In the County: September 3, 1953
From The Eagle Democrat
All the people visited this week live on the Hermitage highway between Warren and Hermitage.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morris, both natives of Bradley County, have their home a short distance south of Warren on the east side of the highway. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have lived here for 28 years and Mr. Morris has done row-crop farming throughout this period. Next year, however, he plans to devote all his time to cattle farming. Mrs. Morris has many interesting things sent to her by a foster nephew who has been serving in the Pacific area. She has interesting clam shells from the Solomon Islands, an ebony elephant from India, a hand-embroidered picture of Mt. Fuji from Japan, and many other lovely things. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have three children: Dudley Morris of Houston, Curtis Morris of Tampa, Florida, and Troy Morris of Memphis. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Morris was a Brumley from Blue Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duvall have their home across from the Bernard Frazer place. Both native of Bradley County, Mrs. Duvall was Eula Hines prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Duvall have three daughters and one son. They are: Martha, married to Bob Robertson and living in Houston, Ray Dean, now Mrs. Johnnie Mack Groves of Warren, and Sarah, who graduated from high school last year and will attend business school in Little Rock, and Jimmy Ernest, who is in Primary school. Mr. Duvall is a lumber grader at the Bradley Lumber Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leslie returned to Bradley County two years ago and are living in the old Leslie home, a large two-story place on the west side of the highway. The Leslie home is beautifully decorated and has many lovely antique articles of furniture, lamps, vases, etc. Mr. Leslie has the Jack L. Leslie Lumber Company in Pine Bluff and is also in the egg business in a big way. His chickens have the benefit of an attic fan in their house. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie are members of the Hickory Springs Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, where Mr. Leslie is an elder.
James Leslie, a cousin of Lester Leslie's, has his home just south of the old Leslie home. James is in the poultry business with his cousin. They sell hatching eggs from their large flock, which is situated across the highway. James' wife is the former Elizabeth Curtis of Warren. They have two children, James David and Frances Elizabeth. Mr. Leslie's mother, Mrs. Herbert Leslie, makes her home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Ketchand built their attractive brick home south of Warren on the Hermitage highway two years before Mr. Ketchand's retirement as superintendent of the plant of the Southern Lumber Company in 1939. Mr. Ketchand who was 83 in July deeply regrets the strike that is under way at his old Company. "Any strike is a detriment to our Country," Mr. Ketchand said, "and this one is especially so because of the consequences that could result." Both Mr. and Mrs. Ketchand are in perfect health, and Mr. Ketchand amuses himself by fishing and "running around visiting."
Submitted by Jann Woodard
In the County: September 10, 1953
From The Eagle Democrat
All the people visited this week live on Highway 15 between Warren and Hermitage.
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. "Buddy" Temple live in the old Pennington home on the west side of the highway. The Pennington home is well-known to most travelers of that highway as the house that is built in the shape of a cross with a porch on each side of the front which is part of the cross. Mr. and Mrs. Temple have lived here just over a year. Originally they were from Hermitage and Mr. Temple works for the Bradley Lumber Company. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Temple was Elizabeth Tidwell of Hermitage. Mr. Temple was also from Hermitage. They have five children: ____?, Sherry, Mary, Craven, and ____? Temple, all at home with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Outlaw live across the highway from the Temple place. Both Mr. and Mrs. Outlaw are natives of Bradley County. Mrs. Outlaw is the former Maudie Stuard. Mr. Outlaw is working for the Bradley Lumber Company. He worked for the Southern, however, until early this summer. He raises cattle to supplement his income. The Outlaws have one son, Ray, who is thirteen.
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Pennington live in Mrs. Pennington's old home, the J.L. Davis place. They have lived here ever since their marriage. Mr. Pennington farms cotton and corn and raises cattle. The Penningtons have five children: J.D. Pennington of Warren, Bob Pennington of Houston, Texas, Iva Pennington Brown, also of Houston, Frances Pennington Taylor of Pasadena, Texas and Ouita Pennington Owens of Farmville. Mrs. Pennington's hobby is flowers and her home is surrounded with many blooming plants and other garden growths.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Turner have lived in their present home for three years. Prior to this they lived in Warren. Their home is on the site of the old Santuck school. Mrs. Turner is a British war bride of World War II. She was born in Ireland and lived ninety miles from London on the Southwest Coast of England until she came to the United States in 1946. She met Mr. Turner when he was in service and stationed in England. Mr. Turner leases the land about him from his aunt, Miss Mollie Turner, and farms. The Turners have one daughter, Christine Carol.
Miss Mollie Turner lives on the old Turner home place a short distance south of her nephew's home. At the time of our visit to Miss Mollie, her nephew was hauling hay across the road. He also raises cotton and corn on the place. Miss Turners's farming activities are limited to raising a few chickens. Though she is the only survivor of her generation, Miss Turner says she is happy and contented living alone. Her greatest treasure, she said, is a hand-made quilt brought by her mother from Chester, South Carolina, in 1871.
Submitted by Jann Woodard
In the County: September 17, 1953
From The Eagle Democrat
All the people visited this week live on the Prospect road from Warren to Hermitage.
Mr. and Mrs. John Denton have had their home just south of Warren on the Prospect road for six years. They've lived in Warren for 28 years, however. Mrs. Denton was originally from New Edinburg and Mr. Denton is a native of Star City. Mr. Denton is a carpenter and has been one for many years, but he's going through a new experience this summer. He's working on his first ultra-modern home, the Forrest Herring home on Catherine Street. The Herring home is Warrens second modern home. The administrator's home for the Bradley County Memorial Hospital was the first. Mr. and Mrs. Denton have three children: Norwood and Mrs. Wilson Berry of Warren, and Bill Denton of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie S. Hargis have their attractive brick home adjacent the Denton place. Longtime citizens of this community, they have been prominent in both church and civic affairs. Mr. Hargis, in addition to being Warrens Dodge-Plymouth dealer, is also a farmer and has had a varied career. A graduate of Ouachita College, he became a member of the Reserve Officers Training Corps there. During the twenties and thirties, he took part in National Guard work and entered active duty in World War II as a Major. He was sent to Alaska and made a Lieutenant Colonel prior to his discharge. Mr. and Mrs. Hargis have five children, one daughter and four sons. They are: Mrs. Urban Holland, Robert Hargis, Bernie Hargis, Jr., Harry Hargis and Tommy Hargis. Tommy is currently in flight training with the Air Force at Malden, Missouri.
P. H. Herring, superintendent of the Warren Schools, now owns the old Will Hargis place. Mr. Hargis, after living in the country for years, sold the place to Mr. Herring and moved to town a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Herring have been in Warren since 1941. Prior to coming to Warren, they were at West Memphis where Mr. Herring was superintendent of schools. Mr. Herring is a native Bradley Countian and Mrs. Herring is originally from Crossett. Following his graduation from Hendrix College, Mr. Herring coached at several towns in Southeast Arkansas before going into school administration. He's always wanted to farm, however, and now he's getting his chance. Mr. and Mrs. Herring have chickens and cattle, in addition to some forage crops. They have two daughters: Mrs. Louis Helms of Nachidoches, Louisiana, and Mildred Herring, a student at Arkansas State Teachers College.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hayes have had their home near the fork of the Prospect and Farmville roads for three years. Prior to that they lived on the Pine Bluff highway. Mr. Hayes works as a timber spotter for the Bradley Lumber Company. Mrs. Hayes is the former Lucy Rice of Johnsville and Mr. Hayes was originally from Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes have four children: James Leonard, Pat, Jr., Martha Sue, and Elizabeth Ann Hayes.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Ragar live a short distance down the Prospect road from the fork. They have lived here 25 years and Mr. Ragar has spent his entire life in this community. At least he's always called it home. He's in construction work at Pensacola, Florida, now. He is an air conditioning installer. Mrs. Ragar was working on a beautiful hooked rug at the time of our visit. She became interested in the pastime through Mrs. James Childs when Mrs. Childs was Home Demonstration agent in the county. She is hoping to complete the current rung in time for the County Fair. She's been working on it a year. Mr. and Mrs. Ragar have three sons, Fletcher, in the television business in Orange, Texas, and the twins, David and Donald.
Submitted by Jann Woodard
In the County: September 24, 1953
From The Eagle Democrat
All of the people visited this week live on the Prospect Road between Warren and Hermitage:
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Corker purchased the F. T. Dearman place two years ago. This is the old Prospect Dairy and Mr. and Mrs. Corker are dairy farming on the place. They don't bottle and sell their milk at retail, but they sell all their milk to the Warren Dairy. They are milking 22 cows now. Mr. Corker is away from home now working as a sheet metal man in Shreveport. He worked for the Blaw-Knox Construction Company in Pine Bluff until late last spring, when the Blaw-Knox contract at Pine Bluff was fulfilled. Both Mr. and Mrs. Corker are natives of Ingalls. Mrs. Corker is the former Irma Dean Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stanfield have lived on their present place nearly two years. They moved to this place from Warren, but they've lived in Bradley County all their lives. Mr. Stanfield works in the woods as a scaler for the Bradley Lumber Company. He's been with Bradley, with time out for service during the War, since 1942. Mrs. Stanfield is the former Marie Smith of Sumpter. Mr. Stanfield is originally from Vick. They have three children: Elois, Larry, and Gerald.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Herring have lived on the Prospect Road for eight years. They moved north of their present home until that time. Mr. Herring has in cotton and corn this year, but everything is just about dried up. This particular territory has probably received less rain than any part of Bradley County. All the pastures are completely dried up and dust rises up behind you everywhere you step. Both Mr. and Mrs. Herring are natives of this community. She is a daughter of G. C. Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Herring have seven children: Bob, Martha Bess, Grover Joe, Barbara Ann, Linda Jane, Brenda Joyce and Janice Marie Herring.
Mr. and Mrs. Ves Kimball moved to the J. W. Rowell place last October from Herbine in Cleveland County. Mr. Kimball is having exceptionally bad luck with his first year of farming in the county. It rained too much in the spring, he said, and then the drouth struck. Rain has fallen only once, he said, since May 19. He keeps an optimistic attitude however: "We're lucky to be living, I guess, and we shouldn't worry about these things." Mr. Kimball's dry weather crops have done fairly well, however. He's planning on nine bales of cotton from one small field and he made good corn. Mr. Kimball has ten children: W. A., D. H., Jerry Dwayne, Gene Harrison, Delores Dean, Carmen, Leon, who is in the Army in Korea, Grady, with the Navy in San Diego, and Mrs. Estelle Works and R. C. Kimball, both of Pine Bluff.
Mrs. S. A. Bryant and her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loran Johnson, have a nice looking place south of the Kimball house. Mrs. Bryant has lived on this farm eleven years. Her husband died a short time ago. A native of Gravel Ridge, Mrs. Bryant came to this community when she was seven years old. Mrs. Bryant and Mr. Johnson are partners in a cattle-raising venture, that has been slowed down by the lack of rain in this area. Mr. Johnson, a native of Conway, is the agriculture teacher at Warren High School. His wife is the former Madge Bryant, and they met while students at the University of Arkansas. Mrs. Bryant has three other daughters: Mrs. L. E. Rogers of Klamuth Falls, Oregan; Mrs. J. R. Payne of Mount Holly; and Mrs. H. E. Payne of Alto, Texas.
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Submitted by Jann Woodard