The Eagle Democrat* Newspaper Articles
( *and others )
Miscellaneous Articles
"Mrs. John York, 93rd Birthday" Newspaper article - NEW! 6 February 2009
"Claudia Vickers Birthdays" Newspaper articles - NEW! 5 February 2009
"Christmas at Pine Lodge" Newspaper article - NEW! 5 February 2009
"Dennis A. York" Newspaper article - NEW! 5 February 2009
"Five Generations of Mrs. Claudia Vickers" Newspaper Article"\
"Mrs. Sallie Waldrop will be 102" Newspaper article
"Giant Logs" Newspaper article
All above graciously submitted by Remona Munson.
"W. W. Finch Heads People's B. and L. Newspaper article submitted by Mary Brent Wade Norman
"Moseley Family Reunion Newspaper Article 1946" submitted by Mary K. Barrett
"Mrs. Sarah Nixon has 100th birthday" Newspaper Article submitted by Cindy Munson
Miscellaneous news articles about African Americans - dated from 1925 to 1944
Graciously transcribed and submitted by Dena Calbert-Jordan and provided for transcription by Jann Woodard
"...Youthful Editor Of The Warren News, John H. Page, Enjoyed Writing of Local Street Sages ... he has written this account
of Warren in the earlier days; giving the best word picture of this period that it has been our good fortune to come across."
Graciously transcribed and submitted by Lee Savage
From the Files
"Through the years the Eagle Democrat has published news of the past under headings like "From The Files" and "News of Other Days."
These items contain wonderful information about the county and also about individual people." ~~Jann Woodard
From the Files - 1904 - 1915
From the Files - 1940
Graciously transcribed and submitted by Jann Woodard
In the County
Editor's Note (from the April 2, 1953 edition) - "This is the first of a series of articles about the people who live in Bradley County. One of the main obligations of any newspaper is to keep in contact with the people it serves. By this method, we hope to preserve and strengthen the bond that has grown up between the citizens of Bradley County and The Eagle Democrat, through the Eagle's sixty-eight years of service."
April 2, 1953
April 9, 1953
April 16, 1953
April 23, 1953
April 30, 1953
May 7, 1953
May 14, 1953
May 21, 1953
May 28, 1953
June 4, 1953
June 11, 1953
June 18, 1953
June 25, 1953
July 2, 1953
July 9, 1953
July 16, 1953
July 23, 1953
July 30, 1953
August 6, 1953
August 13, 1953
August 20, 1953
August 27, 1953
September 3, 1953
September 10, 1953
September 17, 1953
September 24, 1953
October 1, 1953
October 8, 1953
October 15, 1953
October 22, 1953
October 29, 1953
November 5, 1953
Graciously transcribed and submitted by Jann Woodard
Bradley County home page