Obituaries 1901-1950
thru 1900 | 1901-1950 | 1951-2000 | 2001-2050
Abraham Adams Turney
Submitted by Mary Turney MillerArkansas Methodist, Jan 20, 1904, page 18
Turney - Grandfather A. A. Turney was born November 6, 1832, in what is now Cleburne County, Ark., and after having lived for more than seventy-one years in the same neighborhood, died of pneumonia January 3, 1904, near the spot where he was born. He was married three times, and had thirteen children born to wives proceeded him to the better world. Grandfather was a devoted Christian and had been a consistant member of the M. E. Church, South, for nearly forty years. He lived a life above reproach. His church and community had the utmost confidence in his religion and integrity. He was a true husband, a kind father, a faithful friend and a partiotic citizen. To know him was to admire and love him for his life was filled with good deeds, and his charity was as unbounded as he needs of his fellowmen. In his death the church and community have sustained an irreparable loss, and at his old home thee is a vacant chair that never can be filled. Grandfather is gone and we shall miss him so much! But we can trust Him who doeth all things well. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. U. Witt at the family graveyard near Higden. Grandfather had been an ardent patron of Freemasonry for many years, and his brethren of that fraternity laid his body to rest beneath the clods of the valley, there to await the resurrection morn, when his spirit shall bloom in eternal spring.
His grandson,
Robert Thomas
[Note from Submitter: The obit has a mistake, Abe was born in Smith County Tennessee (later DeKalb County, Tennessee) instead of Arkansas.
An interesting story - Abe's youngest daughter with his third wife was Amanda born 1881. Amanda stayed with her father (who was nearly blind) and refused to marry. So Abe left her his house when he died. At the estate sale after Abe's death, King David Gadberry saw Amanda and fell in love, they married Oct 13, 1904 and the house thus became known as the Gadberry house.]
Mrs. J. M. Lay
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Thurs., 01 Feb 1906
O. J. Owen was here from Conway Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Lay.
Mrs. J. M. Lay died Sunday of tuberculosis, after several months illness. Although she had been very low for some time the news of her death was a shock to her many friends. She was about 60 years of age. Her husband and seven children, all girls, survive her. The interment was in Goodloe Cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
29 Jan 1906
Mt. Vernon
Mrs. Lay of Quitman, mother of Mrs. Adkisson of this place, died a few days ago. We extend sympathy.
Zackariah Parks
Submitted by Donnie PickardMarshall Mountain Wave, July 24, 1908
Searcy County, AR
Zackariah Parks, an old and highly respected resident of Owl's Cove, died at his home near Rumley last Friday, after an illness of several months. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Dennard, Saturday, with Masonic honors.
H. C. Emerson
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 11, 1909, p2, c3
Hon H.C. Emerson departed this life at the home of his son Robert in Wheeler Township on June 2nd.
Mr. Emerson was born in Georgia and removed to this state many years ago. He was a Confederate soldier, and won a high reputation as being always ready for duty no matter how perilous. He came to this county about 1880 and established his home on the banks of the Little Red. Twas there that he suffered the irreparable loss of his whole family, except two sons, Robert and William, by drowning in the great overflow of 1888.
In 1890, he was nominated by the democrats for representative and was triumphantly elected over the 3rd party, which for six years had controlled elections in the county. He was an attentive member and his services were greatly appreciated by his constituents, especially his successful efforts to establish a fencing district a long the river in the eastern portion of the county. He was not a candidate for re-nomination and never held any other public office.
He was a man of energy and his life was devoted to the up building of his country, its churches and schools.
The funeral services were conducted by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a faithful member, and was the most largely attended funeral service ever held in the western portion of the county. At his request his body was laid to rest by the side of the loved wife and children who perished in the flood years ago. Peace to his ashes.
The Democrat extends condolences to the sorrowing members of the family who survive.
Riley Babies
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 6, 1909
The six months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. C. Riley died Thursday and was interred at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery Friday.
Van Buren County Democrat, August 6, 1909
The infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Riley died last Saturday night and was buried in the Foster cemetery Sunday evening. The bereaved have our sincere sympathy.
[Note that these are TWO DIFFERENT babies.]
Grandma Phillips & William Lowe
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 24, 1909
We are sorry to note the death of Grandma Phillips, of near this place, also the death of William Lowe of Madelia.
Rorie Baby
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, December 31, 1909, page 1
The infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Ticer Rorie died last Sunday evening about 7 o'clock and was laid to rest Monday in the Dennard Cemetery. With aching hearts we must witness the sad dispensations of God's providence and bid our friends and loved ones good bye till the judgment day. Our sympathies are with the bereaved parents.
Mrs. Jasper Webb
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 15, 1910
Mrs. Jasper Webb departed this life on the 4th of April. She leaves a husband and ten children besides her relatives and friends to mourn her loss. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved.
Mary Ann Pruitt Mahaney
submitted by Linda Maxey PraterClinton Gazette, June 17, 1910
Through the columns of The Leader of Shirley, we are advised of the death, Friday June 3rd of Mary Mahaney, beloved wife and companion of Uncle John Mahaney who lives some six miles north of that place. Deceased was a native of Missouri, was 58 years of age and had been a resident of this county for some fifteen years. In the community where she resided, she was highly esteemed and respected by all who knew her for her many excellent traits of mind and heart. Besides her husband, two sons and one daughter are left to mourn the departure of a faithful companion and loving and devoted mother.
Blanch G. Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 9, 1910
A.M. Bost and wife of Craig Township have the profound sympathy of numerous friends in their bereavement occasioned by the death of a five-year-old daughter Sunday afternoon last. Internment took place Monday at the Foster graveyard.
[Note: Blanch G. Bost (1905-Sept 1910) daughter of Abner Monroe Bost.]
Joe Hubbard
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, December 30, 1910
Joe Hubbard of Craig departed this life last Wednesday the result of measles complicated with pneumonia. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved.
J. N. Riley
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, December 30, 1910
J. N. Riley, one of our well known merchants, died at his home here last Wednesday after an illness of about thirty-six hours duration. He was a man of model character. He is survived by a wife and five children. He left a host of friends with whom we join in extending our sincere sympathy to the bereaved.
Baby Knight
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 17, 1911
Dennard Doings
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Knight have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement occasioned by the death Wednesday evening last of their little son, the result of measles. The remains were laid to rest at this place Friday evening at noon.
Miss Mattie Whitworth
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 17, 1911
Miss Mattie Whitworth, the 18 year-old daughter of Mr. William Whitworth, was buried at this place the 3d inst. her death being due to the measles. Miss Mattie was a most worthy young lady and had many friends in the community who are grieved at her taking away.
Mrs. Joab Copeland
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 28, 1911
Mrs. Joab Copeland departed this life last Tuesday night, after a lingering illness of about six months. She was a highly respected lady and loved by all who knew her. Funeral services were held at the Foster Cemetery Wednesday afternoon.
Garner Infant
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 4, 1911, p 2, c 1
James Gardner and wife, living near Retreat post office, have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement occasioned by the death of their infant child Wednesday night of last week caused by brain fever.
Uncle Wiley Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 10, 1911
Scotland News Notes, Arkansas
"Uncle Wiley" Bost, an aged and highly respected citizen of the county, whose illness was mentioned in last week's communication, died last Tuesday night. Remains were interred in Liberty cemetery Thursday morning, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. J.K. Brandway of Center Ridge.
Mrs. Nancy Francis (Bradley) Rogers
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 19, 1912, p 3, c 6
Mrs. H. W. Rogers Dead
It is with sincere sorrow and regret that we are called upon this week to record the death, at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, April 10th, 1912, of Mrs. Nancy Francis, beloved wife of Mr. H. W. Rogers, of Bee Branch, and sister of Mrs. W.H. Maddox, of Clinton, and S.H. Bradley of Culpepper. Mrs. Rogers had been in failing health for some years and her death was not unexpected by family and friends. She was one of four children born to Jim and Liza Bradley, early citizens of this county, (Mr. Bradley being an elder brother to our fellow citizens Messrs Apt and S.H. Bradley), and both of whom died when she was but a child.
Mrs. Rogers was about fifty years of age and was married to Mr. Rogers some twenty-four or five years since. As a result of their union six children were born, the youngest now being six years of age, and all of whom survive her. She was a true and noble Christian woman, a member of the Christian church for many years, and died in the faith she professed. Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon by Rev. Loftis, following which interment took place at the cemetery at Bee Branch, many sorrowing friends and relatives being in attendance. To the bereaved we join with a host of friends here and elsewhere in extending our most profound sympathy.
R. M. Emerson, Jun 1912
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 21, 1912, p2, c3
On June 12th, 1912, the death angel again tolled the parting knell and in sad accents called our dear grandfather, R.M. Emerson, from our presence, thus terminating an illness of more than three weeks at the home of his son, Joda. Remains were laid to rest at Pleasant Grove Cemetery, beside those of his former companion, who was called June 13th, eight years since. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. B. Millsaps.
Murillo-By Our Regular Correspondent.
It was indeed with regret we learned last week of the death of Uncle R.M. Emerson, at the home of his son, Joda, near Rupert. He was a good man-an every day Christian, and a man whom everybody loved. His children and grandchildren have been left a most exemplary life, one we trust they will try to emulate.
Jeff Williams
Submitted by Donnie Pickard**Van Buren County Democrat, November 1, 1912
Several Scotland citizens attended the funeral of Jeff Williams, conducted by Rev. Cale Bost, and interment at Foster cemetery, Thursday of last week, an account of whose death appeared in the last issue of the Democrat.
[**Note: Caleb Bost is my great grandfather.]
Mrs. Lackey
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 17, 1913
Steel's Chapel
Following an illness of two weeks Mrs. Lackey passed away last Thursday evening. Remains were tenderly laid to rest at the Whipple graveyard the following day. She is survived by many friends and relatives who sincerely mourn her taking away.
Richmond Chandler
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 25, 1913
Several citizens of this community attended the funeral and burial at Walnut Grove Sunday of Richmond Chandler, services being conducted by Rev. Geo. Hatchett, of Clinton. Mr. Chandler died of tuberculosis, his illness covering a period of some four or five years. Deceased was a good citizen honored and respected by those who knew him, and his passing away causes genuine sorrow among friends and relatives.
Mrs. Mary Underwood
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, May 2, 1913
Scotland, Arkansas
Mrs. Mary Underwood, beloved wife of Andy Underwood, departed this life last Saturday night after a week's illness of pneumonia. She was a devoted Christian wife and mother and her presence will be greatly missed by relatives and many friends. She was laid to rest at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery Monday morning.
Dr. J. J. Hargis
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 22, 1913
Old Citizen Passes Away
Dr. J. J. Hargis, one of the oldest best-known citizens of the county, died of stroke of paralyses at his home three miles west of Clinton Thursday afternoon.
Dr. Hargis was a North Carolinian by birth, but, in his infancy moved with his parents to DeKalb County, Georgia, from which place he come to Van Buren County, Arkansas in 1858. He served four years in the Confederate Army going out under Captain Norman. Was elected treasurer of the county in 1890 and re-elected to the same in 1892. He took a course in medicine at McDowel College, St. Louis, and practiced his profession for twelve or fifteen years.
Dr. Hargis has been married four times. First to Jane Thompson and second to her sister, Mandy Thompson. His third marriage was to Jane Sanders and the fourth to Mary Peel who survives him. To these unions nine children were born, only four of whom are living and they were all present during his last hours.
He had been in poor health for a number of years following a stroke of paralyses, and a few months ago he had a second stroke. Sunday evening he seemed as well as usual and sat up and talked till late hour. When called for breakfast Monday morning he was found to be in a comatose condition from which he could not be roused, but lived till Thursday afternoon. Interment took place at Bradley cemetery Friday Rev. H. L. Smith conducting the services.
Mrs. Mary Linn
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 22, 1913
Mrs. Mary Linn died at the home of her son, L. L. Kidd, Thursday, Aug. 14th. She has suffered with cancer for some time. She approached death perfectly composed, bespeaking a tenacious faith in her Redeemer. She has for about forty years called Choctaw her home. She leaves a host of friends who cherish her memory.
Grandma Linn was born in Blount County, Tennessee, in 1840, marrying Mr. James Kidd at the age of 17, to whom was born two children. The eldest was Mrs. Altsman who died in Oklahoma a few years ago. The youngest Leonard Kidd a citizen of Choctaw, whose father died when boy was but 3 months old. She later married Mr. William H. McDaniel, to whom were born five children, Isaac, Sallie, Mollie, Loelcie(?) and Dona. Two of them still live. Soon after the war Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel moved to near Quitman, and three years later laid a homestead at Choctaw. Mr. McDaniel there died, his wife proving up the homestead and rearing her family. She married Mr. Asa Linn, who lived only a few years.
Mrs. Linn led an exemplary life. When a neighbor needed her services, she was there. When her bereaved friends craved consolation, she was there. When any of her children had sickness or trouble in the family, she was there. When there was any movement to build up her community, she was there. When the Sunday school classes repaired to their places, she was there. When the church bell rang, she was there. She gave her life to the service of others and therein served her Maker. A happy face, a cheering word, an encouraging personality always accompanied her. Years to come, when those who are now children become gray, the mention of Grandma Linn will awaken in their breasts one of the dearest recollections of the childhood.
Simpson Infant
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 27, 1914
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Simpson have the profound sympathy in their bereavement due to the death of their little infant which arrived at their home last Friday.
Miss Annie Webb
Submitted by Donnie Pickard
Van Buren County Democrat, February 27, 1914
Miss Annie Webb, daughter of Joseph Webb of this place and who was living with her uncle Green Brickey, of Pleasant Grove vicinity, died of pneumonia last Sunday morning, after an illness of seven or eight days. She leaves a host of relatives and friends who mourn her death.
Henry Copeland
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 20, 1914
Scotland, Arkansas
Following an illness of several months Henry Copeland departed this life last Sunday night. He is survived by a wife and one child, both of whom are in Oklahoma. Funeral services were conducted at the Foster cemetery Monday afternoon by Rev. Geo. W. Hatchett, many sympathizing friends being in attendance.
Reece Child
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 20, 1914
Scotland, Arkansas
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Reece, of Pleasant Grove vicinity, have the profound sympathy of many friends in their bereavement occasioned by the death Tuesday night of their little daughter, the result of injuries from burning of her clothing that afternoon while engaged at play. Interment took place at Pleasant Grove cemetery Thursday.
Benjamin Rush Eaton
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 17, 1914
A Good Man Gone to His Reward
B. R. Eaton, one of the county's oldest and best-known citizens and father of County Assessor Joe Eaton, died Saturday night, April 11th, at his home at Settlement. Interment took place at Shirley Sunday afternoon services being conducted under the auspices of Masonic lodge.
Deceased was a native of North Carolina, his birth occurring at or near Knoxville Feb. 27, 1836. Just when he came to this state we were unable to ascertain. His residence in this county dates from 1880 when he settled where he since resided and what was then known as Middle Settlement.
To "Grandpa" Eaton belongs the credit of holding the first commission at postmaster at Settlement, the total receipts of the office for the first quarter being 65 cents. Mr. Eaton was twice married, his first wife dying some eight or ten years since. His second wife and six children by first marriage survive.
May 15, 1914
Resolution of Respect
Benjamin Rush Eaton, member of the Arkansas Lodge No. 644 F. & A. M., died April 12th, 1914.
The relentless scythe of the grim mower has during this year swept away one of our beloved brothers.
Brother Eaton was born in Catawba county, N. C., in the year 1836, where he was made a mason at the age of 22 moved to Columbia county, Ark., in 1865, came to Settlement, Van Buren county by 1880, became a member of Arkansas Lodge No. 644 F. & A. M. in 1909, during which time he held a ___ dated 1876. He loved the order was devoted to its principles as lovely and tender as a woman but fearless and bold in the discharge of what he considered his duty.
He was very sociable in disposition especially with those he held dear. A man of unimpeachable integrity, he was in all things temperate, truthful and trustworthy, wise in counsel ___ in judgment. In every relations of life a true friend. As a citizen, honorable and upright as a Mason devoted and beloved by his brethren. A devoted husband, a kind, gentle and affectionate father, his children being hung upon him as the tendrils of the vine entwine themselves about the body of the sturdy oak.
His death will be mourned by all who knew him. No words of eulogy by us can add to his noble manly life. We cannot but regret that death should have come among us and removed from our order one of its most faithful adherents, and while there will be a vacant chair when the members of our lodge gather, we are certain that our departed brother memory will be securely fixed in their hearts.
Whereas Almighty God find, in His infinite wisdom, has deemed it best to call to his Heavenly reward our beloved brother.
Whereas, we bow to humble submission to Him who doeth all things well; and therefore be it.
Resolved, That we the members of Arkansas Lodge 644, F. & A. M., extend to the sorrowing family our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this sad bereavement and be it further.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our lodge. And a copy mailed to the bereaved family connections, and a copy given to the Shirley Advocate and the Van Buren County Democrat for publication.
Fraternally Submitted
R. Hackett
John Guffey
B. F. Privitt
Mrs. Dollie Suggs
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, October 2, 1914
Mrs. Dollie Suggs, wife of Oscar Suggs and formerly of this place, died near Beelton, Okla., Monday of last week. The body was laid to rest at the Foster cemetery here Friday. A husband and six children survive. The bereaved have the sympathy of many friends.
Malvin Suggs
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 10, 1915
Scotland, Arkansas
Malvin Suggs, second son of Oscar Suggs of the Suggs school house vicinity, died at three o'clock last Friday morning after an illness of 24 hours of congestion. Interment took place at the Foster Cemetery. Saturday morning services being conducted by Rev. Fletcher Crow.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Lindsey) Harrington
Jan 1916On Saturday morning at 4:45 o'clock Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington, who had been visiting at the home of her son, J. W. Harrington, in Oak Grove settlement, died after a sharp attack of heart trouble. Retiring the night before seemingly in the best of health, she awakened the family about 4:30 the next morning coughing, and almost before they could all be roused she passed away. she was born in Mississippi sixty-two years ago and when only fourteen years of age came to Arkansas, with her parents locating in Van Buren county. Twenty-two years ago she came, with her husband and family, to Conway county, where she had lived for the most part. Her Husband, J. E. Harrington, passed away five years ago, and since that time she had lived in Ola, visiting here for several months at a time. She had been here for the past three months making an unusually enjoyable visit to her loved ones.
At an early age Mrs Harrington joined the Methodist church and lived a christian, exemplary life, instructing her children in all things tending toward right living. She was a splendid mother, a worhty citizen and a good neighbor. By all she will be greatly missed.
On Saturday evening the body was taken to Ola, where on Sunday afternoon services were conducted by Rev. Johnston, of the Methodist church, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest by the side of her husband. Four sons and two daughters survive, all grown and married, and to them we extend our sincere sympathy.
[Note: Mrs Harrington died on 8 Jan 1916.]
Aunt Jennie Henley
Feb 1916Well Known Lady Meets with Horrible Death

"Aunt Jennie" Henley, the aged companion of "Uncle Sam" Henley, well known pioneer citizens living in Grove township, in the western part of this county, for more than two score years, died Wednesday night, Feb 2d, the result of burns sustained that morning ...
For some time Mrs Henley, who was about 70 years of age, had been suffereing with some sort of trouble affecting her heart ... Interment took place at Pleasant Grove cemetery, near Rex, Friday afternoon ...
Pearly Parks
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 16, 1916
Pearly Parks Answers Summons
At 11:30 o'clock on June 12th, 1916, the angel of the Lord opened wide the pearly gates and lovingly beckoned to Miss Pearly Parks, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Parks, of Culpepper mountain, who willingly answered the summons and entered into rest eternal, there to abide with loved ones gone before.
Pearly was born Nov. 5th, 1903, and died June 12th, 1916, age 12 years, 7 months and 7 days. The cause of her death was a relapse from measles. Her going has indeed left a vacant place in the family circle, where her loving words and gentle ways will be greatly missed, as she was ever thoughtful and had a pleasant word and a smile for all. Loved ones should not grieve as those without hope, for she has gone where sorrow and pain she never again is to know. She left to mourn her departure besides father and mother, two brothers and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the Culpepper cemetery by Rev. H. W. Cates, where remains were tenderly laid to rest to await the resurrection morn ...
A Friend
In Memory of Pearl Parks
There was something exceptionally sad in the death of Miss Pearl Parks.
A Pall of gloom settled over the entire neighborhood. Sorrow and sadness seemed to invade every home. Miss Pearl was a young lady of many virtues, loved and respected by all who knew her.
Our hearts go out to the Doctor and his good wife in their sad affliction and assure them we sympathize not only for them but with them.
We can but accept the situation; we bow to the inevitable, thankful for the Christian fortitude that enables us to say "Thy will, not ours be done."
As a student Miss Pearl was kind, sociable, generous, honest and industrious with an intelligence that was truly admirable. It seemed to us as if she possessed all those characteristics that it takes to make up the sum of noble womanhood. Having been a constant attendant at Sunday school she learned early in life to remember her Creator in the days of her youth.
Rev. John Pruitt
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 7, 1916
News was received here last week of the death of John Pruitt at Jonesboro. He was the son of Uncle Joseua Pruitt and a former resident of this place. He was a Baptist minister and for several years was engaged in ministerial work in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Glover Towery
Submitted by Sandra Nichols**Van Buren County Democrat, August 3, 1916
Sudden Death of Glover Towery
The sudden death of Glover Towery near his home at Eglantine Monday afternoon was sad news to the people of Shirley and friends of the family elsewhere. Glover, at the time of his death was near thirty years of age and had made his home with his father, Mr. J. H. Towery, during his entire life. With the exception of one child that died while very young, Glover's death is said to be the first which has occurred in the family. Besides his father and mother he is survived by three brothers and four sisters and these have the profound sympathy of many sincere friends. Interment took place at the Eglantine cemetery Tuesday afternoon in the presence of a large assembly.
[Notes **Glover was the son of Joshua Hollett Towery and Nancy Elizabeth Stephens Towery.]
William David "Ace" Towery
Submitted by Sandra NicholsVan Buren County Democrat, December 15, 1916
Asa Towery Dies of Spinal Meningitis
Mr. Asa Towery, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hollett Towery of near Eglantine and a brother to Mrs. J. E. Bradford of Clinton, died of spinal miningitis at home near Eglantine Saturday evening Dec. 9th, 1916, aged about 40 years. Deceased was a farmer by occupation and was born and had always lived in the community wherein his death occurred. It was never the pleasure of the writer to enjoy the acquaintance of the deceased and of his personal life we are not advised. Interment took place at the Eglantine cemetery Sunday afternoon. A wife and three children, in addition to the father and mother, brothers and sisters, survive. In their bereavement these have the profound sympathy of many sorrowing friends throughout the community.
[Asa was really "Ace", his nickname. His name was William David Towery son of Joshua Hollett and Nancy Elizabeth Stephens Towery. His widow was Sally Newman Towery. Surviving children were, Roxie Towery, Audrey Towery, and Dovie Towery. The sister mentioned was Sallie Towery Bradford wife of James Edward Bradford.]
Nannie Chandler
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 16, 1917
Scotland, Arkansas
Mrs. Nannie Chandler died at home of her mother, Grandma Emerson, Thursday morning last of tuberculosis. She had been ill for six or eight months. She left three small children who have the heartfelt sympathy of all.
Van Buren County Democrat, February 16, 1917
Walnut Grove, Arkkansas
Mrs. Nannie Chandler, wife of the late Richmond Chandler, was buried at the cemetery here Thursday afternoon of last week. Services were conducted by M. B. Lefler of Clinton. Mrs. Chandler left three small children. Her mother, one sister and two brothers also survive her.
Vera Chandler
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 13, 1917
Walnut Grove, Arkansas
Vera, 11, daughter of the late Richard Chandler, was buried here Sunday. Services were on Crowell Mountain. She is survived by 2 sisters and a Grandmother.
Uncle Dan Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 23, 1917
Uncle Dan Bost, one of the best known and most highly respected citizen living in the Alread neighborhood, was called away Tuesday night to a better world. Dropsy of the heart was said to have been the cause of his death. Besides many sorrowing friends he is survived by his wife and three children; Mesdames Mina Knight and Jose Bruce and John Bost.
Johnie Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 1, 1918
It is with sorrow that we report the death of Johnie, the beloved little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bost. Death, which relieved the little sufferer on Monday night, Jan. 21st, was due to a complication of measles and pneumonia. The family have our sympathy.
Mrs. Charlie Rainwater
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 1, 1918
Mrs. Charlie Rainwater died at her home near Choctaw Wednesday night of this week, the result of measles. Interment will take place this (Thursday) afternoon. A more extended notice of this good lady's life will appear in next issue.
Wadell Infant
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 1, 1918
The little infant of Frank Wadell and wife was buried at the cemetery here last Saturday. We join with friends in extending heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents.
Brickey Baby
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 8, 1918
Scotland, Arkansas
The little baby of W.G. Brickey died of measles last Saturday night. Interment took place at the Pleasant Grove cemetery.
Miss Hattie Eades
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 12, 1918
Crowell Mountain, Arkansas
In a letter to S. B. Hutchinson, written by Atty. Jake Eades, of Morrilton, we learn with regret of the death of Mr. Eades' youngest sister, Miss Hattie, at her home in Utah, following an operation for appendicitis. She had many friends on this mountain to whom ... [rest of article missing]
Dunaway Baby
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 2, 1918
News of the County
Jerry Dunaway, the seven-months-old baby of Prof. And Mrs. O.L. Dunaway of Hot Springs, died at the home of his grandparents, Hon. J.E. and Mrs. Scanlan, Thursday July 25th, 1918 of congestion of the brain. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, following the arrival of the father, who was in Nashville, Tenn., at time of death.
Uncle Jacob Copeland
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, Oct 18, 1918, p2, c3
Scotland, Arkansas
Uncle Jacob Copeland died at Cleveland October 10th and was buried at the Foster Cemetery near this place the 11th funeral services being conducted by Rev. Hughes of Clinton. He was 71 years old and had been a resident of this county since before the war. For many years he was engaged in the mercantile business at this place. He is survived by one daughter Mrs. Will Moody of Copeland and two sons, Joe of Cleveland and Green of Scotland.
Rev. James Wesley Yancy
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, December 7, 1920
Sulphur Springs
Rev. Yancy, a well known minister of this community, died at the home of his son, Charley Yancy, Thursday night Dec. 2d. He was laid to rest at the Loyed Cemetery, funeral services being conducted by Rev. Joe Stark. Mr. Yancy had been a preacher of the Missionary Church for thirty years.
Van Buren County Democrat, March 25, 1921
Resolution of Respect
To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethern of Pleasant Grove Lodge No. 380, F. & A. M.
We your committee appointed to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of Brother J. W. Yancy, beg leave to submit the following:
Whereas, Brother J. W. Yancy was born May 4th, 1852 and died Dec. 3d, 1920 and
Whereas, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe saw fit to call him from the walks of men to the celestial lodge above, and
Whereas, Brother Yancy was made an Entered Apprentice Mason June 3d, 1894, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft Aug. 8th, 1894 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason Oct. 13th, 1894, in Pleasant Grove Lodge No. 380, F. & A. M., and was made honorary member of same Oct. 14, 1905, Therefore be it
Resolved, that in the death of Brother Yancy the Lodge has lost a faithful member, the church a conscientious worker and the community a good citizen, and be it further
Resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy of this lodge be extended to his wife and children, that a copy of these resolutions be furnished them, the Van Buren County Democrat for publication and a copy be spread upon the minutes of this lodge.
Respectfully submitted,
Aaron Emmons
A. M. Griggs
Tommy Dunsworth
Mrs. Cyntha McKuin Boudra
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, Scotland Democrat, May 13, 1922
Mrs. Cyntha Boudra, the wife of Mr. Frank Boudra, of near Solgohachie, Conway County, was buried at the Halbrook graveyard, south of Formosa two miles, Sunday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Charlie Woods of near Morganton.
Mrs. Boudra, whose maiden name was McKuin, was principally reared near Formosa. She was about 45 years old and had been married three times.
Mrs. Birdie Mallett
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 22, 1923, p 4, c 2
Sulphur Springs--Mrs. Birdie Mallett died at her home here Saturday, her death being caused by some stomach trouble. Interment took place at the Mallett Cemetery in Conway County. She was a good Christian woman and had many friends in this community who will miss her greatly.
Mrs. Julia Massey
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 2, 1923
Mrs. Julia Massey Dead
Mrs. Julia Massey, aged about 45 years and the mother of Mrs. T. S. Hall, died at her home on the mountain north of Scotland Thursday night Aug. 30th, 1923. Mrs. Massey's death was the result of a clot of blood on the brain, caused by an accidental wound received some three weeks previous. Interment took place at the Foster graveyard Friday, services at the grave being conducted by Mr. M. B. Lefler of Clinton. Mrs. Massey, whose maiden name was Whitfield, had been twice married, her first husband being Willis Emerson. As a result of that union three children survive, two boys yet single and Mrs. Hall. Her second marriage was to H. J. Massey, his death occurring some few years since.
[Note: Julia was accidentally hit in the temple by a rock thrown by one of her sons. My uncle remembers seeing Julia just before she died. He said that her bed was elevated at one end in an effort to save her life.]
Rev. Caleb Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 7, 1923
Rev. Caleb Bost Dead
In the death Saturday night Sept. 1st, 1923, of Rev. Caleb Bost of Liberty Township this county suffered the loss of one of its oldest and best beloved citizens. Mr. Bost was a native of Illinois, born a little more than four score years ago. He had been a resident of the immediate settlement in which he died for more than fifty years, living a life that won for him the confidence, esteem and respect of all who knew him. For more than forty years he was a devout member of the Methodist church and spent much of his time in the ministry. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving with the union forces. He was twice married, being survived by his second wife and several children by both unions. Interment took place at the Liberty graveyard Sunday, services being conducted by Hon. M. B. Lefler, close friend and neighbor of many years standing.
Aunt Eady Lott
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, Feb 15, 1924
Aunt Eady Lott, aged 77 years and widow of the late James Lott, died at her home near this place Monday Feb. 7th. She was a good Christian woman and beloved by all who knew her. Interment took place at the Arnhart cemetery. Three sons and four daughters survive, as follows: Tom and John of this vicinity and Ace of Cleveland, Mesdames Nancy Pratt of Cleveland, Raney Penley of Oklahoma, Cinda Cooper and Eber Hodges of Copeland.
Mrs. Miriam McCullough Cooper
Submitted by Donnie Pickard
Van Buren County Democrat, March 21, 1924
Mrs. W. H. Cooper Dead
Clinton citizens were greatly grieved last Friday afternoon upon receipt of the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Miriam McCullough Cooper, beloved wife of Mr. W. H. Cooper, at their home at Conway, the result of blood poison. Prior to last fall Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were citizens of Clinton for several years and have many warm true friends in this community. She was a true, Christian lady and was greatly beloved by all who knew her. Interment took place at Mountain View, their home prior to coming to Clinton. Besides her heartbroken husband she is survived by one small son, W. H. Jr., aged about four years.
William T. Bowling
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 19, 1924, Page 1
William T. Bowling Dead
William T. Bowling, better known to his neighbors and more intimate friends as "Uncle Bill" or "Grandpa Bowling," after a lingering illness of several months, departed this life at his home on Culpepper mountain Sept. 16th, 1924, aged 78 years, 11 months and 21 days.
Grandpa was born in Hardimon County, Tenn., coming to Arkansas in the early seventies. Before leaving Tennessee he was married to Miss ?ellie Hubbard. To them five children- four boys and one girl- were born. The latter died in infancy. The four sons survive and are now numbered among Culpepper Township's most prominent citizens, towit: James G., Tom, Isom and Joe H.
In early life Grandpa entered the teaching profession his career as such being cut short by the Civil War. Enlisting for the duration of the war in the cause of the Confederacy he was assigned to the Calvary under Capt. N.B. Forrest. He was in several prominent battles, the most noteworthy being the battle of Shiloh.
At the end of the war Mr. Bowling returned to his home and with his father, brothers and sisters and his bride journeyed to Arkansas, settling near Center Ridge, Conway County. It was here that he lost his wife, she being laid to rest at the Gravel Hill Cemetery. He was subsequently married to Miss Lula Durham of Conway County, who survives. Since their marriage, 43 years since, eleven children have been born to them, and six of whom survive, as follows: John, Fred, Etter, now Mrs. Sam Bonds, Clint, Nettie, Mrs. Garland Grime?, and Lee, now Mrs. Olen Bonds, all of whom reside in the community of the parental home.
About 50 years ago Grandpa became a member of the Christian Church and was faithful to the end. He was a man well read for his day and was competent of giving wholesome advice on many important matters. He is survived by one brother, John T. Bowling of Ft. Smith, and six sisters, as follows: Mrs. Sallie Needham, Mrs. May P. Ledford, Mrs. Ella Glendenning, all of Formosa, Mrs. Addie Cook and Mrs. Callie Kissire of Morrilton. Besides the wife and children mentioned he is survived by 11 grand children and 13 great-grandchildren. To the bereaved family and relatives we all extend our sympathy to this their hour of sorrow.
A Friend
Culpepper Mt., Sept. 17th, 1924
Webb Teague
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, October 17, 1924
Webb Teague, Aged 70 years, and life time citizen of community found dead in bed.
Mr. Webb Teague, aged 71 years, and a well known life-time citizen of the Pee Dee community, was found dead in bed at the home of James Teague, one of his sons, Tuesday morning Oct. 14th. Monday evening he is said to have eaten a hearty supper and retired that night without complaint. His death is thought to have been due to high blood pressure. Remains were laid to rest Tuesday morning at the Pee Dee graveyard beside those of his wife, Jane McCormac Teague, whose death occurred six years since.
Mr. Teague was born and spent his life within six miles of where he died, his father, William Teague and a native of Tennessee, being a pioneer settler of that community. Since the death of his wife, or, here of late, at least, he has made his home with his only daughter, Mrs. Bill Morrison. Sunday afternoon he went to spend a few days with the family of his son where his death occurred. Besides the son and daughter mentioned he is survived by four other sons, namely, William, John, Mont and Fount.
Mrs. Sarah Bowman
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, October 24, 1924
Death of Mrs. Sarah Bowman
Mrs. Sarah Bowman, aged about eighty, died at the home of her son, Owen Bowman of Formosa, Saturday night Oct. 18th, 1924. Interment took place Sunday afternoon at Union Hill cemetery, many sorrowing relatives and friends being in attendance. Mrs. Bowman, who had been a faithful and loyal member of the Christian church for many years, had been a resident of Formosa for about forty years. Her husband died some thirty years since. She was not only a Christian lady, but a most lovable lady, honored and respected by all who knew her. Besides the son mentioned she is survived by two other sons, Walter and Frank, and two daughters, Mrs. D. J. Halbrook and Mrs. E.A. Woolverton.
Mrs. Myrtle Banks
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, October 24, 1924
Mrs. Will Banks Dead
Mrs. Myrtle Banks, beloved wife of Will Banks, died at her home on Culpepper mountain Monday Dec. 24th, 1928, after an illness of several months duration of leakage of the heart, aged about 38.
Mrs. Banks was born and reared on Culpepper mountain, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bradley, the former now deceased. Her entire life was spent in this county with the exception of two or more years spent in Oklahoma just prior to her death.
She was a good Christian woman, identifying herself with the Methodist church at the age of fifteen years. In 1907 she was united in marriage with Mr. Will Banks, and to this union seven children were born, six of whom survive.
Besides her husband an six children mentioned, Mrs. Banks is survived by her mother, two brothers - Will and Sam Bradley - and three sisters, Mrs. Ed Smith and Miss Pearl Bradley, all of Culpepper mountain, and Mrs. F. M. Burns of New Mexico.
Interment was held at the Culpepper cemetery at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, services being conducted at the grave by Rev. J. M. Hughes of Clinton.
James Bradford
Submitted by Sandra Nichols**Van Buren County Democrat, December 12, 1924
James E. Bradford, aged 54 years, 10 months and 29 days, died at his home here in Clinton, Thursday morning, December 4th, terminating an illness of high blood pressure and other complications of several months duration. Interment took place at the Clinton Cemetery Saturday afternoon, services at the grave being conducted by Messrs M.B. Lefler and L. D. Usrey. A large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives were in attendance.
James E. Bradford was born at Eglantine, Jan. 5th, 1870, the son of William and Shady (Lynn) Bradford. The mother died when our subject was a child, the father surviving until 1904. On March 8th, 1891, he was united in marriage with Miss Sallie Lee Towery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua H. Towery, well known citizens of Shirley. To them six children were born, and five of whom survive as follows: Clyde E, Fletcher M, Garner F, Mamie, now Mrs J. L. Aubrey of ElDorado, and Poe. Besides the immediate family, one sister, Mrs. Wm Linn of near Shirley, and two half sisters, Mesdames Maud Gray and Dulah Compton of Bekchito, Okla., and one half brother, Grover Bradford of Durant, Okla., survive.
In the death of James E. Bradford his family suffers the loss of a true and loving husband and a kind and indulgent father, while the town and county mourns the departure of an upright, honorable, and loyal citizen who had proven his worth by a life of correct living and noble deeds.
**Transcribed from a very poor newspaper copy, so some spellings may be incorrect.
Joshua Hollett Towery
Submitted by Sandra NicholsVan Buren County Democrat, February 1?, 1925
Joshua Hollett Towery
Mr. Hollett Towery Dead
Mr. Hollett Towery, one of the county's best known and wealthiest citizens, died at his home at Shirley early Wednesday morning of heart disease, a trouble of which he had been a sufferer for several months. Interment took place today. Inability to obtain the necessary information prevents a more extended notice regarding the deceased's life at this time and will have to be deferred to our next issue.
Van Buren County Arkansas Democrat, Feb 20, 1925
Brother J.H. Towery having been a member of the Masonic Fraternity for more than forty years, and in good standing, it is difficult indeed to pay him the tribute so justly due.
It is said that honesty, industry, and thrift are the greatest qualifications of good citizenship. If this be true, Brother Towery was one of the best citizens of his country. He was reared as an orphan without the advantages of an education, but through industry and thrift he accumulated some wealth. But like Zacchaeus, if anone could have shown him where he came by any of his wealth dishonestly, he would have repaid it fourfold. Therefore, be it resolved, that we inculcate within ourselves and our fraternity such principles and attributes of good citizenship as was manifisted in the life of Brother J. H. Towery. Furthermore, be it resolved that we have the faith and confidence in our fellow-man as did our deceased worthy brother; that we be ever as ready to speak words of comfort and encouragement to a brother in need as was he; and that when speaking of a neighbor let not our tongue speak aught but praise and commendation as was his practice. No poor boy who had honestly of purpose and was willing to work for himself ever found a truer friend than J. H. Towery. The writer of these lines knows from personal experience. Therefore, be it further resolved that the young manhood of the community in which Brother Towery resided has lost a worthy friend and adviser who was always ready to stop at any time or at any place to speak good counsel in the ear of one who was worthy of receiving it. Like Lincoln he loved the poor and taught his children to ever respect and honor the man who earned his bread by the sweat of his brow. May it be said to his honor that not one of his children has ever proved untrue to his teaching. Be it resolved that we extend to the bereaved family of our deceased brother our sincere sympathy for their great loss, but may they be consoled in the knowledge that he, having fought a good fight and having been faithful over the few things given him on earth, the Father will make him ruler over many. May a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother and to our county paper.
Resolution Committee
By Tom Cowan
Aulten Laffoon
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 26, 1925
Botkinburg Notes
Aulten Laffoon, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Laffoon, died Friday night June 18th. Many sorrowing friends and relatives followed his little body to the Liberty cemetery where it was laid to rest. Rev. S. E. Patton conducted the services.
Dr. M. R. Parks
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 26, 1925
Dr. M. R. Parks Died
Dr. M. R. Parks, age 47 years, died at his home at Formosa Sunday afternoon, June 21, 1925, following a week's illness resulting from a nervous breakdown. Interment took place at the cemetery on Culpepper mountain Monday morning. Funeral services were conducted by Eld. Crooms of Hardin College, Morrilton, in the presence of the largest concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives ever assembled on a similar occasion at that place, if not in the county.
Mr. Parks was born in this county May 8th, 1878, the son of John and Frances Hammett Parks. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss Alice Mackey. Their marriage took place in 1895, her death occurring five years later. To their union three children were born, but none of whom are now living. On Nov. 6,1902, He was united in marriage to Miss Rosa Rhoades. To them four children were born, one of whom, a son now 18 years of age with the widow survive.
Dr. Parks professed a hope in Christ 22 years ago, identifying himself with the Christian church. His life thereafter was in perfect accord with the faith he professed. During the past few years of his life he devoted much of his time to the ministry, doing valiant service for the Master's cause.
Just how long Dr. Parks had been engaged in the practice of medicine the writer does not know. We do know that he enjoyed an extensive practice. In fact, the demand upon his time was far in excess of his physical ability to meet. He never turned a deaf ear to a call for services. He answered all calls alike, cheerfully and readily, giving no thought whatever to the matter of material reward. Out of a great heart of love and sympathy for the afflicted and distressed it is well known that time again he not only gave his time and supplied medicine when he knew no financial recompense could be expected, but often employed help at his own expense to wait upon many he found deprived of the necessary attention.
As a christian citizen and physician no man in the county enjoyed to a greater extent the respectful esteem of friends and neighbors than did he. As a leader of all worthy movements in his community his death came as distinct shock to friends and neighbors from which they will not easily rally.
In addition to being a strong churchman Dr. Parks was an outstanding advocate of education and at time of his death was president of the county board of education. Besides the widow and son mentioned above he is survived by two brothers, Frank Parks of Atkins and Geo. W. Parks of Shirley, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Westerman of this county and Mrs. Janie Lee of Bigelow.
Herley Baby
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, Sept 5, 1925
A month old boy baby of Mr. and Mrs. Guin Herley died last Friday night of whooping cough. Interment took place Saturday at the Woolverton cemetery, near Formosa.
Mrs E A "Grandma" Patton
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 11, 1925, page 1
Grandma Patton Dead
Mrs. E. A. Patton of Archey departed this life Sept. 6th, 1925. She was 80 years old the 27th day of June. She was born in Tennessee and moved to Arkansas when quiet young with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Starnes.
She was first married to Jesse Jackson just a short time before the Civil War. One son was born of this union. Mr. Jackson died during the war and soon after the close of the war she was married to Samuel C. Patton. To this union eight children were born and four of whom survive, as follows: Rev. J.P., Rev. S.E., G.C. and M.E. Patton, and one stepson, D.A. Patton.
She professed her hope in Christ at the age of fifteen and joined the M.E. Church South, ever living a consistent, Christian life, above reproach. She was a good and faithful mother and strived hard to help support her children as well as to bring them up in a fear of the Master. Her children respect and honor her name for her Godly training.
She was kind and attentive to the sick and distressed. The road was never too rough nor the night too dark for her to go and administer to the sick. She bravely fought the battle for the right and true piety all these 65 years and died in the faith with the hope of a crown and great reward.
Dear children, grand and great-grandchildren, as you rove up and down this world of sorrow, trouble and sin, without parents and grandparents, take on courage and consolation that when the Great Day has come we will meet them in heaven, where there will be no parting and sorrow, but one eternal day of peace and happiness.
A. Friend
S. R. Ethridge
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Mon., 26 Oct 1925
Aged Conway Man Dies In Oklahoma
S. R. Ethridge, well known citizen of Conway for many years, died at the age of 94 years Sunday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.H. James of Haskell, Okla., according to messages received here. His son, G.A. Ethridge, and grandson, Hinkle Ethridge of Conway, were with him at the time of his death.
The body will arrive in Conway at 5:40 o'clock this afternoon and funeral services will be held at the home G.A. Ethridge, 400 Clifton Street, Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Dr. J.W. Teas, a lifelong friend. Pallbearers will be Frank Farris, Roy G. Bruce, J.J. Nixon, W. Harrell Gist, Howard Terry, and W.M. Harrell. Burial will be at Bethlehem Cemetery, 12 miles north of Conway.
Mr. Ethridge was born in February 1831, in South Carolina, and came to Arkansas when a young man, settling near Clinton, Van Buren County, where he lived for about 20 years. His first marriage was to Miss Elizabeth James in 1856, and to them eight children were born, of whom two, G.A. Ethridge of Conway, and Mrs. W.H. James of Haskell, Okla., survive. He was married later to Mrs. Josephine Brewer, who died here in 1910, Mr. Ethridge was a farmer and also served as a minister in the Christian Church for many years. He was highly respected and loved by a large circle of friends. Besides his son and daughter, Mr. Ethridge is survived by three brothers, J.C. Ethridge of Jacksonville, Tex., L.R. Ethridge of Bullard, Tex.; and one sister, Mrs. L.D. Jones of Lufkin, Tex.; and by eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Pauline Stroud
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 15, 1926, p 3, c 3
Little Pauline Stroud, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stroud, died December 28 of spinal meningitis. Miss Vida an older daughter who was dangerously ill of pneumonia at the time has greatly improved. In their bereavement for little Pauline they have the sympathy of many friends.
J. M. Holderfield
Submitted by Sandra NicholsArkansas Gazette, March 17, 1926
Little Rock, Arkansas
J.M. Holderfield
J. M. Holderfield, aged 82, died at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his stepson, G. H. Bradford, 409 Olive Street, Park Hill.
Mr. Holderfield was a veteran of the Civil War, having fought for two years with the Eleventh Missouri Calvary.
He is survived by his wife: by four daughters, Mrs. Belle Jones of Conway County, Mrs. Emma Shannon of Lonoke County, Mrs. Julia Chandler of Snyder, Tex., and Mrs. Nan Bradford of Van Buren County; by one son W. H. Holderfield of LeFlore, Okla., by one brother, J.S. Holderfield of LaFlore, Okla., and by two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Warren of Huntington, Ark., and Mrs. Nora Crist of Little Rock.
The body will be taken overland at 9 o'clock this morning by Owens & Co. to Cleveland, where funeral services will be held.
[James Monroe Holderfield, DD: March 16, 1926]
Van Buren County Democrat, 3-26-1926
Eglantine Community News
It was with with sincere regret we learned of the death Wednesday of last week of Uncle Jim Holderfield of near Cleveland. He was the father of Aunt Nan Bradford and at one time lived in this community.
Van Buren County Democrat, 4-2-1926
New Liberty Community News
Uncle Jim Holderfield died March 16th at the home of Howard Bradford at Little Rock. He was recovering from an attack of the flu, took the pneumonia and lived but 2 days. Remains were interred at the cemetery at Cleveland. His wife was taken to a hospital the day he died, she also having the flu, but she is now improving.
[Note: Daughter - "Aunt Nan" Bradford was Nancy Jane Holderfield Bradford, wife and widow of William Simpson Bradford. Wife - Nancy "Nannie" Massey Bradford Holderfield. She was the fifth wife of James Monroe Holderfield.]
Mrs. J. D. Blue
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 13, 1926
Mrs. J. D. Blue was buried at the Old Liberty Cemetery near Scotland last Friday afternoon, funeral services being conducted by Hon. M. B. Lefler. Mrs. Blue, whose husband died some 15 or more years ago, was a member of the Baptist Church and recognized as a true Christian and a good woman. Four sons and two daughters survive.
Mrs. Tavner Flowers
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Tues., 31 Aug 1926
Mrs. Mary Flowers, aged 33, wife of Tavner Flowers, died at their home on Second Street in this city Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock, following a local operation which she underwent earlier in the day. Heart disease is believed to have been the cause of her death. Funeral services were to be held at the family home at 4 o'clock this afternoon, with interment at Oak Grove cemetery. Mrs. Flowers was married three times, her last marriage being on August 4, 1920, when she came with Mr. Flowers from Bee Branch (Van Buren Co. AR.) to make her home here. She is survived by her husband and five children, Miss Myrtle Grimes, Adelle and Ewell Cargile and Elva Merle and Marie Flowers; four stepchildren, Clarence, Bessie, Herbert, and Lonnie Flowers; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Odom of Plumerville (Conway Co.) four brothers, Chester and Clayton Odom of Conway, W.M. and Emmett Odom of Plumerville, and by two sisters, Mrs. J.T. Flowers of Holland, and Mrs. P.J. Whyte of Little Rock. Mrs. Flowers was a member of Pine Mountain Church in Van Buren Co.
Zenus Nelson Givens
Submitted by Beverly BerryThe Van Buren County Democrat, May 13, 1927
Scotland News Notes
Uncle Zenus Givens, age 93, departed this life at three-o'clock Saturday afternoon, May 7th. Uncle Zenus was born in Lowndes county, Miss. Sept. 12, 1833. He made a profession of religion at an early day and identified himself with the Cumberland Presbyterian church. His life was ever in keep with the profession made. He served through the Civil War, being identified with the Confederacy. For several years prior to his death he had been an invalid. He is survived by one daughter, two grandsons and a host of friends. Interment took place at the Foster cemetery, funeral services being conducted by, Hon. M. B. Lefler of Clinton.
[Note: Zena Givens is the husband of Margaret Ann "Florence" Kolb Egger Givens. Obiturary of-- Zenus Nelson Givens of Van Buren County, Arkansas - May 13, 1927.]
Martha Ann (Stephens) Gray
Submitted by: Sandra NicholsVan Buren County Democrat, August, 1927
Clinton, Arkansas
Eglantine Community News
Aunt Ann Grey, mention of whose illness has been mentioned from time to time, died at the home of her daughter-in-law, Aunt Nan Bradford, Monday night, Aug. 22. Aunt Ann was 86 years old and had been a member of the Baptist church for many years. She was born and reared in this county and lived a true christian life. She is survived by three children; one son, Nathan Compton of Blue, Okla., and two daughters, Mrs. Ellen Gadberry of Lake City and Mrs. Harriett Holderfield of Leflore, Okla. Aunt Ann was devoted to her home and family and was a good friend and neighbor. To the bereaved we extend our sympathy.
Mrs. Ellen Gadberry and granddaughter, Miss Flossie, of Lake City, who attended the bedside of the former's mother, Aunt Ann Grey for three or four weeks, returned to their home recently. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Gadberry's daughter, Mrs. Tom Huggins and family, of Shirley.
[Notes: Deceased: Martha Ann (Stephens) Bradford Compton Gray, Daughter of Samuel Stephens and Nancy ???. Husband 1--Francis Marion Bradford (d.Civil War) Children--William Simpson Bradford, Nancy Elizabeth Bradford, Terinda Bradford. Husband 2--Thomas J. Compton Children--Sammy, Ellen, Harriett, James, Jesse, Nathan. Husband 3--T. C. Gray No Children]
[Notes from Geneva: Mother, Nancy Barnes MICHAEL; daughters, Nancy Elizabeth (Bradford) DEMPSEY and Terinda F (Bradford) ESTES.]
John Eades
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 6, 1928, p1, c7
John Eades of Culpepper Mountain was buried at the Foster Cemetery Thursday of last week. Mr. Eades lived near here for several years, having moved to Culpepper some ten years since. He was a good citizen and will be missed.
Mrs. Delia English
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, April 6, 1928
Mrs. Delia English, daughter of Uncle Bill Holbrook of this place, was burned to death at her home near Morrilton Friday of last week. Besides her father, she is survived by her husband, children, four brothers and two sisters.
C. J. Alvey
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat
August 24, 1928
Scotland, Arkansas
C.J. Alvey, age 76, of the Claud neighborhood, died Tuesday, Aug. 16, the results of a stroke of paralysis. Interment took place at the cemetery on Woolverton mountain Saturday the 18th. Mr. Alvey was a member of the Primitive Baptist church and was a good Christian man. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons and one daughter. Mrs. Alvey was visiting in Florida at time her husband was stricken, his death ensuing before she could arrive.
Jethro Brannon
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 24, 1928
Scotland, Arkansas
Mrs. Nan Brannon has the sympathy of the entire community in the death of her little son, Jethro. He was ill five weeks of typhoid fever. Interment took place at the Foster cemetery Sunday afternoon, Aug. 19.
Roscoe Coleman
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 24, 1928
Scotland, Arkansas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coleman have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement occasioned by the death of their son, Roscoe, resulting from pneumonia. He was twenty-two years of age and had a host of friends who were deeply grieved because of his taking away. Interment took place at the Pleasant Grove cemetery Aug. 16th, Elder Echey Millsaps conducting the funeral services.
Mr. J. Johns
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 24, 1928
Mr. J. Johns of Leslie died last Saturday. Interment took place at the cemetery here at one o'clock Sunday afternoon in presence of many sorrowing friends and relatives. He was 72 years of age and had been a member of the Christian church since he was 14 years old. Besides his wife he is survived by seven children, five sons and two daughters.
Audrey Helen Knight
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 7, 1928, page 3
Pine Thicket, Arkansas
Audrey Helen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Knight, died at 3:30 Monday Sept. 3d of diphtheria. She was one year and eight months old and was their only child. Interment took place at the Dennard cemetery. Weep not, dear parents, she has only gone to rest and is now safe in Jesus arms.
Mrs. Essie Isom
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 2, 1928, page 3
Archey, Arkansas
Mrs. Essie Isom, wife of George Isom, died at her home near Botkinburg Sunday Oct 28th. Interment took place at the Bluffton cemetery Monday. Funeral services were conducted at her home by Rev. S.E. Patton, his text being from St. John 11:25: "He that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live." Mrs. Isom left evidence with her family that she was going to rest and was prepared for the change. For several months she had suffered with an enlargement of the neck.
Miss Elva Pierce
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 12, 1929
Miss Elva Pierce, aged 14, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce of Heber Springs, was buried at the Pine Mountain cemetery Wednesday July 3d. Miss Elva met death by drowning the day before while wading in Red River in company of a cousin. Until a year ago the family resided in this community.
Luther Coleman
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 19, 1929
Scotland, Arkansas
Luther Coleman died at the home of his father, Arthur Coleman, Tuesday, July 16th. Interment took place at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery Wednesday. He is survived by his wife and three small children.
Mrs. Eda Chandler
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, Nov. 1, 1929
Walnut Grove, Arkansas
Relatives and friends of Mrs. Eda Chandler were grieved to learn of her passing away at her home at Binger, Okla., October 17th. The end was not unexpected as she had been in failing health for sometime.
Mrs. Cora Eades
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County, AR Democrat, Jan. 3, 1930, p3, c3
This week it becomes our sad duty to report the death of Mrs. Cora Eades, beloved wife of Robert C. Eades, her death occurring at 8:30 Sunday night, Dec. 29, 1929. Mrs. Eades was born Feb. 11, 1897, being 32 years, 10 months and 18 days old at the time of her death.
She was united in marriage to Robert C. Eades Nov. 11, 1915. In August of the same year she united with the Christian church and lived a true christian life. She was a good neighbor and will be missed by her numerous friends.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Claud Jenkins of Formosa and burial was in the Foster Cemetery at Scotland. Besides her husband she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shipp, three sisters and four brothers.
Charlie Leonard
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 10, 1930
Saturday December 28th Charlie Leonard of the Parish schoolhouse community was buried at the Fairbanks Cemetery. From the time he was a small boy Mr. Leonard spent practically his entire life in this community. He was a good citizen, a successful farmer and a Christian gentleman. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons, Jim and Vance, both of whom live at England.
Mrs. Mary Newman
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, Friday, January 10, 1930, p 3, c 8
In Memory of My Mother
Mrs. Mary Newman, my mother, was born in Coosey County, Alabama, January 30, 1839, and was the daughter of David D. and Nancy E. (Terry) Hargis. She moved to Arkansas with her parents in 1857, living at or near Clinton for several years, or until her marriage to Marion Pistole, October 1st, 1868.
To this union four children were born ... Susan, Ida, Sam and Marion. Father's death proceeded that mother's 53 years, two months and two days. Mother also survived three of the four children mentioned.
Mother's death occurred Nov. 30, 1929, aged 90 years and 10 months. She was a member of the church for about seventy-five years, the first 25 years as a member of the Methodist Church, and fifty years as a Missionary Baptist, this church being that of her choice, being the last charter member of the church at Pee Dee.
She lived a true Christian to the last and died with a bright hope. When life was fast leaving her she was heard to say in a feeble voice, "Oh, grave where is they victory, Oh, death where is thy sting," you are no fear to me. In her death my home suffered an irreparable loss and the church a good worker. She had been a mother to me 56 years and 6 months. Such earthly losses are said to be Heaven's gain.
Besides the writer she is survived by two half-sisters, Mrs. Maggie Simpson of Conway and Mrs. S. C. Harris of Foster, Mo., and three half-brothers, M. O. Hargis of Denton, Texas, Rev. J. R. Hargis of Springfield, Mo., and I. M. Hargis of Muscogee, Okla.; 17 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Sam Pistole
Clinton, Ark., Jan. 4, 1930
Sam Henley
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County, AR Democrat, Feb. 23, 1930
Liberty Springs, Arkansas
Mrs. Minnie Millsap was advised last week of the death of her brother, Sam Henley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henley, of Clifton, Col.
J. C. Stroud
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County, AR Democrat, Feb. 23, 1930
Liberty Springs
J. C. Stroud, little eight-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stroud, died Friday afternoon, Feb. 18th. Interment was in Liberty Springs cemetery Saturday, funeral services being conducted by Bro. Cowan principal of New Liberty school.
Aunt Celine Johnson
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 7, 1930
Colony, Arkansas
Aunt Celine Johnson, whose death occurred at the home of her daughter at Pine Mountain last week, is the youngest sister of Uncle Wash Hardin of this community. One other sister, Aunt Kate Cossey, also survives. Owing to feeble health Uncle Wash did not attend the burial.
Mrs. Georgie Anne (Tindall) Yancy
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 7, 1930
Mrs. Georgie Anne Yancy, beloved wife of J. G. Yancy, died at her home near here Wednesday Feb. 26, of pneumonia. Interment was in the Spires Cemetery Rev. J. V. Sims conducting funeral services. Mrs. Yancy had been an invalid for a number of years.
[Note: Georgia Ann Tindall married John Augustus (Gus) Yancy February 26, 1930 Van Buren County.]
Archie Lewis Johnson
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, May 9, 1930
A. L. Johnson Dead
Archie Lewis Johnson, age 85 years and 9 days, died at his home here in Clinton Saturday morning, May 3, 1930, terminating an illness of more than one year. Interment took place at the family burying ground on the farm east of town Sunday afternoon, following services at the home conducted by Rev. J. M. Hughes.
Uncle Lewis, as the deceased was familiarly known to his friends and acquaintances, was born in Weekly County, Tenn., April 24, 1845, being the eldest child of a family of fourteen. In Obine County, Tenn., on Feb. 13, 1873, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Morris. To their union twelve children ~ ten boys and two girls~ were born, and seven of whom with the mother, survive, as follows: Lum, Dick and John of Clinton, Floyd and Porter of Cleveland, Ohio, and Amanda and Nan of Clinton.
Uncle Lewis came to Arkansas in 1877, arriving in Clinton Jan. 1st, and settling on a farm east of town and which he continued to own until time of his death. In 1899 the family moved to Clinton where they have since made their home. Soon after his removal to Clinton Uncle Lewis engaged in the mercantile business, but continued operation of his farm. Because of failing health he retired from business activities about five years since. A man of indomitable energy and frugal habits he succeeded in obtaining a competency of this world's goods and left his family well provided for.
Besides his immediate family Mr. Johnson is survived by two brothers, Monroe Johnson, of Kennon, Tenn., and Dallas Johnson of Reaves, Tenn. In their bereavement the family have the sympathy of many friends.
May 9, 1930
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown us and words of sympathy spoken during the illness and following the death of our beloved husband and father, A. L. Johnson. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. May God reward you as you so richly deserve.
Mrs. Mary Johnson and children
Mrs. Nancy French
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Wed., 21 May 1930
Mother Of 11 Dies At Bee Branch
Mrs. Nancy French, aged 56, mother of 11 living children, died at her home in be Branch, Van Buren County, at 9 o'clock Tuesday night. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. today at the Bee Branch Cemetery by Rev. Wesley Wood of Brannon. Mrs. French had made her home in the Bee Branch community for 40 years.
She is survived by three sons, Robert French of Leachville, Ark., and Oscar and Arthur French of Bee Branch; and by eight daughters, Mrs. Eva Rhoades of England, Ark., Mrs. Gertie Wood, Mrs. Lura Graham, Mrs. Cora Lee, Mrs. Alva Ward, Miss Agnes French, Mrs. Fay Herring, and Mrs. Ethel Lewelling.
Mrs. Arthur Coleman
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 7, 1930
Scotland, Arkansas
Mrs. Arthur Coleman was buried at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery Monday Nov. 3d. Mr. Coleman and family moved from this community to Hare, Okla., about a year ago, but was making arrangements to return to his farm here. Last Friday night Mrs. Coleman retired apparently in usual health. About two o'clock a.m. she was seized with neuralgia of the heart and died within two hours.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Huse O'Neal of the Primitive Baptist Church, and of which organization Mrs. Coleman was a true and loyal member. Many sorrowing friends and relatives were present to pay their sad respects to a good Christian woman. Besides her husband she is survived by four sons and three daughters. Two sons have gone on, one dying in 1928 and the other in 1929.
Mrs. Cleveland Dailey
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 7, 1930
Liberty Springs, Arkansas
Grandma McAlister was advised last week of the death of her daughter, Mrs. Cleveland Dailey, of San Francisco., Calif.
Fred Turner
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 7, 1930
Liberty Springs
People of this community were grieved to learn of the death of Fred Turner at his home in Oklahoma. Mr. Turner was a resident of this community until some two years since. His death was caused from typhoid.
M. A. Blue
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 14, 1930
Scotland, Arkansas
M.A. Blue, age 51, well-known citizen of Liberty Township, died Nov. 5th, after an illness of more than two years of tuberculosis. Interment took place at the Old Liberty Cemetery, services being conducted by Rev. Huse O'Neal. Mr. Blue professed faith in his early manhood and joined the Missionary Baptist Church, thereafter living true to the faith he professed. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons and four daughters.
Pearl Guiling
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 23, 1931
Scotland, Arkansas
Miss Pearl Guiling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ade Guiling of the Austin community, was buried at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery Monday Jan. 19. She died at Morrilton Sunday, following an operation for appendicitis the Friday previous after three days illness. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Claud Jenkins, Baptist pastor at Formosa. Miss Pearl was fifteen years of age. She made a profession of religion four years ago. Besides her parents she is survived by six brothers and three sisters. The bereaved have the sympathy of many friends and relatives.
George Loyd
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 23, 1931
Mrs. J. T. Sims was advised last week of the death of her brother, George Loyd, of Durant, Okla., Mr. Loyd was a former citizen of this place and has many friends who mourn his death.
Norwood Child
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 23, 1931
The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Norwood of Springfield, whose illness was reported some few weeks ago, died Monday morning. Funeral services were held at Mallet town Tuesday.
[probably Wade O Norwood, age 5 mos]
Uncle Billy Hancock
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 20, 1931
Uncle Billy Hancock, age 75 years, mentioned of whose illness was made last week, died at his home in this community Sunday March 15. Interment took place at Dennard Cemetery at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Uncle Billy had been married fifty-one years last December. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons, Joe and David, who live in Michigan, and Alonzo, who lives here, and one daughter, Mellie, wife of Nealy Parks, also of this community.
Will Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, May 1, 1931
Liberty Springs, Arkansas
Will Bost, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bost, died at St. Anthony's hospital, Morrilton, Saturday afternoon. Interment was at the Liberty Springs Cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mr. Shewmake of Cleveland spoke words of comfort to the bereaved. Besides his parents he is survived by five sisters viz; Mrs. Geeter Acton of Hughes, Ark; Mrs. Curtis Acton of Oklahoma; Mrs. Jess Kincannon, Mrs. Alvin Campbell and Miss Leatha of this community, and one brother, Kenimer, and a host of relatives and friends.
Mrs. Viola Edwards
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, May 1, 1931
Colony, Arkansas
Claude and Guy Graddy, who were called to Stratford, Okla. Sunday April 12 to attend the bedside of their sister, Mrs. Viola Edwards, returned Thursday of last week. Mrs. Edwards death occurred a few hours after their arrival. They were accompanied to Stratford by Mrs. Zola Fulks, daughter of Mrs. Edwards.
James Edward Crowell
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 26, 1931
Son of Dr. Marvin Crowell and Mrs. Crowell Drowns
Dr. J. S. McMahan received a telegram this (Thursday) morning from his brother-in-law, Dr. Marvin Crowell of Cleveland, Ohio announcing the death yesterday by drowning of his only son, James Edward, and that interment would take place here at Clinton. As to when body would arrive here the message did not state but it is expected Interment will probably take place tomorrow afternoon. The deceased was an only child. Mrs. Crowell will be remembered as Miss Lizzie Deason sister of Mrs. McMahan.
Friday, July 3, 1931
Son of Dr. M.F. and Mrs. Crowell Drowns while Bathing
James E. Crowell, aged 8, only child of Dr. Marvin F. Crowell and Mrs. Crowell, of Cleveland, Ohio, laws buried at the Clinton Cemetery, Sunday morning June 28, following impressive funeral services at the M. E. church, South, conducted by Rev. J.M. Hughes, pastor.
Young Crowell was drowned late Wednesday afternoon, June 24, while bathing in a lake at Bay Village, some few miles from his home, where he was on a two weeks visit with Clayton Baum, a boy chum, aged 7. He and his friend were paddling on a log when a wave swept them off and the undertow carried Crowell out beyond his depth.
Life guards succeeded in rescuing young Baum as he went down for the second time, but Crowell's body was already out of sight. More than 200 bathers nearby and on the beach were unaware of the drowning until the body was brought ashore. Two life savers recovering young Crowell's body worked for an hour and a half to revive him but their efforts proved futile.
The deceased was a bright manly boy idolized by his father and mother and greatly admired by his friends and acquaintances. The father and mother were both born and reared in this county where they have large family connections and numerable friends who deeply sympathizes with them in the bereavement. Dr. Crowell, the father, is surgeon at the Veteran's Bureau at Cleveland.
George Washington Harden
Democrat, September 25, 1931Bee Branch, Van Buren County, AR
Uncle Wash Hardin died at the Old Soldier's Home in Little Rock Sept. 21st. Uncle Wash had been in failing health several months and a few weeks ago was taken to the Old Soldier's Home that he might have the treatment of the doctors there. He was born Sept. 11, 1848 and was 83 years and nine days old at the time of his death. He was married three times, his first wife being Jane Griggs; his second Margaret Parish and the third, Mrs. Fannie Lankford. Ten children were born of the first union, six of whom are living. To the second union two children were born. He is survived by three sons, William Hardin of Bee Branch, George Hardin of Morganton, and Stanford Hardin of Blytheville, five daughters; Mrs. Lucy Linn, Mrs. Margaret Graddy, Mrs. Oregon Bradford and Mrs. Corinne Linn of Bee Branch and Mrs. Kate Tapley of Quitman. His remains were brought from Little Rock Monday Sept. 21 and burial was in the Hardin Cemetery Sept. 22.
James Henry Crowell
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, October 30, 1931
Henry Crowell Dead
James Henry Crowell, aged 56 years, died at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Griggs, of Walnut Grove community at 7:50 p.m. Saturday Oct. 24, following a year's suffering of stomach trouble. Funeral services were held at the community church Sunday morning, services being conducted by Rev. J. Hughes of Clinton. Interment took place at the Clinton cemetery.
Mr. Crowell was born at Scotland May 9, 1875. At the age of 20 he was united in marriage to Miss Delsena Chandler. Four years later they moved to Crowell Mountain where practically the remainder of his life was passed.
To their union five children were born, four surviving, as follows: Dr. M. F. Crowell of Oklahoma City, Mrs. Dealia Griggs of Walnut Grove, Aaron and Mrs. Bessie Lewis of Little Rock, the latter not being able to attend the funeral.
Mr. Crowell made a profession of religion at the age of 21. Identifying himself with the Methodist church. His life ever afterwards was consistent with the faith he professed. He was a true and loyal husband, a kind and loving father, a good neighbor and enjoyed the confidence and high esteem of all who knew him.
Dale Yancy
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 5, 1932
Pine Mountain
Dale, eleven-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yancy of Plummerville was buried at the local cemetery Tuesday of last week. Rev. Jones Missionary Baptist of Plummerville conducted the funeral services. His death was due to lockjaw caused by getting a splinter in his hand. The bereaved have our heartfelt sympathy.
Nancy Francis Crowl Eades
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 11, 1932
W. M. Eades of Formosa has favored the Democrat with a clipping from a newspaper published at Vernal, Utah, giving an account of the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. R. J. Eades, which, in part is as follows.
After suffering for ten days with blood poisoning caused from sugar diabetes, Mrs. R. J. Eades passed away early Sunday morning. She had always been a healthy woman until in 1910 when she was stricken with the measles which left her with a cough and other weaknesses.
Nancy Francis Crowl Eades was born May 10, 1856 in Coffee County, Tenn. She spent her childhood in that state and remembers well the closing years of the Civil war.
When she was fourteen years old her family moved to Van Buren County, Arkansas. It was here that she met and married R. J. Eades on January 16, 1876. They spent most of their life in that state.
In 1900 they became members of the L. D. S. church and in 1915 the family moved to Vernal residing here since.
Mrs. Eades was the mother of twelve children but nine have preceded her in death. She is survived by her husband and three children as follows; Jacob A. Eades of Hulbert, Okla.; Samuel R. Eades and Mrs. Albert Schaffer both of Monterey, Calif. She is also survived by fourteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Amanda Thomas Neal
Submitted by Mary DoughertyNewsclipping in family possession. Date and newspaper publication not included on clipping.
Mrs. J. A. (James Allen) NEAL, whose illness has been mentioned from time to time, passed away March 31. She submitted to an operation on Wednesday before her death. She is survived by her husband, her aged mother, Mrs. A. E. (Angelette TURNEY) THOMAS, and six children. All were at her bedside when the end came except one son, who lives in Johnson, Ark., but reached here in time for the funeral. She is also survived by several brothers and sisters. Mrs. NEAL was a loving wife, a kind mother and a friend to all. She was loved by all who knew her and will be sadly missed. Mrs. NEAL was the writer's mother-in-law (note: no name mentioned), but was more like a mother. Burial was in the Colony cemetery among a host of sorrowing friends and relatives. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Wesley WOOD.
Additional Clipping
We were surprised last Thursday night when about 8 o'clock at night Archie TIPTON and Prof. GRIFFIIN of Morganton came in and asked us to go to Morganton to conduct the funeral of Mrs. Amanda NEAL, wife of J. A. NEAL, an old boyhood friend and neighbor. We have known Mrs. NEAL practically all her life and her husband from early boyhood. She was the eldest daughter of good old Doctor THOMAS, an old pioneer doctor and local preacher of that county, whose memory we all revere. We leave the further details of her death to the Morganton writer. May God bless all.
Addtional Clipping
Mrs. Pearl WILLIAMS of Alder Branch received the sad message on last Thursday that her sister, Mrs. Mandy NEAL of Morganton, had passed away from an operation for appendicitis. We had only met Mrs. NEAL once or twice, but have heard her often spoken of as being a woman of high qualities. We extend our deepest sympathy to those who are sad. She leaves a husband and children; an aged mother, Mrs. Ann THOMAS; five sister, Mrs. Lucy JOHNSON of Morganton, Mrs. Minnie HANCOCK of Dallas, Tex., Mrs. Maud BROWN of Morrilton, Mrs. Mary CAPLINGER of Fordyce and Mrs. Pearl WILLIAMS of Quitman, and four brothers, Marvin THOMAS of Central, N.Mex., Frank THOMAS of Oklahoma; James THOMAS of Little Rock, and Bob Thomas of Morganton.
[born 5 December 1874, Arkansas, died 31 March 1932 Morganton, Van Buren County, Arkansas]
Sallie Lee (Towery) Jennings
Submitted by Sandra NicholsVan Buren County Democrat, June 10, 1932
Clinton, Arkansas
Mrs. Sallie Lee (Towery) Bradford Jennings died from a fall, Saturday morning June 4, at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. H. Towery, at Shirley. She was the wife of County Treasurer, Robert L. Jennings. Mrs. Jennings was born in the Eglantine community, May 26, 1875, the daughter of Joshua H. and Nancy E. Towery, pioneer citizens of that community. On March 8, 1894, she was united in marriage to James E. Bradford. To their union six children were born, four surviving as follows: Clyde E., of Shirley, Fletcher, of Clarendon, Mamie now Mrs. J. A. Mehlets of Saginaw, Michigan, and Poe of Clinton. The husband and father passed away at the family home here in Clinton, Dec. 4, 1924. Her marriage to Mr. Jennings took place, Dec. 23, 1928. In early young womanhood Mrs. Jennings gave her heart and life to her Savior, became a member of the Christian Church, and throughout her life was a devoted follower of her Lord. In her home an unusual bond of love and affection existed, she always holding the interest and happiness of her family of first importance and forgetful of her frail body gave of her utmost strength in deeds of love and sacrifices not only to her dear ones, but to everyone in need of a friend. Funeral services were conducted at the M.E. Church, Clinton, at three o'clock Monday afternoon by the Rev. Bell of Morrilton. Interment took place at the local cemetery by the side of her former husband, James E. Bradford.
Mrs. R. S. (Annie) Burnett
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Wed., 22 Feb 1933
Mrs. R.S. Burnett
Mrs. Annie Burnett, aged 59, wife of R.S. Burnett, died Tuesday at 2p.m. at her home four miles west of Conway, after a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband; three sons, John T. Burnett of Mayflower, W.A. Burnett of England, and R.S. Burnett, Jr., of Conway; and two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Stevens and Mrs. Beulah Shillings of Conway. Funeral services were held this afternoon by Rev. John R. Frazer, Christadelphian minister, at the Huie Cemetery near Choctaw, Van Buren Co., in charge of Doolin's Funeral Home.
Mrs. Lou McKinney
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, May 23, 1935
Mrs. Lou McKinney
Mrs. Lou McKinney, age 72, widow of the late Asa McKinney, died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Deason, in the Walnut Grove community eight miles west of Clinton at 2 o'clock Friday morning May 17th, 1935, following a stroke of paralysis. Interment was in the Foster Cemetery Friday afternoon, funeral services being conducted by the Rev. E.G. Kaetzel, pastor of the Clinton M. E. church, South.
Mrs. McKinney spent practically her entire life in the Crowell Mountain community, until the death of her husband several years ago when she went to live with her daughter. She suffered a paralytic stroke a few years ago and never recovered, being an invalid for a year or more.
She was a true wife, a good mother and a kind neighbor and will be sadly missed by her family and friends. She had been a consistent member of the Methodist church for many years. Besides her daughter mentioned she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Hoyle of Crowell Mountain, two brothers, Lige Lemings of New Mexico and Cyrus Lemings of Scotland, and several grandchildren.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank each and everyone for the many kind services rendered us during the illness and following the death of our beloved mother and grandmother. We especially wish to thank Brother Kaetzel and those for the many beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. and Mrs. Ira L. Deason and children.
W. I. Perkins
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, May 23, 1935
W. I. Perkins
W. I. Perkins, aged 79, one of Van Buren County's well known and highly respected citizens, died at home near Lexington at nine o'clock Wednesday, May 15th, from infirmities of old age. Burial was in the Holley Mountain Cemetery Thursday afternoon, funeral services being conducted at he grave by his pastor, the Rev. J. D. Reeves, of Clinton.
Mr. Perkins was born in Alabama but came to Van Buren County in his young manhood, settling on Holley Mountain where he reared his family. Since the death of his wife some ten years ago or more he and his son, Ovid, have made their home together. He had been a sufferer of paralysis for about three years.
Besides the son mentioned above Mr. Perkins is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ed Bonds of Oklahoma and Mrs. Joda Chadwick of Lexington.
Mrs. Susie (Rhoades) Quattlebaum
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 25, 1935
Mrs. Susie Quattlebaum
Mrs. Susie Quattlebaum, aged 48, beloved wife of E.E. Quattlebaum, died at her home on Culpepper mountain at 7 o'clock Thursday morning, July 18, following an illness of four days. Interment took place at the Quattlebaum Cemetery Friday, funeral services being conducted by the Rev. W. B. Davenport, the song service being led by Roy Porter.
Mrs. Quattlebaum, whose maiden name was Rhoades, was married to E. E. Quattlebaum in 1906. To their union nine children were born eight of whom survive, as follows: Warren, John, Carl, Lorene, Lela, Oma, Hazel and Connie. One step-son, Edward and one step-daughter, Beckie, now Mrs. Jim Gilliam, also survive. Besides her immediate family Mrs. Quattlebaum is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Rosa Parks and Mrs. Ella McDaniel of Formosa, and Mrs. Ebb Shipp of Missouri, and one brother, Irvin Rhoades.
Mrs. Quattlebaum had been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for more than 30 years, or since her girlhood, and lived a life befitting a true and devout Christian. She was a kind and affectionate mother and a true and loyal companion and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew her. In her passing her husband and children suffer an irreparable loss. They have the profound sympathy of many truly sorrowing friends.
Uncle David Henley
submitted by Cathy DuvallVan Buren County, Arkansas, Democrat, October 3, 1935
Uncle Dave Henley, one of Van Buren County's best known and beloved citizens died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.H. O'Neal, near Atkins, Sunday, September 22, aged 86 years, 9 months and 8 days.
Burial was in the Pleasant Grove Cemetery, near his home at Rupert, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Godbey and Son undertakers in charge.
"Uncle Dave" as he was familiarly known by his friends over this county, was born in Jackson County, Arkansas, December 14, 1848. He enlisted in the Union Army January 12, 1865 in Company 3, Arkansas Calvary under Major Mason. He served until June 30th of the same year, when he was honorably discharged at Lewisburg. He was married to Miss Martha Martin in Faulkner County in 1868 and on May 3, 1872, they came to this county settling ¾ mile west of Rupert where they continually resided until April 22, 1932 his wife was taken from him by death at the age of 85. To this union eleven children were born, six of whom survive as follows: Mrs. M. J. Millsaps of Hannah, Okla: Mrs. Ella Lowder and Mrs. Pearl Beverage of Muskogee, Okla.: Mrs. G. C. Mason of Rupert, Ark. Ben L. Henley of Eufaula, Okla: and Mrs. J. H. O'Neal of Atkins with whom he was making his home.
He is also survived by a hundred or more grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
"Uncle Dave" was one of the pioneer settlers of the west part of this county and saw many hardships in his early life, but by his frugal and industrious habits he overcame many obstacles and was considered one of our most substantial and prosperous farmers.
In his death his family and the county suffer a distinct loss.
Leander West
Van Buren County Democrat, November 14, 1935Leander West
"Uncle Leander" West one of the few surviving veterans of the Civil War in Van Buren County, died at the home of his son Clarence West at Woolum, at 1:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon, November 10, following a lingering illness of cancer and other infirmaties of age. Burial was in Liberty Cemetery, near his home, Monday with Masonic honors. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. G. Kaetzell of Clinton and Rev. Arthur Jones of Copeland.
Mr. West was born in Cherokee County, North Carolina, April 24, 1846, and was 89 years, 6 months and 16 days old at the time of his death. Following the Civil War he went to Georgia and there met and married Miss Harriett Ella Evans. They came to Arkansas in the latter part of 1877, homesteading a tract of land in what is known as the Trace Ridge community, near Woolum, and where the remaining 58 years of Mr. West's life was spent. To this union nine children were born, seven of whom survive. The wife and mother passed away exactly 44 years to a day, and almost to the minute, before his death. In 1895 Mr. West was united in marriage with Mrs. Mittie Smith of Faulkner County. Two children were born of this union, one of whom survives, the other dying in infancy. Mrs. West died many years ago. In early manhood Mr. West made a profession of religion and identified himself with the M. E. church, South. He had been a sufferer of cancer of the face for about 35 years, and for the past two years, was not out of his room but he bore his suffering with patience and a christian's fortitude.
He is survived by five sons, O.L. West of Clinton, Clarence of Woolum, Ulysses West of Chickasha, Okla., Milton West of Ballenger, Texas, and Emmett West of Clinton; three daughters, Mrs. Stella Millsaps of Gracemont, Olka.; Mrs. Carrie Ingram of Lewisburg, Tenn., and Mrs. Lula Carter of Goodwell, Okla.
William Risner
Submitted by LynnLittle Rock Times, January 18, 1836
Risner, Wm, advanced age, died recently at his residence in Van Buren Co.
Mrs. Mary Hutson
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 5, 1936
Mrs. Mary Hutson
Mrs. Mary Hutson, aged 73, died at Fort Smith early Tuesday morning, March 3rd, following a week's illness of the flu. The body will be returned to Culpepper Mountain, her former home, today (Wednesday) and burial will be at 2:00 beside her husband who passed away some ten years ago.
Mrs. Hutson was a good Christian lady, having identified herself with the Baptist church many years ago. She was a kind wife an indulgent mother and a good neighbor and will be missed by her family and numerous friends.
She leaves to mourn her passing two sons, R. F. Hutson of Culpepper and Ira Hutson of Oklahoma, two daughters, Mrs. Billy Bonds of Bragg City, Mo., and Mrs. Leonard Wilson of Ft. Smith, with whom she made her home and a number of grandchildren and other relatives.
Mrs. Samantha A. Jones
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 5, 1936
Mrs. Samantha A. Jones
The death angel visited the home of Uncle Berry Jones, near Bee Branch, Saturday, February 29th, and claimed for its own his aged companion, Mrs. Samantha A. Jones. Funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church in Bee Branch Sunday by Rev. H. C. Bryant.
Mrs. Jones was born in Alabama in 1859 and came to Arkansas in early childhood. She has been a consistent member of the Church of Christ for 55 years. She was a good neighbor, a kind and loving mother and a devoted companion.
Besides her husband, who is 87 years old, she leaves several children and grand children and a host of friends, as was attested by the large crowd that came to witness the last sad rites.
Rev Bill Pearson
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 5, 1936
Rev. Pearson Dead
Rev. Bill Pearson, aged 73, died at his home near Formosa Tuesday of last week from infirmities of age, and was buried in the Union Hill cemetery Wednesday. Rev. Jim Baker conducting funeral services.
Rev. Pearson was born and reared in this county where his entire life was spent. He was an upright citizen and a true Christian gentleman, having devoted many years of his life to the teaching of the gospel as a General Baptist minister.
Besides his wife he leaves to mourn his passing three sons, Jim Pearson of England, Will Pearson of Birdtown and Jack Pearson of San Pedro, Cal; two daughters, Mrs. Rosa Chance of Bee Branch and Mrs. Minnie Simon of Marion, Ark.; one step-daughter, Mrs. Lou Gee of Portersville, Cal. 46 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Lois (Branscum) Bates
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 19, 1936
Mrs. Lois Bates Succumbs to Burns
Mrs. Lois Bates, aged 23, died at her home at hardy Thursday morning of last week from burns received five days previous when her clothing caught fire while standing in front of a heater. The remains were returned to Elba and burial was in the Plant cemetery Friday morning, services at the grave being conducted by Rev. Wade Rambo at eleven o'clock.
Mrs. Bates was making a new dress and as fitting it to herself when the draft caught the hem of the garment sucking it in the stove. Before help arrived her clothing was burned from her body.
Besides her husband she is survived by a two-year-old son, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Branscum of Elba, four sisters, Mrs. Elliott Payne of Choctaw, Mrs. Burl Simmons of Arlberg, and Misses Jo and Laverne Branscum of Elba, and one brother, Leonard Branscum of Elba. Burial was in charge of Jackson Funeral Home of Hardy.
W. T. Sterlin
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 19, 1936
W. T. Sterlin
W. T. Sterlin, aged 63, died suddenly at his home at Arlberg Saturday morning, March 14th. Burial was in the Plant cemetery Sunday afternoon following funeral services at the Plant schoolhouse in charge of Rev. Wade Rambo.
Mr. Sterlin had been in ill health for some time suffering of a heart ailment, but at the time of his death was sitting at the breakfast table. The suddenness of his passing was indeed a shock to his family and many friends.
Mr. Sterlin was a good citizen, and was though badly crippled, was ever ready to help his fellowman and to do his part towards the up building of his community and county. He followed farming as a means of livelihood practically all his life.
Besides his wife he is survived by nine children.
Mrs. Josie York Pate
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 26, 1936
Mrs. W. S. Pate
Mrs. Josie Pate, wife of W. S. Pate, passed away at her home here in Clinton at 1:30 o'clock Saturday morning, March 21, 1936 following a stroke of apoplexy at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning, from which she never rallied. Impressive funeral services were conducted at the local Methodist church by her pastor, Rev. E. G. Kaetzel, at 3 o'clock that afternoon and burial was in the Clinton cemetery in charge of Pence & Son of Conway.
Mrs. Pate, nee York, was born at Clinton, where her entire life was spent, Nov. 7th. 1869, and was 66 years, 4 months and 14 days old at the time of her death. In early womanhood she engaged in the teaching profession and was a most talented musician, devoting many years of her life in instructing others in the art she love so well.
On October 15, 1892, she was united in marriage with W. S. Pate, the ceremony being read by Captain J. H. Fraser in the church which stood at the foot of the hill. To this union seven children were born, six of whom-four boys and two girls-with the husband and father, survive, as follows: Jim, Bruce, Tom and John Pate, and Sallie, now Mrs. Claude Whillock, and Nell, now Mrs. Virgil Lefler, all of Clinton.
Mrs. Pate was a quiet, unassuming woman, and everyone who knew her loved her, and was a splendid mother and wife and spent her life in useful work. Living the life she did, she prepared herself for that life beyond the veil, where death has no terrors and where all other earthly worries and cares are forgotten.
Her death has brought deep sorrow to the immediate family, to her dear relatives and has cast a gloom of deep mourning over all her personal friendships and attractions. Surviving in addition to the immediate family, are a sister, Mrs. Mary Jane Hatchett of Alvord, Texas; seven grandchildren, Mrs. Eileen Shannon, Roy Gene, James and Finton Pate, Dickie Lefler, Ruth and John Bruce Pate; an aunt, Mrs. Maggie Wilson of Heber Springs; and a great aunt, Mrs. Sarah Hatchett of Ada, Okla.
Mrs. Jane Pearson
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 26, 1936
Mrs. Jane Pearson
Mrs. Jane Williams Pearson was born June 10, 1862, and departed this life at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 21, aged 73 years, 9 months and 11 days. Interment was in the Union Hill cemetery, near her home at Formosa Sunday afternoon following impressive funeral services by Rev. Pearce of Conway.
Mrs. Pearson, whose death followed an attack of pneumonia, had been a consistent member of the General Baptist church for many years, and her life was one of self-sacrifice for her family and friends. She was the widow of the late Rev. W. E. Pearson who preceded her in death by only eighteen days.
She is survived by two sons, W. K. Pearson of Birdtown and Jack Pearson of San Pedro, Cal.; three daughters, Mrs. Rosa Chance of Bee Branch, Mrs. Minnie Simon of Marion, Ark., and Mrs. Lou Smith Gee of Portersville, Cal.; fifty grandchildren and nineteen great grandchildren.
Mrs. Amanda Smith
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 26, 1936
Mrs. Amanda Smith
Mrs. Amanda Smith, aged 79, beloved wife of Rev. D. H. Smith, died suddenly at her home in Pee Dee Community, three miles east of Clinton, at nine o'clock Thursday night, March 19th, 1936. Interment was the Weaver creek Cemetery Saturday morning, funeral services being conducted by Rev. Claude Jenkins of Formosa.
Mrs. Smith had been in ill health for some time suffering of heart trouble and other ailments. Shortly after retiring for the night she told her husband she felt a smothering spell coming on and believed she would set up awhile, expiring within a few minutes after getting out of bed.
Mrs. Smith was a good Christian lady, a devoted wife and mother and was loved and respected by all who knew her besides her companion she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Tom Ward, of the Pee Dee community, and two granddaughters, and a host of friends and other relatives.
John L. Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 11, 1936
J. L. Bost
John L. Bost well known citizen of the Liberty Springs community died at his ome Sunday afternoon, May 31, following a long illness, aged 77 years. Burial was in the Liberty Springs Cemetery Monday afternoon with Reid's Funeral Home of Morrilton in charge of arrangements. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Noggles of Scotland assisted by Rev. Claud Jenkins of Formosa.
Mr. Bost was a good citizen highly respected by all who knew him, and in his passing the county and community has lost a good friend. He is survived by his wife, one son, Kenimer, at home, and five daughters, Miss Letha of the home, Mrs. Alvin Campbell and Mrs. Jess Kincannon of Scotland, Mrs. Kirk Acton of Oklahoma, and Mrs. G.G. Acton of Brickeys, Ark.
John W Winningham
Submitted by Donnie PickardThe Elma Chronicle, December 10, 1936
Elma, Washington
John Winningham Taken by Death
Schafer Bros. Blacksmith Dies Monday
Last rites were held from the Whiteside chapel here Wednesday afternoon for John W. Winningham of Satsop, for many years a blacksmith employed by Schafer Bros., whose death occurred Monday, caused by a tooth infection. Rev. A. B. Baird, former pastor of Calvary Baptist church, officiated, and interment was in the Masonic cemetery.
Mr. Winningham was born at Bee Branch, Ark., December 11, 1872, and had been a resident of the Satsop district for the past 17 years, where he leaves a number of relatives and a host of friends.
Surviving are his wife, Mary Elizabeth: two sons, Arlie and Charles; two daughters, Mrs. H. Barrett and Mrs. L. L. McIntyre; six grandchildren and one great grandchild, and three brothers and two sisters residing in the East.
Aunt Bettie Suggs McCaslin
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 17, 1937
Mrs. Bettie McCaslin
Mrs. Bettie McCaslin died at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Porter O'Neal, in Seminole, Okla., June 7, 1937. For the past three years Aunt Bettie, as she was known to her friends, had been living with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. an Mrs. Ed Eubanks, at Pierce, Okla. On Sunday, June 6, Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal went to Pierce and accompanied their grandmother and her daughter, Mrs. Mollie Blue who was visiting there, to their home at Seminole. Late Sunday evening, after the family had had their super, Aunt Bettie suffered a paralytic stroke and died at 6 a.m. Monday morning.
Mrs. McCaslin was born in Mississippi Aug. 10, 1851,and was 85 years, 9 months and 27 days old at the time of her death.
She was twice married, the first marriage being solemnized in Mississippi to Thomas H. Suggs in 1869. They moved to Arkansas in 1871. To their union three children were born, Lonnie Suggs of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Willie Suggs and Mrs. Rosa Stroud, deceased. Mr. Suggs died in 1879.
In 1882 she was married to J. C. McCaslin of Scotland who died in 1928. To their union five children were born, three of whom survive of Pierce, Okla., and Mrs. John Stroud of Scotland. She also reared two grandchildren, Verna McCaslin, now Mrs. Porter McNeal, and Virgil McCaslin of Seminole, Okla., whose parents died when they were small.
Aunt Bettie professed faith in Christ in her youth and united with the Missionary Baptist Church at the age of 16. She was the last charter member of the old Antioch Baptist Church from which Scotland Missionary Baptist Church was formed.
She was a good Christian mother and neighbor and during her active life was a great church worker. To the children and grandchildren we would say: Weep not for her as one having no hope for her life before you was one worthy to follow and she is now marching on the beautiful plains of glory singing the song of the redeemed.
She was laid to rest in the Old Liberty Cemetery Wednesday, June 9,amid a concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Services were conducted by Elder Claud Jenkins of Clinton with a very beautiful tribute to mothers.
Mrs. Stella Mae Bradley Griggs
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 19, 1937
Mrs. J. F. Griggs
Mrs. Stella Mae Griggs, beloved wife of J. F. Griggs Sr., died at her home in the Walnut Grove community at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, August 15, following an illness of several weeks caused from gall bladder trouble and complications. Interment was in the Walnut Grove Cemetery Monday morning, services being conducted by her pastor, Rev. Noggles of Scotland. Burial was in charge of Coffman's Funeral Home of Clinton.
Mrs. Griggs was born and reared in this immediate vicinity. She was the daughter of the late John T. Bradley and Mattie Ruff Bradley, and was 59 years, 11 months and 14 days old at the time of her death.
In early womanhood she was married to J. F. Griggs and to them four children were born, one son and three daughters, as follows: Everett Griggs of Walnut Grove; Myrtle, now Mrs. Garland Horton, of Green Forest; Mattie, now Mrs. Lester Chandler of Walnut Grove, and Eula, now Mrs. Dolphus Love of the Craig community, near Scotland.
Mrs. Griggs was a true and devoted wife, a kind and loving mother, a good neighbor and a consecrated Christian lady. She had been a member of the Methodist church for many years. She had been in ill health for two years or more, but was bedfast eight weeks. All that skilled physicians and loving care by her family and friends was done for her, but the Master saw fit to call her to her bright reward.
Besides the grief stricken husband and children she leaves to mourn her passing several grandchildren and two brothers, S. H. Bradley, of Okemah, Okla., and Jim Bradley of Walnut Grove, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their deed sorrow.
Mrs. Martha E. Newton
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 19, 1937
Mrs. Martha E. Newton died at her home in the Pine Mountain community Monday night. She was the widow of William Newton. Surviving are three sons, W. T., Felix, and R. L. Newton; a daughter, Mrs. Arkie Hurst; a sister Mrs. Lue Newton and a brother, Starkey Freeman.
Mrs. Emma (Parrish) Speights
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Thurs., 02 Sep 1937
Obituary - Mrs. H.W. Speights
Mrs. Emma Speights, aged 64, died at 8 a.m. today at her home, 123 Locust Avenue. She was the wife of H. W. Speights. Mrs. Speights was born in Van Buren County, March 14, 1873, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Parrish. She had lived in Conway eight years. Surviving her besides her husband are three sons, William, James, and Ernest Speights, all of Conway; three sister, Mrs. Birdie Pennington of Morganton, Mrs. Frankie Cossey of Little Rock, and Mrs. Ruby Thomas of Conway; a brother, Robert Parrish of Jacksonville, Ark. Funeral services will be held at the Pine Mountain Chapel, near Bee Branch, tomorrow at 2 pm. in charge of Rev. Wesley Wood and Rev. Joe Pearce, and interment will be made in Pine Mountain Cemetery in charge of J.A. Pence & Son.
A. J. Pendley
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Mon., 27 Dec 1937
A.J. Pendley
A.J. Pendley, aged 85, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tom Leslie, at Damascus Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pendley had suffered from an attack of paralysis for three years. He was born in Ill., but came in childhood with his parents to Van Buren County, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was born February 13, 1852. Mr. Pendley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Lucy Underwood, both of Damascus, and a son, Tommie Pendley, also of Damascus. Funeral services in charge of Rev. Fred Short were conducted this afternoon and interment made in Spires Cemetery, near Damascus, in charge of J.A. Pence & Son.
Miles Melvin Mahan
Submitted by Rusty HailApr 1938
Miles Melvin Mahan was born Mar 25 1879 in Center Ridge, Arkansas, Conway County. He died Apr 19 1938 in Bee Branch, Van Buren, Arkansas.
Dora Anne Shipley Eades
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 8, 1938
Mrs. W. M. Eades died at her home north of Plumerville Thursday night of last week. Burial was at Formosa, her former home Friday, services being conducted at 2 p.m. by Elder R. H. Johnson of Morrilton.
Mrs. Eades is survived by her husband, four sons, Sam and Tom Eades of Formosa, C.E. of Plumerville and John of Morrilton; two daughters, Miss Lizzie of Plumerville and Miss Lula Morrow of England; two brothers, W. M. Shipley of Bragg City, Mo., and L. B Shipley of Formosa; and three sisters, Mrs. Belle Glendenning of Formosa, Mrs. Maggie Ledford of Konowa, Okla., and Mrs. Evelyn Sullivan of Phoenix, Arizona.
[Note: Dora Anne Shipley married William Meredith Eades November 10, 1901 Van Buren County, AR.]
Mrs. Ella J Guiling
Submitted by Norman GuilingWednesday, 19 Oct 1938

Mrs. Ella J Guiling, aged 80 of the Pleasant Grove community in Van Buren County, died Tuesday at 4 p. m. in a Morrilton hospital. she was born in Indiana April 1, 1858 and had lived in Van Buren County for 55 years. Surviving her are four sons, A E Guiling of Shamrock, Tex, A Guiling of Lilborn, Mo, D E Guiling of Newcastle, Ind, and G M Guiling of Morrilton, and three daughters, Mrs Nellie Burns of Little Rock, Mrs Florence Bolding of Earle, Ark, and Mrs Pearl Graham of Tujunga, Calif. ...
Mrs. E. Mont Cullum
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Thurs., 30 Mar 1939
--from Monday's Daily
Mrs. Bretta L. Cullum, aged 47, died Saturday at her home near Bee Branch. She was the wife of E. Mont Collum. Mrs. Collum was born in Van Buren County January 26, 1892. She is survived by her husband, two sons, Ralph and Elmer Collum, both of Bee Branch; two sisters, Miss Minnie Porter of Higdon and Mrs. James Ingram of England; two half-sisters, Mrs. Delmar Carr and Mrs. Hazel Treadway; two brothers, Jewell and Altas Porter; three half-brothers, Mitchell, Luster, and Ray Porter, and her step-mother, Mrs. Mary Porter, all of Higdon. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon by Rev. Carroll Cannon of Searcy and burial made in Quattlebaum Cemetery in charge of J.A. Pence & Son.
James Lester Blackwell
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Thursday, 03 Aug 1939
James Lester Blackwell
James Lester Blackwell, aged 31, former WPA project foreman, died at his home yesterday after an illness of three months. Mr. Blackwell was born September 30, 1907, in this county and was married in Van Buren County, February 07, 1936. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eula Blackwell; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Blackwell, and two sisters, Mrs. Rupert Arthur and Mrs. Jeff Holloway, all of Wooster. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W.T. Hays this afternoon and interment made in Macedonia Cemetery by Doolin's Funeral Home.
Miss Norma Ruth Rogers
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Thurs., 25 Jan 1940, from Monday's Daily
Miss Norma Ruth Rogers, aged 18, senior in the vocational high school at Clinton, died at the Memorial hospital here shortly after noon today, from an attack of pneumonia from which she had been suffering a month. Miss Rogers was removed to the hospital yesterday. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rogers of Choctaw, and a niece of Opie Rogers, well known Clinton attorney. Besides her parents she is survived by a sister in Oklahoma and three brothers, Doyle, Clell, and Bobbie Rogers, all of Choctaw, near Clinton.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Clabe Berry
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 7, 1940
Mr. Clabe Berry
Mr. Clabe Berry was born November 9, 1894, and died February 22, 1940, at four o'clock p. m. He was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Pratt September 26, 1920.
He is survived by is wife, one daughter, Miss Essie, one brother, Sam Berry of Morrilton, one sister, Mrs. Harrison Gibby of Scotland and his mother-in-law.
Mr. Berry was a world war soldier. He spent 18 months over seas as a machine gunnist. He was always kind and cheerful and the death angel's visit saddened the community as well as his family. He was always ready to help his neighbors. The nights were never too dark for him to get a doctor for someone or take them to the hospital, always a friend to anyone in need.
Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon by Rev. Harris of Russellville. He was laid to rest in the Pleasant Grove cemetery, two miles south of Scotland.
"He is gone, but not forgotten,
Never will his memory fade.
Sweetest thoughts will ever linger
Around the grave where he is laid."
Huse C. Graddy
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 16, 1940
Huse C. Graddy
Mr. Huse C. Graddy, aged 68 years and 11 months, died at his home in Clinton Sunday morning, terminating an illness of two years or more, and eleven months of which he was confined to his bed. Interment took place at the Colony cemetery near Morganton Monday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. W. W. Harper of Conway.
On April 5, 1891 Mr. Graddy was united in marriage to Miss Susie Parish, daughter of Uncle Daniel Parish, a pioneer settler of Davis Township. To their union six children were born, two boys dying in infancy. With the widow three sons and one daughter survive, namely Irvin, Buford and Freeman of Clinton, and Ethel, now Mrs. Jack Dobbins of Mississippi. Eight grandchildren also survive.
Mr. and Mrs. Graddy with their children moved to Clinton from Morganton in 1910. Previous to that time Mr. Graddy had been engaged in farming and followed that occupation for a few years after coming to Clinton, but soon gave it up to engage in the carpenter business. He made a profession of religion early in live, identifying himself with the Church of Christ, living a devout life to the end.
He was a peaceable law abiding citizen, uncompromising with __?_ or wrong, doing of industrious habits and was honored and respected by all who knew him.
Miss Susie Lindsey
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, August 16, 1940
Miss Susie Lindsey
Miss Susie Lindsey, 79, died at the home of her niece, Mrs. R. B. Lefler here in Clinton, early Saturday morning Aug. 10, 1940, following an illness of several weeks due to the infirmities of her advanced years. She was born at Aberden, Miss., Feb. 22, 1861, the daughter of John and Betony Lindsey, who settled at Scotland, Van Buren County, in 1866.
Following the death of her parents Miss Lindsey continued to make her home at Scotland until 1923 when she came to Clinton to make her home with her niece, Mrs. Lefler. She made a profession of religion in very early life, associating herself with the Baptist Church. Her entire was in keeping with the faith she professed.
Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Claud Jenkins, Baptist minister, assisted by Rev. Lester Weaver pastor Clinton M. E. Church. Interment took place at Pleasant Grove Cemetery, near Scotland Sunday afternoon in the presence of many sorrowing friends and relatives. This was a good woman and those who knew her best have no doubt that she will reap the reward her life so richly deserved.
George E. Shipp
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 13, 1940
George E. Shipp, 71, died at his home four miles west of Formosa Sunday afternoon Sept. 1, 1940, the result of paralysis from which he has suffered since 1937. Funeral services, in charge of Shinn and son of Russellville, were conducted by Rev. Claud Jenkins of Leslie. Interment was had at the Foster Cemetery, one mile east of Scotland.
Mr. Shipp was born in Van Buren County Feb. 2, 1869. On Feb. 8, 1891 he was united in marriage to Miss Roxie Owens, near Cleveland, Conway County. Of their union eleven children were born, six of who survive: Mrs. Maude Woolverton, Shawnee, Okla., Blake Shipp, Formosa, Andy Shipp, Scotland, Mrs. Jess Kirk, Scotland, Crosby Shipp, Clinton, and Bessie Shipp, Formosa.
Besides his widow and children mentioned Mr. Shipp is survived by six grandchildren, one brother, Henson Shipp of Formosa, and one sister, Mrs. Ellen Shipp of Bragg City, Mo. He had been a member of the Church of Christ since 1903.
Mrs. Alice Jacobs Griggs
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 7, 1941
Mrs. Alice Griggs
Mrs. Alice Griggs, 82, widow of the late W.C. Griggs, living eight miles west of Clinton, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Patton, at Russellville Monday, March 3. Interment took place at the Walnut Grove cemetery, 7 miles west of Clinton, Tuesday morning, following funeral services by the Rev. J.K. Lack of Leslie.
Mrs. Griggs was born at Huntington, Tenn., January 7, 1859, and came to this state and county with her parents, John and Nancy Jacobs, at a very early day. On December 30, 1875 she was united in marriage to W. C. Griggs, whose death occurred quiet a number of years since.
Mrs. Griggs was the mother of eleven children, six of whom survive as follows: Harvey and Lonnie Griggs of Walnut Grove, Mrs. C. M. Horton of Clinton, __ ___ W. A. Patton of Binger, Okla. In early life she made a profession of religion and lived true to the faith she professed, being a member of the Assembly of God church at the time of her death.
Van Buren County Democrat, March 14, 1941
In our report of the death of Mrs. Alice Griggs last week we stated six children survive, but due to typographical error we omitted the names of Mrs. Leer Kemp of Russellville and Mrs. C. A. Patton of Binger, Okla. The address of Mrs. W. A. Patton of Russellville was given as Binger, Okla.
Florence Givens
Submitted by Beverly BerryThe Van Buren County Democrat, Friday, July 18, 1941
Mrs. Florence Givens who made her home with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Jones of Scotland, died suddenly and seemingly without pain while eating dinner Thursday, July 17. She had been a sufferer of heart trouble for several years, yet her death was a shock since she seemed to be improving. She was born near Caledonia, Mississippi on June 22, 1972, and was 69 years and 25 days old. She came to Arkansas with her parents when about 10 years of age and has lived here in or near this community since, with the exception of a few years spent in Oklahoma. She leaves two sons to mourn her death, Oscar of Gracemont, Okla. and Marvin of Pocassett, Okla. She is also survived by 5 grandchildren and five nieces and nephews as follows: Mrs. W.T. White and Mrs. John Riley, Armstead and Gamble Stanley, of Saltillo, Miss., Mrs. Eula Belle Boren of Boston, Ga., Mrs. Frances Berry of Scotland, Mrs. Tishia Lowe of Formosa, George and Exam Egger of Cleveland, Wes Egger of Bixby, Oklahoma, and Ed Egger of Bigelow, Ark. Mrs. Givens made a profession of religion in early life. She was a Christian woman and a good neighbor, always ready and willing to help those in need. She will be sadly missed by her relatives and friends. She was laid to rest at the Foster Cemetery, Saturday, July 19, amid a sorrowing group of relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted by, Eld. S.S. Patton, burial in charge of, Reid's Funeral Home.
[Obiturary-Florence Givens--1872-1941 of Van Buren County, Arkansas.]
Mrs. Mary Ann Berry
Submitted by Beverly Berry1941 Newspaper Obituary
Mrs. Mary Ann Berry was born June 14, 1861, and died September 9, 1941, making her 80 years old. She is survived by her four sons, Scott, Richard and Almer Berry, all of Scotland, and Lennie Berry of Grant City, Ill., also 22 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
She had been failing in health for several years, but seemed to be as well as usual when she had a stroke about nine o'clock Saturday night. She only spoke a few words before she closed her eyes seemingly in sleep and remained the same, never moving again until her death about four o'clock Tuesday evening.
"Aunt Sis," as she was called, will be sadly missed by her relatives and friends. We all miss her as we pass her home and fail to see that silver haired mother sitting in her rocking chair.
She was laid to rest in the Low Gap cemetery, Wednesday of last week at two o'clock. Funeral services were conducted by Mrs. Oma Bryant and burial was in charge of Coffman funeral home.
Miss Chloe Gardner.
Walter N. Bingham
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 19, 1941
Walter N. Bingham Dies at Nashville, Tenn.
Vernon Maddox received a telegram Tuesday morning announcing the death at 10 o'clock the evening before at Nashville, Tenn., hospital of Walter N. Bingham, a well known former principal of the Clinton grade school. Mr. Bingham had been a patient at the hospital for several months, suffering of a heart ailment. He was at the head of Clinton's educational affairs at two different periods, his last period being from 1920 to 1923. He was not only an outstanding educator but was a high-minded Christian gentleman. His family have the profound sympathy of many friends here.
Nancy E. (Stephens) Towery
Submitted by Sandra NicholsVan Buren County Democrat, 19 Dec 1941
Mrs. Nancy E. Towery
Mrs. Nancy E. Towery, widow of J. H. Towery, died at her home in Shirley at 7:30 Saturday evening December 13, 1941, following an illness of two weeks of pneumonia. Interment took place at the Eglantine Cemetery Sunday afternoon services being conducted by Elder H. W. Robertson. Mrs. Towery, whose maiden name was Stephens was born at Eglantine, August 12, 1856. In 1873 she was united in marriage to J. H. Towery, his death occuring February 11, 1925. To their union 12 children were born, five of whom survive as follows: George, J.R., Blake, Bretta, now Mrs. King Bradford, and Bramlet, now Mrs. T. H. Bradford all of Shirley. Thirty-two grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild also survive. Mrs. Towery's parents died in her infancy or when she was a very small child and she was reared by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Riley Bradford, pioneer settlers of the Eglantine community. In 1884 she made a profession of religion and united with the Church of Christ, being a consistent member to the time of her death. As a wife and mother, friend and neighbor she was true and faithful to all duties and responsibilities of life.
[Joshua Hollett Towery and Nancy Elizabeth Stephens Towery were my paternal great grandparents.]
Mrs. Jane Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, June 19, 1942
Mrs. Jane Bost
Mrs. Jane Bost passed away at her home in the Liberty Springs Friday June 12, aged 77 years, 3 months and 5 days, following a lingering illness. She was united in marriage to George W. Bost 51 years ago and he passed away 30 years ago since. She made a profession of faith in Christ about 40 years ago. Mrs. Bost was the mother of 9 children, 7 of whom survive, as follows: Martin, Noah, Mrs. Amanda Egger and Mrs. Ann Reid all of Cleveland, Mrs. Susie Thompson of Jerusalem, John Allen and Jess Bost of Little Rock. Twenty-three grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren also survive.
Smith Infant
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, November 6, 1942
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith was laid to rest in the Dennard Cemetery Friday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. B. Davenport of Clinton with Coffman Funeral Nome in charge of burial.
Mrs. Sarah A. Conway
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Fri., 18 Dec 1942
Mrs. Sarah A. Conway Dies at Southside
Mrs. Sarah Ann Conway, aged 70, native and lifelong resident of south Van Buren County, died at 4:50 Thursday afternoon at her home in the Southside community. Mrs. Conway was the widow of the late M.C. Conway, who died May 14, 1941. She was born at Bee Branch September 16, 1872. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving are her three daughters, Mrs. Bessie Blythe of Ashing, Okla., Mrs. Estell Knopp of Damascus, and Mrs. Maggie Parrish of Searcy; one son, Otis Conway of Damascus; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Pine Mountain Cemetery at 11 a.m. Saturday by Rev. Carroll Christian of Damascus. Interment will be in charge of J.A. Pence & Son.
Mrs. Nancy Odom
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Thurs., 28 Jan 1943
Van Buren County Woman, Mother Of 11 Children, Dies
Mrs. Nancy Odom, 73, wife of J.D. Odom, died at her home in the Pine Mountain community, near Clinton last night. Mrs. Odom suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday. She was a native of Indiana. Besides her husband Mrs. Odom is survived by five sons, Arlie, Seab, and Walter of Damascus; Garland of Detroit, Mich., and Arthur Odom of Damascus; six daughters, Mrs. Lula Farish, Mrs. Tennie Johnson and Mrs. Vesta Wood of Damascus, Mrs. Flora Linn, Mrs. Cora Johnson, and Mrs. Ella Baker of Bee Branch; a brother, Stewart Sandage of Formosa, 32 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Pine Mountain at 2 p.m. today and burial was in Pine Mountain cemetery in charge of Pence's Funeral Home.
Mrs. Martha Jane Holmes
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Fri., 21 May 1943
Mrs. Edward Holmes Succumbs At Naylor
Mrs. Martha Jane Holmes, 58, [wife] of Edward Holmes, died at her home in the Naylor Community, near Mount Vernon, last night. Mrs. Holmes had been ill three years. She was born at Morganton, Van Buren County, January 22, 1885, and had lived at Naylor 16 years. She was a Baptist. Other survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Bertha Dempsey of near Conway, Mrs. Rosa Carmichael and Miss Lottie Holmes of near Vilonia; and three sisters, Mrs. Sallie Walker and Mrs. Amanda Cook of Heber Springs, and Mrs. Dora McClaren of Lake Providence, La. Funeral services were conducted at Marcus Hill Cemetery at 3 p.m. today by Rev. J.H. Lane and burial was in charge of Doolin's Funeral Home.
Martha Jane McAlister Bost
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, January 28, 1944
Mrs. Martha Jane Bost, widow of the late Caleb Bost, died at the home of her son, Aaron, in Texas, last week. The body was sent back for burial in the Pleasant Grove cemetery Sunday afternoon.
[Note: Martha Jane (McAlister) Bost died January 21, 1944 at White Oak, Gregg County, Texas.]
Mrs. Henry Crowell
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, July 28, 1944
Walnut Grove, Arkansas
Mrs. Henry Crowell died at Saint Vincent's Hospital, Little Rock, Sunday afternoon, July 23, 1944, age 65 years. Interment took place in the cemetery at Clinton Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Lack of Leslie conducting the services. Mrs. Crowell was born and spent her entire life in this community. Her husband passed away Oct. 24, 1931. Four children survive. She was a good neighbor and a consistent Christian lady.
Mrs. Emily Alabama (Lynn) Wood
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Tues., 09 Jan 1945
Mrs. J. M. Wood, 57, Dies at Her Home near Bee Branch
Mrs. Emily Alabama Wood, wife of J.M. Wood, died at 7 a.m. today at their home in Steel's Chapel community, near Bee Branch, Van Buren County, after an extended illness. Mrs. Wood was born at Bee Branch January 13, 1888, lacking but four days reaching her 57th birthday. She was a daughter of the late Richard F. and Sarah Sneed Lynn. She was married to Mr. Wood December 13, 1908. Mrs. Wood was a member of the General Baptist Church.
Surviving besides her husband are a daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Phillips of Damascus; a son, Homer Wood of Clarksville; three sisters, Mrs. Mollie Deaver of Compton, Calif., Mrs. Laura Stumon of Arkadelphia, and Mrs. Intha Leonard of Damascus; two brothers, Ed and Richard Lynn of Morganton; and five grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held in the Pine Mountain Church Wednesday at 1 p.m. by Rev. W.A. Duncan. Burial in Pine Mountain Cemetery will be in charge of the McNutt Funeral Home.
Mary Elizabeth (Yancy) Winningham
Submitted by Donnie PickardThe Elma Chronicle, April 12, 1945
Elma, Washington
Death Sunday claimed Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Winningham, well known resident of Brady and Montesano for 26 years, and memorial services were conducted from the Whiteside chapel here yesterday afternoon. Dr. A. H. Bailey pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated and interment was in the Masonic Cemetery.
Mrs. Winningham was born at Cedartown, Ga., October 6, 1871, and leaves two sons, Charles of Vancover, Wash., and Artie of Bremerton; two daughters, Mrs. May McIntyre of Montesano and Mrs. Myrtle Barrett of Brady; six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Rose McCoy of Talmadge, Ohio; Mrs. H. H. Tindle of Damascus, Ark., and Mrs. Ida Munn of Perryville, Ark.
[Note: John Winningham and Mary E. Yancy married September 10, 1891 in Van Buren County.]
Beally Dock Grissom, Jun 1945
Submitted by Denise KarrJune 9, 1945
Conway, Arkansas
B.D. Grissom - Bee Branch Farmer
B.D. Grissom, aged 69, farmer of Bee Branch, died at his home today. He was born in Kentucky but lived in Arkansas practically all his life. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Flora Zell Grissom, five sons, Earl Grissom of Camden, Addie and Sherman Grissom of Chowchilla, Ca., Dallas D. Grissom of Bee Branch and Johnnie Grissom of Conway; and five daughters, Mrs. Lena Hudson of Conway, Mrs. Ivie Holland of Dyess Colony, Mrs Esther Henderson of Shirley, Mrs Lucy Valentine of Bee Branch and Mrs. Ruby Harris of Quitman. Funeral services will be held at Fairbanks church at 2pm Sunday. Burial will be in Fairbanks cemetery.
Nancy Jane Holderfield Bradford
Submitted by Sandra NicholsVan Buren County Democrat, August 3, 1945
Clinton, Arkansas
"Aunt Nan" Bradford
"Aunt Nan" Bradford passed away at her home on Burnt Ridge, Thursday, July 26, 1945, being 85 years old. She was born to Mr.and Mrs. James M. Holderfield in Izard County in 1860. Being orphaned at the age of three, she was reared by foster parents in Missouri. At the age of nineteen she moved to Van Buren County and spent the remainder of her life here.
She was united in marriage to W.S. Bradford at the age of twenty, he preceding her in death several years. She and her husband homesteaded a farm on Burnt Ridge in 1881 and with the exception of one school term at Choctaw, she spent the remainder of her life on this farm.
Surviving her are eight children: Mrs. Lillie Huie of the home, Mrs. Ike Rhoades of Kennett, Mo., Mrs. Dan Maulden of Choctaw, Mrs. J. R. Towery, Mrs. George Hackett and Claude H. Bradford of Shirley, W.D. Bradford of Rio Vista, Calif., and J. H. Bradford of Saticoy, Calif., two sisters; Mrs. John Griggs of Clinton and Mrs. Belle Jones of Oak Ridge, Tenn.; 29 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren and 8 great-great grandchildren.
She professed faith in Christ early in life, uniting with the Church of Christ and living a true Christian life to the end. She was a faithful mother and a loyal friend to all who knew her. She will be sadly missed by all of her friends and loved ones, although we know that she is now at rest. Interment was at the Eglantine Cemetery, Friday, July 27, 1945 , by Coffman Burial Association.
Card of Thanks
Van Buren County Democrat, August 3, 1945Clinton, Arkansas
We take this method of expressing thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us in the death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Nancy Jane Bradford, who passed away Thursday, July 26, 1945, at the home.
We thank the Rev. Roy Hendrix for his comforting words, those who sang the songs requested and all others who took special part in the services, and all who sent flowers.
Always will we cherish these acts of kindness in our memory. God bless and guide every one.
Mrs. Lillie Huie and family
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Rhoades and family
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maulden and family
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Towery and family
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Bradford and family
Mr. and Mrs. George Hackett and family
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradford
[**Note: Nancy Jane Holderfield was not a true orphan. Her mother and infant brother died in Rolla, Missouri, where the family was living while her father, James Monroe Holderfield, served with the Union Army. Her husband was William Simpson Bradford who died May, 28, 1899. At his death, her children ranged in age from two to eighteen. She worked the farm, raised those eight children alone, and remained a widow. What a pioneer!]
Moses Taylor Shetley
Van Buren County Democrat, Aug. 3, 1945Clinton, Arkansas
Moses Taylor Shetley passed away at 8:02 p.m., July 24, 1945, at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Shetley 115 S. Coogah?? Street., Pryor, Okla. He was born at Dover, Pope county, Arkansas, Nov. 1, 1854, making him 90 years, 8 months, and 24 days old. His wife preceded him in death 17 years ago at Choctaw, where his body will be taken for burial in the Huie Cemetery, at two o'clock, July 26, 1945.
He leaves two sons, M.F. and W.P. Shetley of Pryor, Okla., one half brother, Charles P. McGehee of Clinton and a number of other relatives and friends in Arkansas and Oklahoma. He has been a member of the Christian Church since 1886. In his active life he was a teacher, a farmer, and a carpenter.
Mrs. Martha Selina Ward
Van Buren Democrat, August 3, 1945Clinton, Arkansas
Mrs. Martha Selina Ward, aged 89, died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Neal of near Choctaw, Thursday, July 26, 1945. Interment took place at the Huie Cemetery, Friday afternoon, funeral services being conducted by Bro. Jenkins of Clinton.
Besides the daughter mentioned, Mrs. Ward is survived by four other daughters, namely, Mrs. G. W. Brown of Enola and Mrs. M. M. Goleski, Mrs. Bert Stobaugh and Mrs. C. C. Halbrook, all of Clinton.
Mrs. Ward was born at Choctaw, January 15, 1856, the daughter of Charlie and Elizabeth Treadaway, pioneers of that community. On July 22, 1872, she was united in marriage with Minor Ward, who passed away, October 16, 1938. To their union 8 children were born, five of whom as noted survived. She is also survived by 26 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Ward lived a devoted and Christian life as a member of the Christian Church from her youth up.
Mrs. Florence Murphy
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 21, 1947
The body of Mrs. Florence Murphy, accompanied by her son-in-law, Ed Crouch, arrived Tuesday of last week at the home of her brother, J. M. Nunley. Mrs. Murphy passed away March 9 in Borger, Tex., cancer being the cause of her death. She is curvived by five children, Mrs. Ed Crouch and Mrs. Harrold McKee of Borger, Mrs. Joe Peleher and Ray Murphy of Thayer, Mo., and Elvin Murphy of Shelby, Miss., 11 grand-children; eight great-grand-children; three brothers, L(?) Nunley of Clarksville, Jim Nunley of Quitman and J. M. Nunley of Dennard, all being present for the funeral. Burial was in Dennard cemetery Wednesday, with services conducted by Rev. Claude Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nunley of Clarksville visited relatives here Tuesday night and Wednesday of last week and attended the funeral of Roy's aunt, Mrs. Florence Murphy.
Mrs. Fannie Parks
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, March 21, 1947
Mrs. Fannie Parks, wife of Tip Parks, died at her home in Leslie Saturday, March 8, following a long illness. Funeral services were conducted in the Baptist church in Leslie Monday afternoon. Rev. Claude Jenkins officiating. Burial was in Dennard Cemetery. Besides her husband Mrs. Parks is survived by two sons, Floyd and Lilburn, both of Leslie, and one grandson.
Henry Calvin Lee
Submitted by Charisse FloydLog Cabin Democrat, Mon., 09 Feb 1948
Henry Calvin Lee, Martinville Farmer, Dies at Home Sunday
Henry Calvin Lee, aged 73, farmer of Martinville, died unexpectedly at his home of a heart attack at 7 o'clock last night. Mr. Lee, who had been ill two years succumbed before an ambulance reached his home to remove him to a hospital. Born at Bee Branch October 01, 1874, he lived in Van Buren and Faulkner Counties all his life. He was a Baptist. Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Elsie Smith of England, Ark., Mrs. Robert Venable, Mrs. Opal Lee Givens, and Mrs. Marvell Hardin of Pine Bluff; three sons, Alvin Lee of Martinville, Milburn, and Royce Lee of Pine Bluff; four sisters, Mrs. Lizzie French, Mrs. Ida Blackwell, and Mrs. Sarah Holland of Bee Branch, and Mrs. Dave Tipton of Perry; a brother, Jim Lee; 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Damascus Methodist Church at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and burial will be in Bee Branch Cemetery in charge of Pence's Funeral Home.
Mary Matilda Holley
Submitted by Wendy MaxeyMrs. M. M. Holley Passes Away at Home in Shirley
Mrs. Mary Matilda Holley, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Huggins, was born near the Banner school in Van Buren county, October 10, 1863. She died at the home of a son in Shirley Thursday, April 14, 1949, at the age of 85 years, six months and four days. Interment was in Shed cemetery with Olmstead funeral home in charge of funeral arrangements.
January 1, 1887, she was married to George Holley, and to their union three sons were born, all of whom survive, as follows: Ben of Shirley, Leroy of Heber Springs and Elzie of Lomita, Calif. One brother, Vincent Huggins of Shirley, nine grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. A. Duncan at 1 p. m. Friday, April 15. Mrs. Howard Johnson was in charge of the singing.
Mrs. Holley was converted at an early age and joined the Presbyterian church, but, following her marriage, she united with a General Baptist church and was a faithful member for nearly 50 years. Following the death of her husband she made her home with her son in Shirley but visited extensively with the other two sons. All three of her sons were with her constantly during her last illness. The pages of Mrs. Holley's life reveal a beautiful story -- one of Christianity, thoughtfulness and kindness for others and love of God and her fellow man.
[Note: This was taken from the original newspaper clipping, which Wynona (Garrett) Maxey has, great-great granddaughter of Mary Matilda Holley.]
Curtis G. Connett
Submitted by Richard SessionsCurtis G. Connett
Son of I.M. and Rebecca Hand Connett was born near Robison, Illinois in the year 1872 May 17.
Departed this life, May 4th 1949 at 1:30 p.m. at the age of 75 years, 11 months, 17 days.
He was married to Caroline Scroggins in the year 1894.
To this union was born 10 children. His wife and three children proceeded him in death.
He leaves to mourn his passing, four daughters and three sons. Mrs. Essie Shafer, Terre Haute, Indiana, Mrs. Mabel Sessions, Rumley, Arkansas, Mrs. Alvetta Clark, Little Rock, Arkansas, Mrs. Mary Looney, Scottland, Arkansas. Sons, Archie Connett, Campbell, Arkansas, Rev. Owen Connett, Kellyville, Oklahoma, Chester Connett, Leslie, Arkansas. Three brothers and three sisters, H.C. Connett, Dennard, Arkansas, D.W. Connett, Indianapolis, Indiana, I.M. Connett, Laport Indiana. Edna Smith, Robison, Illinois, Elinor York, Fort Worth, Texas, Janie Dennis, Robison, Illinois. 18 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends.
He was a member of the Masonic Lodge.
Mrs. Mary C. Parks
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, December 21, 1949
Mrs. Mary C. Parks
Mrs. Mary Parks, mentioned of whose death was made by our Dennard correspondent last week, was born October 31, 1873, the result of a stroke received November 9. Mrs. Parks was united in marriage to W. H. Parks February 6, 1891, who passed way November 6, 1935. To their union four children were born. The eldest child died in infancy. Surviving are Willie and Mrs. Olen McCormac, both of Dennard. A fourth child, Nettie, passed away at the age of 14. Mrs. Parks is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Nunley of Dennard and Mrs. Susie Dyer of Talihina, Okla., and one brother, A. C. Smith of Dennard. K Sixteen grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren also survive.
Thomas Francis Maxwell
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, February 2, 1950
Thomas Francis Maxwell, 72, died at home in Morrilton, Tuesday January 30, 1950, at 5:10 p.m. He was born in Clinton, Ark., December 8, 1878, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maxwell. He was a retired farmer. Mr. Maxwell is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nan Maxwell; three daughters, Mrs. Garner Beavers, and Mrs. Coy Ward of Clinton, Mrs. Simms Suggs of Hobbs, N.M.; a son Willie Maxwell, Clinton; four step-daughters, Mrs. Edna Kissire, Mrs. Clifton Jones, Mrs. A. L. Williams, of Morrilton, Mrs. Ralph Cortijo, of Fairfield, California; step-son, Willis Scott, of Vallejo, California; brother, Sam Brown of Greenwood, Ark.; 14 grandchildren; 9 great grandchildren.
The funeral was held Thursday, February 1, 1950, 10:00 a.m., at the First Baptist Church, Clinton, Ark. Burial in the Clinton Cemetery.
James Eades
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, September 22, 1950
James Eades, 83, was born in Van Buren County Oct. 9, 1866 and died September 11, 1950.
He married Susie McEuin and two children were born to this union, Lizzy Neal and James Irven, the later survives. Also surviving the deceased are 16 grandchildren.
Eades was a member of the Formosa Church of Christ. Conducting the burial services was Roy Henderson of Newark, Ark.
Andrew Jackson Westerman
Submitted by Donnie PickardVan Buren County Democrat, December 8, 1950
Andy Westerman, aged 58, died suddenly at his home six miles north of town Sunday. He was sitting in a chair talking to a neighbor and fell over and died. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lindy Westerman and five children. Two sons, Steve and Scott Westerman live in California. Plans for the funeral are awaiting their arrival. Mr. Westerman will be buried in Culpepper cemetery.
December 8, 1950
We wish to extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones of Dave Westerman, who died at his home in Formosa Sunday.
December 15, 1950
Andrew Jackson Westerman, son of James Wesley Westerman, deceased and Mary E. Parks Westerman, was born at Choctaw September 9, 1890 and passed away at his home at Formosa, December 3, 1950, at the age of 60 years, two months and twenty-four days.
He married May 25, 1912 to Lindy Huddleston at Formosa. To this union five children were born. He is survived by his wife and three sons, William of Formosa, Steve of Farmersville, Calif., and Scott of Grover City, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Imolee Williams of Halcomb, Mo., and Miss Adaleen Westerman of Formosa. He is survived by his mother, Mary E. Westerman and two brothers, Ollie and John, both of Formosa.
Funeral services were held December 6, at their home at Formosa with Rev. S. O. Jones of Clinton in charge of the services. Burial was at Culpepper Mountain by North Arkansas Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were, Bill Huddleston and Columbus Mackey.