Source: 1860 Arkansas Slave Schedules M-653 Roll #54
_______________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE 2. Slave Inhabitants in Gap Township in the County of Montgomery, State of Arkansas enumerated by me, on the 12th day of July 1860. J.H. May, Ass't Marshal. ____________________________________________________________________________ Owner No of Slaves Age Sex Color Fugitives ____________________________________________________________________________ C. W.(?E.L) Tweedle 1 25 F B 1
Joseph Gladden 1 17 M M 1 Fielding Strawn 1 14 F B In trust for minor heirs Robert Burke 1 22 F B 1 5 F B 1 6/12 M B Balaam Strawn 1 42 M B 1 38 F M 1 32 F B 1 30 M B 1 20 M B 1 18 M B 1 16 F M 1 14 M B 1 10 M B 1 8 M B 1 6 F B 1 6 F M 1 4 F B 1 3 F B 1 4/12 F B 1 7 M M Ga'n for Silas Crowley and John W. Crowley and heirs 1 24 M B 1 13 M B 1 5 M B George W Gray 1 40 M B 1 12 M B No of male slaves 15 No of female slaves 13
____________________________________________________________________________ CADDO TOWNSHIP
Owner No of Slaves Age Sex Color ____________________________________________________________________________ S.W. Fitzgerald 1 21 M B 1 13 M M 1 1 6 M B Thomas G. Shipp as trustee for Goldens heirs 1 16 F B John Shipp 1 23 M B 1 23 F B 1 14 F B No of male slaves 4 No of female slaves 3
SCHEDULE 2. Slave Inhabitants in South Fork Township in the County of Montgomery, State of Arkansas enumerated by me, on the 4th day of June 1860. J.H. May, Ass't Marshal.
Owner No of Slaves Age Sex Color ___________________________________________________________________________
Daniel Mayberry 1 26 F B 1 13 M B 1 7 M B 1 1 5 M B 1 3 M B
Thomas Williams 1 30 F B 1 18 M B John Campbell 1 19 M B James A. Stall 1 40 F B 1 22 M B 1 24 F B 1 17 F B 1 20 F B 1 10 F B 1 1 _ M B 1 _ F M Nancy Carroll 1 32 M B 1 1 26 F M 1 1 6 F M 1 1 4 M M 1 1 1 M M 1
Russell Cockburn 1 30 F B 1 4 F M Sarah Cockburn 1 29 F B (Kiz) 1 15 F M 1 (Jane) 1 12 M M 1 (Joseph) James A. Stall admin 1 16 M M
John K. Farris 1 8 F M 1 John K. Buckners 1 18 F B 1 1 4 M B No of male slaves 15 No of female slaves 18
_________________________________________________________________________ Mountain TOWNSHIP
Owner No of Slaves Age Sex Color ___________________________________________________________________________
H.B. Greenwood 1 29 F B 1 26 M B 1 26 M B 1 19 F B 1 18 F B 1 18 M M 1 3 M M
John A. Freeman 1 36 F B 1 18 F B 1 14 M B Cornelius Cain 1 18 M B 1 12 F B
Jeff Cunningham 1 46 F B 1 45 M B 1 20 M M 1 12 F B 1 10 M B 1 8 M B 1 4 M B A Baldwin 1 24 F B 1 5 M M 1 1 1 M M 1 No of male slaves 13 No of female slaves 9
_________________________________________________________________________ SULPHUR SPRINGS TOWNSHIP
Owner No of Slaves Age Sex Color ___________________________________________________________________________
Joseph Reid 1 15 F B No of female slaves 1 ___________________________________________________________________________ Total number of female slaves: 44 Total number of male slaves : 47
Reference: 1860 Arkansas Slave Schedules M-653 Roll #54
Census Slaves Total pop. % of slaves 1850 66 1,958 3.37 1860 92 3,633 2.5%
The new Arkansas state constitution abolished slavery March 16 1864.
The slave schedules for Arkansas do not give the names of the slaves. It gives the name of the slave owner, number of slaves, age, sex and color of the slave (when the slave is black enter B, when he or she is mulatto, insert M). Column six is fugitives. The number of slaves who having absconded within the year, have not been recovered. Wondering if the census taker was marking something else.
Slaves owners in Mountain Township, Hot Springs Co. in 1840 included Bledose, Cain, Covey Greenwood, Denton, Parker and Robertson. In 1840 in Caddo Cove Township Taylor Polk owned seven slaves and was head of a household of seventeen. In 1850 there was sixty-six slaves in Montgomery County, AR and only one free colored person, William Hodge, age 55, a trader b. in NC and living with the Blakely family in Mountain Township. By 1860 there were ninety-one slaves, no free colored persons and 3,541 whites. In 1870 there were 2,866 white persons in the county and 113 black. Some of these individuals above lived through the Civil War to become named citizens in Montgomery County, Arkansas and may have taken the name of the owner. The 1850s ledger of James A. Stall's merchant store in Mt Ida records the names of the following slaves buying small items for their owners or themselves e.g. tobacco or cloth for themselves.
Dave and Jacob Carroll
Bob and Pompey Cook
Jack Irons
Essex, Emerson and Aaron Shipp
Courthouse records including probate records, land records, and
wills might contain bills of sale (list the name and value of slave and the name
of the buyer), title bond,
tax lists, early circuit court records (slave
surnames of Anderson and Griffin appear) and marriage books might shed light on a few slave names.
The Pike Co. ARGenWeb Project did
examples of
records. Now found at
Pike County
Archives and History Society Pike County, Arkansas
Loose Probate Records
Clark T. Cockburn died in 1856. Sarah, widow of Clark, and
Carroll, her
father were appointed Adm'rx. Some of the slaves her father had given her were
incorrectly included in the appraisement of her deceased husband's estate.
Mrs Elmira H. Crowley, a widowed daughter of Balaam Strawn and her Crowley sons, moved to Montgomery Co. from MS with Balaam Strawn. Balaam had control of her funds and slaves. Silas A Crowley d. while in Co. H. 4th AR Inf. CSA. Elmira d. Dec. 1860. Balaam d. 2 Feb. 1865. John in Co. C 4th AR Inf. CSA also died before the war ended.
Fielding Strawn adm'r of the Wm. R. Beaty estate. Fielding had married Elender Beaty, widow of Wm. On 12 Oct 1862 Fannie, a Negro slave girl "was set free."
William Owens Robbins b. in GA. settled at Caddo Gap in 1849 was an extensive slave and stock trader.
Marriage Books
Surnames of colored bride and grooms in Montgomery Co. AR between 1900-1925. In
Arkansas prior to 1865 marriage records for "white" individuals and
"colored" individuals were kept in separate volumes.
Bledose Carrill Collins Dillard Dixon |
Flemons Greenwood Hill Housely |
Osborne Ray Sims Todd |
Cemetery Records
Little Georgia Cemetery Relocated to Brooks
Cemetery. This very old cemetery for blacks contains about 100 graves.
There is a cemetery in Montgomery Co., AR called "Black Cemetery". Go west from the Junction of the State Roads, #8 and 240, Cross the Caddo River Bridge, go 100 yards, turn left on a dirt road and go __ mile. Section 25 TS R24W. There are 54 unmarked graves and 43 marked graves. Surnames include Carter, Dillard, Gray, Hill, Hopper, Knox, Montgomery, Moon, Polk, Russell, Sims and Todd.
1870 Black population of Montgomery County, AR
The 1870 Federal Census included the names of all of the black citizens for
the first time.
Scipio A.
Slave Cabin Excavations at Rocky Shoals
Slavery in Arkansas
Slaves owned by
Benjamin Goss in 1858
Abraham, aged 24
Maria, aged 18 and her infant
Eve Ann aged 15
Israel aged 11
Frank aged 33
Minerva age 30
Duey aged 9
Nelson aged 8
William aged 7
Rody aged 6
Mary aged 5
Matilda aged 3
From: Bates Family History by Vera Looney Bates, 1993, - 315 pages
Benjamin Franklin Goss was born 6 Nov. 1777 probably in NC. He married c.1798 in
Pendleton District, South Carolina to Martha "Patsy" Harbin who was born 21 May
1783 in Charles Co. Maryland the d/o Nathaniel Harbin (b. Charles Co., Maryland
1740 and died before 1820) and Sarah Parks (born ca 1758 and died ca 1861).
Benjamin Goss died 27 Sept. 1857 in Montgomery Co., Arkansas and Martha "Patsy"
Goss died between 1853-56 in Montgomery County, Arkansas. Benjamin was a Captain
in the War of 1812, served from South Carolina. Benjamin and Patsy were members
of the primitive Baptist Church. Benjamin moved to Georgia about 1818 and then to
Arkansas about 1852. He died and is buried near Big, Fork, Polk Co., Arkansas.
On 11 Nov. 1976 at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery at Big Fork some 100 of his
descendants were present for the dedication service and placing of a grave
marker given by the US Govt. in memory of Capt. Benjamin Goss who served from
1805-1813 in the War of 1812. 12 children.