Montgomery County ArkansasGenWeb Project
The first federal census for the Arkansas Territory was in 1830 and included the entire state. Microfilm roll # 5, series M19. Arkansas was admitted to the Union in 1836 so the Fifth United States 1840 Federal Census was the first after Arkansas became a State. Hot Spring County was divided into six townships. In December 1842 Montgomery Co. was formed from Hot Spring County townships: Sulphur Springs, Mountain and Caddo Cove so to find someone living in the area pre formation of county check the Hot Spring County Federal Census 1840.
Federal Census Year Townships Mortality Schedule Index 1830 Hot Springs Co. AR Index 1840 Hot Spring Co. Caddo Cove Sulphur Springs, Mountain Index 1850 another site wayback Caddo, Gap, Mountain, Polk, Sulpher Springs 1850 Index wayback
surnames index1860 1860 slave 1860 head of household 1870 Big Fork Caddo, Gap, Merzion, Mountain, Polk, South Fork, Sulphur Springs 1870 index and images online 1880 Soundex search free search off site 1880 1890 census destroyed, a few exceptions
Try spelling variations 1890 OK Territory 1900 images Soundex off site
N/A Index very useful 1910 N/A 1920 off site N/A 1930 Soundex info images online N/A Index very useful 1940 online 1950 info
Abstract of 1920 Federal census Montgomery County, Arkansas
distributed by Montgomery County Historical Society, 1994Arkansas Township Atlas A History of the Minor Civil Divisions and each Arkansas County. Arkansas Genealogical Society P.O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 1987 revised edition
Pike County, AR township map
Polk County, AR township map
Scott County, AR township maps
2010 Montgomery County
2013 facts
farm census 2017 2022
agricultural census 1969
2010 Montgomery County Township Map
will see familiar family names and civil townships listed in both Montgomery and
Garland counties. In 1880 census there was a Mountain Twp in Garland Co. just
right up against Mountain Twp, Montgomery Co. The boundary was changed in 1917
giving the Montgomery Co. small square cut into Garland to Garland Co.
Watch out for Mountain Twp in Polk Co. as well.
The needs Census Project volunteers. M# is the series, followed by roll#
- M432-28 1850: Marion, Mississippi, Izard, Monroe, Montgomery, Newton, Ouachita, and Perry Co. online index
- M653-46 1860: Marion, Mississippi, Monroe, Montgomery, and Newton Co.
- M653-54 1860: Census Slave Schedules: Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Mississippi, Monroe, Montgomery, Newton, Ouachita, Perry, Phillips, Pike, Poinsett, Polk, Pope, Prairie, Pulaski, Randolph, St. Francis, Saline, Scott, Searcy, Sebastian, Sevier, Union, Van Buren, Washington, White, and Yell Co.; and Indian Lands. Index
- M593-59 1870: Monroe, Montgomery, Newton, Ouachita, and Perry Co. Index
- T 9-52 1880: Monroe (cont. 209/19 - end), Montgomery, Nevada, Newton, and Ouachita (begin - 227/26) Co. Index
- T623-69 1900: Montgomery, Nevada, and Perry Co.
- T624-59 1910: Newton, Montgomery, Nevada, and Ouachita Co.
- T625-73 1920: Mississippi (EDs 143, 151-167), Monroe, and Montgomery (EDs 77-81)Co.
- T625-74 1920: Montgomery (EDs 82-87), Nevada, Newton, and Polk Co.
- T1224-61 1930 Arkansas released 1 April 2002. 556,113 names for AR (97%)
Check with you local library. HeritageQuest Online,
available free through subscribing libraries.
Enhanced images online can be quickly downloaded and saved or printed in
Tiff (non-compressed) or PDF format.
Head of household indexes only for 1790-1820, 1860, 1870, 1890, 1900-1910
and 1920-1930 (partial).
Advanced search options also include state, county, country, first name,
age, and birthplace, but no wildcard or soundex.
Provided by the Texas State Library's TEXSHARE program e.g.
Houston using your Houston
Public Library card number
Handy notebook feature allows you to save census images and citations, and
take online notes.
Polk County, AR census online
Finding Treasures in the U.S. Federal Census 1930: Questions asked
Special Arkansas Census Schedules Slave 1850 - 1860 Agricultural 1840 - 80 Mortality 1850 1860 1870 1880 Social Statistics 1850 - 70 Manufactures 1840 - 80 Defective Classes 1880 State, fragments 1823, 1829
Montgomery County
Population Summary
Census quick
Year | Montgomery Co. | Arkansas | Year | Montgomery Co. |
1810 | 1,062 | 1920 | 11,112 | |
1820 | 14,273 | 1930 | 10,768 | |
1830 | 30,388 | 1940 | 8,876 | |
1840 | 97,574 | 1950 | 6,680 | |
1850 | 1,958 | 209,897 | 1960 | 5,295 |
1860 | 3,633 | 435,450 | 1970 | 5, 821 |
1870 | 2,984 | 484,471 | 1980 | 7,771 |
1880 | 5,729 | 802,525 | 1990 | 7,841 |
1890 | 7,923 | 1,331,564 | 1998 | 8,655 |
1900 | 9,444 | 1,331,564 | 1996 | 8,448 |
1910 | 12,455 | 1,574,449 | 2000 | 9,245 |
1850 to 1860 the population of Montgomery County nearly doubled
1860 to 1870 a decrease in Montgomery County due to the Civil War
1870 to 1880 nearly doubled again for the reason that there was a considerable mining population Timeline
In 1940 77.8% of the population was in rural area.
In 1950 67.6% of the State's population was in rural areaThe U.S. Census -- 1990 to 2000 Unit 1990 2000 % State 2,350,624 2,673,400 +13.7 Selected Counties Clark 21,437 23,546 9.8 Howard 13,569 14,300 5.4 Hot Springs 26,115 30,353 16.2 Garland 73,397 88,068 20.0 Montgomery 7,666 9,245 17.9 Pike 10,086 11,303 12.1 Polk 17,347 20,229 16.6 Selected Towns Amity 526 762 44.9 Antoine 160 156 -2.5 Black Springs 97 114 17.5 Daisy 122 118 -3.3 Delight 311 311 0 Dierks 1,263 1,230 -2.6 Glenwood 1,354 1,751 29.3 Mena 5,475 5,637 3.0 Mt Ida 775 981 26.6 Murfreesboro 1,542 1,764 14.4 Norman 382 423 10.7 Oden 126 220 74.51910 -source
Population by Township 1870-1900
Mortality stats
Township 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Bear - - 250 152 144 - - - - - - - - Big Fork 206 288 474 313 321 372 271 210 154 142 114 151 133 Caddo 234 625 746 671 767 613 381 334 207 166 188 329 292 Caney - - 730 859 906 770 643 583 438 338 391 464 527 Cedar Glades - - - 336 374 - - - - - - - - Center - 346 451 581 585 391 365 352 230 134 244 647 817 Crystal - 179 112 139 65 - - - - - - - - Fir - - - - 555 459 407 176 80 22 - - - Gap 528 941 850 857 909 1,018 912 756 507 438 415 570 525 Gaston - - - - 113 264 103 101 61 30 - - - Hazel - - - - - 217 119 141 94 110 - - - Lawrence - - - - - - 264 264 129 93 - - - Leverney - - 387 460 593 589 539 381 246 103 188 186 249 Mazarn - 686 332 476 372 654 368 400 249 138 149 143 171 Missouri - 170 176 207 157 139 112 116 109 57 - - - Mountain 509 632 694 551 669 - - - - - - - - Ouachita - - 418 504 631 686 560 478 327 260 278 448 461 Parks - - 198 228 312 352 304 266 189 121 115 267 279 Pencil Bluff - - - - - - - - - 254 193 314 323 Polk 304 503 834 894 1,153 1,012 962 895 839 365 418 749 710 Rock Springs - - - - 123 105 33 14 31 - - - - Scott - - - 182 200 237 137 113 54 50 - - - Smith - - - 354 460 567 301 287 145 119 - - - South Fork 624 850 712 856 843 743 1,834 1,031 1,155 1,221 1,380 1,843 1,853 Sulphur 192 509 559 824 844 640 704 549 412 274 312 407 350 Walnut - - - - 521 511 475 345 175 228 224 381 463 Womble - - - - 838 773 974 1,084 849 707 766 872 688 Population by town Black Springs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72 92 97 Mauldin - - - 896 - - - - - - Mount Ida - - - - - - - - 298 512 490 566 564 819 1,023 775 Norman (Womble) - - - - - 552 - 420 478 512 401 482 505 539 382 Oden - - - - - - - 102 133 90 141 186 126 Montgomery Co. 2,984 5,729 7,923 9,444 12,455 11,112 10,768 8,876 6,680 5,370 5,821 7,771 7,841
Pay particular attention to the actual day the census was taken, listed at the top of page, may narrow down birth date to within a few months
Incomplete information, mis-transcribed information, mis-recorded information, incorrect information can be found on the census, census indexes and transcribed publications due to people who refused to answer the enumerators questions, lied in answer to the enumerators questions, were missed by the enumerators and human error in writing down the information incorrectly and the flamboyant handwriting, created limitations with federal census and indexes and census transcriptions. Don't believe everything you read. e.g. On the 1900 Federal Census Center Twp broken link Montgomery Co. AR family 112, Della Sheffield daughter, should read Dillard Sheffield son.
Census day usually around 1 June, 1830 to 1900, 15 April 1910, 1 January 1920 and 1 April 1930.
2000 Census Mt Ida, Arkansas # % US Total population 981 Average family size 2.74 3.14 Total housing units 471 Occupied housing units 412 87.5 91.0% Owner-occupied housing units 283 68.7 66.2% Renter-occupied housing units 129 31.3 33.8% Vacant housing units 59 12.5 9.0% Population 25 years and over 717 High school graduate or higher 450 62.8 80.4% Bachelor's degree or higher 74 10.3 24.4% In labor force (population 16 years and over) 361 45.2 63.9% Mean travel time to work in minutes 20.1 Median household income in 1999 (dollars) 21,438 Median family income in 1999 (dollars) 30,714 Families below poverty level 46 18.9 9.2% Individuals below poverty level 206 23.4 Single-family owner-occupied homes 225 Median value (dollars) 53,900
neighbors would migrate together, settle near each other in the new communities
and be related by marriage. Isolating a record from its context decreases its
potential value to a researcher. In census records, the names, birthplaces, and
other information about people living near a family of interest often yield
important clues about relationships and migration patterns.
The Census Taker's Home!
(from the Sunday Afternoon Rocking series)
"Well, I'm surely glad to be home, that I am. I tell
you another day like this one and I am good mind just to fill them papers out on
memory and be done with it. Here, put these socks over there next to the
fire to dry out, will you? Got down yonder this mornin and everyone in
Household 451 through 486 was gone. Some big shindig going on down there.
Good thing the folks in 441 could tell me who they all was. Here, reckon
you could go over some of the writin on this here page? Got smeared a bit
in the rain. I think you can cipher most of it out.
Then them folks down in the holler got suspicious over a census. Said, and
derned if they had a point, what difference did it make who they was? Was them
guvment folks up in Warshington going to come down here to say howdy do?
So they finally let me write down they last name and first initial, but I think
they wuz havin a bit of fun with me when they listed who lived in the house.
Saw some winkin goin on and I believe I got the same house a youngins in two or
three places. It been a day, woman. Honey, git that paper out of
Johnny's mouth, will ya? I worked all day on that thing, and no call to let
him go chewin it up.
Went up the river a piece and tried to get that done fore it come a downpour,
but run into trouble there too. Ole Man Jenkins curr dog run me off and I tell
you, ain't no call to get eat up over such a thing as this. They ort to be
a limit what a man does for his country. Was lucky man down the road
mostly knew Jenkins was nigh on sixty years old and was living there with his
woman and five youngins from his first marriage plus a passel from the
second. We give em good Christian names. Best be doin something bout this pen.
It give out on me halfway through. See you havin trouble too. Johnny!
Hand that here, boy!
And I tell you I would ruther fight grandpap's British than mess with
that feller out on the ridge. He got out his shotgun soon as he seen me
comin and I went t'other direction. Had Jones tell me about him instead,
and he didn't rightly know the feller's first name. Said they called him
"Squirrel", and it was ok just to put that cause wasn't nobody around
here claimin him no how, and they for sure didn't want the guvment knowin
there was any relationship. That coffee done?
Then got over to Smiths, and ole Hoss was in a nervous fit so wasn't no
getting information there. His woman havin another youngin and he looked
like he could run right through me when I went to askin how many youngins he had
now. Hightailed it out of there, and Miz Hart helped me straighten that
household out. Think we got most of the names straight, and as he has had
a youngin a year for the last ten, ages purty close too. Now look what Johnny
went and done!
I tell you, next time this come around I ain't gonna be no where in
sight. Farmin a heap easier, and I figger there folks round
here what can read and write and cipher and ain't no good fer nothing else we
can spare for this foolishness."
|| The Census Taker || Popular Names ||
"I am a census taker for the City of Bufflow. Our city has groan very fast in resent years and now in 1865, it has becum a hard and time consoming job to count all the peephill. There is not many that can do this work, as it is necessarie to have an educashun, wich a lot of person still do not have. Ahnuther atribert needed for this job is good spelling for many of the peephill to be cunted can harle speak Inglish, let alon spel there names."
A census taker approaches a house and asks the woman who answers the door,
"How many children do you have, and what are their ages?"
Woman: "I have three children, the product of their ages are 36, the sum of
their ages are equal to the address of the house next door."
The census taker walks next door, comes back and says, "I need more
The woman replies, "I have to go, my oldest child is sleeping upstairs."
Census taker: "Thank you, I have everything I need."
Question: What are the ages of each of the three children?
The Reason the census taker could not figure out the children's ages is because,
even with knowing the number on the house next door there were still two
possibilities. The only way that the product could be 36 and still leave two
possibilities is if the sum equals 13. These possibilities being 9+2+2 and
6+6+1. When the home owner stated that her "Oldest" child is sleeping she was
giving this census taker the fact that there is an "oldest." The children's ages
are 9,2, &2.
Genealogists don't get Alzheimer's, they just lose their census.
Genealogists are time travelers.
Census tips.