Lookups & Queries

Wondering where to post a query regarding your Benton County ancestors? Message boards and mailing lists are different, but each has advantages and may produce different results at different times.

A mailing list is a place where you can have an in-depth discussion with others who are currently researching the same area or surname. RootsWeb mailing lists are archived, so someone may find your post in the future; but by and large, mailing lists are for connecting with others who are actively researching here and now.

Messages Boards are more like the cork bulletin board next to the water cooler.  You post a note there and hope someone sees it and responds --  either today or at some future date.  Be sure to keep your email address updated on both the boards and lists so future researchers can find you.

Join the ARBenton Mailing List
Browse or search the ARBenton List Archives -- NOTE: As of April 2018, Ancestry is still restoring years of list archives. Check back often.
Benton County Arkansas Message Board
View Older Queries Archived on this Site


To request a lookup please click on the volunteer's name and follow these simple guidelines:

Put BENTON COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your email. Most volunteers do lookups in more than one book and more than one county. This will insure that your request is not overlooked.

Put the name of the book on the first line of your message, followed by the name you are looking for. Lookup requests should be limited to one name, or perhaps two if inquiring about a married couple. Information given will be minimal, for example: if it's a cemetery lookup, the information will be the name of the cemetery and the dates on the headstone.

Please do not ask for "everybody with X surname", or an entire family group, or for hardcopies to be mailed. Some resources are still protected by copyright.

Failure to follow these guidelines could result in your request being overlooked or ignored.

Don't forget to thank your volunteer!

Reference Owner/Email
1860 Federal Census of Benton County, Arkansas E. Alan Long
Cemeteries of Benton Co. Vol 1-9 Terry Shields
Fairmount Cemetery Records Terry Shields
Benton County Obituaries Vol. 1-11, 1884-1933 Becky Rhea
Marriages of Benton Co., AR
Book A: 1860-1877
Book B: 1877-1886
E. Alan Long