Contact Us

Pat Asher - County Coordinator. Please write me with questions about or suggestions for the web site.
Nancy Feroe - Assistant Coordinator. If you plan to visit Benton County, Nancy can help with land records, cemetery and homestead locations.

Betsy Mills - State Coordinator
Jeff Kemp - Assistant State Coordinator
Sundee Anderson - Assistant State Coordinator

How can you contribute?

The USGenWeb Project is an all volunteer organization and there are many ways you can contribute.

Contributors transcribe or copy and submit information and data that can be published on the county websites: tombstone readings, obituaries, copies of county or family records, and scans of old family or historic photographs. Remember -- the old documents, newspapers, family bibles, photographs, etc.that are your precious family treasures may contain the information someone else is seeking.  But they are subject to loss through fire, natural disasters, or simple aging and less-than-perfect storage conditions. Please consider contributing an abstract, transcription or a scanned image of whatever you may have. Your Benton County heritage will be archived on this site and preserved for future generations. If you have Benton County data you can contribute, please contact me.

Lookup volunteers offer to do lookups via e-mail in genealogical resources that they own or to which they have access. If you have access to cemetery records, county and town histories, marriage information, or any other genealogically useful data and are willing to help others in their research, then let me know and I will add your name and resource(s) to our Lookups page.

County Coordinators manage and maintain the county web sites. Additionally, they provide basic assistance to researchers, locate and transcribe data, and format data submitted by other contributors.The only prerequisites are having a sincere interest in the genealogy of the county they coordinate; and the ability to use HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to maintain a website. Basic site requirements and suggested additions for ARGenWeb sites are outlined at If you would like to be a CC for ARGenWeb, contact the State Coordinator, Betsy Mills. Adoptable counties are indicated on the Arkansas Table of Counties.