Old Branch High School
Branch, Arkansas
The first high school was built under the hill somewhere back of Leon Holland’s house
around 1907.
Students who attended the school were: Kate Turner, Clyde Robison,
Mabel Rogers DeWitt, Jep Pendergrass, Irene Pendergrass, Bradley Turner, Beulah Hunter,
Luther Hunter, Bert Hunter, Voyt Hill, Perry King, Roy Watson, Tom King, and Avis Warren.
Mr. Waterfield was superintendent of this school. This information about
the brick high school was copied from the well-top on the grounds there: Board of Directors: J. S.
Cotner, President, S. P. Gammill, Secretary, J. B.
Branch, T. E. Riley, J. W. Sanders, W. R. Chastain Erected in 1913
The first school term was probably 1913-14. Following is the invitation to the 1914
Commencement Exercises which belonged to Thomas Hammond who died in World War I. Peggy
Patterson provided these:
The Senior Class of the Branch High School Request the presence at their Commencement
Exercises to be held Sat., May 9, 1914 8 o’clock Akin Opera House Branch, Arkansas
Oscar Corbell was one of the teachers in 1914. The Commencement Exercises April 30, 1915
School Auditorium. Class: Dewey Abernathy, Raphy Patterson, Kate Cooper, Wells Barger,
Bessie King, Leon Horn, Ora Watson. Class Officers: Wells Barger, Pres. Ora Watson, Sec.
& Tres.
Some of the young men who graduated from Branch went on to higher learning. Roscoe Clark
went to Ark Tech in 1914 and played in the band there. Bradley Turner went to the
University of Arkansas. One of their publications gives and amusing account of his
“football” career there-how difficult is was for them to find a uniform to fit
the 19 year old who was 6'7" and weighed 238 lbs.
In 1916 Reuben Hill was a member of the Board of Trustees for the Second District Aggies
(now Arkansas Tech). He sent his daughters, Agnes and Opal, to boarding school there.
Agnes finished in 1918 with a “State Certificate” ready to start her teaching
career which eventually brought her to