WWII Sept 1, 1939 - Sept 2, 1945. US involment started December 11, 1941
Just 21 years after the last global war, WWI, the world was drawn into an even greater
conflict. More than 100 million soldiers—including 16 million Americans—fought in WWII.
World War II began Sep 01, 1939 & ended Sep 02, 1945
Ever wonder why some Veterans Markers say WWII on them but they didn't serve
until after the "official" end of the War above?
"For SVB purposes, you are a World War II veteran if you Served in the active military,
naval or air service of the United States during World War II at any time during the period
beginning on September 16, 1940 and ending on July 24, 1947."
The US Army Air Corps became the US Air Force on 20 June 1941.
All of the ladies, WAC, who served in WWII are listed on the index with their maiden name only.
KIA killed in action, KIT killed in training,
LOD line of duty, WIA wounded in action,
DNB died of non battle cause,
DOI died of injuries
Service Battery 81st Field Artillary Battalion
Camp Chaffee June 28, 1944
Harry Lee Adams
Army 1915-1988
George Alvan Adams
Air Force 1923-1973
James Charles Ainsworth
Army 1928-2001
Joseph Henry Albertson, Jr.
1914 - 1976
John Tipton "Jack" Alford, Jr.
Army Air Corps DNB
1921 - 1943
James Ralph Allen
Marines KIA
1922 - 1944
Charles Pitney Alley
Navy Personal Interview
Leon Barry Duckworth Andrews Marines WIA 1918-1987
Victor James Angeletti Air Force 1919-1994
Arthur Lee Anthony
Jesse Wayne Anthony
Coast Guard 1920-1944
James Morris Arp Navy 1914-1990
James Everett Atterberry
Navy KIA
Dr. Charles William Bailey Air Force 1920-2001
Howard Leon Bailey Army
Troy Bascum Bailey Army 1923-1989
Isaac Bernard Loid Ballance, Jr. Army 1920-2000
Ira William Banard, Jr. Navy 1922-2007
Ira William (Benny) Banard, Sr.
Army 1897-1980
James Edward Banard
Army 1920-2017
Dewey W. Barham Army
Oris Dale Barkley Army
Clarence R. Barnard
Army KIA
Olen Eugene Barnes
Army KIA
Gene R. Barnett
Army 1920-1974
Guy Emerald Bartley
Army KIA 1908-1944
William Alonzo Preston Calvin Bartley Army
Carroll Reuben Barton Army & Air Force 1920-1998
Jacob Loren Barton Navy 1927-1948
Lawrence Reuben Barton Navy 1923-1975
Truman Alton Barton Army 1911-1979
Velma Jean Barton WAC 1925-2013
Vernon Wayne Barton Army 1912-1996
Leonard W. Basinger Army
KIA 1917-1942
Jerry Herbert Bass Army
KIA 1921-1943
Bernie Ira Been, Jr. Army 1918-1990
Billy Been Army 1913-1974
Billy Ray Been Navy 1926-1995
Delbert Troy Been Army 1922-1979
Dewell R. Been Army 1918-1986
Eberle Llewelyn Been Army Air Corp 1909-1983
Elton P. Been Army 1919-1993
Haskell Kinneth Been Army 1922-2001
J. T. Been Army 1924-2005
James Harland Been Army 1919-1984
Jessie Columbus Been Army 1920-1999
Jessie Ware Been Air Force 1919-1969
Kenneth Gene Been Army 1922-2013
Thaddeus Roy "Ted" Been Army 1906-2007
William Buren Been Navy 1927-2010
William Joseph "Billy Joe" Been Navy 1927-2013
Leo George Bentley Army 1926-2011
Gerald Cardin Berkshire Army 1917-1987
Nathaniel Howard Berkshire Army 1918-1978
Rufus Wendell Berkshire Army
William Montford Berkshire
Army 1926-1979
John Champion Berry Army 1920-2006
John Hairl Berry Army 1919-2003
Harold Elmer Best Army 1920-1997
Virgil Bill Bevel, Jr Navy POW 1920-1997
Donald Calvin Billingsley Navy 1914-1990
Orville Marion Bittle Army Personal Interview 1921-2020
Joseph Francis Black Army Air Corp KIA 1925-1944
Paul Edward Blackard Navy 1921-2006
Clarence Reed Blount Navy 1925-1998
Percy Bluford Army 1919-1993
Alec Carson Boatman Navy Pearl Harbor 1923-2014
Earl Franklin Boatman Navy Pearl Harbor 1920-2001
James Alton Boatman Air Force 1914-2006
Ralph Alexander Boatman Army 1912-2000
Drewey Wendell Bobbitt Navy 1925-2011
Kenneth Wilson Boley Navy
Personal Interview 1921-2009
Curtis Willard Bolton Navy 1919-2012
Roland Ward Boone Navy 1924-2012
Eugene L Borengasser Army DNB 1920-1945
Elmer Lee Bowlin Navy DNB 1922-1943
James Bynum Boyd Army 1921-1982
Loyd Morton Boyd Air Force 1922-1996
Robert Eugene Boyer Navy & Army 1927-2008
John Clinton Bracken, Jr Air Force 1919-1990
Virgil Bracken Air Force 1922-2008
Clyde Russell Bradley Air Force 1920-1998
John Warren Bradley Air Force 1922-1997
Dayton Brewer Navy 1897-1993
Billy J. Brewer Navy 1923-1990
James Clinton "Cotton" Brewer Navy 1926-1997
Carl Henry Bridges Marines WIA 1924-2006
Charles Elmer Bridges Navy 1925 -1994
Corbin Howard Bridges Army Pearl Harbor 1920-2001
Huel Ewby Bridges Army 1895-1974
James Hughes Bridges Army 1917-1996
Melvin Otis Bridges Navy 1920-2001
Wayne LeRoy Bridges Army 1918-1967
Roma Lee Brittain Army 1922-2000
Byford Brown Army KIA 1918-1945
Theodore Richard Brownell Navy POW w/Story 1905-1990
Lemuel Campbell Bryan Navy 1908-2003
Albert Seathial Bryant Army 1904-1964
Garland Bennett Bryant Army 1918-1995
Earl Eugene "Gene" Buck, Jr. Navy KIA 1920-1945
Chester Lee Bull Air Force KIA 1919-1946
Charles Herman Bunch Army 1917-1964
Sherman Andrew Bunch Navy KIA 1918-1945
Olen Burt Burchfield Army 1910-1979
Charles David Byrum Army 1919-1999
John Nolen Canada Navy WIA 1930-2009
John Thomas Canada Army 1924-1986
Richard Taylor Canada Army 1914-1990
Ulas Henry Canada Army 1921-1992
Carroll Lee Cannon Army KIA 1924-1944
Alfred Lee Caperton Army 1923-1996
John Henry Caperton Navy 1925-1975
Samuel Paul Caperton Army 1923-1996
Willis "Bill" Charles Caperton Army KIA 1921-1944
James Carruth Navy 1917-1997
Isaac Lester Carson Army 1918-2001
Isaac Luther Carson Army 1926-1989
Joseph "Jodie" Harold Carson Army 1920-1979
Ralph Milhoan Carson Army 1913-1985
William Coy Carson Army 1918-1987
Forest Richard Carter Army 1919-2003
George W. Carter Air Force 1913-2007
Harold Loyd Carter Navy 1925-1992
Lester Eugene Carter Navy 1917-1983
Loyd S. Carter Army KIA 1925-1944
Jeremiah "Jerry" M. Cates Army KIA 1924-1945
Bonnie Mae Caton WAC 1921-2003
Dolphus Dale Caton Marines 1918-2003
Homer Jack Caton Air Force 1917-1958
Jasper Donnough Caton Air Force 1917-2003
Harold Newt Chaffin Air Force KIA 1913-1943
Theodore Lawrence Chafin Air Force POW 1911-1973
Luther Edward Chapen Army 1922-1984
David Paul Chapman Navy 1923-2013
John Orville Chapman Navy 1921-1980
Randall David Chidester Army KIA 1918-1944
Elbert A. Clark Army KIA 1925-1945
Emmett B. Clark Air Force KIA 1922-1945
Paul Franklin Clark Army 1922-2000
John Lee Clayton Army KIA 1920-1944
Carl Costelio Clinton, Jr Air Force 1918-1994
Ernest J. Clinton Army KIA 1922-1944
James Howard Clopton Air Force 1920-2004
Paul Newton Cockreham Navy 1918-2016
Robert Harold Cockreham Air Force 1911-2011
Joseph Ellis Coker Army 1919-2005
Walter Ervin Coker Air Force 1903-1959
Charles Dewey Cole, Jr. Air Force KIA 1922-1944
Doyle Henson Cole Marines 1921-1980
Everett Ray Cole Army 1917-1982
Leonard Andrew Cole Navy 1919-1990
Lester Autry Cole Army 1921-1982
Paul Jasper Condry Navy 1921-2017
Robert Eugene Cordes Air Force 1923-1997
Orville Ben Core Air Force 1921-2017
Personal Interview
Lawrence Audrey Cormack Air Force DNB 1923-1945
Carl Thomas Cosand Army 1918-1999
Clifford Henry Cottingham Marines WIA 1913-2000
Velmar Lee Cottingham Air Force 1905-1988
Bruce David Cox Air Force KIA 1923-1944
James Carroll Cox Air Force 1916-1988
James Monroe Cox III Army 1919-2011
Clarence Elzie Craig Army 1923-2002
Bruce August Crofton Army 1908-1974
Arl Benjamin Cross Air Force 1925-2019
Harlan Scott Cross Army 1920-2002
James Raymond Cunningham Army KIA 1922-1944
Raymond Glenn Curtis Air Force KIA 1915-1943
Eli Glenn Daniels Army KIA 1925-1944
William O. Darby Army KIA 1911-1945
Hughbert Henry Davis Army 1907-1998
Joe Davis Air Force POW 1922-1983
Norman Udell Davis Army 1921-2012
Norvell Davis Army 1928-2013
Samuel Blanton Davis Army 1903-1975
Durden Baxter Dawson Navy 1917-1986
John Thornton Deden Air Force 1924-2011
Jack W. Dempsey Air Force DNB 1921-1943
Carl Martin Dennis Army KIA 1912-1945
Jack Hall Derdeyn Air Force 1923-Unk.
Maurice Leonard Derdeyn, Jr Army 1917-1993
Robert Marcel Derdeyn Air Force 1919-1996
Henry Desire Didier Army 1916-1999
Jack Edward Dobb Navy 1930-1980
James Richard Dodd Air Force KIA 1917-1945
Leroy Vernon Dodd Air Force DNB 1921-1943
Richard Allen Dodd Army 1928-2014
Roy Stuart Dodd Air Force 1921-2008
John Louis Dodds Navy 1925-1975
Samuel Dodds Army 1912-1978
William "Bill" Dodds Navy 1910-1995
James Frey Dollar Air Force DNB 1922-1945
Earl J. Dooly Army 1920-1981
Henry J. Dooly Marines 1912-1993
Leonard Alvia Dooly Army 1909-1994
Carrol Franklin Douglas Army 1923-1989
Edward Henderson Douglas Army 1920-2003
James Ottis Douglas Army 1926-Unk.
Thomas Edward Douglas Army 1911-1966
Henderson Lee Bert Duboise, Jr. Navy WIA 1924-2019
Charley Andrew Duncan Army 1908 - 1995
Marvin Woodrow Duncan Army 1918 - 1981
Richard Warren Duncan Army 1915 - 1997
St Elmo Nathaniel Dunn Air Force KIA 1925-1943
Harold Dean Durden Air Force 1925-3008
Jerry Brady Durden Air Force KIA 1923-1944
Kenneth Earl Durden Army 1918-1986
Alma Durham WAC 1918-2005
Cleveland Alonzo "Bob" Durham Army 1916-2009
Eugene Franklin Durham Army 1915-1992
Henry Lewis Durham Army 1916-2007
James Leon Durham Marines 1922-2007
John Franklin Durham Army 1920-2003
Joseph Ellsworth Durham, Jr. RAFVR 1915-1991
Marvin Edward Durham Air Force 1924-2004
Thomas Seaborn Durham Army KIA 1923-1945
Carl Slater Dyer, Jr. Army POW 1924-2017
Ervin Wiley Echols Marines WIA 1918-1981
R. L. Edwards Air Force KIA 1924-1945
Sonnie Clay (Latellus) Edwards Army WIA 1921-2003
Buford Woodrow Elkins Army 1913-2010
Louis Woodrow Elkins Army 1917-1986
William James Eller Army KIA 1912-1944
Carroll Eugene Elliott Army KIA 1923-1945
Archie D Elmore Army 1923-2004
Joe Elmer Elmore Army 1920-2005
Sydney Lee Elston Air Force 1911-1975
James Lee Ervin Air Force KIA 1920-1944
LeRoy Benjamin Fahrner Air Force KIT 1917-1943
Warren Daniel Fahrner Army 1920-1991
William Howard Fahrner Army 1908-1977
John Robert Farr. Jr Army 1920-2011
William "Bill" Farr Army 1923-2003
Loyd Taylor Farrar 1926-2002
Bernard Howard Ferguson Army 1922-2008
Clifford Paul Ferguson Navy Pearl Harbor 1920-1998
Milo Ferguson Army LOD 1912-1943
Joseph Angelo Ferrari Army KIA 1921-1942
Billy Joe Fields Army 1921-2013
Clifford C. Fisher Army 1921-1961
Roy Webster Fisher Air Force 1915-1996
Cecil Udean Flanagan Army 1923-2007
Denver Odell Flanagan Army KIA 1922-1944
Irby Derwood "Jack A." Flanagan Army 1920-1989
Donald Hargis Flanders Navy Personal Interview 1924-2012
Glenn Floyd Air Force LOD 1918-1942
Hollie Cleave Ford Air Force 1920-2018
William Fredrick Fort Army 1903-1971
Bonvil J. Foster Army KIA 1909-1945
John Warren Foster Army DNB 1921-1944
William Edward Fowler Army KIA 1918-1943
Bobby Gene Frasher Army 1928-2019
Earl Frasher Army WIA 1925-2006
Leo Frasher Army 1914-1968
Harold William Frasher Army 1918-2002
Paul Frasher Army DNB 1923-1945
Burley James Freeman Army 1916-1990
Emery Edwin Freeman Army KIA 1921-1945
Ezra Oarce Freeman Army 1914-1987
John Oscar Freeman Army 1926-2018
Robert Lee Freeman Air Force KIA 1918-1943
Joseph August Fritz Air Force KIA 1918-1944
Aaron Odell Fry Air Force 1923-2011
Mark William Fry Air Force 1923-1994
Wayne Odell Fry Army 1909-1996
William Tobias Fry, Jr Army 1922-1999
Billy Joe Gann Army 1927-2005
Boyd Greer Gann, Jr Army 1918-1980
Gerald R. Gann Navy 1924-1968
John Taylor Gann Army 1918-1997
Louis Jennings Garr Air Force KIA 1924-1944
Roy Robert Gean, Jr Air Force 1925-2015
David Lee Gibson Army 1917-1988
Grover C. Gibson Army KIA 1917-1943
James Leroy Gibson Army DNB 1919-1945
Leo Doin Gibson Navy KIA 1921-1944
Alton Lloyd Gilliam Army 1916-1992
Eugene Tanner Gilliam Army 1917-2006
Edward Roy Girard Army Air
Corps 1920-1996
James Olen Gist Air Force 1923-2014
Earl Lee Glass Army LOD 1911-1945
Herbert Lee Gleason Army WIA 1923-1970
Marshall Sylvester Gleason 1917-2009
Edward Lee Goff Army WIA 1924-1984
Hall Keith Gooch Marines 1921-2006
Paul Kenneth Gooch Army 1921-2001
Raymond Cole Goodman Army Personal Interview 1920-2014
Jerry Calvert Goodnight Navy KIA
Armon Rogers Graham Army 1912-1996
Bleeker Lee Graham, Sr. Navy 1925-2014
Harlan Eugene Graham Army 1919-1976
Greenville Spencer Graham Army 1920-2001
Roland Dale Graham Air Force 1923-2001
Victor Vernon Graves Army 1910-1977
Bob Green Army KIA 1917-1944
Ned Seward Green Army 1910-1994
Richard Thurmond Gregg Air Force 1924-2004
Robert Hunt Gregg Air Force 1922-2013
Eddie Columbus Grober Army 1909-1996
Eugene Albert Grober Navy 1911-1990
Jack Earnest Grober Army 1923-2009
James Henry Grober Army 1918-1980
William Remholdt Grober Air Force 1914-1970
Edward Steve Gross Army 1925-2010
Laura B. Guess WAC 1910-1977
Virginia Lee Hackler WAC 1915-2007
Arnold Lynn Hall Army 1915 - 2006
Daughtry L. "Doug" Hall Air Force POW 1921 - 2008
Herbert Southard Hall Air Force KIA 1917-1943
Minor Hall Army KIA 1907-1945
William Randolph Hall Marines 1923- 2011
James Neil Halliday Air Force KIA 1923-1943
Henry Eugene Hamilton Army KIA 1919-1943
Joseph Peter Hammer Navy KIA 1918-1942
Herbert Leon Hampton Army KIA 1923-1944
Claude Winford Hannah Navy 1925-2007
Curtis Albert Hannah, Sr. Marines WIA 1919-1983
Ray Autry Hannah Army 1921-1999
Hoyt Neal Hannah Navy DOW 1920-1942
Edlin K. Harbour Air Force DNB 1920-1944
August Maxwell Harder Navy 1911-1983
James Hinton Harmon, Jr Air Force 1925-2008
Paul Barney Harper Navy KIA 1924-1944
Samuel Birnie Harper, Jr. Air Force DNB 1917-1944
Bert Lee Harris Army KIA 1919-1944
Richard Thomas Harris Army 1918 - 1981
Clifford Sydney Harriss. Jr. Army 1923-1973
Milton Kirtley Harriss Army 1925-1978
Francis Jean Harrison Marines 1914 - 2004
Rufus William Heafner Army 1921-2007
Arvel Harvey Henderson Navy 1922-2009
Beecher Rhue Henderson Navy 1920-2000
William Hester Henderson Navy 1925-2016
William Berry Hendricks Army 1908-2004
Eugene Frederick Hennig Air Force KIA 1920-1944
Hobert Henry Army 1920-1959
Jasper Bruce Henry Army 1917-1962
George Haskell Heydenreich Army KIA 1919-1945
Henry Russell Heydenreich Army 1916-1988
Jesse Laverne Heydenreich Army 1921-1993
Leroy Melbourne Hill Air Force KIA 1920-1944
Vauda Valgene "Rocky" Hill Marines WIA 1924-1983
William Kennan Hiner Army KIA 1925-1944
Andrew Jackson Hobbs Army 1919-2004
Horace Boyd Hogan Marines 1918-1978
Joseph Antle Hogan Army 1920-1999
James Carroll Hogue Army 1925-1992
Grover Delap Holland Army 1920-1998
Herbert Holland Army 1913-1996
John Ezra Holland Army 1909-1989
Lawrence Wayne Holland Navy 1926-1992
Omer Holland Army KIA 1922-1945
Hugh Randall Hooper Army LOD 1918-1945
Willice Derosa House Navy 1924-2003
John Daniel Howard Air Force 1923-1999
Obed Donald Howard Navy 1926-
Wilber James Howard Army POW 1917-1944
Edgar Ralph Hudson Army POW 1915-1942
Charles Samuel Huffman Navy Unk 1925-1945
Marion Roland Hundley Army 1926-2008
Leland Eugene "Pete" Hurt Army 1919-2004
Benjamin Ibison, Jr. Navy KIA 1924-1942
Allen Hugh Ingram Marines 1924-1983
Benjamin Franklin Inklebarger Navy 1921-2003
Herman Ivo Inklebarger Army 1920-1952
Roy Frederick Israel Army DNB 1911-1945
Bobbye Wayne Izell Navy 1926-2021
Henry Damon Izell Army 1916-1947
John Herman Izell Army 1914-1987
Lowell Darwin Izell Army 1915-1967
Weldon Lee Izell Marines KIA 1924-1945
Kade Kassem Jaber, Jr. Navy 1919-1992
Maurice Stone Jaber Army 1923-1992
Seaborn Walton Jackson, Jr Marines Personal Interview 1919-2018
John Frank James Army 1909-1970
Woodrow Jackson James Army WIA 1918-1999
Daniel Clifford Jefferies Marines KIA 1921-1944
John Jefford Jenkins Air Force DNB 1920-1944
Jessie Lee Jennings Navy 1919-1983
James Eugene Johns Marines KIA 1925-1943
Andrew James Johnson Air Force 1922-2001
Dean Arnon Johnson Army KIA 1920-1944
Granville George Johnson Navy 1902-1987
Herman Fred Johnson Army LOD 1909-1944
Virgil Walter Johnson Army 1920-1999
Harold Warren Jones Marines 1925-2018
Norman Ernest Jones, Jr. Air Force KIA 1920-1945
Terrel Jones Navy 1926-2016
Theral Jones Navy 1926-2017
Roy Bolin Joyce Air Force 1921-2009
Ellen LaRue Bailey Joyner Navy 1922-2014
John Clayton Joyner Army 1918-2006
James William Kell Air Force KIT 1921-1943
Fred Herbert Kelley Army 1912-1991
Eugene David Kendall Army 1911-1988
Alvor Jefferson Kennedy, Jr. Army 1926-2004
Samuel Robert Kennedy Air Force POW 1921-1994
James Herbert Kesner Navy 1926-2020
Winfred Cross Kesner Navy 1924-2019
Bobby Earl Keyes Army POW 1925-2002
Everett Earl King Army KIA 1924-1944
Frederick Arthur King Army Personal Interview 1924-2017
Fredrick Calhoun Kirkpatrick Army 1919-2019
Warren E. Koontz Army KIA 1921-1944
Alveron V. Kuandart Jr. Navy 1924-2002
Monte Gene Kuykendall Navy KIA 1926-1944
Arthur William Lairamore, Jr. Army 1919-2010
Dale Eugene Lairamore, Sr. Marines 1922-1989
Gerald Fay Lairamore Navy WIA 1924-1998
Milford Bishop Lairamore Army 1926-2015
Robert Arthur Lairamore Army 1917-2015
Elmo Marion Lamb Army 1920-1982
Fredrick Richard Lamb Air Force 1915-1977
George Elgin Lamb Army 1912-1997
William Green Lamb Army 1899-1958
John Kathe Lamkin Marines KIA 1919-1945
Roscoe Eugene Lamkin Marines KIA 1914-1943
Charles Douglas Latsha Army 1915-1990
Vernon Eldith Ledbetter Army 1905-1984
Dr. Robin B. Lee Air Force 1925-2011
Ersel Ernest Lennier Air Force KIA 1924-1944
Jack Carrol Leonard Air Force 1922-2019
Recil Atlas Leonard Army 1916-2008
Charles "Pete" LeRoy Army 1918-1985
Alzie C. Lewis Army DNB 1911-1945
Woodrow Wilson Lewis Army KIA 1913-1944
Charlie Liotta Air Force KIA 1921-1944
Frances Liotta WAC 1920-2012
Aaron Howard Little Army 1924-1992
Benjamin Franklin Little Air Force POW 1923-2012
Opie Read Little, Jr. Army 1921-2001
Thomas Eugene Little, Jr. Army 1927-2019
Charles Danny Looper Navy 1920-1971
Durden William Looper Air Force POW 1923-1945
Warren Durwood Looper Army 1921-2009
John B. Loss Air Force 1923-2014
Benjamin Cody Love Marines KIA 1921-1944
Clyde Fletcher Lovell Navy 1922-2003
James Howard Lovell Army 1918-1985
Johnny Earl Lovell Army 1922-1987
Myron Ray Lovell Navy 1927-2002
Paul Watson Lovell Army 1916-1976
Ruby Rae Lovell WAC 1925-2009
Warren Freeman Lovell Army 1921-1984
Arthur Raymond Lovett Navy 1922-1989
Elkins Lovett Army 1917-1974
Jack Coogan Lovett Navy 1923-2019
Emery Werner "Swede" Lundquist Navy Pearl Harbor Personel Interview 1922-2019
Bernard Burton McAbee Navy 1917-1986
Richard Reeves McAfee Air Force KIA 1923-1945
Clinton Colonel McBride Army 1919-2002
Clifton Wayne McConnell Army 1926-2020
Dannie McCorkle Army 1919-1996
John Lyle McCartney Army WIA 1925-2006
William Patrick McCrea Army 1908-2000
Victor Cecil McHargue Army 1908-1961
Albert Marvin McKinney Navy KIA 1924-1945
Ben McKinney Navy 1923-2006
Oscat Benjamine McKinney Air Force 1924-2020
Foye "Floyd" Myles McKinney Marines POW 1917-1985
Henry Kuper Madden Air Force KIA 1921-1944
Ovetion Harold Mainer Navy Pearl Harbor 1921-2020
Raymond P, Maness Navy 1926-2011
Audra Merle Martin Army 1914-1990
Earl Dean Martin Air Force 1925-2016
Hiram Green Martin Army 1926 - 2008
Lester William Martin Army 1914 - 1990
Warren Clifford Martin Navy 1922 - 2003
James Earl Martindale Army 1916 - 1998
Lenard David Massengale Marines KIA 1925-1944
John Oliver Mayo Army 1915-1988
Bryant Dale Meadows Merchant Marines KIA 1920-1943
Robert Eugene Mitch Milligan Navy 1926-2015
Roy Joseph Milligan Navy 1924-2012
Nicklaus John Minden Air Force KIA 1919-1945
Elwyn Luther Mixon Jr. Navy 1922-2018
Kenneth F. Mizell Army KIA 1922-1944
William Ray Mooney ArmyAir Corps KIA 1922-1944
Charles Lewis Moore Army 1903-1979
Hershel Arthur Moore Army 1891-1983
Phillip Harrell Moore Army 1919-2008
Ralph Wingfield Moore Army 1919-1986
Raymond Arnold Moore Army DOW 1911-1944
Roy Ralph Moore Air Force 1920-2007
Willie Ware Nance Army DOW 1915-1945
Leonard Neal Army KIA 1920-1944
Lorenzo Frederick Nelson Army 1925-1970
Elzie Fay Newman Air Force 1926-1978
Grady Dale Newman Navy 1920-1986
William Franklin Newman Army 1916-1990
Isaac Albert "Buster" Newton Air Force 1921-2000
Louis Burl Nichols Army DOW 1922-1944
John Morgan Nix Army NBD 1913-1943
Alfred Harold Nixon Air Force 1923-2011
Harmon Lib Nixon Navy 1916-1993
Lester Enoch Nixon Army 1917-2011
Willie Elmer Nixon Army 1919-1994
Arthur William Noffsinger Army NBD 1912-1945
Alois William Nolte Army 1927-2014
John Robert Nolte Army 1924-2016
Joseph Lawrence Nolte, Jr Army 1926-2014
Walter Hugo Nolte Marines KIA 1925-1944
Harvey D. Norried Army 1917-1977
Harold Dean Norvell Air Force 1923-1995
Robert Eugene Norvell Army 1928-2003
William Walker Norvell, Jr. Merchant Marine Corp 1926-2010
Alvin Eddie Null Army Air Corp 1921-2012
Arther Buel O'Neal Army 1919-1996
William Henry Odom, Jr Army Air Force 1924-2011
Richard Marce Orr Navy 1909-1996
Charles Lingurn Leo Overton Army 1924-2014
Edwin Earle Overton Navy 1927-2017
Charles Howard Pachl Navy KIA 1915-1944
Robert Richard Packard Air Force DNB 1912-1942
Loren Kenneth Parmer DNB 1921-1945
Edgar Otho Parr Army 1926-1987
John Edward Parr Army 1918-2004
Bill Jack Parrish Marines KIA 1924-1944
Roy Eugene Parsons Navy 1925-1998
Edgar Frank Paul, Jr. Army 1917-1986
John G. Peerson Air Force KIA 1923-1944
John Darrell Pettus Navy KIA 1916-1942
Lois Ray Petty Navy 1925-2014
Glen Howard Petway Army 1918-1995
Brookshire Samuel Pinkerton Army 1916-1981
James Miller Pinkerton Army 1926-1976
Paul Cullen Pinkerton Navy 1909-1982
James G Pitchford, Jr. Army KIA 1924-1944
Leonard Delbert Plymale, Jr. Marines 1924-1983
Wilda Pauline Plymale WAC 1917-1994
Mary Opal Poe WAC 1908-1976
Doris Maxine Pogue WAC 1924-2012
Walter Wayne Pogue Air Force KIA 1919-1944
Charles Henry Porter Army 1925-2014
Collier L. Porter Army 1911-1991
Johnnie Michael Porter Army 1921-2011
Joseph Foster Porter, Jr. Army KIA 1917-1944
Paul Wesley Prescott Navy KIA 1924-1943
Bailey Joe Ragon Army DOW 1925-1945
J. D. Rambo Army 1923-2015
Zene S. Rambo, Jr. Army DNB 1921-1944
Joseph Carl Ramey Navy 1920-1986
Sterling Elbert Ramey Army Air Corps 1922-1998
Bennie Bert Rausch Army 1927-2019
Ben Eugene Ray Army 1916-1978
Edward Bennett Ray Navy 1924-1982
John Birch Ray, Jr Marines KIA 1915-1944
Reuben Wood Ray Air Force KIA 1922-1944
Boyd Eugene Reece Navy 1926-1979
William Roy Reece, Jr. Army 1920-2000
Walter Scott Reed Air Force KIA 1924-1944
Virgil Lee Reeder Army KIA 1919-1944
Reginald Buford Reeves Air Force DNB 1916-1943
Nolen Edward Renfrow Navy 1920-2007
Edward Ector Reyer Army 1923-2003
Raymond Renfrow Rhodes Air Force KIA 1907-1944
Jerry Maurice Lee Rhyne Army 1923-1985
Joseph Francis Rich Army 1912-1984
Howell Leslie Riddle Marines WIA 1910-1995
Chester Ben Riggs Army KIA 1906-1944
Ralph June Riggs Navy 1922-1986
Martin Metzger Roberts Army 1916-1991
Buster Delmar Robertson Army KIA 1919-1945
John Allen Rockwell Navy 1907-1992
William Frank Rogers Army 1919-2009
Vachel Roughley Air Force 1914-1986
Ralph Paul Ruth Navy 1921-2020
William Erna Ruth, Jr. Army KIA 1920-1944
Grady Eugene Saylor Army KIA 1920-1944
Walter Eugene Scales, Jr. Army 1915-1983
Joseph Scalet Air Force KIA 1918-1948
John Ben Scherrey Navy 1913-2006
Adolph Phillip Schonaerts Jr Air Force 1919-1999
Harold Albert Schuler Navy 1918-1999
Troy Leonard Schuler Army KIA 1922-1944
Robert "Bob" Scott Navy 1922-1986
Elmore Lee Scott Army 1913-1975
Herman Joseph Seibold Navy 1921-2001
Roger Selph Army 1921-2000
James Oliver Sellars, Jr. Air Force 1917-1980
Virgil Lewis Sellers Navy 1923-2003
Leo Theordore Sharum Air Force KIA 1918-1944
Billy Wallace Shibley Army 1920-1984
William Shaheen Shoffey Army 1913-2005
Charles Ewell Shopfner Army 1921- aft 2015
Johny Shopfner Army 1907-1980
Leslie Eugene Shopfner Navy 1927-1999
Admiral Leon Sims Navy 1921-2018
Norman Jesse Sims Army KIA 1914-1944
James Franklin Simpson Army 1924-2014
LaVerne Weston Sinclair Marines Personal Interview 1925-2017
Helen Madge Singleton WAC 1921-2008
William "Bill" Thomas Slater Army 1921-2007
Walter Eugene Slavens Army KIA 1925-1945
Curtis Elwood Smith Army 1915-2002
Donald Eugene Smith Army 1926-2008
Athan Ivon Smith Army 1918-2006
Therman Earl "Dutch" Smith Army 1926-2008
Carl Dean Smithson Navy 1918-1980
Johnie Howard "Buck" Smithson Army 1925-2005
Lois James Smithson Army 1920-1964
Mryle J. Smithson Marine WIA
Prentice Ray Smithson Army 1919-1960
Robert Lansing Smithson Army 1919-1995
Ralph Paul Smoot Army 1923-2009
Billye Rylance Sneed Army KIA 1922-1944
Davis Calvin Spears, Jr. Army 1926-2020
Joseph Monce Spears Army 1921-1998
Fred Peter Spencer Navy 1907-1997
Arnold Stafford Navy 1925-1983
Lewis W. Stafford Army 1919-2018
Warren George Stafford Navy 1921-1978
Harlan Harold Stallings Navy 1909-1981
Nora Loucinda Stallings WAC Air Force 1898-1995
Oral Kermit Stallings Army 1909-1981
Billy Hugh Stanfill Army 1927-2007
Fred Alton Stanfill Army 1919-2012
Kenneth Dain Stanfill Army 1921-2010
Lloyd Truman Stanfill Army 1923-1999
Myren Lafayette Stanfill Army 1924-2006
Herman Carl Steele Navy 1923-2005
Robert Eugene Steele Air Force 1924 - 2013
Truman Steele Navy KIA 1917-1944
James Ted Stevenson Army 1913-1996
Herbert Cumbie Stewart Army KIA 1917-1945
Thomas Franklin Stockton Army 1923-1975
Raymond Eugene Stoufer Army POW 1913-1942
Roy Lee Stroud Navy 1925-2005
Samuel Eugene Stroud Army 1922-2002
John Wilson Studdard Army DNB 1915-1945
Marie Armenta Studdard Landcaster WAC 1910-1976
Jerome Henderson Swindell Navy KIA 1920-1945
David Ernest Taylor Army 1910-1959
Junior Lee Taylor Army 1926-2019
Marshall Laymon Taylor Army 1917-1993
Paul Hurshel Taylor Army 1921-2015
Vernon Edward "Happy" Taylor Army 1923-1985
Warren G. Harding Taylor Air Force POW Personal Interview 1921-2018
Willard W. Taylor Army 1909-2004
Bertha Irene Temple Ledbetter WACs 1907-1984
Robert Lloyd Temple Army 1906-1972
William Judson Thames, Jr. Air Force KIA 1924-1945
James Paul Thomas Army 1922-2003
Nathan Thomas, Jr. Navy 1927-1953
Wayne Monroe Thomas Army 1922-2001
Alvin E. Thompson Army 1920-1975
Charles Desmond Thompson Army 1918-1996
Leon Rector Thompson Army DNB 1919-1944
Marshall Frank Thompson Army 1910-1988
Marshall Page Thompson Army 1906-1974
John Clarence Thornton Air Force KIA 1920-1944
Raymond Hamilton Timms Army 1924-2004
Hobart Wayne Treadway Air Force POW Personal Interview 1923-2018
Herbert Frank Truschel Navy WIA 1926-2011
Troy Frank Turbyville Navy 1918-2008
James Benjamin Turner, Jr. Army KIA 1914-1945
Louis Edward Turner Air Force KIA 1916-1943
Robert Franklin Turner Army 1916-1994
Luther Powell Uselton Army 1920-1997
Lewis Ray Ussery Navy 1926-2015
Vern Howard Ussery Air Force POW Personal Interview 1923-2006
Dr. James Columbus "J. C." Vaughn Navy 1923-2010
Elet Daniel Vaughn Army 1922-1951
William Edward Vaughn 1920-2000
Ray Owens Vaught Army KIA 1919-1944
Francis Theodore Verfurth Air Force KIA 1916-1944
Lecel Jefferson Vernon Navy 1919-2008
David Smith Waddy, Jr. Navy WIA 1909-2001
Leroy M. Wadsworth Air Force 1916-2007
Emmett E. Wagoner Army 1920-2000
Johnnie William Walker Army KIA 1923-1943
Charles Dewey Watts, Jr. Navy 1925-1992
Luther Mayes Weaver Army 1911-1974
Ray Leon Weindel Army 1920-1983
Robert Burns West Army 1919-1981
Thomas "Tommy" Burton West Air Force KIA 1916-1944
Ottis Lee Whelchel Army 1921-1997
Billy Dyton White Navy 1922-1994
Harold Lane White Marines KIA 1920-1944
William Paul White Army WIA 1914-2012
Eugene Wilhite Army KIA 1923-1945
Lawrence Willie Wilkins Marines KIA 1924-1945
Alfred Montigue Williams 1916-1991
Doyle Dean Williams Air Force 1924-1995
Henry Thomas Williams Army 1917-1973
John Williams
John Halton Williams Army 1915-2005
John Henry Williams Army 1911-2006
John Lamar Williams Army 1914-1991
Lester Lavern Williams Army 1925-2001
Roy Paul Williams Air Force 1924-1984
Dale Furman Williamson Army 1912-2005
Ishmael Laverne Willsey Navy 1924-2014
Norton Means Wilkinson Navy 1908-1991
Evan Towery Wilson Navy 1903-1990
John Alfred Wilson Army POW 1922-1990
Robert Jerry Wilson, Jr. Army Coast Artillery Corps POW 1922-1945
Ray Edward Wingfield Navy WIA 1918-1990
Warren Edward Wingfield Air Force 1924-2003
Henry Edward Withers Army 1921-2001
Roy Joseph Withers Army 1917-1985
Lee Roy Wooden Army 1917-1972
Gaines William Woods Army 1924-1997 WIA
John Powell Woods, Jr Army 1922-2016
Richard Pendleton Woods Army 1923-2014
Dr. William Merle Woods Flight Surgeon 1909-1978
Edward O. Wozencraft Army KIA 1923-1945
Claud Walter Yancey Navy 1916-1993
Clyde Herman Yancey Navy MIA 1923-1945
Fred Yancey Navy 1912-1980
Alfred Leroy Yarberro Army 1923-1989
Walter Stanley Yerton, Jr Navy 1922-2003
Foster C. Young Army MIA 1920-1944
WWII War Draft Board B
How Naval Aviators Became Naval Aviators
WWII Sebastian County
WWII Sebastian Co.
Co 357th 90th Div 3rd Army
Last Updated: Sunday, 18-Feb-2024 18:40:39 MST
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