Poinsett County, Arkansas

Isaac Lincoln Jones Account Ledger
Pages 31 - 34

Submitted by: Kim Cressman, Great-Granddaughter of Isaac Lincoln Jones, 2008.

Page 31
I. L. Jones 1896
23-Sep By sales 1 bale cotton 7 1/4 37.85
1-Oct To cash Dick Cobb 1.85
1-Oct To cash Pickett 1.40
7-Oct Paid Simmons & Co. 3.00
7-Oct Sold to C.H.H. 4 1/2 c. bolts 20.25
7-Oct Sold to C.H.H. 424 Staves $14 1000 5.95
7-Oct To making 4 1/2 C. bolts 12.50 pr c. 7.85
7-Oct To making 424 Staves 4 1/2 pr 1000 1.90
7-Oct To loading 1 car of bolts 0.75
7-Oct To hauling 5 car of bolts 5.00
2-Oct To cash J.L. Alston 5.00
2-Oct To cash J.R. Johnson 3.00
10-Oct To cash Tom Martin 1.25
14-Oct To 2 bales c. 1030 6 1/2 69.52
14-Oct To Simmons & Co. (sold to Gant 137) 8.50
14-Oct To John Davis & Co. 5.75
14-Oct To med. 1.30
14-Oct To harness 6.00
14-Oct To 2 pr shoes 3.00
14-Oct To 2 dress pat. 1.20
14-Oct To 1 pr shoes 2.85
14-Oct To 6 # coffee 1.00
16-Oct Paid Kate Mardis 2.09
27-Oct 1 bale cotton sales sold at Newport 32.26 1.75
27-Oct To 1 overcoat 1.00
8-Nov To Tom Martin 0.85
3-Nov To hogs sold C.H. Hall 2 1/4 pr.860# 19.35
13-Nov Paid McCormack Machine Co. 27.00
3-Dec Paid $35 J.P. Caldwell 35.00
3-Dec Paid Will Caldwell $3.50 3.50
29-Jan To sales 1 bale cotton $34 34.00
29-Jan To cash 3.20
Jan 1 pr shoes 1.40
$1.00 worth coffee Page 40 1.00
Page 32
Will Crite 1896
25-Aug To 1 hog 105# @3 3.00
Sep By 164 rails 50 pr hundred 0.82
3-Oct To cash 1.00
6-Oct To loading 1 car 0.75
Sep To making 4 1/2 cord bolts 1.75 p hr 7.85
Sep To making 424 X 450 cr 1000 1.90
4.00 11.32
9-Oct Paid Will Crite 10.00
J.R. Johnson 1896
30-Sep Total amount cotton 809 3.00 4.05
7-Oct To cotton wts 622 3.10
8-Oct To cotton wts 352 1.75
3.00 8.90
12-Oct To cotton picked 74 0.37
20-Oct Paid in full 6.25 9.27

Page 33
Tom Martin 1896
9-Oct To cotton picked 264 1.32
10-Oct To cotton picked 22 0.10
10-Oct To cash 1.00
10-Oct To Bottle Snuff 0.25
13-Oct To Cotton picking 145 0.72
1.25 2.14
Paid in Full 2.10 2.14
Will Crite
12-Oct To Cotton Picked 124 0.87
Becton 1897 Cotton Picking
84, 50, 94, 37, 83, 85, 52, 36, 55,
85, 47, 38, 47, 35
Doc Linden Cotton Picking
230, 157, 22
Page 34
Rube Hodge 1896
12-Oct To Cotton Picked 199 .99 1/2
13-Oct To Cotton Picked 112 1.55 0.56
16-Oct Paid in Full 1.55 1.55
Kate Mardis
16-Oct To Cotton P. Paid 329 1.64 1.64
20-Oct To Cotton P. Paid 392 1.95 1.95
20-Oct Paid in Full 3.59 3.59
Ruf. Parker
13-Oct To Cotton Picked 64 0.32
14-Oct To Cotton Paid 156 1.1 0.78
Lon Stanback
15-Oct To Cotton P. 92 0.46 0.46
20-Oct To Cotton P. 109 0.55
21-Oct Paid in Full 0.55
Albert Parker
13-Oct To Cotton Picked 34 0.15 0.17
17-Oct Paid in Full