Officials of Montgomery County
From 1840 -1890  1886 -1958

Boles, Andrew   1844-46
Harris, J.S.    1846-48
Graves, H.      1848-50
Garrett, J.B.   1850-52
Boles, Andrew   1852-56
Farr, Thomas    1856-58
Willoughby, W.J.1885-62    
Freeman, J.A.   1862-64
Whittington, G. 1864-Nov
Cabler, N.W.    Nov1864-Aug 65
Kymes, C.R.     Aug 1865-Mar 1867		
Ussery, M.      1868-72
West, J.H.      1874-78
Fulton,J.B.     1878-84
Logan, A.S.     1884-86
Vaught, Silas P.1886-90
Martin Mondy and then John
Cook were judges for a 
short time before Garrett 

Langsford, A.	1844-46
Cunningham, S.	1846-48
McKinley, J.	1848-50
Stockton,D.W.	1850-52
Isenhour,V.	1852-58
Amerson, J.M.	1858-60
Isenhour, M.C.	1860-62
Smith, William	1862-64
Standridge, J.	1864-68
Cearly, C.W.	1868-72
Standridge, S.	1872-74
Autrey, H.S.	1874-76
Rowton, Q.C.	1876-78
Coffman, J.A.	1878-80
Hay, W.J.	1880-82
Rifle, N.B.	1882-84
Shirley, Joseph	1884-86
Greene, C.H.	1886-88
Gross, Frank	1888-90



Fisher, George  1844-46
McLendon, J.I.  1848-50
Fleming, J.    	1848-50
Fleming, J.S. 	1850-52
Hughes, E.L.    1852-54
Woolard, D.A.   1854-60
Stall, J.A.    	1860-64
Laird, J.J.    	1864-65
Campbell, D.S.	1865-67
Goodner, G.D.	1867-68
Cotton, Z.I.	1868-72
Gray, G.W.	1872-74
Goodner, G.D.	1874-90

Fleming, J.M.	1844-46
Collins, J.	1846-48
Farr, D.	1848-50
Stall, James A.	1850-56
Fleming, J.F.	1856-60
Jones, A.	1860-68
Williamson, H.H	1868-72
Sanders, W.W.	1872-74
Williams. W.M.	1874-75
Overstreet, H.	1875-78
Watkins, J.A.	1878-82
Anderson, J.M.	1882-84
Smith, S.M.	1884-90



Robinson, N.F.	1844-46
Hudson, James	1846-48
May, J.H.	1848-54
Garrett, J.B.	1854-60
Simpson, W.C.	1860-65
Martin, T.L.	1865-68
Reeves, William	1868-72
Speers, G.H.	1872-74
Fulton, J.B.	1874-76
Goodner, H.S.	1876-82
Golden George W 1882-90

Harris, J.M.	1846-48
McLendon, J.J.	1848-50
Boles. A.	1850-52
Burk, R.S.	1852-56
Burk, Robert	1856-60
Burk, R.S.	1860-62
Burk, Robert	1862-64
Burk, R.S.	1864-66
Cogburn, J.	1866-68
Melson, L.	1868-74
Collier, H.R.	1874-78
Melson, L.	1878-80
Highsmith, W.H.	1880-88
Collier, H.R.	1888-90
Penland, N.A.	1868-72
Muse, Stephen	1872-74
Snider, C.	1874-76
Robins, J.F.	1876-80
Willis, G.B.	1880-86
Wasson, J.N.	1886-88
Willis, G.B.	1888-90
Delegate in State Convention
Clingman, A.M. represented the county, held March  4 to 21, and May 6 to June 3, 1861, for the purpose of considering the question of the secession of the States from the Union.


J. C. Priddy and R. Lamb represented the county in the constitutional convention held January 4 to January 23, 1864, and J. C. Priddy represented Montgomery and Perry Counties in the constitutional convention held January 7 to February 18, 1868. Nicholas W. Cable represented Montgomery County in the last constitutional convention, held July 14 to October 31, 1874.

1st July 1883
Desperadoes -Jack Daniel, Daniel and Rial Blocher, charged with the assassination of William Patton

Officials of Montgomery County, Arkansas 1886-1958

State Senators

S. W. Rayburn		 1846-50
J. W. Crow		 1850-52
M. Bozeman		 1852-54
W. F. S. Barkman	 1854-58
W. H. Hammond		 1858-60
J. F. Fagan		 1860-62
F. Leach		 1862-64
E. H. Vance		 1864-66
J. M. Smith		 1866-68
D. P. Beldin		 1868-74
O. D. East		 1874-78
C. A. Gantt		 1878-82
Jesse A. Ross		 1882-84
G. W. Baxter		 1884-88
John J Sumpter		 1889-91
Gibson Witt		 1893-95
J.D. Kimbell		 1897-99
Gibson Witt		 1901-03
Thomas M. Milan		 1905-07
O.H. Stumpter		 1909
Hamp Williams		 1911
J.N. Wasson		 1913-15
Houston Emory		 1917-23
G.D. Dillard		 1925-27
Granville Jones		 1929
L.Walter Wheatly 	 1931	 	elected to succeed Granville Jones caused by death 
Walter Wheatley		 1933-37 	Thirty-first:Garland and Montgomery
James H. Pilkinton	 1939-41 	Ninth: Montgomery, Pike and Hempstead
Tom Kidd		 1943-45
Dr. F.C. Crow		 1947
Dr. Floyd Charles Crow   1949-51
Chism Reed		 1953		Fifth: Logan, Scott, Yell, Montgomery	
Boss Mitchell 		 1955-57    

Montgomery County Representatives in State Legislature:

Granville Whittington		1846-48
James Hudson			1848-50
H. A. Whittington		1850-52
R. S. McFarlane			1852-54
W.  Stringfellow		1854-56
Henry Heffington		1856-60
D. A. Woolard			1860-62
C. C. Hurt			1862-64
J. C. Priddy			1864-66
G. K. Robinson			1866-68
J. V. Harrison and J. H. Demby	1868-70
J. F. Lane and J. J. Sumpter	1870-72
L. D. Gilbreath, J. J. Sumpter and George G. Latta 1874-74
H. H. Barton and J. J. Sumpter	1874-75
Alfred Jones		 	1875-76
William R. Cubage		1876-78
J. H. Demby		 	1878-80
A. C. King		 	1880-82
John A. Watkins		 	1882-84
William P. Birch	 	1884-86
N. H. Harley		 	1886-88
Gibson W. Witt			1889-91
W.O. Duiffie			1893
Joseph W Shaw			1895-87
George H. Spears, Jr.		1899
Jas. N. Wasson			1901
Robert M. Reece			1903
J.N. Wasson			1905
Jerry Witt			1907-09
C.T. Cockburn			1911-13
Monroe M. Plemmons		1915
M.M. Plemmons			1917
C.H. Herndon			1921-23
John H. Freeman			1925
Osro Cobb			1927-29
Harold Watkins			1931-33
Fred Jones			1935
James Fred Jones		1937
J. Fred Jones			1939
Paul Hulsey			1941
C.H. Herndon			1943-47
J. Paul Hulsey			1949
W.V. (Shorty) Smith		1953-55
Ode Maddox			1957

Leaders of Arkansas. Chosen by the people, theirs have been the decisions which have moved Arkansas forward.

For representation in the State Senate Montgomery County has always been districted with other counties, and the counties composing the senatorial district have been frequently changed. The district now consists of Montgomery and Garland Counties. Prior to 1868 Montgomery County was represented singly in the Lower House of the General Assembly, after which she was represented in a district with other counties up to 1874, and since the latter date, under the new constitution, she has been represented singly. F. Leach represented Hot Springs, Montgomery and Saline Counties in the Senate of the special session of the Confederate Legislature held at Washington in Hempstead County, from September 22 to October 2, 1864; and at the same time and place C. G. Hurt represented Montgomery County in the Lower House.

The political status of Montgomery County is fully shown by the votes cast for the several candidates at the following elections: At the September election, in 1888, James P. Eagle, Democratic candidate for governor, received 769 votes, and his opponent, C. M. Norwood, 426 votes. At the presidential election in the same year, the candidates for President received votes as follows: Cleveland, 806; Harrison, 161; Streeter; 2, Fisk 1.

The full returns for the county, at the September election in 1890, are as follows: 
For governor, James P. Eagle, 851; N. B. Fizer, 372
For secretary of State, B. B. Chism, 882; J. M. Pittman, 316
State treasurer, R. B. Morrow, 884; T. J. Andrews, 316
Auditor of State, W. S. Dunlop, 880; O. S. Jones, 318
Attorney-general, W. E. Atkinson, 884; T. P. Chambers, 313
Commissioner State lands, C. B. Myers, 884; C. M. B. Cox, 313
Commissioner of agriculture, M. F. Locke, 869; G. B. Farmer, 304
Superintendent of public instruction, J. H. Shinn, 882; T. M. C. Birmingham, 315
Associate justice Supreme Court, M. H. Sandels, 885; W. R. Coody, 312

Judicial officers: 
For circuit judge, R. D. Hearn, 941
Prosecuting attorney, James D. Shaver, 918

County officers: 
For representative, G. Witt, 803, L. Melson, 434
County judge, W. O. Diffle, 864, G. W. Hughen, 331
Circuit clerk, J. S. Nelson, 1,141
Coroner, J. R. Bates, 945; William Webb, 32
Sheriff, J. N. Wasson, 749, W. P. Birch, 465
County treasurer, S. M. Smith, 1,167
Assessor, G. R. Miller, 1,193
County surveyor, H. R. Collier, 993

Reference: "The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas."  Published by Southern Publishing Company 1891.

Montgomery County Officials Historical Report of the secretary of state 2008.

The Indian Statue is missing a feather.

Montgomery County ARGenWeb Project

Neighbors chicken houses. Pullets being collected. January 2006.

June 29, 2008 Travel, Pages 89 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
REMEMBERING ARKANSAS State' s poultry industry boom: A 'chicken in every pot' ? By Tom Dillard
One of the nice things about living in a rural area is having space for chickens. My wife and I had laying hens while living in Little Rock, but we limited ourselves to only six. Now, we live on 30 acres and have the perfect place for a real backyard flock. Last week I wrote about the birth and early years of the poultry industry in Arkansas. This week I will pick up the story with the end of World War II in 1945, the eve of a new era for American history. ...

2018 Historical Report