Banks School Class about 1920

Banks School Class about 1920

Banks School Class about 1920

Wish I had more info about the folks in this photo, but I only know that
the picture is of a class at Banks School, Banks, AR. sometime around 1920.

The gent in the cool overalls (fifth from left, top row) is my father, Lawrence Peebles.
He was born in 1906, and assuming he was in the ninth grade (or therabouts) when this picture was taken,
I believe the time period to be in the early 20s.

Maybe someone will recognize a parent or grandparent in the Banks School about this time. ~ Baker

"Talked to two ladies from Banks the other night and they "think" the following people are portrayed in the photo:

Bottom row: 3rd from left is Louniel Steelman, and 5th from left is Virgie Blythe.

Back Row: 4th from left is Toomie Weeks (5th my father Lawrence Peebles) and 6th from left is Smith McDiarmid.

They are going to "look at it a while" and try to idenfify more. ~ Baker

~This is the latest version of the photo I sent some time ago that depicts a class at Banks School about 1920.
Some ladies at Banks showed the picture around (A GREAT IDEA FOR UNKNOWN PHOTOS!) at the Senior
Citizens Center, the local store in Banks and at a couple of churches in the area and came up with these names. ~ Baker

FRONT: 1. Rosalee Johnson 2. Marjorie Smith Williams (?) 3. Luneil Steelman Rowland
4. Unknown 5. Vergie Blythe Reaves 6. Marie Bratton Wilson 7. Unknown

BACK: 8. Maude Henry McDougald 9. Ella Mae Carter 10. Mr. McVey (teacher)
11. Tommie Weeks 12. Lawrence Peebles 13. Smith McDiarmid 14. Robert Childs.

Banks School Class about 1920 with people numbered for identification

This photograph appears courtesy of Baker Peebles

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