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UNKNOWN PHOTO No. 29 Submitted by: Ilene Stevenson (Aug. 31, 2005) ( Possibly Yellow Rose Mine in Rush Can anyone tell me anything about this photo? My grandfather Bill Hodge {W.A.} worked at the Yellow Rose mine in Rush in 1916, I know he was injured in Jan. 1917, his foot was crushed. I believe he is in the left car, it looks like him sitting in the car with his hat cock-eyed. Does anyone know anything about this picture or who any of these men are? If anyone knows anything about the photo or can indentify any of the men please let me know. Be sure to include the photo number in your email so I can locate the correct photo. Thanks Linda (email address below). This photo is large and it's hard to see faces. I've split the photo and left the size of each side much larger. Click here to see the left side and click here to see the right side (Linda)
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