The first term of the Montgomery Circuit Court, as shown by the record, convened on Monday, March 17, 1845 (it being the third Monday of the month), with Judge John J. Clendenin presiding. The first business of the court was the empanelling of the following first grand jury of the county: Granville Whittington, foreman; John Baggs, James Jeffrey, Daniel McHuddleston, David Mayberry, David Sigman, Silas Baker, Edward Shipman, Jesse Royls, John McKinley, Benedict Harrell, Isaac Donton, E. D. Holloway, Willis Webb, John Hawkins and Samuel Cunningham, �sixteen good and lawful men of Montgomery County. George C. Watkins, the attorney-general, was absent, and James C. Curran was appointed attorney general pro tem. The first case on the record was State of Arkansas vs. Levi Meredith, on an indictment for murder; the next case was Isaac Tweedle vs. Malinda Tweedle for divorce; the third was State vs. Job Harrell for perjury; then followed two cases for assault and battery, and one more for divorce. All these cases were continued and the court adjourned. At the time provided by law for the holding of the September term of court following, the judge did not appear, and no further holding of the circuit court was had until March, 1846, when the judge appeared, opened court, and proceeded to business, his first decree being the granting of a divorce to Isaac Tweedle. The other cases above mentioned were again continued, and several new cases were filed.
The first petit jury in the county was empanelled at the September term, 1846, of the circuit court. Their names were Henry Raper, Uriah Coots, George Hall, Levi Coots, G. W. Sanders, J. W. McConnell, Jesse Royls (?), James Laxton, Fred Salyers, Allen Wempel (?), James McConnell and V. Isenhour.
When Montgomery County was organized it became a part of the Fifth Judicial Circuit or District. The districts have frequently been changed since. It now belongs to the Eighth District, composed of the counties of Montgomery, Polk, Howard, Sevier, Little River, Pike and Clark. The present judge is R. D. Hearne, of Arkadelphia, and the present prosecuting attorney is W. M. Green, formerly of Dallas. The resident attorneys, constituting the legal bar of Montgomery County, are John A. Watkins, G. Witt, A. C. King, W. P. Birch, S. P. Vaught and John Van Steenwyk.
Being a rural county, with a small rural population, and without railroads and large towns, the number of crimes committed in the county has been comparatively small. No one has ever been legally executed within the county for the offense of crime. The citizens are law abiding, and the laws are easily enforced. The circuit court holds two terms annually, and five or six days each are sufficient to keep the docket clear. The small bar and small amount of litigation are indicative of the peaceful attitude of the citizens in general. "The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas." Published by Southern Publishing Company 1891.
Information courtesy of Shirley Goodner and The Mountain Signal. No further information is available. The index lists the name of the plaintiff, defendant, the other parties involved, and the cause of action. A& B is Assault and Battery
Pg Plaintiff Defendant Other Charge
101 **************** **************** Adams, Richard Jury duty
49 **************** **************** Adams, Thomas F. G. Agent for Robert McConnell
87 **************** **************** Adams, Thomas, F.G. Clerk of court
101 **************** **************** Baker, Gabnell (?) Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Baker, James Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Baker, James A. Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Barber, Ransom (?) Jury duty
20 **************** **************** Barber, Ransom, J. Witness for State
110 **************** **************** Bashears, William Jury duty (canceled)
101 **************** **************** Beshears, Wm. Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Bibee, (Bible) James Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Bledsoe, William Jury duty
47 **************** **************** Blevins, Allen W. Attorney enrolled
111 **************** **************** Boland, Jno. Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Brawer, Henry C. Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Brewer, Harvey C. Jury duty
109 **************** **************** Buckhannon, Alexander Appt. bailiff of grand jury
37 **************** **************** Burrough, Henry Security for Anderson & Griffin
110 **************** **************** Carlton, John H. Admitted to bar--canceled
111 **************** **************** Carroll, Jacob Jury duty
70 **************** **************** Chambers, William Failure to appear Grand jury duty
12 **************** **************** Clendenin, John J,. Judge Failure to Appear
110 **************** **************** Cockburn, Russel Jury duty (canceled)
111 **************** **************** Col.., (?) Jefferson Jury duty
68 **************** **************** Collier, Alfred Estate
110 **************** **************** Collier, Jackson Jury duty (canceled)
71 **************** **************** Conway, Judge George Feb. 7, 1848
101 **************** **************** Cook, John Jury duty
70 **************** **************** Cunningham, Jefferson Failure to appear Grand jury duty
49 **************** **************** Cunningham, Samuel Certify received money
59 **************** **************** Cunningham, Samuel Security for Fisher
101 **************** **************** Cunningham, Samuel Jury duty
110 **************** **************** Cunningham, Samuel Jury duty (canceled)
12 **************** **************** Curran, James M. Appointed Prosecuting Atty.-State
12 **************** **************** Drew, Thomas S., Governor Gov. Appoint Judge 6th CC
42 **************** **************** End of these pages, numbering continued on other loose pages
110 **************** **************** Eperson, Thompson Jury duty (canceled)
110 **************** **************** Farr, Thomas Jury duty (canceled)
33 **************** **************** Feb. 8, 1847 Now 6th Judicial District
12 **************** **************** Field, William H., Judge Appointed by Gov. 1846
47 **************** **************** Flanagin, Harrod (?) Attorney enrolled
101 **************** **************** Fleming, James L. (clerk) Spec. ct.12/11/1848(jdg. didn't show)
111 **************** **************** Fleming, Newton Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Foster, James Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Gillham, John Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Graves, Wm. H. Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Hall, Samuel C. Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Harrall, Samuel Jury duty
20 **************** **************** Haskins, Jhn Witness for State
20 **************** **************** Haskins, Louisa Witness for State
110 **************** **************** Hathcock, John Jury duty (canceled)
109 **************** **************** Holday,? James Sheriff
101 **************** **************** Hoper, ? H.A. Jury duty
110 **************** **************** Howell, Benedict Jury duty (canceled)
110 **************** **************** Howell, Michael Jury duty (canceled)
111 **************** **************** Huddleston, David L. Jury duty
48 **************** **************** Irons, Jonathan Exponte
111 **************** **************** Isenhower, Moses Jury duty
47 **************** **************** Jordan, Fleming Attorney enrolled
110 **************** **************** Mayberry, David Jury duty (canceled)
49 **************** **************** McConnell, Robert Judgment against
111 **************** **************** Ne;son, Elijah Jury duty
110 **************** **************** Pnanwood, (?) H.G. Jury duty (canceled)
37 **************** **************** Polk, Taylor Security for Anderson & Griffin
118 **************** **************** Quillin, Judge John March 20, 1849
111 **************** **************** Riggs, A.Q (?) Jury duty
69 **************** **************** Ringo, Daniel, Judge Chief Justice Supreme Ct. Ark.
111 **************** **************** Roland, Ira Jury duty
110 **************** **************** Rowton, William Jury duty (canceled)
111 **************** **************** Royall, Jessee Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Royall, Jessee (?) Jury duty
81 **************** **************** Scott, Judge Christopher Presiding Judge
111 **************** **************** Shipman, Edward Jury duty
23 **************** **************** Shipman, Isaac Security for Defense
110 **************** **************** Shipman, Isaac (?) Jury duty (canceled)
111 **************** **************** Slnown, (?) Johnathan Jury duty
69 **************** **************** Thompson, James Atty. enrolled
110 **************** **************** Toliver, James E. Jury duty (canceled)
45 **************** **************** Tweedle, Fielding J. Ordered to show up at court
111 **************** **************** Tweedle, William Jury duty
110 **************** **************** Vaught, ? Jury duty (canceled)
111 **************** **************** Vaught, Benjamin Jury duty
111 **************** **************** Wampee,(?) Allen Jury duty
12 **************** **************** Watkins, George C. Prosecuting Atty. Failure To Appear
39 **************** **************** Wheat, Moses H. Security for Harvey Wyatt
101 **************** **************** Whittington, Granville Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Winchester, Wm. Jury duty
101 **************** **************** Woodard, Barnabas Jury duty
53 State of Arkansas **************** Allen, Beverly A Bailiff for Grand Jury
54 State of Arkansas **************** Baggs, John Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Bledsoe, Tyra H. Excused from Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Bolin, Ira Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Bolin, John Summoned to Grand Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Brashears, Henry Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Brumley, Carroll Summoned to Grand Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Brumley, James Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Cain, Cornelius Summoned to Petit Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Carroll, Dennis Jury duty
53 State of Arkansas **************** Chambers, William Failure to appeart Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Collin, Jefferson Summoned to Petit Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Conway, George Judge August Term 1847
52 State of Arkansas **************** Cunningham, Jefferson Failed to appear Jury duty52 State of Arkansas **************** Fleming, James Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Fleming, James Summoned to Grand Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Gilliam, John Summoned to Petit Jury duty
53 State of Arkansas **************** Hale, Samuel Summoned to Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Hall, Samuel Summoned to Petit Jury duty
61 State of Arkansas **************** Howell, Oliver Prosecuting Atty for State
91 State of Arkansas **************** Huddleston, Daniel M. Excused from jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Huddleston, David Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Lamb, Joseph Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Lemmons, James B. Summoned to Grand Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Lendon, I M. Resigned as clerk of court
51 State of Arkansas **************** May, James H. esq. Appointed clerk of court for term
52 State of Arkansas **************** Mayberry, David Failed to appear Jury duty
91 State of Arkansas **************** Mayberry, David Excused from jury duty
53 State of Arkansas **************** McAlister, Samuel Excused from Petit Jury duty
53 State of Arkansas **************** McKinley, Daniel Summoned to Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** McKinley, Daniel Summoned to Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** McKinley, James Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** McKinley, John Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** McKinney, James W. Summoned to Grand Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Mowdy, Martin Excused from Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Parker, William Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Pointer, John Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Robinson, Newton E. Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Robinson, Newton E. Summoned to Grand Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Rogers, Jasper Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Roper, Henry A. Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Salliers, Frederick Summoned to Grand Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Sanders, George W. Summoned to Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Shipman, Isaac Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Smith, Charles H Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Smith, Charles H. Summoned to Grand Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Spencer, Levi Summoned to Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Spencer, William Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Strone, Feilding Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Strone, Feilding Summoned to Grand Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Trammell, David Summoned to Petit Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Tweedle, Elijah Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Tweedle, John Summoned to Grand Jury duty
51 State of Arkansas **************** Walker, Martin Excused from Jury duty
54 State of Arkansas **************** Webb, Willis Summoned to Petit Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Wimpree, Allen Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Woodward, Barnabas Summoned to Grand Jury duty
52 State of Arkansas **************** Woodward, Barnabus Summoned to Grand Jury duty
118 **************** ?, Czar **************** canceled
63A State of Arkansas Adams, Thomas F. G **************** Resisting sheriff
88 State of Arkansas Adams, Thomas F. G. **************** Can't read
65 State of Arkansas Adams, Thomas F.G. **************** Peace Warrant
16 State of Arkansas Allen, William R. **************** A & B
37 State of Arkansas Anderson (A Slave) **************** Burglary & Larceny
54 State of Arkansas Anderson, a Slave **************** Came not--in default
76 State of Arkansas Anderson, a slave **************** Burglary & Larceny
17 State of Arkansas Baker, Silas **************** A & B
42 Vandell, Thomas Baker, Silas **************** Slander
10 Vandell, Thomas W. Baker, Silas **************** Slander
26 Vandell, Thomas W. Baker, Silas **************** Slander
16 State of Arkansas Barber, Ransom J. **************** A & B
58 State of Arkansas Barber, Ransom J. **************** Peace Warrant
34 State of Arkansas Beshears, Matthew **************** A & B
121 State of Arkansas Beshears, William **************** Contempt
42 Officer, Wm. P. Bledsoe, T.H. **************** Debt
44 Williamson, Garrett Bledsoe, T.H. **************** Debt
61 Officer, William P. Bledsoe, Tyra H.**************** Debt
53 Officer, Wm. P. Bledsoe, Tyra H. Debt
27 Cluk (?), Jhn Blerm, Joseph D.Sheriff & Witness Motion on Judgment for Cost126 Nichols, Joseph Blocker, William **************** Appeal
74 Huddleston, D.M.K. Boles, Andrew **************** Appeal
62 Burrough, Henry Brown, James **************** Appeal
44 Burroughs, H. Brown,......none....**************** Appeal
113 Buchanan, Alexander Buchanan, Lavina **************** Divorce
96 Jordan, F. Burrough, H. **************** Debt
97 Jordan, F. Burrough, H. **************** Debt
113 Jordan, F. Burrough, H. **************** Debt
117 Jordan, F. Burrough, H. **************** Amend motion
63B Jordan, Fleming Burrough, H. **************** None given
123 Tweedle, Felden (?)Burrough, Henry **************** Debt
74 Jordan, F. Burroughs, H. **************** Debt
85 Juaam (?), F. Burroughs, H. **************** Debt
86 State of Arkansas Burroughs, H. **************** Scica Facias
75 Jordan, F. Burroughs, Henry **************** Debt
54 State of Arkansas Burroughs, Henry **************** Came not--in default
94 A. Howell Cain, Cornelius **************** Appellee
120 Green, Felix Cain, Cornelius **************** Appeal
94 Greene, F. Cain, Cornelius **************** Appellee
114 Greene, Felix Cain, Cornelius **************** Appeal
114 Howell, A. Cain, Cornelius **************** Appeal
75 State of Arkansas Chambers, Wm. **************** Failure to appear Petit jury duty
93 State of Arkansas Chambers, Wm. **************** Default Grand jury
112 State of Arkansas Chambers, Wm. **************** Default Petit jury
125 Irons, Jonothan Chapman, Cesar **************** Appeal
114 Irons, Jonothan Chapman, Cezar **************** Appeal
31 Clingman, A. B. Comstock, James **************** Right to take depositions
43 Clingman, torn Comstock, Thomas *************** A..........
66 Clingman, A.B. Comstock, Thomas **************** On judgment of Feb. 9, 1847
5 Crawson, John Crawson, Arabia **************** Divorce
9 Crawson, John Crawson, Arabia **************** Divorce Dismissed
23 State of Arkansas Crawson, John **************** A & B
35 State of Arkansas Crawson, John **************** A & B
56 State of Arkansas Crawson, John **************** A & B
75 State of Arkansas Cunningham, Jefferson **************** Failure to appear Grand jury duty
80 Adams, Thomas F. G. Cunningham, Samuel **************** Motion to dismiss
87 Adams, Thomas F. G. Cunningham, Samuel **************** Slander
122 Adams, Thomas F. G. Cunningham, Samuel **************** False imprisonment
63A Adams, Thomas F.G. Cunningham, Samuel **************** None given
56 McConnell, Robert Cunningham, Samuel **************** Slander
68 McConnell, Robert Cunningham, Samuel **************** Slander
19 State of Arkansas Cunningham, Samuel **************** Assault w/Deadly Weapon
33 State of Arkansas Cunningham, Samuel **************** Assault w/Deadly Weapon
37 State of Arkansas Cunningham, Samuel **************** Affray (?)
64 Irons, Jonathan Denton, Isaac **************** Administrators of will
65 James, John M. Epland, George **************** Appellants
65 James, John M. Epland, John **************** Appellants
79 James, John M. Epling, George **************** Appeal
76 James, John M. Epling, George (see Epland)**************** Debt
79 James, John M. Epling, John **************** Appeal
76 James, John M. Epling, John (see Epland) **************** Debt
26 State of Arkansas Farr, James **************** A...........
18 State of Arkansas Farr, William **************** A & B
18 State of Arkansas Farr, William **************** A & B
59 State of Arkansas Fisher, Benjamin **************** None given
60 State of Arkansas Fisher, Benjamin **************** Not a True Bill
15 State of Arkansas Franks, Little Berry **************** Sabbath Breaking
7 State of Arkansas Gibbons, James M. **************** A & B
1 State of Arkansas Gibbons, James M. **************** Assault w/Deadly Weapon
14 State of Arkansas Gibbons, James M. **************** A & B
4 State of Arkansas Gibbons, William **************** A & B
8 State of Arkansas Gibbons, William **************** A & B
25 State of Arkansas Gibbons, William **************** A & B
22 State of Arkansas Gibson, William **************** A & B
121 Tweedle, Felden (?) Gillam, Jeremiah **************** Debt
121 Tweedle, Felden (?) Gillam, Nancy **************** Debt
81 Tweddle, Elijah L. Gillham, Jermiah **************** Filed motion
84 Tweedle, Elijah L. Gillham, Jermiah **************** Debt
81 Tweddle, Elijah L. Gillham, John **************** Filed motion
84 Tweddle, Elijah L. Gillham, John **************** Debt
81 Tweddle, Elijah L. Gillham, Nancy **************** Filed motion
84 Tweddle, Elijah L. Gillham, Nancy **************** Debt
37 State of Arkansas Griffin (A Slave) **************** Burglary & Larceny
54 State of Arkansas Griffin, a Slave **************** Committed to custody of sheriff
76 State of Arkansas Griffin, a slave **************** Burglary & Larceny
4 State of Arkansas Harold, Jobe **************** Forgery
8 State of Arkansas Harold, Jobe **************** A & B
24 State of Arkansas Harold,Jobe **************** Forgery
27 Adams, Thomas F. G. Harris, John L. **************** Disagreement Court Officers
62 Burrough, Henry Harris, John L. **************** Appeal
44 Burroughs, H. Harris, John L. **************** Appeal
74 Burroughs, H. Harris, John L. **************** Appeal
73 Burroughs, Henry Harris, John L. **************** Case marked out
27 Irons, Jonathan Jr. Harris, John L. **************** Disagreement Court Officers
10 Coots, Jacob Haskins, John **************** Appeal
62 State of Arkansas Holcomb, James J. **************** Assault with intent to murder
66 State of Arkansas Holcomb, James J. **************** Assault with intent to murder
120 Green, Felix Howell, A. **************** Appeal
61 Fisher, Benjamin & George Howell, Oliver **************** None given
81 Tweddle, Elijah L. Huddleston, John **************** Filed motion
84 Tweddle, Elijah L. Huddleston, John **************** Debt
74 Jordan, F. Irons, **************** Debt
95 Denton, Isaac Irons, Johothan Campbell, Eprhaim (deceased) Estate claim
48 Campbell, Ephriam Estate Irons, Jonathan **************** Estate claim
79 Denton, Isaac Irons, Jonathan Campbell, Ephiram estate Estate claim
43 Denton, Issac Irons, Jonathan Campbell Ephraim Estate Administrator of Campbell estate
58 State of ArkansasIrons, Jonathan Sr. **************** Peace Warrant
28 Howell, Michael Irons, Jonathan, Jr. **************** Declaration Lost
29 Howell, Michael Irons, Jonathan, Jr. **************** Declaration Found
47 Howell, Michael Irons, Jonathan, Jr. **************** ?
39 State of Arkansas Irons, Jonathan, Jr. **************** A & B
40 State of Arkansas Irons, Jonathan, Jr. **************** A & B
82 Burton, Isaac Irons, Jonothan Campbell, Ephiram estate Estate claim
113 Denton, Isaac Irons, Jonothan Campbell, E. (deceased) Estate claim
94 Denton, Isaac Irons, Jonothan Campbell, Ephraim (deceased) Estate claim
98 Denton, Isaac Irons, Jonothan Campbell, Eprhaim (deceased) Estate claim
118 **************** Irons, Peter **************** canceled
29 Wolfe, William H. Irons, Polly (William deceased)****************Will in Chancery Ct.
118 Irons, Jonothan Irons, Thomas **************** canceled
114 Irons, Jonothan Irons, Thomas & Peter **************** Appeal
124 Irons, Jonothan Irons, Thomas et al **************** Appeal
126 Irons, Jonothan Irons, William **************** Appeal
124 Irons, I Irons, William et al **************** Appeal
73 **************** James Brown **************** Case marked out
21 State of Arkansas Jeffery, John **************** A & B
116 Burrough, Henry Jordan, F. **************** Squash motion
93 State of Arkansas Lagrone, James **************** Recognizance to keep peace
100 State of Arkansas Lagrone, James Conway, Judge George Horse stealing (spec. court called)
105 State of Arkansas Lagrone, James Conway, Judge George Spec court called
107 State of Arkansas Lagrone, James Horse Stealing (Pen 4 yrs.)
85 Juaam (?), F. Mather, D. **************** Debt
70 State of Arkansas Mayberry, Davis **************** Failure to appear Grand jury duty
46 Cunningham, Samuel McConnell, Robert **************** ?
67 Cunningham, Samuel McConnell, Robert **************** Tres.... on the case
37 State of Arkansas McConnell, Robert **************** Affray (?)
40 State of Arkansas McConnell, Robert **************** A & B
55 State of Arkansas McConnell, Robert **************** None given
68 Smith, Charles H. McKinley, John **************** Admin. for estate of Alfred Collier
83 Smith, Charles H. McKinley, John Collier, Alfred estate Estate claim
26 State of Arkansas McLain, William**************** A...........
3 State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Murder
8 State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Murder
8 State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Larceny
State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Horse Stealing
24 State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Horse Stealing
24 State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Larceny
24 State of Arkansas Meredith, Levi **************** Murder
127 Blocker, William Michaels, Joseph**************** Appeal
96 State of Arkansas Miller, James **************** Assault with intent to kill
93 State of Arkansas Miller, James B.**************** Assault with intent to kill
95 State of Arkansas Miller, James B.**************** Assault with intent to kill
84 State of Arkansas Miller, Lermius (?) **************** Assault with intent to kill
89 State of Arkansas Mitchell, Ruben **************** Fined failure to appear Petit jury
4 State of Arkansas Neal, Martin **************** A & B
8 State of Arkansas Neal, Martin **************** A & B
25 State of Arkansas Neal, Martin **************** A & B
115 State of Arkansas Newman, Moses **************** Making noise in court
119 State of Arkansas Newman, Moses **************** Contempt
1 **************** Nickles, John **************** Assaulted by Gibbons
128 State of Arkansas Noland, Puge P. **************** Accessory to horse stealing
115 State of Arkansas Oller, Jessee **************** Laughing in court
9 Coots, Andrew Pointer, George **************** Slander
54 State of Arkansas Polk, Taylor **************** Came not--in default
86 State of Arkansas Polk, Taylor **************** Scica Facias
132 Hill, Ezra & Agustus Polk, Tylor **************** ?
63B Jacobs, John Putman, Thomas ****************
43 Jacobs, John Putman, Thomas **************** Replevin
59 Jacobs, John Putman, Thomas **************** None given
45 Blyummanod (?), H. Robinson, Jane **************** ?
14 State of Arkansas Saliers, Frederick**************** A & B
24 State of Arkansas Shields, Edw **************** Perjury
4 State of Arkansas Shields, Edward **************** Perjury
9 State of Arkansas Shields, Edward G.**************** Perjury
4 State of Arkansas Shields, Perry **************** Perjury
9 State of Arkansas Shields, Perry G.**************** Perjury
24 State of Arkansas Shields, Terry B.**************** Perjury
90 Adams, Thomas F.G. State of Arkansas **************** Motion
4 Tweedle, Isaac Tweedle, Malinda **************** Divorce
7 Tweedle, Issac Tweedle, Malinda **************** Divorce
15 State of Arkansas Tyra, Joseph **************** A & B
75 Jordan, F. Walker **************** Debt
97 Jordan, F. Walker, **************** Debt
63B Jordan, Fleming Walker, D. **************** None given
129 State of Arkansas Welding, William **************** Horse stealing
41 State of Arkansas Wheat, Moses **************** A & B
20 State of Arkansas Wheat, Moses H. **************** A & B
78 State of Arkansas Wiatt, Harry **************** A & B
75 Jordan, F. Williamson **************** Debt
97 Jordan, F. Williamson, J.D. **************** Debt
63B Jordan, Fleming Willison, J.D. **************** None given
22 State of Arkansas Wright, John W. **************** A & B
22 State of Arkansas Wright, John W. **************** A & B
36 State of Arkansas Wright, John W. **************** A & B
36 State of Arkansas Wright, John W. **************** A & B
19 State of Arkansas Wright, Joshua **************** A & B
22 State of Arkansas Wright, William C.**************** A & B
80 State of Arkansas Wyatt, Harry **************** Scica Facias
38 State of Arkansas Wyatt, Harvey **************** A & B
57 State of Arkansas Wyatt, Harvey **************** A & B
69 State of Arkansas Wyatt, Harvey *************** None given
Montgomery County ArkansasGenWeb Project
Looking towards Brushy Rd. Dec. 2005. A very dry year.