Mr. McPagan
William "Bill" Medell Hickman
Meek Descendants
Meek Sisters & Elizabeth
Martin Meek
Edith Elizabeth "Bessie"
Martin Meek
James Eli Meek
John Rufus Starr Meek (I)
John Rufus Starr Meek (II)
Mary Lema Watson Meek
S. B. Meek, Sr.
Samuel Baldwin Meek
Sarah Meek
Suzanna Elizabeth McFadden Meek
Ila Dean Adams Miller
Mollie Everett Mitchell
Raymond and Gladys Phillips Mitchell
- Coker Hotel (18 images)
Will Mitchell
Milburn Mobley
Monticello S. A. S. Class of
Helen Annette Moore Thomason
Lela Moore
Lee Morgan
Children of Philander and Carolyn Hickman
Holloway Morris
Moseley Children
Annette, Marguerite, Ona, Eula, Cora, Howard, Knox and James
Moseley and Tipton family photos
Claudine Moseley Stedman
Ella Moseley Parnell
Eula Moseley and Brent Wade, probably 1906
Irene Moseley and Frank Brunson Family
James Elijah Moseley
Jesse Robertson Moseley Family
John Henry and Celestina
O'Neal Moseley
Joseph Moseley Family
Mattie Ona Moseley (Mrs. W. W.) Finch
Mollie E. (Mary) Moseley Carter
Nancy M. Speck Hall Moseley
Peter Moseley
Thelma Moseley
Alma Johnson Mulligan Neves
Joe Mullins
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