Submit your old school photos here.
Name, location and year |
Information on location, students and teachers if known |
Alex Schools | Jackman School....more later Three photos added 10/25/06 by Cornelia Andrus. Photos are suspected of Alix, but could be Denning for which we have no photos to cross reference.
I think this was taken about 1923, probably in
Alix, possibly in Denning. I can only identify one
child, my mother, Jadwiga (aka Harriet or Hedwig)
Chrostowski, daughter of Martin & Wanda (Gawrys)
Chrostowski. Jadwiga is in the second row, kneeling
behind the ros of sitting boys, in the dark blouse
with V-shaped trim.
Cornelia Andrus
Altus school 1900-1932 | These two class pictures were in my cousins old pictures and she let me copy them. Miss Ruth Phillip's Class was written on the back of one and Miss Mary Herbert's Class was written on the back of the second. | |
Barnes School Called Barnes because it was located near Barnes. | Torn photograph of a school class. The little girl to lower right of the photo with "Me" written across her chest is my maternal grandmother Mary Malinda Childers. She was born at Barnes, lived at Barnes and was married at Barnes. My grandmother was born in July of 1889 so I am guessing that the picture was taken around 1895 - 1897 trying to judge her age. Actual name of school unknown so far. | |
Branch High School
Said to be first High School in town of Branch, Arkansas. |
The first high school was built under the hill somewhere back of Leon Holland’s house around 1907. Students who attended the school were: Kate Turner, Clyde Robison, Mabel Rogers DeWitt, Jep Pendergrass, Irene Pendergrass, Bradley Turner, Beulah Hunter, Luther Hunter, Bert Hunter, Voyt Hill, Perry King, Roy Watson, Tom King, Avis Warren. (These are names reported by different people.) | |
Cass School 1906
Cass 1919 Don, |
Names: Lillie Marcum, Ollie Turner, Nora Turner, Janie Kelly, Ida Turner, Clay Turner, Willie Tomkins, Jess Turner, Tanner Childers, Lloyd Miller, Flossie McClellan, Effie Turner, Mary Childers, Annie Kelly, Bonnie Turner, Willie McIlroy, Oral McIlroy, John Curry, John Miller, Harlan McClellan, Helen McIlroy, Curtis Childers, Sam Russell, ? Norris, William McIlroy, Bill Durning, Mamie Childers, Ted Miller. | |
Childers | Mary Childers School | |
Greenwood | ||
Fairview | ||
Hyram Lydia School Photo1 Photo2 | The building later became Hyrum and Lydia College. | |
Low Gap Ozark 1949/50 | Names: Mary Ellen Lovell, Joyce Faye Atchison, Luvenia Lovell, Edna Watson, June Bankston, Ellie Cagle, Delores Keech, Naomi Cagle, Jessie Cagle, Dena Doss, Jimmy Doss, Frances Nichols, John Ed Bernard, Lorene Brison, J.W. Doss, Mildred Brison, Paul Casey, Virgie Adams, Junior Waits, Bonnie Brison, Marvin Casey, Mary Jo Bernard, Bobby Cagle, June Nichols, Charles Brison, Laverna Sheppard, Herman Watson, Ruby Adams, Donald Watson, Edith Casey, Loretta Doss, Herman Doss, Patsy Nichols, Teachers Edgar Woolsey and Ercie Woolsey, Deon Belt, Velma Waits, Billy Waits, Rila Keech, Curley Bankston, Wanda Waits, ? Stacy. | |
Maple Grove School
South of Ozark |
List of a hundred pupils and their Teacher Years 1923, 1924, 1928, 1930, grades 1st through 7th. | |
Springs 1914
Gene McIlroy, Dec. 2002 |
Mineral Spring School just south of
Pittston Junction on Pink Twist Road. The water for the school was
obtained from Mineral Spring, just East of the school. The foundation
can still be seen if you look closely enough for it on the left side of
the road heading north. Norman Powell said that the teacher, Jonah
Yates later became a prominent attorney in Ozark. Jonah Yates is the
gentleman in the white Teacher Jonah Yates later became a prominent attorney in Ozark. Jonah is the gentleman wearing the white shirt on the left. blonde headed girl seated third is Winnie Magene McIlroy. Last girl top row right in pigtails (next to the door) is Edna Geraldine McIlroy. Both girls were children of Charles and Mary McIlroy This photo was taken about 1914. Can anyone else identify the rest of these students?
New Hope School | Photo of school house only.
Photographs of students are solicited. |
School Claim oldest school in Branch, Arkansas. |
Said to be oldest school for this area was “Old Oliver School” located west of the road leading from the Bradbury house. It’s location was on the site now owned by Dorothy Savage. She provided a copy of abstract with information about the School. It includes a deed from David and Mary J. Garrison to District #13, July 6, 1870 for one acre; shown “For the purpose of the educational interests of the Anglo-Saxon race.” | |
Ozark School, Ozark,AR | Students: Edna Anderson, Ocle Ota Milton, Ruby Plymale, Bernice Heffington, Carroll Johnston, sponsor; Ella Grace Anderson, Ruth Hopkins, Geneva Bell and Lillian (sis) Douglass, Raymond Branch, Jep Dane, Alfred Bohannon, Roy Kennon, Archie Sublett, Letha Bea Anderson, Velda Ferm (?n) Hopper, Artie Greer, Nina Blanche Davis, Lee Duvail, Waldo Trotter, Henry Dane, Ammuel Cruson, Harvey Plemons, Eliphar Wasson, Roy English, John Evans, Davis Olney. |
Saint Mary's 1912-1974 | Photo and history of school. Need photographs of students. | |
Sulphur Springs 1904 | Names: Willie Jeffers, Ovner Jeffers, Virgil Jeffers, Noble Nixon, Carl Jeffers, Clifton Barham, Fred Jeffers, C.C. Jeffers, Walter Harris, Lorenzo Miller, Teacher Beulah Milton, Emily Nixon, Mittie Corley, Letha, McLaughlin, Bonnie Anderson, Barham, Harriet Milton, Ellen Anderson, Maryette Milton, Fannie Nixon White, Bertha Rosson, Olive Rogers, Pearl Donald McKamey, Serena Rosson, Mildred Nichols, Cole Harris, Otis Weatherl, Fayette Rogers. | |
Webb City School 1904 | Webb City School class of 1904. Front second from left is Lucy Berkley Others are unidentified, please help. |
White Oak School 1904 | Forty-seven names on the back of this picture are posted below the picture. Some names were difficult to read. We hope you find your parents or grandparents here. | |
School 1920
Ozark, Arkansas |
Students: Henry Peaks, Ernest Forbus, Syliva Sosebee Allred, Pete Forbus, Oma Sosebee, Rey Gray, Pearl Forbus Bartlett and teacher Roy Price, Sterlin Burnett, Bradley, Bradley, Artie Cloninger, Frankie Mayner Edgin, Georgia Stockton, Opal Forbus Ford, Bradley, Dinkie Mayner Edgemon, Bernie Stockton, Jack Kinney, Jack Forbus, Earl Cloninger, Harley Stockton, Homer Sosebee, Earl Stockton, Gordon Mayner, Rannel Cargile, George Cloninger. |
Jackman School Alix, Arkansas |
Students & Teacher: Mamie Krallman, Agnes Quisnaw, Mildred Helmart, Johnie Quick, Robert Workman, Agnes Krallman, Maude Tims, Inez Holloway, unknown Tinkfullter, Pauline Edwards, Charlie Morgan, Ciara Flake, Irene Timms, teacher Iva Worthan, Hazel Alix, Retta Norton, Harry Logan, Eunice Morris, Holman Hampton, Loraine Manning, Charles Quisnaw, Arch Meers. | |
Weaver School | My father Edward W. Horn is front row 2nd from the left, I don't know which old school maybe Wever or Lowell. NOTE:Can anyone identify this school? | |
Unidentified Old School | Don,
I'm behind in everyone. Here is an old photo. all I
know is Zeno Beneux of Franklin county is suppose to be
in here someplace. If you want to place it please do so.
Maybe someone can help identify these people. Judy NOTE: Can anyone identify this school or students? |