Polk County, Arkansas, School Consolidations

By: Teresa C. Bell

(Thanks to the Polk County Genealogical Society for permission to use this information from their
"History of Polk County Schools")

These pages are still under-going research, so keep checking back to see what I've added.
If you have any information pertaining to these schools, or any schools I may have missed,
please email me.

1 Dallas Mena Special (MS) 1948
2 Cloverleaf 30 1946
3 Old Potter MS 1949
4 Nunley 8 1947
5 Eureka 30 1929
6 Holly Springs 30 1945
7 Concord (Ink) 10 ? 1930
8 Board Camp MS 1949
9 Hillard 10 1930
10 Cherry Hill MS 1949
11 Big Fork MS 1949
12 Ouachita 8 and 10 1939
13 Shady MS 1949
14 Springdale 10 1946
15 Holly Grove 47 1946
16 Womac Spur 79 1929
17 Grannis 47 1929
18 Mt. Clair 20 1929
19 New Bethel (Rowell) 78 1938
20 Cove . Still in use 2001
21 Rocky MS 1949
22 Hatfield . Still in use 2001
23 Gann 22 .
24 West Valley 22 1931
25 Pleasant Hill 22 1929
26 Center Point 21 1931
27 Hatton 79 1930
28 Freedom 73 1925
29 Happy Hill 78 1949
30 Acorn . Still in use 2001
31 Oliver Chapel MS 1944
32 Green 22 1929
33 Posey Hollow 2 1920
34 Shady Point 21 and 26 1924
Later to MS
35 Heath Valley 48 .
36 Crystal Hill . .
37 Mt. Pleasant 79 .
38 Bowman Spur . .
39 Piney Grove 20 1929
40 Old Cove 20 1929
41 Overturf 47 1947
42 Welcome Home 20 1929
43 Elm Springs 10 1930
44 New Hope Center 9 and 10 1924
45 Mountain View 29 .
46 Highland 10 1930
47 Alder Springs MS 1948
48 Oak Hill 8 1940
49 Ransom 10 1939
50 Bog Springs 79 1931
51 Hickory Ridge 57 (Mill Creek) and
67 (Midway)
52 Liberty 10 1929
53 Brushy 29 (Happy Hill) 1929
54 Center 17 1928
55 Shiloh 78 1931
56 Ozark 47 1939
57 Mill Creek 8 1948
58 Lone Valley 22 1949
59 Thurman 20 .
60 Rich Mountain (Howard) 30 1930
61 Shady Grove MS 1948
62 _________ 39 1920
63 Two Mile 22 1931
64 Persimmon Flat 71 .
65 McCauley . .
66 Mountain Fork . 1931
67 Midway . 1925
68 Marble Hill 78 1931
69 Independence . 1929
70 Oak Ridge . 1929
71 Pine Hill . 1947
72 Bunch 79 1931
73 Opal 8 and 10 1947
74 Hickory Grove 10 1930
75 Cross Mountain 72 .
76 Baker 79 1948
77 Union Grove 30 1929
78 Vandervoort . Still in use in 2001
79 Wickes . Still in use in 2001
80 Sunflower 79 1938
81 Potter MS 1938

Thank You, Teresa, for sharing this information to be posted on the Polk County Arkansas USGenWeb Site!

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