Page 2                                             FAYETTEVILLE (ARK.) DEMOCRAT                         Tuesday, July 3,  1928



          Fayetteville Democrat
              L.S. Read, Managing Editor
             J.D. Hurst, Business Manager
Entered at the Postoffice at Fayetteville,
Ark., as Second-Class Mail matter
      Published daily by the Democrat
             Publishing Company,
             28 East Center Street.
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to use for republication of all
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otherwise credited, in this paper, and
also to the local news published herein.
News Services-Associated Press. New
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services; personal correspondents over
the county.
The Democrat is the only paper in Wash-
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By carrier-50 cents a month; in advance,
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$1.25 three months; 50 cents month,
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News and Advertising.................244
Job Printing.................................163
            ----------------------------------------                 CENTENNIAL YEAR

Washington County!
The Ozarks of the early Indians, the goal of the century old pioneer, of modern America, Land of a Million Smiles!
To the all roads lead.
Land of poetry and promise,
romance and history, to whose
treasures the Old National Road
of history traversing this section,
was the key.
Hear again ye, this:
     Vision of a Pioneer
  "When Arkansas shall have put
aside politics and rises to the
majesty of a great State, creating
highways of indomiable purpose
and power, the oldest of national
highways that traverses Fayetteville and the lovely Ozarks-the Great National Road-over which travelled most of picturesque people of early America going West-will be made 100 feet wide of the best macadam clear across the State from the monumental landmark, Hix's Ferry, to that other monumental landmark, the town of Fulton.
  "All the way from here to there,
barbarous and half-civilized tribes camped and danced their harvest, their peace and their war dances.
  "Here tradition pointed out the spot
where the savages first clashed with
first whites who dared to cross the line.
  "I trust that sometime in the future
someone will build this road; that
someone will record properly early
Arkansas and Fayetteville history,
genius, romance, history and poetry
of which there are so much of mar-
velous worth and interest."
  So wrote Robert Graham, pioneer
Fayetteville educator.
  Will we keep the faith? We are
now building our Jefferson highway.
We are now endeavoring feebly to
recall and record our brilliant history.
May an abler pen take up the work
which is only just now started.
           A Dedication
To Robert Graham, pioneer educa-
tor of Fayetteville, founder of the Christian Church in this section and of Arkansas College; to Rev. N.M. Ragland, his biographer; to Mrs. M. A. Schoofield, Fayetteville's oldest
citizen and now in her 100th year;
to Mrs. Margaret Blakemore Taylor,
Fayetteville's oldest native-born;
to Mrs. Martha Wallace Skelton
Van Hoose who has lived in Fayette-
ville longer than any other living
citizen, her entire 82 years of life;
to Miss Sophia Sawyer, founder
of the Fayetteville Female Seminary;
to the earlier educational pioneers
who established a college here in
1836; to Fayetteville's settlers and to their descendants; to America's great whose descendants are living in Fayetteville: George Washington's brother, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Boone, Jefferson Davis and Roger Williams, and others, and to these descendants; to all first settlers pioneering everywhere and to their children, grand-children
  and great-grand-children who carry on, holding high the torch, this Centen -nial edition of the Fayetteville Daily Democrat is with gratitude dedicated.
               A BIG PART
   The Marion Chapter of the Daugh-
ters of the American Revolution has had a big part in the Fayetteville Centennial's collecting and caring for articles of historic interest and in marking a Revolutionary soldier's grave with permanent marker.
   Rare documents, some of them
priceless, old china, coverlets, samp-
lers, antique furniture and other pieces are being shown at the Centen  nial Museum, collection gathered under supervision of the D. A. R. The Mildred Lee Chapter, U. D. C. also has taken on a big work in helping assemble relics of bygone days. Don't miss seeing any of these. It has taken a hundred years to gather them. We won't be here in another 100 years. Let's make the most of our oppor- tunity today.
                  SIX WARS
   War relics of the Revolution, War
of 1812, Mexican, Civil War,Spanish -American, and World War are on
display at the Centennial Museum in
charge of the Southern Memorial
Association, under chairmanship of
Miss Sue Walker, one of the local
direct descendants of George Wash-
ington's father. These relics are
authentic and interesting. Take the
children to see them and tell the little
ones the history pertaining to each.
   Each of the "Markings Unveilings"
is to be sacred ceremony on July 5.
Each deserves a large attendance. True, hours are when business people are at work but maybe somebody can slip off from each place of busi-ness just for the unveiling hour. Much
interesting history will be recalled by
old-timers at each service. This
should be taken down for future
information. All to rapidly are Fayette
-ville pioneers passing and with them their priceless heritage of their fore- bear's adventures. Hear these "marker programs."They form a rare and interesting part of the Fayetteville three-day Centennial program.
                =====*=====     RESIDENT, BORN IN 1812
                  IN AGED "REVIEW" COPY

     The following clipping, yellowed
 with age, and giving much of Washington
county and Fayetteville early history as related by Mrs. Charlotte Fine Wilson, born in 1812, was lent the Democrat by
J. F. Rieff:

      The First Ball in Fayetteville
Capt. Thos. Brooks,
                               Editor Review:-
I have been frequently requested
by my friends to give them another
chapter on the early history of Wash-
ington County, and in order to get material for my sketch I have recently visited our old and mutual friend, Mrs. Charlotte Wilson, widow of the late Judge Thomas Wilson. You have known her for forty years, and I have known her as Aunt Charlotte for fifty-eight years, and we can safely vouch for the correctness of her statements
which I give below in her own language
Since the death of her husband, Judge Wilson, which occurred fifteen years ago, she has made her home with her son-in-law, Robert Mayes, who lives one mile northwest of Farmington in the county.
   On last Wednesday, p.m., I went
from Fayetteville to his home expressly to interview Mrs. Wilson and spent the night in his elegant home, and must be pardoned for saying that I was royally entertained by Bob and his excellent wife, and especially by that noble old pioneer mother, who has lived in Washington County sixty-nine years-longer than any other persons except Mrs. Arrington, Mrs. Combs of West Fork and Wm. Alexander, all of whom came to this county about one year before Mrs. Wilson came. Mrs. Wilson is now eighty-six years old, but could pass for a woman of 65. She is active, walks erect and does not use spectac- les except when reading. She assists her daughter in her household work, and is quite cheerful and fond of conversing with her friends. Her
maiden name was Fine. She was the
fourth child of Wm. and Catherine Fine, and was born in Giles County,
Tenn., on the 22nd of May, 1812,
came with her parents to Arkansas
Territory in 1828. They left their old
home in Tennessee on Oct. 15th, 1828, and reached West Fork of White River on the 2nd of March 1829 and settled in the woods seven miles south of Fayetteville, which then was called "Washing Court House." They were well equipped for the long jour-
ney through the wilderness. They had
one large four-horse wagon called
"Prairie Schooner," and another two-
horse wagon, and a good tent to sleep
in at night. They stopped three weeks
in Conway county, and six weeks at
Billingsly, on account of a big snow
which fell about the middle of January,
1829 and did not all melt away until
the first of March. There was not room
  in the wagons for all the family
and she walked all the way from
Giles county, Tenn., to West Fork.
She says she was happy as a lark,
and when the evening camp fire was
built she cooked supper for the family,
12 or 13 in number, and then cooked
breakfast every morning. She says her
father was a powder maker in Tennessee and had brought several gourds full to sell along the route, and seeing so many mortars and sweeps with pestle for pounding corn into meal, her mother told Mr. Fine that he would not find sale for his powder, as every squatter makes his own powder. She thought those pounding machines were to pulverize charcoal and salt petre for powder.                               She said she felt lonely for awhile
in their new home in the wild woods,
with no neighbors near and no society
for young ladies, and felt herself very
fortunate when she received a ticket
to a ball to be given by the young
gentlemen of Fayetteville on the 4th of
July, 1829. Her father and mother came to town with her on the morning of the 4th and she saw no houses between their home and Fayetteville. The dancing commenced at 2 p.m. in the new court house which was built of round logs, with puncheon floor and board roof. A splendid supper was served at Byrneside's Tavern, and each young gentleman was taxed $1.50 for supper for himself and partner. Bryant H. Smithson and young Thos. Wilson
were two of the committee of arrange-
ment. Abram Cartwright, assisted by Alx. Scott, furnished the music. They danced some square dances, but mostly the old Virginia eight-handed reels, which required no one to prompt She danced her first set with Thos. Wilson, to whom she married on the 6th of the following September, 1829. She said Bry Smithson had several
dollars in silver loose in his pocket,
and while dancing "first upon the heel
tap, then upon the toe," his silver
money would jingle, jingle, keeping
time with the music of the fiddle. They
danced until 2 o'clock in the morning,
and adjourned until next morning.
Mrs. Byrneside took her home with
her, also another girl from the country,
Miss Phoebe Standifer. She and Miss
Standifer were the only country girls
present, all the others being town girls,
eleven in all. There were seven sisters
dancing in one set at the same time.
Their names were Kingcade and Bry
Smithson afterwards married Miss
Cynthia Kingcade, one of the sisters.
One the morning of the 5th the dancing
was resumed, and kept up until about
the middle of the afternoon, when feel-ing that they had shown sufficient re- spect to the glorious 4th of July, they
separated and repaired to their respec-
tive homes, all happy and contented. The best of order prevailed, everybody was on his good behavior and the young gentlemen proved themselves to be as gallant as any she ever saw. Every few hours refreshments were handed around, which consisted of biscuits well buttered, and slices of turkey breast fried brown, which we know is good eating.
I inquired as to how the young ladies
were dressed, and she replied "All
kinds of dresses were worn." As for
herself, she wore a black silk dress
which she brought from Tennessee. The young ladies used a dry goods
store near by the court house for a
toilet room. Their head dresses looked
very pretty by the light of the tallow
candles. Their heads were ornamented
with ribbons which shone like silver.
Miss Sallie Byrneside was present,
but did not dance. Miss Sallie was
afterwards married to young Lee C.
Blakemore, and her daughter, Mrs.
Maggie Taylor, now lives in Fayetteville.
   On the 6th of Sept, 1829 she was
married to Thos. Wilson, who had built
a log cabin in the woods near where
his son, James Wilson, now lives.
They went to keeping house the day
after they were married, and she says
there were no cooking vessels of any
kind, and when she went to cook their
first breakfast, she had to cook their
bread in the ashes, making what was
called an "ash cake." There was no
furniture in the home, only a suffold
bedstead, made by setting up one post
into which auger holes were bored, into which one end of the bed rails were inserted, and the other ends inserted in holes in the logs of the house, and on those rails, or round poles, were laid rough oak boards four feet long on which was placed the strawbed. This bedstead served a double purpose, being used to sleep  on, and when the meals were ready the bedding was removed and the table cloth spread on it, which made a table to eat on. They had no knives and forks, and used a butcher knife to cut their meat, and made forks out of hard
cane. She says she took a good cry
the first meal she tried to cook, and
was very much discouraged, but her
mother and Mr. Wilson went to Cane
Hill in a few days and bought a skillet and oven, some dishes and knives and forks, and she was then happy.
She says wild game was plentiful, and they could shoot deer and turkeys from the door of their cabin, and that many
  times when she would be spinning
on the big wheel the wild turkeys
would come into the yard, walk by
the door and look in and cluck, cluck, being attracted there by the buzzing or singing of the wheel. Foxes would chase the chickens in the yard in day light, and she saw a chicken fly up in a bush to escape the fox and it climbed up after the chicken. Wolves howling around their cabin was a familiar sound, and bears would kill their hogs within 100 yards of the house.
She attended the hanging at Cane Hill in 1839, and saw the three men hanged for the murder of the Wright family. She saw Rev. Andy Buchanan climb up a ladder to where the three men were standing on the platform and heard him tell them that they had only a few minutes more to live, and asked them now to tell the truth. One declared he was innocent, but an- other man whose name was Richard-son called out to him saying: "There is no use to die with a lie in your mouth, for you know we did commit the murder." She also saw old man Burnett and his wife hanged here at Fayetteville in 1845.
    Mrs. Wilson has had ten children, four of whom are now living, viz: James Wilson, Mrs. Lotta Mayes, Mrs. Elizabeth Graham, of Wedding-ton, and Mrs. Black, now in Kansas.
   She says she often heard her husband tell of the fun he and Judge David Walker used to have in the early days when they were gay young men; that they would ride 20 miles to attend a country dance.
   Mrs. Wilson has lived an active and useful life, taught her children to re- spect honest labor and to live honest,
useful lives, and it is a great comfort to her in her extreme old age to feel assured that they have lived up to her teachings and that they love their old mother who cared for them in their early life. I sometimes fear that the younger generations fail to appreciate those noble, true hearted fathers and mothers who first penetrated the wilds of Arkansas and made so many
sacrifices for the good of those who are to take their places in life. I love to meet up with them and listen to them while they relate their early adventures in Arkansas. I hope some of your readers will find pleasure in reading his account of the first big ball in Fayetteville. She only remembers the names of a few of the young men present at the ball. They were Bryant Smithson, John Kingcade, Dave
Kingcade, Dick Dye, Tom Stevens
and Tom Wilson.
   Mrs. Wilson is a remarkably well
preserved woman of her age, and bids fair to live many years yet, and we trust she may live to see her centennial birthday.
   If I have made any misstatement in this sketch I hope that she will pardon her old friend whom she has known from his childhood.
                        ---J. H. Van Hoose.
                 =====*=====          VICIOUS BULL VICTIM

PRAIRIE GROVE, July 3.- Taking
a turn for the worse late Monday, M.F. Rollans who was gored by a bull last Wednesday, died from injuries and doublt pneumonia which resulted from having his lung pierced by broken ribs. An operation was performed in vain effort to save his life.
   Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Cumberland church at Prairie Grove, Rev. J. M. Asbell and Rev. E. M. Freyschlag, both of Fayetteville, officiating.
   Mr. Rollans was about 58 years of age. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Nora Dean Rollans; three sons, Dean, Harold, and McGill, all of Tulsa; a brother, Dee  Rollans of Westville, Okla; two sisters, Mrs. E.C. Carl of Prairie Grove and Mrs. Bob Stewart of Rogers. All had been called to his home by news of his accident. Mrs. John Oiler of Enid,  Oklahoma, a sister of Mrs. Rollans, came for the funeral.
 Mr. Rollans had been a member of
the school board and pallbearers
were selected from this group.
                     FIRST NEWSPAPER 1840

   Culminating in the Fayetteville
Democrat in 1860, Fayetteville
journalism had a birth in the
"Fayetteville Witness`' in 1840,
sprang into remarkable vigor under
editorship of the journal by the
"prince of wits" William Quesen-
bury, and grew until it now has the
names of 20 publications on its
history book.
   The Democrat was founded in
1860 by W. W. Moore. A copy
of volume 1, number 45, issued
Thursday, May 30, 1861, the
property of Miss Amanda Stone,
is on exhibition at the Democrat
office, and will be lent to the
Museum. The very first copy was
printed Thursday, June 14, 1860.

Continued on Page 2a


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