
Ouachita County

History of Regiments formed in the county

1st Arkansas Infantry Regiment - Company organizations included Co. C, the "Camden Knights" from Ouachita county, Captain Crenshaw, of Camden.

6th Arkansas Infantry Regiment - Company organizations included Co. H, the "City Guards"of Camden, Captain S.H. Southerland

11th Arkansas Infantry Regiment - Company organizations included Co. G, the "Camden Knights" of Ouachita county, Captain J. Logan

15th (Gee's-Johnson's) Arkansas Infantry Regiment - Organized at Camden, AR on January 2, 1862 with the following officers: Colonel James M. Gee, Lt. Col. John C. Wright, Major P. Lynch Lee, Adjutant Benjamin W. Johnson; Co. A, Cpt. Proctor; Co. B, Cpt. H. Purefoy; Co. C, Cpt. L.W. Matthews; Co. D, Cpt. Frank Jordan; Co. E, Cpt. Ferguson; Co. F, Cpt Alexander Byrne

24th Arkansas Infantry Regiment - Company organizations included Co. B of Camden, AR

1st Arkansas Cavalry Regiment (Crawford's) -Organized at Camden with 12 companies on December 30, 1863 under the command of Col. William A. Crawford., Field officers were Lt. Col. Dawson L. Kilgore and Major John W. Walker. Assigned to Fagan's Cavalry Division where it served throughout the Camden Expedition in March through May of 1864. Fought at the Battle of Poison Springs (April 18, 1864) and Marks' Mill (April 25, 1864). Following the federal repulse at Jenkins Ferry in May, the regiment accompanied General Sterling Price on his raid through Missouri in September and October of 1864. Surrendered with General Kirby Smith in southwestern Arkansas on May 26, 1865. Also Known As: Crawford's 10th Cavalry Regiment
References: Edwin Bearss, Steele's Retreat From Camden and the Battle of Jenkins' Ferry

3rd Arkansas Cavalry Regiment - Company organizations included G Company, from Ouachita county, Captain George W. Winburne and H Compan, from Ouachita County, Captain Alonzo Montgomery

Special thanks to Arkansas Confederate Infantry Regiments History . This is a great Civil War site!


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