Arkansas/Phillips/St.Francis County
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Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1819 to 1839
Arkansas Gazette
Note:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
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Able, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Ackman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Acorn, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Adair, Catharine (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Adam, Allen (Art.1832), 52
Adams, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Adams, David (Art.1825), 32
Adams, Elijah (Art.1824), 29
Adams, Levi (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Addison, L. D. -(Art.1836), 58
Agard, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Aldudge, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Alexander, C. H. (Art.1829), 42
Alexander, C. H.-Executive Committee, Bible Society (Art.1832), 55
Alexander, Carnes H. (Art.1830), 44
Alexander, John Bland (Art.1831), 47
Alexander, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Alexander, William (Art.1828), 35
Allen, Renna C. (Art.1832), 52
Allen, Samuel, deceased (Art.1823), 13
Allen, William O. (Art.1819), 1
Allen, William O. (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 2
Allen, William O. Deceased (Art.1820), 2
Almand, William (Art.1825), 32
Alright, Ludwick (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Alsbury, Michael (Art.1824), 31
Ambrose, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ames, Simeon C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Ammod, John (Art.1828), 35
Ammon, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Anderson, Fergos (Art.1820), 3
Anderson, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Anderson, Thomas (Art.1825), 32
Andrew, Dutch (Art.1822), 12
Andrews, George (Art.1832), 52
Anthony, Berry-Adm'r. (Art.1824), 17
Arbuckle, John Bird (Art.1831), 48
Argue, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Arnold, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Arnold, John (Art.1828), 37
Arnold, John (Art.1829), 42
Arres, Alfred, apprentice (Art.1822), 11
Asher, Grubb, Dr. (Art.1821), 6
Atrendre, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Ausbern, John (Art.1824), 31
Ausburn, Samuel (Art.1823), 14
Austin, Jeremiah (Art.1832), 52, 54
Austin, Stephen F. (Art.1820) Circuit Court Judge, 3
Ayres, David K. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Babcock, J. H. (Art.1828), 35, 38
Babcock, James H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Badbury, Thomas (Art.1825), 33
Badger, John (Art.1824), 29
Bailey, Andrew (Art.1822), 11
Bailey, Boyd (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Bailey, Silas (Art.1821), 7
Bailey, Silas (Art.1828), 35
Bailey, William (Art.1821), 7
Bailey, William (Art.1825), 33
Baker, Benjamin M. (Art.1824), 31
Baker, Colber-Circuit Clerk of Clark Co. (Art.1823), 16
Baldwin, F. S. (Art.1828), 37
Baldwin, Frederick S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Balentine, L. (Art.1829), 42
Ball, Henry (Art.1828), 37
Ball, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ballow, Leonard (Art.1828), 36
Barber, Elias (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Barber, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Barker, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Barker, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Barkman, Jacob (Art.1820) Clark Co., 2, 4
Barkman, Jacob Postmaster Hempstead (Art.1820), 2
Barkman, Jacob, Postmaster Clark C.H. (Art.1821), 6
Barkman, Jacob-P.M. Clark C. H. (Art.1822), 10
Barkman, Jacob-P.M. Clark C.H. (Art.1823), 13
Barlow, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Barnard, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Barnes, James (Art.1838), 61
Barnes, Joshua JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 44
Barneslee, I. H. -(Art.1836), 58
Barnet, Arther (Art.1829), 42
Barrell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Barrett, Robert W. (Art.1832), 54
Barrow, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Bartan, James (Art.1824), 31
Bartholeman, Louis (Art.1824), 29
Bartholemie, L. (Art.1821), 7
Bassett, Ezekial (Art.1821), 7
Bassett, Ezekiel (Art.1824), 30
Bassett, Nathaniel (Art.1821), 7
Bassett, Nathaniel (Art.1824), 30
Bassett, William (Art.1821), 7
Bassett, William (Art.1824), 30
Basworth, David (Art.1824), 29
Bates, James W. (Art.1819), 1
Bates, James W. (Art.1828), 35
Bates, James W. (Art.1829), 42
Battle, John (Art.1829), 42
Batty, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bazielle, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bazin, Peter B.-P. M. U.S.Factory, Spadre Bluff (Art.1823), 12
Beach, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Beardley, Moses G. (Art.1831), 49
Beardsley, John H. (Art.1828), 35
Beatty, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Beckman, Abm. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Beech, William (Art.1828), 38
Beel, Norman (Art.1828), 35
Beeson, Amos (Art.1820), 2
Belincour, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Bell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Bell, Moses (Art.1829), 42
Bell, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Belont, Thairman (Art.1821), 9
Benbrook, Seaburn (Art.1821), 9
Benbrook, Seaburn (Art.1822), 12
Bender, Joseph A. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Benn, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Benn, Lewis (Art.1828), 38
Bennett, Peter H., Postmaster Point Chicot (Art.1821), 6
Bennett, Peter H.-P. M. Point Chicot (Art.1822), 10
Bennett, Peter H.-P.M. Point Chicot (Art.1823), 13
Bennett, R. (Art.1821), 7
Bennett, R. (Art.1824), 29
Benton, Charles (Art.1822), 12
Berd, Alexander (Art.1821), 7
Berdu, Albert (Art.1821), 6
Berdue, Albert (Art.1824), 29
Berider, Unk (Art.1824), 31
Berry, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Bersaw, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bertney, Jeremiah (Art.1828), 37
Bettis, Julius-Five runaway Slaves (Art.1831), 48
Bevines, Patrick (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Bevins, Patrick (Art.1828), 38
Bicker, Henry (Art.1828), 35
Biggs, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Billett, J. (Art.1824), 29
Billette, J. (Art.1821), 7
Billings, John E. (Art.1829), 42
Bills, William (Art.1825), 33
Binwell, Jesse (Art.1824), 31
Biscoe, Henry (Art.1829), 42
Biscoe, Henry L. (Art.1820) Clerk of Circuit Court for Clark Co., 3
Biscoe, Henry L. (Art.1828), 35
Biscoe, Henry L.-Clerk of Phillips Co. resigned (Art.1825), 32
Bishop, Coleman (Art.1824), 31
Black, John (Art.1821), 9
Black, Joseph (Art.1822), 12
Black, William Deceased (Art.1821), 4
Black, William-Deceased (Art.1824), 16
Blackburn, Meredith (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Blackwell, Francis -(Art.1836), 58
Blackwell, John H. (Art.1832), 52
Blair, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Blaize, William, 36
Blaze, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bliss, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Blodget, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Blodgett, Jesse (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Boddy, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Boden, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Bogy, Louis-Ark.Co.Sheriff declined. (Art.1825), 32
Bonne M. (Art.1821), 7
Bonne, Bernard (Art.1825), 31
Bonne, Michael (Art.1824), 29
Boon, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bougaf?, Claudius V. (Art.1824), 29
Bower, Isaac (Art.1828), 35
Bower, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Boyd, Alexander (Art.1832), 54
Boyd, J. (Art.1828), 36
Boyd, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Boyd, John (Art.1824), 30
Bracken, Isaac (Art.1824), 31
Bradford, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Bradley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Bradshaw, Daniel JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 44
Bragdon, Gideon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Bragdon, Gudcon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Bragoon, G. (Art.1828), 38
Branner, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brannon, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Brent, Thomas G. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Brewer, Elias (Art.1821), 9
Brewster, L. D. (Art.1828), 35
Brickey, William -(Art.1836), 58
Bridges, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bridges, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bridon, Alexander (Art.1821), 7
Briggs, Gray (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Briggs, Phineas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Brothers, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Brower, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Brown, Asher (Art.1821), 6
Brown, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Brown, Fountain (Art.1832), 54
Brown, Henry (Art.1825), 33
Brown, John (Art.1828), 38
Brown, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Brown, Porter H. (Art.1831), 48
Brown, R. (Art.1832), 55
Brown, Richard (Art.1824), 31
Brown, Ruffin (Art.1832), 52
Brown, Samuel (Art.1821), 7
Brown, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Brown, Samuel (Art.1828), 37
Brown, Spicer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Brown, Thomas (Art.1832), 52
Brown, Turner (Art.1832), 52
Brown, William (Art.1825), 33
Brunel, Abel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bryan, Samuel (Art.1832), 52
Bryant, William P. (Art.1828), 35
Brynom, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Buckaman, Archelaus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Buckhamon, Jere (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Buckley, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Buckman, Archibald (Art.1828), 35
Buckman, J. (Art.1828), 35
Buckner, William (Art.1828), 35
Budwell, Solomon (Art.1821), 8
Budwell, Solomon (Art.1824), 30
Buel, Norman (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Buffaloe, Jeremiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Buford, John S.-deceased (Art.1823), 13
Buford, Lewis Married (Art.1838), 61
Bulger, William (Art.1828), 37
Bunch, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Bunker, Nathaniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Burk, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Burke, G. -(Art.1836), 58
Burke, Thomas (Art.1828), 35
Burland, Aaron (Art.1824), 29
Burnet, Moses (Art.1821), 8
Burnett, Moses (Art.1824), 30
Burnette, J. S. (Art.1828), 38
Burrell, Hardy (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Burrell, Peter (Art.1821), 8
Burrell, Peter (Art.1824), 30
Burress, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Burriss, John (Art.1824), 30
Burt, James (Art.1828), 37
Burton, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Burton, James (Art.1828), 36
Bustle, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Butcher, Jeremiah C. (Art.1821), 5
Butler, Charles (Art.1838), 62
Button, Thomas (Art.1823), 14
Byram, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cain, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Calvert, John W.- Adm'r. (Art.1829), 42
Calvert, John W., Col. (Art.1839), 64
Calvert, Sarah, Mrs. Deceased (Art.1839), 64
Calvert, William H. (Art.1828), 35
Cameron, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Campbell, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Campbell, James D. (Art.1824), 30
Campbell, James D. (Art.1828), 36
Campbell, Samuel (Art.1825), 33
Campbell, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Cane, James R. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Cane, James R. (Art.1828), 38
Canklin, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Caraway, Joseph (Art.1832), 54
Carbon, James (Art.1828), 37
Carbon, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Cardwell, John (Art.1832), 55
Carey, John (Art.1828), 36
Carleton, Unk (Art.1825), 33
Carley, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Carlton, James-Sheriff Monroe Co. (Art.1832), 50
Carnes, John (Art.1821), 8
Carnes, John (Art.1824), 30
Carnett, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Carney, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Carothers, John (Art.1822), 11
Carothers, John (Art.1829), 41
Carothers, John Commissioner (Art.1830), 45
Carothers, William JP (Art.1838), 60
Carr, Thomas D. (Art.1821), 6
Carroll, Thomas-(Art.1836), 57
Carter, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Carter, Henry (Art.1821), 8
Carter, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22, 23
Carter, John (Art.1828), 35
Carver, Armstrong (Art.1829), 42
Carver, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Carver, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Case, Jacob, 37
Case, Jessee (Art.1825), 33
Casey, William -(Art.1836), 58
Cassidy, Henry (Art.1819) Arkansas Co., 1
Cassidy, Henry (Art.1824), 30
Cassidy, Patrick (Art.1821), 7
Cassidy, Patrick (Art.1824), 30
Casteel, Moses (Art.1828), 35
Casteel, Phillip (Art.1828), 35
Caswell, A. (Art.1828), 36
Caswell, Allison (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Catey, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Catlett, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Catlett, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Caton, James (Art.1824), 29
Caul, Zarah (Art.1825), 33
Chadwick, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Chadwick, Isaac (Art.1828), 35
Chambers, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Champlin, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Chandler, William, 9
Chapman, Moses (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Chartiage, Enos (Art.1824), 30
Chase, Benjamin, Rev. (Art.1832), 54
Chase, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Chattiney, Enos (Art.1821), 8
Chead, Rufus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Cheatham, John (Art.1832), 55
Cheatham, John B. (Art.1832), 52
Cherry, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Childress, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Childress, William (Art.1828), 35
Choteau, Pierre (Art.1825), 32
Christy, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Christy, William -(Art.1836), 58
Church, A. (Art.1822), 12
Churchman, Davis (Art.1821), 9
Clanton, Stephen (Art.1820) Clark Co., 4
Clapton, N. B., Dr.-Married (Art.1831), 48
Clark, David (Art.1820) Hempstead Co., 1
Clark, Edwin T. (Art.1829), 42
Clark, J. H. (Art.1831), 49
Clark, John (Art.1828), 35
Clark, John-Circuit Clerk of Chicot Co.(Art.1823), 16
Clark, Josiah (Art.1831), 49
Clark, Michael Gould (Art.1828), 37
Clark, Samuel M. (Art.1828), 37
Clark, Thomas P. (Art.1831), 47
Clark, William (Art.1831), 49
Clark, William L. (Art.1829), 42
Clarke, Eli (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Clarke, James (Art.1824), 31
Clarke, James M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Clarke, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19, 28
Clarke, John (Art.1828), 35
Clarke, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Clarke, Walter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Clarke, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Clarker, Deborah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Clary, John W. (Art.1831), 47
Clay, F. R. -(Art.1836), 58
Clay, Green -(Art.1836), 58
Clay, Walter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Clayton, John (Art.1822), 12
Clayton, John (Art.1825), 33
Clements, James JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 44
Clopton, N. B., Esq. (Art.1832), 53
Clopton, Nicholas B.-Executive Committee, Bible Society (Art.1832), 55
Cloud, Cornelius (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Coburn, Alfred (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Cock, Wm. G. (Art.1832), 52
Cocke, William G. (Art.1832), 53
Cofer, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Coil, Michael (Art.1838), 61
Cole, Hickman (Art.1824), 31
Coleman, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Coleman, John (Art.1828), 36
Collins, H. (Art.1828), 37
Collins, R. D. C., Lt. U.S.A. -(Art.1836), 57
Colvin, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Comb, Philllip (Art.1828), 38
Combs, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Combs, Philip (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Compton, Cornelius (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Conklin, Isaac (Art.1828), 35
Conkling, Gameliel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Conner, Hugh (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Conner, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Conner, Robert (Art.1829), 42
Conway, James S.-Governor of the State of Arkansas (Art.1837), 59
Conway, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Cook, David C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Cook, Polly (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Cooke, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Cooksey, Vincent (Art.1821), 9
Coomb, William (Art.1831), 48
Coombs, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Cooney, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Cooper, John (Art.1828), 35
Cooper, Rody A., Miss-Married (Art.1837), 59
Cooper, Zache (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Copeland, Robertson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Copeland, Urial A. (Art.1831), 47
Cornelius, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Cornelius, William (Art.1828), 36
Cornwell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Corseley, James (Art.1825), 33
Corsmondit, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Corter, John (Art.1824), 31
Costeel, John (Art.1832), 52
Costeel, Willis (Art.1832), 52
Cotter, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Cotton, J. Fitzgibbon (Art.1828), 37
Cotton, Samuel (Art.1828), 37
Cotton, William (Art.1828), 37
Coulter, William (Art.1828), 35
Coun, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Councel, John (Art.1823), 14
Councel, Redic (Art.1823), 14
Council, John (Art.1825), 33
Council, Simeon -(Art.1836), 58
Counsel, Rider (Art.1822), 10
Courter, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Courter, Aaron (Art.1828), 35
Cox, Achillas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Cox, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Craddock, Elijah (Art.1828), 36
Craddock, Eliza (Art.1824), 29
Craft, James (Art.1822), 12
Craig, William (Art.1819), 1
Crandel, Martin L. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Crandell, Sidney (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Crandell, Sydney (Art.1828), 38
Crandle, John (Art.1828), 35
Crane, Ambrose (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Crawford, Elineger (Art.1832), 54
Crawford, Moses (Art.1832), 52
Crawley, L. (Art.1831), 48
Crawley, Samuel (Art.1832), 55
Crayton, Abner (Art.1829), 42
Cremwell, Morris M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Cromwell, M. M. (Art.1828), 37
Crosby, Samuel (Art.1823), 14
Crouch, Specer-Clerk Circuit Court (Art.1830), 43
Crouch, Spencer JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 44
Crouch, Spencer- of Crawford County to be Clerk of St. Francis Co. (Art.1828), 34
Crouch, Spencer, Esq.-Clerk-Deceased May 2,1832 (Art.1832), 53
Crouch, Spencer-Circuit Court Clerk deceased (Art.1832), 53
Crouch, Spencer-Clerk (Art.1829), 40
Crouch, Spencer-Clerk St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 50, 51
Crouch, Spencer-Esq. Postmaster St.Francis C.H. (Art.1831), 47
Crouch, Spencer-resigned P. M. St.Francis Co. (Art.1832), 51
Crowder, Nelson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Crownover, D. (Art.1828), 35
Crownover, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Crowson, Elisha (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Crowson, Wm. (Art.1832), 54
Cryndell, Wilson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Cullin, Edwin T. (Art.1831), 47
Cummins, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Cunningham, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Cunningham, Samuel (Art.1831), 48
Cunningham, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Cunningham, William (Art.1828), 35
Cupps, James (Art.1832), 52
Curl, T. J.-Sheriff St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 51
Curl, Thomas J.,Esq. St. Francis C.H. (Art.1837), 58
Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff (Art.1832), 53
Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff -(Art.1836), 57
Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff (Art.1838), 60
Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff and Collector -(Art.1836), 58
Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 50
Curl, Thomas-Sheriff and Collector (Art.1832), 55
Curter, Henry (Art.1824), 30
Curtis, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Damout, Allen (Art.1828), 35
Daniels, Numus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Danley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Darden, Baptiste (Art.1825), 31
Davidson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Davidson, William (Art.1828), 35
Davis, Cornelius (Art.1832), 52
Davis, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Davis, David-Coroner St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 51
Davis, Edward (Art.1821), 9
Davis, Hiram (Art.1821), 9
Davis, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Davis, James (Art.1821), 8
Davis, James (Art.1824), 30
Davis, James (Art.1828), 37
Davis, John-Plaintiff (Art.1839), 63
Davis, Samuel (Art.1822), 10
Davis, Thomas (Art.1828), 37
Davis, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Dawse, Adam (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Dawse, Adams (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Dawson, J. L.-Louisville, Ky. (Art.1838), 63
Day, Abraham (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Deadman, Robert, of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Deamond, Allen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Dean, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Deane, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Deavers, George W. (Art.1839), 63
Degargney, Pierre (Art.1821), 8
Degear, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Delaney, Murk (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Delk, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Denning, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Dennis, R. T. (Art.1822), 10
Dennis, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Dent, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Deplace, John B. (Art.1824), 30
Des Ruisseaux, Joseph (Art.1825), 31
Desha, Frances A., Adm. (Art.1823), 13
Desha, Frances Ann-Adm'r. (Art.1823), 14
Desha, Robert M., Captain, Deceased (Art.1823), 13
Desha, Robert M.-deceased (Art.1823), 13
Dever, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Devine, David (Art.1828), 36
Devon, Luke (Art.1828), 37
Dewese, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Dian, John (Art.1821), 6
Dian, John (Art.1824), 30
Dick, John (Art.1831), 49
Dickerson, Townsend (Art.1832), 55
Dieman, Julius (Art.1825), 32
Dillon, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Doane, Onas (Art.1824), 29
Doane, Onat (Art.1828), 37
Dobbins, Andrew (Art.1824), 30
Dobbs, Abraham (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Dobson, Mary (Art.1832), 52
Dobson, Neely JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 44
Dolison, Neely, Col.-Deceased (Art.1831), 47
Donihew, Thomas (Art.1828), 35
Donoho, James (Art.1829), 42
Dooley, Thomas-Colonel of Militia in Hempstead County (Art.1823), 15
Dorris, J. S.-JP (Art.1837), 58
Dorson, Richard (Art.1823), 14
Dougherty, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Douglass, John-JP Union township (Art.1830), 44
Douglass, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Dowd, Asa (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Dowd, Asa (Art.1828), 35
Dowlin, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Downing, Bela (Art.1824), 29
Downing, Bela (Art.1825), 33
Downing, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Doyle, William (Art.1824), 30
Dozen, Richard (Art.1825), 33
Drake, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Drake, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Drinkard, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Drope, W., Pulaski Co. (Art.1820), 4
Drusnuski, Andrew-Deceased (Art.1829), 42
Druyer, Anthony (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Du Chassin, Antoine (Art.1825), 32
Du Chassin, Joseph (Art.1825), 32
Dudley, Enoch (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Dudley, Enoch (Art.1828), 36
Duff, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Dukey, William (Art.1828), 37
Duncan, William B. -(Art.1836), 58
Dunham, Ephraim (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Dunn, Hiram (Art.1829), 41
Dunn, Ischabod, Mrs. d.18210929, 8
Dunn, James Infant d.18210928, 8
Dunn, Joseph C. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Dunn, Thomas (Art.1832), 52, 54
Dunn, William (Art.1829), 41
Dunn, William-Deceased (Art.1828), 34
Duplace, John B. (Art.1821), 8
Duval, Conrod (Art.1828), 37
Duval, George (Art.1821), 7
Dyches, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Dyer, Right-Adm’r. (Art.1828), 34
Eads, Mathias (Art.1832), 54
Early, Thomas (Art.1828), 35
East, Isaac (Art.1821), 5
East, Isaac (Art.1822), 11
Eaton, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18, 23
Ebenezer, Liddle (Art.1821), 9
Ebertine, Phillip (Art.1831), 48
Ector, Thomas (Art.1829), 42
Edward, Duncan (Art.1821), 9
Edwards, Gideon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Edwards, Gideon (Art.1828), 35
Edwards, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Edwards, Mary (Art.1821), 7
Edwards, Peter (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Edwards, Peter (Art.1828), 35
Egbert, Rachael (Art.1832), 55
Egbert, Rachel -(Art.1836), 58
Eldridge, Chester (Art.1832), 55
Elds, Henry (Art.1828), 35
Elliott, Wright W. (Art.1829), 42
Ellis, Harry (Art.1832), 55
Ellis, Levis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Ellis, Radford (Art.1820) Pulaski Co., 2
Elsberry, Michael (Art.1825), 33
Empson, Mrs. (Art.1822), 11
English, John (Art.1820) Hempstead Co., 2
English, John (Art.1821), 6
English, John Postmaster White Run (Art.1820), 2
Enos, William (Art.1824), 29
Enos, William JP Union township (Art.1830), 44
Erett, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Erwin, James -(Art.1836), 58
Eskridge, Thomas P. -(Art.1836), 58
Evans, Amos (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Evins, H. W. (Art.1829), 42
Evins, William B. (Art.1829), 42
Fabian, John D. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fagart, Elisha (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Fairfax, George of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Fales, Jabes (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fanning, E. B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Fargue, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Farley, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Farnesworth, George W. (Art.1829), 42
Farnold, John H. (Art.1829), 42
Farnold, Thomas (Art.1828), 36
Farnold, Thomas (Art.1832), 55
Farrell, Fragus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Fellingen, Sallie (Art.1821), 5
Ferebee, George W. (Art.1828), 36
Ferebee, George W., Adm. (Art.1823), 13
Ferebee, George W.-Adm. (Art.1823), 14
Ferebee, George W.-Clerk of Phillips County (Art.1825), 32
Ferebee, John (Art.1829), 42
Ferebee, John Heirs (Art.1831), 48
Ferguson, Champ’n (Art.1823), 14
Ferguson, Champion (Art.1825), 33
Ferguson, William D. (Art.1832), 55
Fields, John (Art.1821), 8
Fields, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Fields, Joseph (Art.1828), 38
Fields, Richard (Art.1821), 8
Fields, Richard (Art.1824), 29
Fillingham, Samuel JP Franklin township (Art.1830), 44
Fillingim, Samuel (Art.1829), 41
Fillingim, Sarah, Mrs. Deceased (Art.1830), 44
Findley, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fish, Thomas (Art.1820) Clark Co., 2, 4
Fisher, Leven (Art.1828), 38
Fisher, Levin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Fitzgerald, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
FitzGibbon, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Fix, James C. (Art.1831), 47
Fleming, John (Art.1828), 36
Fleming, John -(Art.1836), 58
Fleming, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Fletcher, Aaron (Art.1821), 9
Fletcher, Aaron Deceased (Art.1821), 9
Fletcher, Clement B. (Art.1824), 29
Fletcher, Clement B. (Art.1828), 36
Fletcher, John (Art.1821), 9
Fletcher, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Fletcher, John of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Fletcher, Moses (Art.1821), 9
Fletcher, Simeon (Art.1821), 9
Floyd, Thomas W. (Art.1824), 31
Fondrie, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Fooey, Benjamin-P.M. Hopefield (Art.1822), 10
Fooy, Benjamin (Art.1820) Phillips Co., 4
Fooy, Benjamin d.18231227 Obit (Art.1824), 16
Fooy, Benjamin, Postmaster Hopefield (Art.1821), 6
Fooy, Benjamin-P.M. Hopefield (Art.1823), 13
Fooy, Henry (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Fooy, Sarah, Mrs.-Adm'x. (Art.1824), 17
Foran, David-Coroner Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 51
Forbes, Isaac (Art.1828), 35
Forbes, Isaac (Art.1832), 52, 55
Forbes, Isaac Judge for Common Pleas Phillips Co. (Art.1821), 5
Forbes, Isaac-County Surveyor (Art.1830), 43
Forbes, Isaac-Surveyor St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 51
Forbes, James-Defendant (Art.1839), 63
Forbes, John -(Art.1836), 58
Forbes, Thomas (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Forbis, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Force, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Ford, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Ford, Rev. (Art.1839), 64
Ford, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Forgey, James (Art.1824), 29
Forsythe, Henry H. -(Art.1836), 58
Foster & Strong (Art.1830), 46
Foster, Ambrose (Art.1832), 52
Foster, J. T.-P.M. St.Francis Co. C.H. resigned (Art.1831), 47
Foster, John H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Foster, John J. (Art.1829) Postmaster St.Francis C.H., 43
Foster, John T. (Art.1830), 46
Foster, John T. -(Art.1836), 58
Foster, John T.-Defendant (Art.1839), 64
Foster, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Fowler, Alexander (Art.1831), 49
Fowler, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Fowler, Henry (Art.1829), 42
Fowler, John H. -(Art.1836), 58
Fowler, John H.-Circuit Clerk of Miller Co. (Art.1823), 16
Fox, William (Art.1831), 49
Fox, William (Art.1832), 55
Franklin, Joseph (Art.1828), 38
Franks, Chesley (Art.1829), 41
Franks, Chesley Crow Creek, St. Francis Co. (Art.1837), 58
Franks, Chrisley JP Union township (Art.1830), 44
Franks, Elisha (Art.1828), 35
Franks, Henry (Art.1828), 35
Franks, Littleberry (Art.1828), 35
Frazier, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Frazier, Moses (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Freeman, Amy & Harriot (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Freeman, Joel (Art.1822), 11
Freeney, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
French, Silas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Frenger, George (Art.1824), 29
Frenger, Robert, of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Frisby, Amos (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Fritts, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Fugway, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Fuller, Frederick (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Fulsom, Ebenezer (Art.1821), 7
Fulton, John (Art.1825), 33
Furr, Sherwood (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Galloway, John B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Galman, Gabriel (Art.1828), 37
Gardner, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Gardner, Russell (Art.1825), 33
Garret, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Garroin, George (Art.1831), 47
Gates, Edwart T. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Geery, James (Art.1820), 2
Genty, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Geo. W. Brand & Co. (Art.1820), 3
Gibbons, Angush (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Gibbs, Varnell (Art.1824), 29
Gibson, George W. (Art.1831), 48
Gibson, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Gibson, Joseph C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Gilbert, Andrew (Art.1825), 33
Gilbert, Isaac (Art.1829), 42
Gilbert, Isaac T. (Art.1832), 55
Gilbert, William (Art.1831), 49
Gilbrith, Samuel (Art.1832), 52
Giles, Elizabeth, Mrs. alias Elizabeth Taylor (Art.1829), 40
Gillispie, David (Art.1824), 29
Gillispie, Mathew (Art.1825), 33
Gillispie, Matthew (Art.1824), 31
Glass, William H. (Art.1821), 7
Glede, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Glen, Alex (Art.1822), 12
Gleson, Levi (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Godfrey, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Godfrey, John (Art.1828), 35
Gollaher, Catherine (Art.1824), 30
Gooch, Benjamin- to be Postmaster Corea Fabre, Union Co. (Art.1831), 46
Goodall, Nathaniel (Art.1828), 37
Goodsell, Nathaniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Gordon & Wells (Art.1828), 36
Goss, Nathan (Art.1824), 29
Gough, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Gould, Michael (Art.1828), 38
Gowen, Levi-Horse stealing (Art.1837), 59
Goza, Isaiah (Art.1825), 33
Grace, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Grant, James W.-Murderer (Art.1838), 60
Graves, John (Art.1824), 31
Graves, Thomas (Art.1821), 7
Gray, Ebenezer (Art.1824), 31
Gray, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Gray, Thomas (Art.1829), 42
Grayham, J. -(Art.1836), 58
Grayham, Jack -(Art.1836), 58
Green, B. (Art.1832), 52
Green, Drewry (Art.1828), 38
Green, Drury (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Green, Edward (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Green, Elijah (Art.1825), 33
Green, Thomas B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Greene, William (Art.1822), 12
Greenleaf, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Gregory, William (Art.1821), 7
Gressam, Thomas B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Griffin, J. (Art.1828), 38
Grissom, William (Art.1824), 31
Griswold, Latimer, Coroner and acting Sheriff (Art.1823), 15
Grunesley, Isaac T. (Art.1829), 42
Grunt, John (Art.1832), 52
Guertner, Michael (Art.1828), 38
Guion, Samson (Art.1829), 42
Gwin, Edward (Art.1828), 37
Hacket, John S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hagans, William (Art.1824), 29
Hailey, Coleman (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hain, Alijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Halbert, James (Art.1832), 54
Hall, James (Art.1828), 38
Hall, Judge (Art.1828), 34
Hall, Warren (Art.1828), 37
Hall, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Halney, Thomas B. -(Art.1836), 58
Hamilton, James (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 4
Hamilton, John (Art.1822), 12
Hamitt, Henry (Art.1822), 12
Hamlin, Laike (Art.1821), 9
Hammond, Chistopher (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Hampton, Erithia-Administratrix, of John Hampton, deceased (Art.1829), 41
Hampton, Henry (Art.1825), 33
Hampton, Henry W. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Hampton, John (Art.1822), 12
Hampton, Wade deceased (Art.1822), 11
Hanks, Fleetwood-Sheriff Phillips Co. (Art.1832), 50
Hanks, James (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Hanks, Millender (Art.1824), 29
Hanks, Unk (Art.1829), 42
Hanna, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Hannah, Thomas (Art.1828), 35
Harden, Joseph B. (Art.1832), 54
Harden, Wm. B. (Art.1832), 54
Hardin, Joab (Art.1820) Lawrence Co., 2
Hardin, Joseph (Art.1820) Lawrence Co., 2
Hardin, Joseph B. (Art.1832), 52
Hardwick, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Hargrave, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Harland, Thomas (Art.1831), 47
Harland, Thomas E. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Harley, Dennis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Harper, Willis V. (Art.1828), 36
Harrington, Bartley (Art.1819), 1
Harrington, William (Art.1822), 12
Harris, Charles (Art.1824), 29
Harris, Daniel (Art.1821), 9
Harris, Duke H. (Art.1822), 10
Harris, John (Art.1832), 52, 54
Harrison, George (Art.1829), 40
Harrison, Susannah, Mrs. alias Susannah Mitchell (Art.1829), 39
Hart, Hardy (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Hart, Hardy (Art.1828), 36
Hart, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hart, Warner (Art.1828), 36, 37
Hart, Warren (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Hart, William M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hartfeld, Asa (Art.1828), 36
Hartfield, Asa-Surveyor Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 51
Hartley, James-Jailed for Murder (Art.1830), 43
Harwick, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hary, William -(Art.1836), 58
Hatch, Daniel H. (Art.1820), 3
Hatcher, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Hatheway, George (Art.1822), 11
Hatley, John (Art.1821), 7
Hatley, John (Art.1822), 11
Hattel, Nathan (Art.1832), 55
Haverlow, Stapleford (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Hayden, Newell (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Hayne, James (Art.1825), 33
He?ten, Johnathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Heath, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hebden, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hecks, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Heininger, J. (Art.1828), 37
Heiser, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Helm, Shadrech (Art.1825), 33
Henderson, John T. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Henderson, Mathew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hendrick, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Henry, Carter (Art.1822), 12
Henry, John (Art.1824), 31
Hiatt, Wm. G. (Art.1832), 52
Hickland, Absolum (Art.1821), 7
Hicks, Joshua (Art.1821), 5, 9
Higginbotham, P. S. (Art.1838), 63
Higgins, David (Art.1831), 49
Hightower, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hill, Henry -(Art.1836), 58
Hill, James (Art.1822), 12
Hill, John -(Art.1836) alias Nixon Curry, 57
Hill, Nicholas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Hill, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Hiller, Eleazer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Himes, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Hind, John (Art.1829), 42
Hines, Henry (Art.1828), 35, 38
Hiram, Davis (Art.1821), 9
Hobbs, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Hobbs, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Hocke, William (Art.1828), 37
Hogan, John (Art.1821), 8
Hogan, John (Art.1824), 30
Hoke, Isaiah T. (Art.1831), 49
Holcomb, Colvin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Holder, John (Art.1828), 37
Holdher, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Holling, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Holloway, John (Art.1823), 14
Holmes, Joshua (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Homes, William (Art.1823), 14
Hopkins, Josiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Horner, John (Art.1828), 36
Horner, John H. (Art.1831), 49
Horner, Thornton (Art.1829), 42
Horner, W. B. R. (Art.1819), 1
Horner, W. B. R., Adm'r, Helena, Phillips Co. (Art.1822), 11
Horner, W. B. R.,Postmaster (Art.1821), 5
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 2
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1820) Clerk of Circuit Court for Phillips Co., 3
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1820) Phillips Co., 4
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1824), 30
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1829), 42
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1831), 49
Horner, William B. R.- Adm., 15
Horner, William B. R. Esq. Postmaster Phillips Co. (Art.1821), 5
Horner, William B.R. (Art.1828), 36
Horner, Wm. B. R.-P.M.Helena, 10
Hornor, Samuel (Art.1824), 29
Hotchkiss, E.-Adm'r. (Art.1837), 59
Houge, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Houser, Christopher (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hoverlon, S. (Art.1828), 35
Howard, Tobias (Art.1831), 47
Howe, Calvin B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hubble, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hudgens, Henry (Art.1824), 31
Hudgens, John (Art.1824), 31
Hudgens, John (Art.1832), 55
Hudgens, Stephen (Art.1824), 31
Hudgens, William (Art.1832), 55
Hudgeons, Henry (Art.1825), 33
Hudgeons, John (Art.1825), 33
Huffman, John (Art.1825), 33
Huffman, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Hull, Elijah (Art.1824), 31
Hullet, David Heirs (Art.1831), 48
Hulsey, Hardin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Humphrey, Samuel (Art.1822), 12
Hunt, James (Art.1829), 42
Hunt, John W. (Art.1822), 11
Hunt, John W. (Art.1828), 37
Hunt, Samuel F. (Art.1832), 55
Hunter, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hutchinson, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Hutchison, Alexander (Art.1828), 35
Hutson, Benjamin-of Franklin county, Alabama (Art.1837), 59
Hyde, H. P., Dep.Sheriff of Arkansas Territory (Art.1820), 3
Hyde, Horace P. (Art.1821), 7
Hyden, John H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Hynd, James (Art.1828), 36
Hynes, Ferdinand (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hynes, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Ingram, James (Art.1822), 12
Isaac, B. (Art.1823), 14
Isaacs, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Isam, James (Art.1823), 14
Isbel, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Isham, James (Art.1821), 9
Isler, Anthony (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Izard, Mark W. JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 44
Izard, Mark W.,Col.-Commandant (Art.1830), 43
Izard, Mark W.-of St. Francis county (Art.1838), 60
Izard, Mark W.-President, Bible Society (Art.1832), 54
Izard, Samuel F. (Art.1829), 42
Jackman, J. C. (Art.1828), 38
Jackman, Jeremiah C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Jackson, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Jackson, Isaac (Art.1828), 36
Jackson, James -(Art.1836), 58
Jackson, John d.18210726 (Art.1821), 6
Jacobs, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Jacobs, T. C. (Art.1831), 47
James, Elisha (Art.1832), 52
James, Elisha K. JP Union township (Art.1830), 44
James, Ellice E. (Art.1832), 52
James, Martin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
James, Stephen Thomas (Art.1825), 33
Jameson, Nicholas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Jannette, A. (Art.1821), 7
Jannis, Antoine (Art.1824), 29
Jardelas, Jean (Art.1825), 31
Jeffers, William W. (Art.1828), 36
Jemp, Joseph (Art.1828), 36
Jenkins, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Jenkins, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Jenkins, Joseph (Art.1825), 32
Jenkins, Upton (Art.1821), 5
Jennings, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Jennings, Thadeus (Art.1821), 9
Jesley, Anthony (Art.1828), 35
Johnson, J. R. (Art.1828), 37
Johnson, Jesse (Art.1831), 50
Johnson, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Johnson, John (Art.1829), 42
Johnson, John (Art.1829), 42
Johnson, John (Art.1830), 45
Johnson, John K. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Johnson, John, Judge-(Art.1831), 48
Johnson, John-County Judge (Art.1830), 43
Johnson, Joseph (Art.1822), 12
Johnson, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Johnson, K. (Art.1832), 52
Johnson, Lemuel (Art.1832), 54
Johnson, Margaret, Miss. Married (Art.1831), 48
Johnson, Nancy C., Miss. Married (Art.1831), 50
Johnson, Nathan (Art.1831), 48
Johnson, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Johnson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Johnson, William (Art.1824), 29
Johnson, William (Art.1831), 49
Jones, Bennett (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Jones, Burrell-Murdered (Art.1828), 39
Jones, Hubbard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Jones, John (Art.1829), 42
Jones, John F. (Art.1828), 36
Jones, John T. (Art.1832), 55
Jones, Josiah E. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Jones, William (Art.1831), 49
Jones, William, Deceased (Art.1829), 40
Keeting, Hiram (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Kellams, W. (Art.1831), 47
Kelly, Charles-P.M. Batesville (Art.1823), 12
Kelly, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Kelly, William (Art.1820), 3
Kendrick, Austin (Art.1828), 36
Kendrick, Austin deceased (Art.1832), 56
Kendrick, Austin-P.M. (Art.1832), 52
Kendrick, Austin-P.M. St.Francis Co. (Art.1832), 50
Kendrick, Austin-to be Clerk Circuit Court (Art.1832), 53
Kendrick, Austin-Treasurer, Bible Society (Art.1832), 55
Kendrick, John Austin-P.M. Helena (Art.1831), 47
Kendrick, John W. (Art.1831), 48
Kennedy, Jesse (Art.1825), 33
Kennedy, Moses (Art.1824), 31
Kennister, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Kenrick, Alexander (Art.1824), 31
Kepley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Kevan, Samuel (Art.1821), 9
Killy, Robert (Art.1828), 38
Kimble, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
King, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
King, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
King, William (Art.1828), 38
Kingsland, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Kittles, Bartholemew (Art.1824), 31
Knight, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Knoker, James (Art.1828), 35
Knowland, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Kookin, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Kramer, Belthazer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
La Bounty, Washington (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lacount, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ladviere, L. (Art.1821), 7
Lake, Justus (Art.1828), 36
Lamb, Abner (Art.1832), 55
Lamb, Austin (Art.1831), 49
Lambert, Jessee (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Landon, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Landrum, Thomas (Art.1828), 37
Lane, James (Art.1821), 5
Lane, Polly, Mrs. (Art.1821), 5
Lang, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Larimore, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Larivieve, Louis (Art.1824), 29
Larruse, Francis (Art.1825), 32
Latour, Balthazar (Art.1825), 32
Laughridge, John H. (Art.1838), 62
Laughridge, John H.-Married (Art.1831), 50
Laurant, Francis (Art.1832), 54
Lawrence, D. (Art.1828), 36
Lawson, James L. -(Art.1836), 58
Lawton, Luther (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Leader, Thomas C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Lee, William J. (Art.1822), 11
Leed, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lefevre, Pierre (Art.1821), 7
Lefevre, Pierre (Art.1824), 29
Lemon, James, Pulaski Co. (Art.1820), 4
Leonard, Luther (Art.1824), 29
Lester, Abner (Art.1831), 49
Lester, Francis (Art.1828), 36
Levet, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Levingston, John T. (Art.1829), 42
Lewell, George (Art.1828), 37
Lewis, Benjamin (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Lewis, Eli J. (Amin'rs.) (Art.1820), 2
Lewis, Eli J. (Ex'rs.), 1
Lewis, Eli J.- P.M. Arkansas (Art.1823), 12
Lewis, Eli J., P.M. Arkansas (Art.1822), 10
Lewis, Eli J.-Circuit Clerk of Arkansas Co. (re-appointed) (Art.1823), 16
Lewis, James L. (Art.1829), 43
Lewis, Rial (Art.1822), 10
Lewis, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Lewis, Thomas J., Cadron Postmaster (Art.1820), 2
Lewis, William (Art.1824), 29
Lewis, William (Art.1828), 36
Liffarts, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Lincecum, Gabriel (Art.1828), 36
Lincecum, Grabel (Art.1828), 39
Lincecum, Green B., Esq. (Art.1832), 56
Lincecum, Green B.-Coroner (Art.1830), 43
Lincecum, Van Buren-Infant Deceased (Art.1832), 56
Linch, Henry E. (Art.1832), 55
Lindsey, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Littell, Philander Secretary, Bible Society (Art.1832), 55
Littell, Philander-Clerk Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 51
Littell, Philander-St.Francis Co. Attorney (Art.1832), 54
Little, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Livingston, Francis (Art.1831), 49
Livingston, James (Art.1828), 36
Livingston, James (Art.1832), 55
Lockart, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Long, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Long, Phillip G. (Art.1832), 54
Long, Samuel (Art.1828), 35
Longsdale, T. (Art.1838), 63
Longshore, Mathew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Loomus, Nero (Art.1823), 14
Lord, Charles (Art.1825), 33
Lore, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Lore, James (Art.1829), 42
Loring, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Loring, Jacob (Art.1828), 38
Love, Alexander (Art.1828), 36
Love, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Love, James W. (Art.1830), 45
Lowrey, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Lowry, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Lucas, Garland (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lucas, James H.-P.M. Crawford C.H. (Art.1823), 12
Lucas, Johns (Art.1821), 9
Lucker, James (Art.1829), 42
Luckey, Elisha (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Ludas, John (Art.1821), 9
Ludwick, Allright (Art.1828), 37
Luisse, Joseph (Art.1825), 32
Lund, Peter (Art.1828), 37
Lyon, Joshua (Art.1823), 14
Lytle, Cyrus JP Union township (Art.1830), 44
Lytle, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Maddox, Alpheus (Art.1832), 54
Maddox, John (Art.1821), 6
Maddox, John (Art.1822), 10
Madox, D. T. (Art.1820), 3
Magahab, John (Art.1821), 9
Maggard, Henry (Art.1828), 38
Magness, Morgan (Art.1828), 36
Mainus, Louis (Art.1832), 52
Manell, James (Art.1828), 36
Mansell, Chauncey (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Maples, William (Art.1824), 31
March, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Mareshal, Francis (Art.1825), 33
Marrow, John (Art.1831), 49
Marsh, Darius (Art.1824), 30
Marsh, Elijah F. (Art.1831), 47
Marsh, Ephraim H. (Art.1824), 29
Marsh, James (Art.1823), 14
Marshal, John (Art.1824), 29
Marshall, Dinweddee (Art.1822), 12
Marshall, Robert of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Martin, Edmund H. -(Art.1836), 58
Martin, Elizabeth (Art.1832), 55
Martin, James (Art.1822), 12
Martin, James (Art.1831), 49
Martin, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Martin, Mary Ann, Miss-Married (Art.1838), 61
Martin, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Martin, Samuel (Art.1828), 36
Martin, William (Art.1831), 49
Marttell, G. K. (Art.1829), 43
Marttell, W. (Art.1829), 43
Maseo, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Mason, Joseph (Art.1821), 7
Massee, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Maswell, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Mathews, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Matterson, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Maxwell, William (Art.1821), 9
May, A. S., Esq. (Art.1837), 59
May, A. S., Esq. (Art.1838), 61
May, Archibald S. Esq. (Art.1838), 61
May, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
May, John (Art.1828), 35
McAdams, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
McAdee, Lewis (Art.1831), 49
McAdoe, William (Art.1828), 36
McAdoo, Samuel (Art.1829), 43
McAllister, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
McArter, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
McArtney, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
McBay, Elisha (Art.1829), 43
McBay, John (Art.1828), 37
McCall, Samuel (Art.1821), 9
McClain, Joseph (Art.1825), 33
McClane, Joseph (Art.1822), 12
McClary, John (Art.1822), 12
McCleland, Hugh (Art.1831), 49
McClellened, William (Art.1832), 55
McClemens, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
McClemon, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McCollister, Nathaniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
McComb, Elizabeth -(Art.1836), 58
McComb, Jane -(Art.1836), 58
McCool, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
McCorkle, William (Art.1824), 29
McCoy, Clement of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
McCoy, Hugh (Art.1824), 31
McCoy, Robert (Art.1824), 29
McCraven, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
McCreary, John L. (Art.1828), 36
McCreeless, John (Art.1828), 36
McDaniel, A. G.-P.M., L' Anguille, St. Francis Co. (Art.1837), 58
McDaniel, Archibald (Art.1829), 41
McDaniel, Archibald (Art.1832), 54
McDaniel, Archibald Commissioner (Art.1830), 45
McDaniel, Archibald P. M. Languelle P.O. (Art.1832), 51
McDaniel, Hugh (Art.1824), 31
McDaniel, John (Art.1828), 36
McDaniel, John JP Union township (Art.1830), 44
McDaniel, Joshua (Art.1824), 31
McElmurry, John (Art.1820) Pulaski Co., 2
McGanghey, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
McGary, Hugh (Art.1822), 11
McGasas, Robert (Art.1824), 31
McGill, Josiah (Art.1831), 49
McGlaughlin, Joseph (Art.1825), 33
McGohagan, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
McGorend, Josiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
McGorend, Josiah (Art.1828), 37
McGound, William (Art.1831), 49
McGowen, Cormack (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
McGuire, Elizabeth (Art.1831), 49
McGuire, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
McGuire, John (Art.1828), 36
McGuire, John (Art.1832), 55
McGunnegle, William (Art.1829), 43
McKay, Robert (Art.1819), 1
McKim, Brown (Art.1821), 6
McKinney, Elijah (Art.1821), 7
McLane, Robert E. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
McLaughlin, David (Art.1828), 36
McLaughlin, Nancy (Art.1832), 55
McLean, John-P. M. McLean’s Settlement (Art.1823), 12
McMenomy, John (Art.1829), 43
McMenomy, Robert (Art.1824), 29
McMenomy, Robert (Art.1828), 36
McMichael, Green (Art.1832), 55
McMullin, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
McMullin, Margaret (Art.1828), 35
McNabb, James Y. (Art.1828), 36
McNabb, Larkin (Art.1831), 47
McNamara, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
McNutt, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
McPeak, John (Art.1821), 9
McWharton, Andrew -(Art.1836), 58
M'Donald, Edward (Art.1820) Lawrence Co., 1
Mecks, Larkin -(Art.1836), 58
Meeks, Elisher (Art.1831), 47
Meeks, Larkin (Art.1824), 31
Meeks, Will (Art.1824), 31
Meeks, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Meeks, William, Sen. (Art.1825), 33
Meford, David (Art.1821), 9
Mellen, James (Art.1828), 37
Merrill, Levi (Art.1822), 11
Merriman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Michael, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Miles, Lemuel O. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Miles, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Miles, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20, 25
Miller, Asa (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Miller, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Miller, Jabol (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Miller, John W. (Art.1829), 43
Miller, Onan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Miller, Samuel (Art.1828), 36
Miller, William (Art.1822), 12
Millet, Abraham (Art.1825), 33
Mills, Thomas I. (Art.1825), 33
Milner, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Mitchell, Abner, Deceased (Art.1829), 41
Mitchell, Daniel (Art.1832), 54
Mitchell, Daniel JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 44
Mitchell, Daniel, Adm'r. (Art.1829), 40
Mitchell, Daniel-Adm'r. (Art.1829), 41
Mitchell, Isaac-Clerk (Art.1838), 62
Mitchell, Isaac-Clerk (Art.1839), 64
Mitchell, Isaac-P.M., St. Francis C.H. (Art.1837), 58
Mitchell, Joseph (Art.1821), 6
Mitchell, Michael JP Franklin township (Art.1830), 44
Mitchell, Mrs. of St. Francis County (Art.1828), 34
Mitchell, Samuel (Art.1832), 54
Mixter, Rufus (Art.1821), 9
Mobley, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Mobley, Isaac (Art.1828), 37
Moncrief, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Monholland, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Montgomery, John (Art.1822), 10
Montgomery, John C.-Clerk Monroe Co. (Art.1832), 50
Montgomery, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Mooney, A.-Sheriff and Collector, Phillips County (Art.1824), 28
Mooney, D., Col. (Art.1820), 4
Mooney, Daniel (Art.1820) Phillips co., 4
Mooney, Daniel (Art.1821) resigned Judge of Common Pleas for P hillips Co.., 5
Mooney, Daniel (Art.1821) Sheriff of Phillips Co., 5
Mooney, Daniel (Art.1822), 10
Mooney, Daniel (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Mooney, Daniel (Ex’rs., 1
Mooney, Daniel, Col. (Art.1820) Sheriff of Phillips Co., 3
Mooney, Daniel, Postmaster Helena (Art.1821), 6
Mooney, Daniel, Sheriff and Collector, Phillips County, A.T. (Art.1824), 30
Mooney, Daniel-P.M. Helena (Art.1822), 10
Mooney, Daniel-P.M. Helena (Art.1823), 13
Mooney, Daniel-Sheriff (Art.1823), 15
Mooney, Nevil D.-Sheriff Phillips County (Art.1825), 33
Moore, Guion -(Art.1836), 58
Moore, John (Art.1821), 7
Moore, T. P. -(Art.1836), 58
Moore, W. M. -(Art.1836), 58
Morgan, William (Art.1828), 36
Morgan, William-of Mississippi (Art.1838), 60
Morris, Ebenezer (Art.1822), 12
Morris, William (Art.1821), 9
Morrow, Samuel M. (Art.1828), 37
Morrow, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Morrow, William (Art.1828), 35
Morse, Mark (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Morton, Jesse (Art.1821), 9
Morton, Jesse (Art.1822), 10
Moseley, Samuel d.1819, 1
Muler, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Mullin, Henry K. (Art.1824), 29
Murch, David (Art.1821), 9
Murch, David (Art.1822), 10
Murphey, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Murphy, Stephen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Murrill, James (Art.1821), 9
Myers, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Myrick, John T. (Art.1831), 49
Myrick, Lee (Art.1832), 52
Nash, George (Art.1824), 29
Nash, George (Art.1828), 36
Nash, Hiram (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Nash, Hirson (Art.1828), 37
Nash, Stephen (Art.1829), 43
Neal, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Neavel, John F. (Art.1824), 31
Necks, Joshua (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Neel, C. B. (Art.1828), 37
Neely, Charles-P.M., Walnut Camp, St. Francis Co. (Art.1837), 58
Neely, George W. JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 44
Neille, John (Art.1828), 37
Nessles, Abram (Art.1823), 14
Neville, James (Art.1824), 31
New, Unk (Art.1824), 31
Newell, James C., Pulaski Co. (Art.1820), 4
Newman, Richard R. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Newman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Newton, Thomas W. (Art.1828), 36
Newton, Thomas W.-Circuit Clerk of Pulaski County (Art.1823), 16
Nicholas, Abner (Art.1824), 29
Nickum, John (Art.1832), 55
Nicum, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Nicum, Jacob (Art.1828), 36
Nicum, Robert (Art.1829), 43
Noble, John (Art.1829), 43
Nobles, Stephen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Norwood, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Norwood, Joseph (Art.1828), 35
Notrebe, Frederic (Art.1819), 1
Notrebe, Frederic (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 4
Noulton, E. (Art.1828), 37
O'Burt, Charles H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Odell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Odle, Hiram (Art.1829), 43
O'Feling, Emanuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Ogelsby, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Oliver, Edward (Art.1829), 41
Oliver, Eliza, Mrs. Married (Art.1839), 64
Oliver, Henry (Art.1824), 31
Oliver. Edward Deceased (Art.1838), 63
Oram, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ormesbee, George W. (Art.1824), 29
Orr, Edward -(Art.1836), 58
Orr, George (Art.1819), 1
Overman, John (Art.1828), 36
Owens, Abner (Art.1821), 9
Owens, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Owens, Edward (Art.1821), 9
Owens, Edward (Art.1825), 33
Owner, James, Jun. (Art.1822), 11
Padget, Nathaniel (Art.1825), 33
Page, Charles (Art.1825), 33
Pair, Milly (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Pakiel, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Palmer, Turner (Art.1828), 36
Parish, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Park, Seaburn (Art.1828), 36
Parker, George S. W. (Art.1829), 40
Parker, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Parker, Mary, Mrs. alias Mary Myrick, 40
Parks, Francis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Parre, John (Art.1824), 29
Parry, Jacob (Art.1824), 29
Parry, Joseph G., Deceased (Art.1823), 15
Pasley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Pasons, George (Art.1825), 33
Passard, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Pate, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Patten, Benjamin-Notary Public Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 51
Patterson, John-Helena (Art.1822), 10
Patterson, Jones (Art.1821), 7
Patterson, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Patterson, William Adm'r.St. Francis County (Art.1828), 34
Patterson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17, 21
Patterson, William (Art.1831), 49
Patterson, William H. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Patterson, William-deceased (Art.1822), 10
Patton, George (Art.1824), 31
Patton, Mighile (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Paul, Benjamin (Art.1829), 43
Payne, Samuel -(Art.1836), 58
Payne, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Peacon, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Peck, Nathan (Art.1832), 55
Peeler, Raymond, 1
Peltiere, F. (Art.1821), 7
Penchen, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Pendell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Penny, E. F. (Art.1828), 37
Penny, Elliott (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Penrod, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Perkins, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Perleus, Pierre (Art.1825), 32
Perpius, Pierre (Art.1825), 31
Perry, John of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Perry, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Perry, Levi (Art.1824), 30
Perry, Moses (Art.1821), 7
Perry, Roots (Art.1832), 54
Pertuis, Louis (Art.1824), 29
Pertuis, P. (Art.1821), 7
Pertuis, Pierre (Art.1824), 29
Peterkin, Thomas (Art.1820), 3
Peterkin, Thomas (Art.1821), 7
Peters, John of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Peterson, William (Art.1821), 7
Pettiere, F. (Art.1824), 29
Pettison, Cornelius D. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Petty & Demoss (Art.1822), 10
Philips, Sylvanus (Art.1819), 1
Phillips & Mooney (Art.1820), 3
Phillips, Brewster (Art.1831), 49
Phillips, Isaac (Art.1821), 9
Phillips, K. (Art.1831), 47
Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1820), 3
Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 1
Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1820) Phillips Co., 4
Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1821), 6
Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1822), 10
Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1828), 36
Phillips, Sylvanus of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Phillips, Sylvanus-Adm'r. (Art.1823), 15
Phillips, Zaccheus- deceased (Art.1822), 11
Phillips, Zaccheus-deceased (Art.1823), 15
Pinkham, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Pinkham, Benjamin (Art.1828), 36
Pinkham, William (Art.1829), 43
Pitman, P. R., Postmaster Fouche de Thomas (Art.1821), 5
Pitman, P. R.-P.M. (Art.1822), 10
Pitman, P. R.-P.M. Fourche’ de Thomas (Art.1823), 12
Pitts, James G. (Art.1822), 11
Pitts, Thomas (Art.1828), 37
Plat, Brewster (Art.1828), 36
Platt, Brewster (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Platt, William (Art.1831), 49
Pleader, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Pledger, Silas (Art.1821), 7
Pledger, Silas (Art.1824), 29
Poe, Benjamin (Art.1829), 43
Pofitto, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Pollard, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Pool, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Pool, John P. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Porter, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Porter, John (Art.1824), 31
Porter, Judah (Art.1822), 12
Potter, Jacob of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 14
Pourtis, Duncan (Art.1822), 12
Prat, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Prescott, Stephen (Art.1828), 35
Preston, John,Jun.-of Phillips County (Art.1838), 60
Price, James Jr. (Art.1831), 47
Probest, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Proctor, Josiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Profit, Anderson (Art.1828), 35
Prophet, Anderson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Pry, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Pryor, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Putney, Jeremiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Pyburn, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Quarles, William, Attorney (Art.1822), 11
Quin, Edward of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Quinn, Edward (Art.1824), 29
Quinton, Andrew (Art.1824), 29
Racine, Francis (Art.1824), 30
Raimer, Adm. (Art.1821), 6
Raimer, Phillip (Art.1824), 30
Raines, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Rainey, John (Art.1822), 12
Rainey, William (Art.1821), 5
Rainey, William (Art.1822), 12
Ralph, Anderson (Art.1828), 37
Ralston, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ramsey, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Ramsour, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Raney, Unk (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Ransum, Arastus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Rapse, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Rathbon, Lemuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Rawson, Jeremiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Ray, William (Art.1831), 49
Reed, John (Art.1828), 38
Reed, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Reed, William (Art.1828), 36
Reese, William (Art.1822), 10
Resler, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Reynolds, Stephen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Rice, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Rich, Henry S. (Art.1832), 55
Richards, David (Art.1832), 54
Richards, David, Adm'r. (Art.1829), 40
Richardson, Nathaniel (Art.1823), 14
Ricketts, Drury (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ricketts, Drury (Art.1824), 29
Right, David (Art.1828), 35
Right, John (Art.1831), 49
Righter, David (Art.1831), 49
Rightor, Nicholas (Art.1821), 5
Rightor, Nicholas (Art.1828), 37
Ripley, John (Art.1828), 37
Rison, Jacob (Art.1824), 31
Roane, Andrew-Deceased-Esq. - Clerk of the Circuit Court St.Francis Co. (Art.1828), 34
Roane, Sam C. (Art.1819), 1
Robbins, Joseph (Art.1830), 46
Roberts, Obadiah (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Roberts, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Roberts, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Robertson, Howell (Art.1831), 49
Robertson, John, Jr. (Art.1832), 55
Robertson, Joseph (Art.1831), 49
Robertson, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Robertson, Thomas (Art.1828), 37
Robertson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Robertson, William (Art.1824), 30
Robertson, William (Art.1828), 37
Robinson, Alex (Art.1832), 55
Robinson, James -(Art.1836), 58
Robuck, George (Art.1828), 37
Rodrigues, Manuel (Art.1825), 31
Roebuck, George (Art.1821), 7
Rogers, Barney (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Rogers, John (Art.1821), 9
Roil, Sarah (Art.1832), 55
Roll, Price (Art.1829), 43
Roll, Sarah (Art.1828), 38
Roll, William (Art.1828), 38
Rollings, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Rollins, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Roper, William W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Ross, James (Art.1823), 14
Ross, Nicholas (Art.1828), 37
Rothe, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Rotherford, William (Art.1831), 47
Rouce, Nicholas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Rowland, Reese (Art.1824), 29
Roy, Beverly (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Roy, Sylvanus (Art.1831), 49
Roy, William (Art.1832), 54
Ruble, Jessee (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Rublege, Ellison (Art.1828), 36
Rush, Ambrose (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Russell, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Russell, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Russell, William (Art.1821), 8
Russell, William (Art.1824), 30
Russell, William (Art.1831), 49
Rutherford, Samuel M., Circuit Clerk of Phillips County (Art.1823), 15
Ryan, A. H. (Art.1831), 47
Sailing, George (Art.1828), 36
Samuel, John Sr. (Art.1829), 43
Samuel, L. (Art.1829), 43
Sanderlin, G. (Art.1828), 36
Sanderlin, Griffith (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Sanders, Edward (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Sanders, William Married (Art.1832), 53
Sanford, Henry, Postmaster Davidsonville (Art.1821), 6
Sanford, Henry-P.M. Davidsonville (Art.1823), 12
Sanford, Henry-P.M., Davidsonville (Art.1822), 10
Sanford, John R.-Clerk Phillips Co. (Art.1832), 50
Sanford, Mason (Art.1829), 43
Sattewhite, P. & F. (Art.1824), 29
Saul, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Saul, George (Art.1828), 35
Saunders, Jesse-Defendants (Art.1839), 63
Sayling, George (Art.1828), 35
Saylors, John C.-to be Postmaster Litchfield, Jackson Co. (Art.1831), 46
Scearcy, George (Art.1828), 35
Schemerhorne, John C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Scott, James F. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Scrupture, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Scull, James (Amin’rs.) (Art.1820), 2
Scull, James (Art.1821), 7
Scull,.H., Sheriff (Art.1819), 1
Seabourn, George (Art.1824), 30
Seaburn, George Sheriff Phillips County, A.T. (Art.1821), 9
Seaburn, George-Sheriff Phillips County (Art.1822), 12
Sead, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Seader, Thomas C. (Art.1828), 35
Seal, Joseph (Art.1828), 36
Searcy, George (Art.1828), 38
Searcy, Richard, Postmaster Batesville (Art.1821), 6
Searcy, Richard-P.M. Batesville (Art.1822), 10
Sebastian, William K. (Art.1838), 62
Seets, David (Art.1823), 15
Senkler, John C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Sevier, Joseph (Art.1819), 1
Sevier, Joseph (Art.1821), 7
Sevier, Joseph (Art.1828), 37
Shaver, Charles (Art.1829), 41
Shaver, Charles (Art.1838), 63
Shaver, Charles Commissioner (Art.1830), 45
Shaver, Charles JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 44
Shaver, John, Dr. (Art.1831), 49
Shaver, Joseph JP Franklin township (Art.1830), 44
Shaw, James (Art.1825), 33
Shaw, John -(Art.1836), 58
Sheckle, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Shelton, Newson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Sherodsen, David (Art.1828), 38
Sherrel, Jesse B.-Deceased (Art.1837), 59
Shertil, Jesse B. -(Art.1836), 58
Shervey, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Shirardson, David (Art.1829), 43
Shoemaker, Samuel (Art.1822), 12
Shuniway, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Sibley, Gabriel Murdered (Art.1838), 60
Sibley, Hiram (Art.1838), 60
Sibley, John (Art.1838), 60
Simmons, Thomas (Art.1829), 43
Simms, Thomas (Art.1821), 9
Simms, William D. (Art.1824), 29
Simms, William D. of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Simons, John (Art.1828), 38
Simonton, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Simpson, Francis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Sinclair, John (Art.1821), 5
Skipwith, Andrew (Art.1828), 36
Slaughter, Robert F. (Art.1819) Petty Co., 1
Slay, William (Art.1824), 29
Slay, William (Art.1828), 36
Sledge, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Sloop, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Sloy, William (Art.1825), 33
Smith, Alfred (Art.1832), 52
Smith, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Smith, Claibourn -(Art.1836), 58
Smith, D. S., Dr. (Art.1821), 8
Smith, D. S., Dr. (Art.1822), 10
Smith, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Smith, David S. (Art.1822), 11
Smith, Ebenezer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Smith, Ebenezer (Art.1828), 36
Smith, Elias (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Smith, Ferdinand (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Smith, George (Art.1822), 12
Smith, Henry C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Smith, Isaac (Art.1828), 38
Smith, J. N. of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Smith, James S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, John (Art.1821), 5, 9
Smith, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, John (Art.1831), 47
Smith, Jordan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Smith, Jordan (Art.1828), 38
Smith, Mathew-Executive Committee, Bible Society (Art.1832), 55
Smith, Nicholas (Art.1831), 49
Smith, Noah (Art.1828), 37
Smith, R. (Art.1828), 37
Smith, Ralph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Smith, Reuben (Art.1828), 38
Smith, Richard (Art.1824), 29
Smith, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Smith, Robert S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, Samuel (Art.1822), 12
Smith, Samuel (Art.1824), 31
Smith, Sarah (Art.1829), 43
Smith, Thomas (Art.1821), 9
Smith, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, Thomas (Art.1831), 47
Smith, W. H. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 32
Smith, Warner (Art.1828), 38
Smith, Warner (Art.1829), 43
Smith, Warner (Art.1831), 49
Smith, Warren (Art.1825), 33
Smith, William H. (Art.1821) (Admin'r.), 4
Smith, William H.-Adm'r. (Art.1824), 17
Smith, William-Adm'r. (Art.1823), 13
Smoots, Leonard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Snodgrass, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Snyder, George R. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Snyder, George R. (Art.1828), 36
Snyder, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Solomon, Drury (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Soudigney, L. (Art.1821), 7
Souligney, L. (Art.1824), 29
Southard, Henry (Art.1829), 43
Southard, Samuel L. (Art.1824), 29
Southard, Samuel L. (Art.1828), 38
Southard, Samuel of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Sparks, John-Horse stealing (Art.1837), 59
Speak, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Speaks, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Speaks, William (Art.1831), 47
Spear, Hugh (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Spencer, A. P. (Art.1820) Adj. General for Arkansas Territory, 4
Spencer, A. P. Sheriff Resigned(Art.1821) Phillips Co., 5
Spencer, Abner P. (Art.1821), 5
Spencer, Abner P., Col., Sheriff of Phillips Co. (Art.1820), 4
Spencer, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Spillman, Nathaniel (Art.1824), 30
Squalls, Polly (Art.1823), 15
Stacy, Stephen (Art.1832), 54
Stafford, Joel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Standefer, Lody (Art.1831), 47
Standlee, Joseph-Deceased (Art.1828), 34
Standlee, Richard (Art.1823), 15
Staples, Benoni (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Stargess, Anne W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Starnes, Elam (Art.1829), 43
Statham, John D. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Stayton, Arthur (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Steadman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Steadman, William (Art.1828), 37
Steamboat Courier (Art.1821), 6
Stedman, Samuel (Art.1822), 12
Stephens, J. (Art.1828), 38
Stephens, Jesse (Art.1821), 7
Stephens, Jessee (Art.1828), 37
Stephens, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18, 26
Stephens, Moses (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Stephenson, J. (Art.1828), 38
Stephenson, John (Art.1822), 12
Stephenson, S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Stephenson, Stephen (Art.1821), 9
Stephenson, Unk Arrested for Horse Stealing (Art.1832), 51
Stephenson, William (Art.1820) Hempstead Co., 2
Stephenson, William-Hung for Horse Stealing (Art.1832), 51
Steton, H. (Art.1831), 49
Stewart, Charles (Art.1825), 33
Stewart, Walter (Art.1829), 43
Stice, Mary (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Stiles, Samuel, Jr. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Stillwell, Harold (Art.1819), 1
Stillwell, Joseph-(Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 4
Stinson, Charles (Art.1821), 7
Stinson, Charles (Art.1828), 37
Stinson, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Stokes, George W. (Art.1832), 52
Stokes, George W.-Postmaster Bayou St.Francis (Art.1832), 54
Strebblin, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Strong, Abram (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Strong, John William-Sheriff and Collector (Art.1831), 49
Strong, William (Art.1822), 11
Strong, William (Art.1828 agent for Gazette), 39
Strong, William (Art.1829) Agent for Gazette, 39
Strong, William (Art.1831), 48
Strong, William -(Art.1836), 57
Strong, William (Art.1837), 59
Strong, William Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County (Art.1828), 38
Strong, William, Late Sheriff in 1831 (Art.1832), 53
Strong, William-Adm. (Art.1823), 13
Strong, William-Complainant (Art.1839), 64
Strong, William-Resigned as Postmaster (Art.1829), 43
Strong, William-Sheriff (Art.1830), 43
Strong, William-Sheriff and Collector St. Francis Co. (Art.1829), 43
Strong, William-St. Francis (Art.1838), 62
Strong, William-St. Francis C.H. Agent for the Gazette (Art.1832), 52
Strong, William-to be Clerk of the Circuit Court (Art.1832), 56
Strong, William-Vice President, Bible Society (Art.1832), 55
Stroud, Catharine (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Stroud, Thomas (Art.1825), 33
Stroud, Thomas D. (Art.1825), 33
Stroup, Amos (Art.1828), 38
Stuart, James M. P. M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1822), 10
Stuart, James M., Postmaster Hempstead Co. (Art.1821), 6
Stuart, James M.-Major of Militia (Art.1823), 15
Stuart, James M.-P.M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1823), 12
Stump, Jacob (Art.1820), 2
Sucker, James (Art.1828), 37
Sullivan, Charles L., Dr. Married (Art.1839), 64
Sullivan, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Sumpter, Turner -(Art.1836), 58
Suter, Arthur (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Sutton, Ambrose (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Sutton, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Swain, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Sweeney, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Sweet, George W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Symes, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Symonds, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Tackett, John (Art.1821), 9
Tail, Jacob A. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Tally, Helkiah (Art.1824), 31
Tayler, Silas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Taylor & Bennett (Art.1820), 3
Taylor, Aaron (Art.1824), 29
Taylor, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Taylor, Crosier (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27, 28
Taylor, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21, 25
Taylor, Daniel (Art.1828), 35
Taylor, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Taylor, James, 9
Taylor, James (Art.1821), 9
Taylor, John (Art.1821), 8
Taylor, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Taylor, John (Art.1824), 30
Taylor, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Taylor, Noah (Art.1829), 40
Taylor, Noah -(Art.1836), 58
Terrill, Micajah -(Art.1836), 58
Thadall, Thomas H. Postmaster Clark Co. (Art.1820), 2
Tharp, Charles P. (Art.1831), 47
Theaber, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Thetford, A. B. K.-Sheriff of Arkansas County (Art.1825), 32
Thomas, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Thompson, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Thompson, Hezekiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Thompson, James J. Married (Art.1837), 59
Thompson, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Thompson, John (Art.1828), 35
Thompson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Thompson, William (Art.1828), 35
Thornton, Mordacai (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Thrasher, Elnathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Thrift, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Thurman, Philip (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Tignor, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Tindall, Thomas H. (Art.1820) Pulaski Co., 2
Tindall, Thomas H., Postmaster Cadron (Art.1821), 6
Tindall, Thomas H.-P.M. Cadron (Art.1822), 10
Tinsley, James M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Tissier, J. (Art.1821), 6
Tissier, Joseph (Art.1821), 6, 8
Tissier, Joseph (Art.1824), 30
Tracy, Amelia (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Trascendrider, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Treadwell, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Treadwell, James (Art.1828), 37
Treat, Barbara (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Treat, Lewis (Art.1822), 12
Treat, Samuel (Art.1821), 6
Treat, Wigans (Art.1823), 15
Tremble, Moses (Art.1829), 43
Trent, Simon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Trimble, William (Art.1819), 1
Trudel, Antoine (Art.1824), 29
Trudell, Antoine (Art.1821), 7
Trueblood, Alfred (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Truss, George A. -(Art.1836), 58
Tucker, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25, 26
Tucker, Peyton (Art.1820), 2
Tucker, Peyton Tucker, Postmaster White Run (Art.1821), 6
Tucker, Peyton-P.M. White Run (Art.1823), 12
Tucker, Peyton-P.M., White Run, 10
Tuel, Elisha (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Tulman, Woodman (Art.1824), 31
Tungate, Meredith (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Turner, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Turnham, Thomas (Art.1828), 37
Turpin, William H. of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Tyer, Linsey (Art.1822), 12
Tyer, Right-Adm'r. (Art.1830), 45
Tyer, Stephen JP St.Francis Co. (Art.1827), 33
Unry, John (Art.1821), 9
Ussury, John (Art.1824), 31
Valmore, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Van Osdell, Cortland (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Vanborn, Wm. G. (Art.1828), 38
Vance, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Vanhorn, Wm. G. (Art.1829), 43
Vansadale, C. (Art.1828), 37
Vashall, Joshua (Art.1828), 35
Vasseur, Etienne (Art.1825), 31
Vaughn, Phebe, Miss Married (Art.1832), 53
Vittorice, Martin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Voshall, Joshua (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Wadly, Thomas (Art.1832), 52
Wagner, John (Art.1824), 31
Walker, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Walker, Joseph (Art.1822), 12
Walker, Richard (Art.1822), 12
Walker, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Walker, William B. (Art.1824), 31
Wall, E. (Art.1829), 43
Wallace, Irv (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Wallace, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Wallace, Micajah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Wallace, Richard (Art.1832), 55
Wallace, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wallis, Alex S. (Art.1819) Walker Co., 1
Walt, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Walt, David (Art.1828), 35
Ward, Elisher (Art.1831), 47
Warmington, Nancy (Art.1828), 36
Warren, Sampson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 27
Wartinan, William (Art.1828), 37
Warts, Samuel (Art.1828), 37
Watkins, R. A.-Secretary of State (Art.1837), 60
Wats, Joseph (Art.1829), 43
Watson, J. (Art.1832), 55
Watson, James (Art.1832), 55
Watson, Joseph (Art.1828), 38
Watson, Joseph (Art.1832), 55
Watson, Samuel (Art.1831), 49
Watson, William E. (Art.1829), 43
Watt, Thadueus (Art.1824), 31
Watts, William B. (Art.1828), 38
Weakley, Cyrus F. (Art.1824), 30
Weatherington, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Weaver, D. K. (Art.1831), 47
Weaver, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Webb, Richard (Art.1828), 35
Webb, T. estate (Art.1828), 38
Webb, Tounsen (Art.1821), 5
Webb, Townsen (Art.1832), 55
Webb, Townsend (Art.1828), 37
Webb, Townsend, Adm. (Art.1823), 13
Webber, Rial (Art.1828), 38
Wedding, John F. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Weir, David D. (Art.1828), 38
Welch, Charles P., Dr. (Art.1828), 39
Welch, Jacob (Art.1821), 9
Welch, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Welch, P. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Welden, Elijah (Art.1828), 36
Wells, Berry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 23
Wells, Henry (Art.1831), 47
Welsh, Benjamin (Art.1829), 43
Welter, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wentworth, John (Art.1828), 37
Wharton, Franklin (Art.1832), 54
Wheelock, Lewis, 9
White, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
White, Frederick (Art.1828), 38
White, Jesse (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
White, William-Sheriff Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 51
Whitehead, Britton (Art.1831), 49
Whitehead, Lemuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Whitman, Ruth (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Whitney, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Wiggins, Clayton K. (Art.1831), 47
Wiggins, Henry (Art.1822), 11
Wiggins, John (Art.1831), 47
Wilburn, Joab N. (Art.1823), 15
Wilcox, Ellicott (Art.1821), 9
Wilcox, Hazard (Art.1824), 31
Wilcox, William (Art.1822), 12
Wilder, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Wilkerson, David, Sen. (Art.1831), 49
Willard, Shirlock (Art.1824), 30
Willard, Shirlock of Amos (Art.1823), 14
William, Russell of Amos (Art.1823), 14
Williams, James (Art.1828), 38
Williams, John (Art.1831), 50
Williams, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 17
Williams, Robert (Art.1824), 29
Williams, Thomas (Art.1821), 7
Willis, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Willis, Richard (Art.1828), 38
Wilson, Benjamin (Art.1824), 31
Wilson, James (Art.1831), 49
Wilson, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Wilson, John-Lieut. Colonel, Militia (Art.1823), 15
Wilson, Robert (Art.1828), 37
Wimimon, Freal (Art.1829), 43
Wingard, George (Art.1828), 38
Winter, Gabriel (Art.1821), 6
Winters, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Witlum, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Witter, D. T., Postmaster Hempstead C.H. (Art.1821), 6
Witter, D. T.-P. M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1822), 10
Witter, D. T.-P. M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1823), 12
Wolf, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Wood, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24, 27
Wood, James (Art.1828), 35
Wood, Jeremiah (Art.1820), 3
Wood, Levi (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 28
Wood, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Woodbury, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Wooden, John (Art.1832), 52
Woodmanser, James (Art.1821), 9
Woodmas?, James (Art.1821), 9
Woodruff, Richard C. (Art.1829), 43
Woodruff, William E. (Art.1838), 62
Woodruff, Wm. (Art.1829), 43
Woods, Andrew (Art.1821), 9
Woods, William C. (Art.1831), 47
Wooten, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wormington, Nancey (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wortman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wortz, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25, 26
Wright, Absalom (Art.1831), 47
Wright, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 24
Wright, James (Art.1830), 45
Wroall, H. C. (Art.1831), 47
Wyatt, John (Art.1839), 63
Yarborough, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 18
Yoakum, M. (Art.1828), 37
Yockam, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 26
Yocumb, Mathias (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 25
Young, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Yours, John D. (Art.1824), 31n
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