Poinsett County, Arkansas

Isaac Lincoln Jones Account Ledger
Pages 49 - 51

Submitted by: Kim Cressman, Great-Granddaughter of Isaac Lincoln Jones, 2008.

page 49
Albert Gatlin 1898
1-Jun Carried from Page 37 26.17 30.00
4-Jun 1/2 day lost 0.19
4-Jun By order W.A.C. 2.00
4-Jun Docked 1 day thinning corn 0.38
PAID 28.74 29.76
J.M. Davis
13-Aug Order by Negro 1 Bu. Corn 0.50
1 Bl. Flour 6.00
1 Bot. Chill Tonic 0.50
1 Box pills 0.25
1 Bottle Jones Bitters 0.45
To balance on Water Mel. 0.05
1/2 Int Bottle Bitters 0.25
Order by Negro 1 bush corn 0.50
Page 50 I.L. Jones Cotton
No Date
Dick Cobb 19-Oct Picked 255# .40 Paid
Leather Wood 19-Oct 80# Paid
I.L.J. 19-Oct 157#, 107#, 108#, 114#, 99#, 62#, 84#, 463#, 102#
Will Caldwell 17-Nov 422#, 245#
Dick Cobb 6-Nov 255#, 304# at .50 Paid
7-Nov 186#
8-Nov 312#
12-Nov 799# Paid 4.00
17-Nov 495#, 281#, 338# Paid 5.55
Leather 184# at .50 Paid
Albert Gatlin 1-Nov 208#, 400#, 184# at .50 Due 35
49# at .50 Due 35
17-Nov 178#, 44#
William 12-Nov 269# Paid 1.30
Bob Mardis 11-Nov 63# Paid
Page 51
27-Sep Kate Mardis picked 683# at .40 2.73
Dave Gatlin 26-Sep 265# cotton picked 1.65
28-Sep 1/2 day going to hydren 0.40
28-Sep 1/2 day 68# cotton picked 0.40
29-Sep 1/2 day 77# cotton picked 0.30
4-Oct To weighing cotton 0.30
6-Oct To hauling bale cotton 0.60
7-Oct 1/2 day 43# 0.40
8-Oct Weighing cotton 1 day 0.40
10-Oct Weighing cotton 1 day 0.40
Dick Cobb 28-Sep #194 cotton picked Paid 0.77
29-Sep #116
4-Oct 174# Paid 1.00
4-Oct Paid 0.15
29-Sep Stanback 206# Paid 0.80
7-Oct Monroe McCully Cotton 277# Paid s1.10
8-Oct 219# Paid 0.85
10-Oct Stanback 224# Paid 0.85
10-Oct Williams 97 Paid 0.35