Montgomery Co. ARGenWeb Project
Cemeteries Clerk's Office Hints Land Records Naturalization Vital Records
105 Hwy 270 E #10.
Mount Ida, AR 71957
phone: 870-867-3521
Hours: 8.30 am- 4.30 pm.
They will do limited lookups and will make copies from the archives for $1.00 per item. Make the check out to Montgomery County clerk, an include a long self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Montgomery County records in the courthouse are intact from July 1845. Number of tax payers in 1842 was 205:
-marriage records, wills, probates, county court, circuit court records, land and property records (deeds, mortgages, tax records), civil records, criminal records, divorce records, 1845-present
-voter records all current voters
-oil and gas leases
-physician records 1907-1913
-minister records 1880-present
-armed services discharge records
-county maps available for purchase
-record of Marks and Brands, Montgomery Co. AR.
Montgomery County Officials
They typically include three documents -- a Declaration of Intention to become a citizen, Petition for Naturalization and Naturalization Certificate. Until 1983, the County Clerk, as Clerk of the Court, kept records pertaining to all individuals who applied for and were granted United States citizenship. The records are a valuable source of information about our ancestors. These unique documents are found only in the County Clerk's office and are an irreplaceable treasure. It was not until the law enacted on June 29, 1906 that biographical data of the applicant and the applicant's spouse and children were required. website with info. more info.
Prior to 1906, an immigrant in the U.S. might have applied to a court (city, county, state or federal) to become a U.S. citizen, the court record was the only record of naturalization. The Immigration Act of June 29 1906, created the Federal Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (now part of the INS) and issued the forms, found at the courthouse and a second copy was sent to the Bureau.
Naturalization records 1907-1913 at the Montgomery County Courthouse are scattered amongst three thin black ledger size books:
Antiono Salmon Carroam b. Mazrkaheel Shouff, Syria 12 Oct. 1888
David Hope - Wales , age 33 in 191, NA 1898
James Johnston - UK
Joseph Muzek - Pilsen, Bohemia, Austria. b. 7 Feb. 1875, age 25 in 1910, German, NA 1889, farmer [Murik]
Jospeh David Newman - Hungary-Magyar, age 35 in 1910, optician in Womble, NA 1892
Juha Suauew b. Warsaw 26 Aug. 1855
James Whitehouse - Nova Scotia, Canada, age 61 in 1910
In the 1930s and 1940s a statewide project was begun by the WPA (Work Projects Administration). This project was to find and photograph Naturalization Records before 27 September 1906. All copies were to be deposited with INS (Immigration & Naturalization Service) but when the WPA was disbanded in 1942, only a few states and districts were complete.
Index to Arkansas Naturalization Records 1809-1906 A to M
Chatelle Antoine Montgomery Co. May 1, 1899 Canada (Fr), a border
Grant James S. Montgomery Co. Aug. 30, 1893 England b. May 1949. NA 1867
Johnson James Montgomery Co. Oct. ?, 1905There were reportedly three residents of foreign births in the 1850s, all of whom were from Great Britain.
In the 1870 census for Montgomery County, AR, there were only five residents classified as foreign.1900 - 17 foreign born
The information gathered by enumerators for the 1900 census, was organized by columns.
The Citizenship questions:
14. What was the person's father's place of birth?
15. What was the person's mother's place of birth?
16. What year did the person immigrate to the United States?
17. How many years has the person been in the United States?
18. Is the person naturalized?
For an alien or naturalized citizen:
year of immigration to the US
number of years in the US
whether still an alien
having applied for citizenship, or naturalized (A or AL - Alien; NA - Naturalized; NR - Not Reported; PA - First Papers Filed)Crystal Township SD 5 ED 127 Sheet 2 line 36 Carr? Charles???? b. 1852 Denmark 1881 18 PA Farmer Magie b. 1851 Denmark 1880 19 Bear Township SD 5 ED 127 Sheet 3 line 28 Tillman Carl W. b. 1865 Sweden 1887 30 NA Farmer Tillman John b. 1828 age 72 Sweden 1880 17 Tillman Hanna daughter b. 1868 age 31 Sweden 1880 16 Bear Township SD 5 ED 127 Sheet 3 line 35 Kallenblist, Herman b. 1837 age 63 Germany 1860 39 NA Farmer SD 5 ED 127 Sheet 9 127-03b.gif Foadmiameatberg??? M. b. Feb. 18 age 47 Prussia 1871 Center Twp SD 5 ED 127 Sheet 3 line 71 Cerr___?? Peter b. Dec 1847 1862 Ireland 1862 37 years NA Farmer Sarah b. July 1845 Center Twp SD 5 ED 127 Sheet 7a line 35 Whitehouse J.H. b. Jan 1864 age 31 Canada (Eng.) 31 PA Farmer 1868 Leverney Township SD 5 ED 131 Sheet 10 line 75 Grant Joseph b. May 1849 age 41 b. England 1867 33 NA Farm Laborer Marzen Twp SD 6 ED 133 Sheet 1 line 3 Johnstone James b. Nov. 1830 age 69 Scotland 1845 55 PA Farmer Ouachita Twp SD 5 ED 134 Sheet 4 line 50 Christian Sue Border b. ____ Mexico 18__ 50 PA Farmer Polk Twp SD 5 ED 135 Sheet 9 line 29 Christian _____ Border b. 1864 age 36 Mexico 1885 15 NA Miner Smith Twp SD 5 ED 135 Sheet 11 line 18 Rehder Frederick W. b. Sept. 1838 age 61 Germany 1866 34 years A Farmer message South Fork Twp SD 5 ED 136 Sheet 5 line 54 Mallon Frank b. Jan. 1852 age 48 S. Ireland 1858 42 NA Farmer South Fork Twp SD 5 ED 136 Sheet 8 line 21 Mastoin? Ham W. b. Mar 1845 age 58 Ireland 1848 52 NA H. laborer
1910 30 foreign born
BARKER WILLIAM 46 M W ENGL AR MONTGOMERY GAP TWP 1910 NA 1888, wife Emily, 44 b. England
WIDMER JOHN 72 M W GERM AR MONTGOMERY BEAR TWP 1910 ...Extracted from the 1910 census Emigrants to Montgomery County from the 1910 Census Extracted by James & Lillian Hart Alexander, Louis 55 Denmark 1882 Traveling Salesman Center Twp. Barker, Edward 22 England 1892 Day labor-sawmill Park Twp. Barker, Emily 44 England 1888 Wife to William Gap Twp. Barker, William 46 England 1888 Farmer, gen Gap Twp. Bump, Phy E. 53 Canada 1888 Labor Reservation Bear Twp. Carrowin, Antonia 21 Turkey-Syrian 1907 Dry goods store Womble Twp. Cobb, Robert 52 England 1880 Farmer, gen. Gap Twp. Engleman, Augustus 45 Germany 1880 Farmer, gen. Mountain Twp. Fruman, J.C. 62 Ireland 1870 Farmer, gen. Center Twp. Fuller, William O. 34 Ireland 1883 Odd jobs Caney Twp. Grant, James A. 60 England 1866 Farm labor Sulphur Spgs. Twp. Hope, David 33 Wales-Eng. 1898 Farmer, gen. So. Fork, Twp. Hudio, Peter 51 Germany 1870 U.S. Postmaster Bear Twp. Justeson, Mike 61 Denmark 1872 Gen. Labor Polk Twp. Kallenblist, Herman B. 73 Germany 1861 Own Income Bear Twp. Lagasse, Dan 55 Holland 1872 Butcher, meat Womble Twp. Lilgenberg, Fred W. 33 Sweden 1890 Postmaster Cedar Glades Twp. McMaiar, Dan S. 56 Canada 1866 Labor, Railroad Caney Twp. Muzue, Joseph 75 Germany 1882 Farmer, gen. Gaston Twp. Newman, Joseph D. 35 Hungary-Magyar 1892 Optician, gen. Womble Twp. Otto, Charles A. 59 Germany 1872 Farmer, gen Big Fork Twp. Rehder, Frederick W. 71 Germany 1866 Retired farmer Smith Twp. Tillman, Carl W. 47 Sweden 1890 Farmer, gen. Bear Twp. Welch, Thomas J. 38 England 1890 Farmer, gen Scott Twp. Wenzig, A.R. 35 Germany 1887 Farmer, gen. Center Twp. Wenzig, Ruihhardt Jr. 25 Germany 1887 Farmer, gen. Center Twp. Wezig, Ruihhardt Sr. 65 Germany 1886 Farmer Center Twp. Whitehouse, J.H. 61 Canada Farmer, gen. Center Twp. Widner, Annie 64 Germany 1877 Wife to John Bear Twp. Widner, John 72 Germany 1877 Farmer, gen. Bear Twp. There was one native Englishman who had a homestead near Mount Gilead Church in the 1930s. Moses and Isaac Burgauer came to Arkansas from Germany in the 1850s and settled at Mt Ida. Burgauer, Isaac -Ike- Private - Enlisted in Co. F, 3rd Arkansas Infantry, at Rockport, Arkansas, June 20, 1861; promoted fifth sergeant, January 1862; promoted second lieutenant, May 1863; wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863; died of wounds, July 1863; born in Germany, c1837; listed in Hot Spring county 1860 census; occupation merchant. In 2000, in Montgomery County, AR Foreign born persons, 2.0% , in Arkansas 2.8%
Foreign-born population of the United States increased from 2.2 million to 14.2 million between 1850 and 1930. The 1900 census was the first to note how long an immigrant had been in the US and whether that person was naturalized. If you have an immigrant ancestor try searching. e.g. Arthur, Alfred, Ida, Reinhold Wenzig all came out from Germany in 1887 and settled near Silver in 1904, Passenger and Immigration Lists: Germans to America, 1850-1888 go to the ShipsList and join for one day and ask kindly for a lookup from the CD. With the name of the vessel and arrival date request for search at the National Archives for the actual passenger list page on NATF Form 81. Ship Passenger Arrival Records. Obtain the NATF Form 81 by providing your name and mailing address Be sure to specify "Form 81" and the number of forms you need. The fee is $10, payable only when the requested records are found. Film #
Ida WENZIG with the children arrived in Castle Garden, NY 23 Aug. 1887 from Bremen on the steamer Fulda. Nine years later the family with Ida, again arrived in NY 24 Sept. 1896 with Rein Jr. and Gertrude from Bremen transshipped via Southampton on the ship Lahn. Their destination was Brooklyn.
WENZIG IDA 34 F 23 Aug 1887
WENZIG ALFRED 6 M 23 Aug 1887
WENZIG ARTHUR 8 M 23 Aug 1887
WENZIG IDA 7 F 23 Aug 1887
WENZIG IDA 43 F 24 Sep 1896
WENZIG GERTRUD 5 F 24 Sep 1896
Rienhardt N. Wenzig was born 4 Jan 1848 in Germany, he came over to NY about 1880 and later sent for his family c. 1881. Ida, a Doctor, his wife, died in NY about 1898.
Arthur b. before 1873
Alfred b. Sept 1874, Bresula, Germany. Now Poland.
Reinhold b. Nov 1875.|
WENZIG RHEINHOLD 50 M W GERM NY KINGS 22-WD BROOKLYN BORO 1900 . Born Jan. 1850. Dealer groceries and coal.
Arthur b. Sept 1874 in Germany. Age 25. Year of naturalisation 1887. Cabinet maker
Gertrude b. April 1890 in NY, age 10
NARA Index to the Naturalization Petitions of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York.
United States District Court, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Date of naturalization: _____ 1904
Immigrant Surname: WENZIG
Immigrant Given Name: REINHOLD JR.
Address: 1200 - ?10 R.I, Brooklyn, NY
Birth Year: 1883
Former Nationality: _______ GERMANY
Arrival Year: 1887
Port of Arrival: NY N.Y.
Witness : JOHN F. MEYER
State: New York Court: US District Court, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Naturalization Year: 1895
Immigrant Surname: RICHERT
Immigrant Given Name: JOSEPH
Birth Year: 1866
Nationality: GERMAN
Arrival Year: [BLANK]
Witness Full Name: REINHARD WENZIG
WENZIG, REINHOLD WENZIG 26 Jan 1884 died 11/1/1970 83463 (Gibbonsville, Lemhi, ID) Idaho
WENZIG, Reinhold
COEUR d'ALENE, IDAHO: Reinhold J. Wenzig, 88, died February 27, 2003. He was born August 30, 1914 to Reinhold and Lillian Whitehouse Wenzig. He was a retired auto body mechanic, and was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps. He attended Lincoln Way Church of God, and was a member of the D.A.V. He is survived by a daughter, Linda May Ownlette of Ypsalanti, MI; two sons, James Wenzig of Pineville, LA, and Tim Wenzig of Salem, OR; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Oyia May Chitwood Wenzig. Services were held at Lincoln Way Church of God. Arrangements were handled by English Funeral Chapel.
Otago Witness - 8 March 1879 pg 5 Germany turns out annually 550 doctors thoroughly educated, about 100 of whom emigrate to foreign ports.
Mortality schedules predate vital records. Recorded are persons who died within twelve months preceding the taking of the census.
1860 Mortality Schedule of Montgomery Co.
Montgomery County Marriages
Montgomery County Marriage Licenses
Misc.: Charles Smith, of Montgomery Co. to Delphinia Parker 12-26-1857 by Moses Hill, MGVital Record information for Arkansas. To obtain vital records for BDM and divorce request the proper form.
Arkansas Dept of Health
Division of Vital Records,
4815 West Markham, Slot 44
Little Rock, AR 72205
(501) 661-2174
(800) 637-9314 toll free
Fax: (501) 663-2832Arkansas Department of Health has records of events reported.
Marriage records starting from 1917
Divorce from 1923
Birth and death from February 1914 (earlier in the cities of Fort Smith and Little Rock)Available on fiche: Arkansas Death Index 1914-1923 (In alphabetical order, shows name, county of death, date, volume and certificate number) and 1934-1940 (alpha order and shows date of death and county) Try major public libraries. Arkansas Death Record Index compiled by Desmond Walls Allen. The books are in the Montgomery County Library.
Arkansas History Commission has on fiche records from the Arkansas Department of Health.
Death Indexes: 1914-1947
Marriage Index: 1933-1939 Indexed by grooms name only.
Divorce Index: 1923-1927 1934-1939
Social Security Master Death Index for Arkansas on microfilm. Alphabetical index with all Arkansas related deaths of Social Security Card holders c. 1950- 1991. Montgomery Co. (No. 75) records on microfilm at the AHC may have more marriage records.California Death Index broken link 1940 thru 1997 Try searching under birthplace Arkansas and maiden name. Possible Montgomery Co. names
Texas Death Records: 1964-1998 broken link
Social Security Death Index Hints There are still a lot of Fryar's around Oden.
Name Birth Death Last Residence Last Benefit Issused
ALLIE B FRYAR 23 Jun 1915 Sep 1992 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Tennessee
FLEM FRYAR 25 Dec 1911 Mar 1973 71953 (Mena, Polk, AR) Arkansas
ROBERT FRYAR 01 Sep 1912 Aug 1975 72209 (Little Rock, Pulaski, AR) Arkansas
VIRDIE FRYAR 03 Apr 1904 01 Jul 1992 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
ANNIE FRYAR 24 Jul 1893 Feb 1975 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
ELMER FRYAR 05 May 1896 Jan 1984 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
JAMES V FRYAR 11 May 1923 11 Jan 1996 71913 (Hot Springs National Park, Garland, AR) Arkansas
EMMA FRYAR 20 Dec 1891 Jul 1984 71901 (Hot Springs National Park, Garland, AR) Arkansas
MINNIE M FRYAR 20 Jun 1925 21 Jul 2006 (V) 71913 (Hot Springs National Park, Garland, AR) Arkansas
JAMES FRYAR 31 Oct 1925 Mar 1974 72944 (Mansfield, Scott, AR) Arkansas
L V FRYAR 02 Jan 1932 08 Dec 1994 71953 (Mena, Polk, AR) Arkansas
MARCELINE FRYAR 30 Jan 1932 10 Nov 2002 (P) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
ELLIS FRYAR 19 Feb 1901 Feb 1987 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
DELBERT FRYAR 07 Dec 1907 07 Nov 1990 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
MARIE B FRYAR 24 Sep 1925 03 Jun 1999 (V) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
HEZIE B FRYAR 19 Feb 1925 12 Jul 1997 (V) 71953 (Mena, Polk, AR) Arkansas
PORTER FRYAR 18 May 1919 11 Sep 2004 (P) 71965 (Pencil Bluff, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
GERALD E FRYAR 27 Jul 1928 23 Jan 2004 (P) 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
ELVIS J FRYAR 23 May 1909 Jan 1996 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
LEONARD FRYAR 02 Feb 1914 10 Apr 1998 (V) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
LYNN FRYAR 14 Mar 1913 Nov 1976 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
RUBY FRYAR 26 Jul 1915 29 Jun 1995 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
EARL E FRYAR 08 Jan 1920 24 Mar 1993 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
RICHARD FRYAR 25 Jul 1899 Jan 1974 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
BART FRYAR 22 Jan 1890 Jun 1973 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
HOWARD FRYAR 04 Nov 1923 Jun 1986 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
WILLIAM FRYAR 07 Dec 1882 Jun 1970 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) ( Arkansas
ALICE FRYAR 22 Oct 1893 Jun 1977 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
GERALDINE FRYAR 06 May 1942 16 Feb 2006 (P) 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) 71923 (Arkadelphia, Clark, AR) Arkansas
BETTY FRYAR 04 Dec 1939 01 Dec 1993 71965 (Pencil Bluff, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
RADIE FRYAR 10 Jan 1886 15 Jul 1968 (V) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Arkansas
I V FRYAR 30 Jun 1930 13 Oct 1998 (V) 71953 (Mena, Polk, AR) Oklahoma
STELLA FRYAR 10 Jan 1898 Sep 1969 71953 (Mena, Polk, AR) Oklahoma
ESTON FRYAR 06 Dec 1921 Nov 1984 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) 71961 (Oden, Montgomery, AR) Missouri
ALICE FRYAR 11 Aug 1901 Jul 1986 71935 (Caddo Gap, Montgomery, AR) California
NORA FRYAR 21 Oct 1911 15 Nov 2001 (V) 71965 (Pencil Bluff, Montgomery, AR) California
NINA FRYAR 15 Jul 1930 26 Mar 2007 (V) 71957 (Mount Ida, Montgomery, AR) CaliforniaSocial Security Master Death Index Guide
2071 records for citizens last residence Montgomery Co. AR.
277 records for last benefit payment Montgomery Co. AR.
State of Issuance codes AR 429-432
SSA history
The index only covers deaths since about 1962. File has an estimated 3% error rate. ZIP codes for where the death payment was sent. In 1981 the $255 death payment was restricted to spouses and dependent children only.
Why a person might not be in the SSDI:
-Person might not have had a SS#.
-Information might have been reported incorrectly.
-SSA not have been notified of the person's death.
-Person might have changed his or her name or used a different spelling.
-If a person worked for a railroad after 1936 he might have qualified for a pension from the Railroad Retirement Board in lieu of Social Security. Most of the RR employee's SS numbers begin with the digits 700 through 729. Researchers can write to: Railroad Retirement Board, 844 Rush Street, Chicago, IL 60611.
-SSA did not begin computerizing death claims until 1962Previously published by RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative, RootsWeb Review, Vol. 1, No. 23 & 24, 18 & 25 Nov. 1998.
Under the Freedom of Information Act you may request a copy of the original application form for a Social Security number (Form SS-5) for an individual that is dead. On this form there is name, mailing address, age, date of birth, father's full name regardless of whether living or dead, business name or employer, place of birth, mother's full name before married regardless of whether living or dead, and signature.
To request SS-5 form, you do not need to fill out a special form. A letter with the details of the individual in question is acceptable, try to include the SS number but it is not necessary and mention the Freedom of Information Act entitles you to this information.
Social Security Administration
Freedom of Information Officer
4-H-8 Annex Building
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235
Check the Arkansas Death Index
"Finding death dates prior to 1914 maybe a challenge in Arkansas. Many times when a person died, they were literally buried in the back yard or family cemetery and many of the family cemeteries were forgotten about. Plus, when you factor in the income some of these farmers had, placing a stone on Grandma's grave was not a priority. Obits are wonderful sources for deaths prior to 1914. If you know the area, you might be surprised at what the Arkansas History Commission has available on film! If you are looking for a man, check for a will record or probate record. You should find him there if he owned property in the state. Don't forget to check some of the more obscure records. For example, was your ancestor a Mason? Were they members of a church? Did someone in the area write a journal or diary? All of those records maybe available at AHC and you might find your date this way. Also, don't forget to ask all those 2nd and 3rd cousin if they might have the date in their family bible and while you at it don't forget to ask if they have any pictures!" Courtesy of Tracey Converse. Posted 15 Aug 1998, AGS RootsWeb list"Daughters of the American Revolution, as a State Regent's Project, published in 1986 an "Index to Wills and Administrations of Arkansas From the Earliest to1900." The material was collected from courthouses by counties, and is arranged by counties in the book. Most lists are alphabetized however, the volume is NOT indexed. You may have narrowed your search to a single county, or two or three at the most, and then your search will go pretty fast. Those listed in this book died after having written wills. Many MORE people died without leaving wills. We say they died intestate, that is without a testament, which is the old legal word for will. For records of those deaths, you will need to search PROBATE records at the appropriate courthouse; on microfilm at the Arkansas History Commission & State Archives; or at the nearest branch Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Courtesy of Ed Sanders. Posted 15 Aug 1998 AGS RootsWeb list
Index to wills and administrations of Arkansas, from the earliest to 1900 complied and edited by Mrs. James Harold Stevenson and Mrs. Edward Lynn Westbrooke. Jonesboro, AR. Vowels Printing Co., c1986
Delayed Certificate of Birth
In 1942 the state of Arkansas began issuing delayed certificate of birth to people who had been born before 1914. These delayed birth certificates are currently being indexed by members of The Arkansas Genealogical Society at the Department of Health, Division of Vital Records. AGS will be allowed to publish indexes to the birth certificates filed in 1942 that the person is more than 100 years old and the index will be ready by the end of 2000.
If they every drew social security i.e. if worked after 1935 they may have a delayed birth certificate as they had to have a birth certificate to give to SS to get a SS number. When and if you request the birth certificate, make sure the Arkansas Department of Health Division of Vital Records understand you are looking for a delayed birth certificate. The delayed birth certificates are filed by the year the person applied for the birth certificate. When you send in your request make sure you ask for a search of 10 years before and after the application date. If the wife received a pension or SS from her spouse she would need a birth certificate for proof. Sometimes delayed birth certificates are found in courthouses, Polk County, County Clerks Office has a few, with attached affidavits from family members that state that the information on the application is true (They had someone to testify to the facts of their birth.) The affidavits can provide additional clues to the family history.
Most have the application, the order, and two forms of proof The name of the father and maiden name of the mother are given, as well as address, dates, and in some cases other information. In order to prove your date of birth you had to fill out the form provided by the Arkansas Bureau of Vital Statistics and pay a fee of $1. The green form was used by attending physician, midwife, parent or person at least twelve years older other than one wishing the certificate and having actual knowledge of the birth. The maiden name of the female applicant must be used. If a signature was by mark (X) it must be endorsed by two witnesses.
The white form was used if the form was signed by the registrant or applicant. The evidence used to establish facts of birth and place are: Bible record, insurance policy, marriage license, hospital or school record, U.S. census record, war ration book No.1, birth certificate of your child, baptismal record, or any other legal papers at least five years old, which indicates the individual's age at the time the document was issued, or his or her date of birth. At least one of the documents submitted as proof of birth must indicate the subject was born in Arkansas. There are also delayed death certificates at the Bureau of Vital Statistics pre 1940. Many people who died before 1940s will not have a death certificate. Check the Arkansas Death Index. Delayed birth certificates from Oklahoma are available from their Division of Vital Statistics, four type of supporting records were necessary.
Road to Hickory Nut Mountain vista area.
Montgomery County ARGenWeb Project"Documentation and citation are everything in genealogy."