Izard County Arkansas Births

Last Name First Name Birth Date
Adams Allen Robert 11/1/1885
Adams William 9/15/1890
Adams Wythe Walker 2/28/1834
Adkisson Henry 3/12/1889
Aikin William 2/14/1897
Albright Joseph Oscar 3/2/1891
Allen Morgan 12/7/1877
Anderson Charles 5/11/1892
Andruss Button 2/3/1896
Arnold James C 1/25/1883
Arnold Jernigan 1/13/1896
Arnold John 9/16/1890
Arnold Hollis 4/25/1892
Arnold Lee Andrew 12/3/1888
Arnold William 4/18/1881
Ashley John 12/10/1885
Atkisson William 6/23/1893
Bailey Andrew H 7/26/1891
Ball Joe Franklin 10/9/1883
Ball John Moore 11/11/1883
Ballard William 1/14/1892
Barnes James Robert 1/25/1885
Batterson Hugh 12/23/1888
Battles Charles 10/13/1887
Battles Enoch 1/22/1886
Battles Luther 6/8/1884
Baxter William 8/5/1896
Beach Carlos 9/3/1880
Beach George N 3/16/1887
Beavers William 6/15/1888
Bell Bert 8/23/1895
Bell John Wesley 10/2/1885
Benbrook Frank 12/20/1885
Benbrook Stokely 11/27/1889
Benbrook William 5/14/1877
Billingsley Guy 12/3/1890
Billingsley Marshal 9/18/1892
Bivans William 12/23/1894
Black Luther 9/4/1891
Black Tomas 12/20/1889
Blair George 12/18/1895
Blankenship George 8/13/1882
Blankenship Homer 3/10/1894
Blankenship Loron 5/26/1888
Bledsoe John L 1/11/1888
Bobbit Luther 3/12/1892
Bone Stephen 9/18/1886
Bone William 5/8/1882
Bone Leeman 1/8/1892
Bookout Alic 7/16/1881
Bookout James 1/31/1879
Bookout John 1/18/1884
Bookout Thomas 10/15/1877
Box Jerry 4/8/1896
Box Samuel 6/5/1892
Box John 9/6/1894
Bramblett Alvin 12/12/1883
Bransfield George 8/17/1892
Bray Isaac 2/5/1878
Bray Peter 10/24/1880
Bray Samuel 9/9/1884
Bray Troy 9/18/1879
Briensfield Robert 9/14/1885
Brinsfield Charlie 12/7/1896
Brinsfield Robert 4/15/1890
Brooks George 3/4/1887
Brooks Harrison 12/29/1888
Brown James 3/14/1881
Brown James Henry 11/30/1883
Brown Joseph 12/7/1878
Brown Sydney 5/10/1886
Bruce Claude 10/19/1888
Bruce Palmer 11/21/1885
Bruce William 9/22/1877
Buchanan Taylor 3/24/1882
Bunch John 1/17/1881
Burton Memory 9/3/1919
Butler Andrew 10/10/1878
Butler Delbert 11/4/1890
Butler Elmer 1/10/1885
Butler James Robert 6/10/1880
Byler James B 12/14/1892
Byler Oscar 8/7/1891
Byler Robert 8/22/1889
Byram Henderson 1/18/1881
Byrd Grover 11/7/1891
Campbell Albert 10/23/1891
Campbell Authar 4/6/1891
Campbell Edward 3/29/1884
Campbell George 10/9/1893
Campbell George W 7/4/1886
Campbell James Thurman 8/1/1888
Cargill William 2/9/1885
Carpenter Asa 10/12/1892
Carrico Hubert 10/4/1877
Carter Joseph 3/4/1887
Carter William 1/26/1885
Caruthers David 2/20/1878
Cathey Arthur 1/2/1886
Cathey George 5/15/1889
Cathey William 1/9/1889
Cathey Willie 2/22/1892
Cellars John Avery 7/23/1887
Chadwick T V 2/10/1884
Claiborne Devreaux 3/6/1887
Clark Daniel 10/10/1886
Clark William 1/16/1879
Clark William Taylor 3/6/1876
Clay James Jefferson 2/10/1879
Clifft Thomas 10/22/1878
Clifft Tildon 4/2/1880
Clift George 11/16/1894
Clift M H 4/3/1881
Clinton John 8/25/1888
Clinton Samuel 2/19/1880
Cochran Oscar 2/17/1893
Coleman Joe 11/15/1889
Collie Horace 1/28/1895
Collier Joe Franklin 1/17/1886
Combs Arthur 2/16/1892
Combs Walter 10/18/1880
Cone Thomas 7/27/1892
Conyers Charlie 8/11/1886
Conyers Jep 2/17/1886
Cooper Alva Ray 3/27/1887
Cooper Alvin 6/25/1880
Cooper Andrew 5/15/1884
Cooper Archie 12/9/1895
Cooper Chester January 1894
Cooper Joseph 3/19/1890
Cooper William 7/1/1885
Copeland Charles 3/25/1881
Copeland Frank 11/17/1889
Copeland Jesse 5/27/1892
Copeland Norman 2/28/1891
Copp Jett 5/28/1891
Cothrine McKinley 11/8/1897
Couch Lige 3/26/1883
Couch Thomas 5/28/1883
Covey Lee 3/5/1884
Craig George 7/6/1886
Croft Maud 9/1/1884
Crutchfield Elmer 1/1/1897
Dalyrymple Robert 4/21/1886
Davidson Chester 12/25/1877
Davidson Procter 1/3/1889
Davidson Troy 7/25/1890
Davis James 3/30/1893
Davis Rufis 10/3/1894
Davis William Andy 7/21/1886
Davis William Oscar 3/6/1886
Deal Alfred 8/23/1887
Deal Ed 12/7/1888
Dewitt Franklin 1/12/1878
Dewitt Samuel 7/17/1894
Dewitt William 12/29/1888
Dillard Amos 9/25/1880
Dillard James 3/2/1887
Dillard Samuel 3/2/1879
Dillard Samuel 3/2/1879
Dillard William 10/20/1883
Dillard William 10/20/1883
Dillinger Charlie 9/16/1881
Dillinger David 7/4/1877
Dixon Clyde 9/18/1890
Dixon Edward 5/3/1885
Dixon William 5/23/1891
Dockins Charles 7/23/1885
Dockins Joseph 9/3/1892
Dockins Robert Lee 3/5/1887
Dockins Walter 2/29/1880
Dover Charles 2/19/1883
Dover Charles 2/19/1883
Drown Stephen 5/9/1892
Dry Edward 1/8/1893
Duke Henry 9/18/1878
Eddleman Charles 11/21/1893
Edleman John N 10/20/1895
Elkins Oliver 6/21/1882
Elliott James 6/9/1881
Estes Bill 11/8/1883
Estes James D 11/15/1895
Estes Joseph 12/8/1889
Estes Omer 1/20/1894
Estes Will 1/22/1893
Estes William 11/30/1877
Evans Henry 2/9/1886
Evans Leonard 7/14/1879
Evans Ralph Waldo 10/14/1896
Evans William 4/2/1892
Evas Herman 10/26/1889
Everett Ernest 8/1/1892
Everett Ralph 11/24/1892
Farrell Arthur 6/28/1881
Farris John 3/23/1894
Farthing Richard R 2/3/1886
Faught Robert 4/7/1891
Ferguson Moncy 3/11/1883
Ferguson William 3/14/1885
Finley Raymond 8/8/1885
Fitzwater Charles 1/22/1883
Fleming John H 4/5/1896
Flemming Benjiman 8/22/1894
Floyd Clarence 8/16/1882
Floyd Henderson 6/9/1891
Ford Alma 9/17/1900
Ford Louisa 6/10/1826
Forrest Austin 10/4/1887
Forrest George 8/19/1883
Forrest Lewis 10/29/1894
Forrest Wesley 2/14/1881
Foster John 11/13/1877
Foster John 4/11/1891
Foster Robert 3/19/1879
Foster Walter 11/24/1891
Fountain Charley 1/22/1891
Fountain George 4/19/1889
Fountain Henry 11/20/1879
Fowler Charley 8/26/1896
Franks William 5/31/1880
Freeman Rufus 9/6/1886
French James 11/16/1896
Fudge Grover 3/26/1887
Fulbright Elbert 3/26/1895
Fulbright Jack 10/3/1888
Fulbright John 7/24/1894
Fulbright Leamon 1/13/1884
Fulbright Rufus 6/6/1886
Fuller Limon 9/16/1889
Gardner Lee 3/2/1887
Gaston Claud 2/22/1885
Gaston Gershon 3/22/1888
Gaston Shelby 5/3/1880
George James 7/9/1880
George Jonn 9/2/1882
George Noah 6/24/1880
Gibson Eli 12/26/1881
Gifford Dyer 1/4/1887
Gifford William 8/5/1880
Gilbert Gravelle 1/19/1884
Gilbert Willie 10/3/1878
Gill John 2/13/1885
Gillihan Benjamin 1/11/1890
Gillihan Eler 9/5/1891
Gillihan Frank 12/5/1878
Gillihan James 1/9/1882
Gillihan John 6/16/1883
Gillihan Thomas 7/30/1882
Ginn Chalon 5/23/1890
Ginn Emanuel 12/13/1884
Gist Andy 6/27/1887
Goodwin James 1/19/1892
Gray Euell 2/11/1878
Gray Paul 7/14/1894
Grissette John 3/10/1882
Gulley Wilbur 3/21/1889
Gunn William 10/28/1884
Hagar Henry 1/22/1884
Hager Henery 5/1/1887
Hager Joseph 9/15/1884
Hager William 9/15/1884
Hager William 10/23/1896
Hailey Maud 9/13/1880
Haley Millard 9/7/1882
Haley Sam 8/3/1880
Hall Burl 5/28/1887
Hall Ellis 4/26/1894
Hall Robert 3/7/1891
Hall Sam 8/3/1880
Hames Shelby 2/20/1893
Hamil Joseph 7/11/1882
Hamilton Henry 3/29/1891
Hamm Enos 1/18/1894
Hamm Henry 3/29/1891
Hamm Lee Roy 7/15/1882
Hamm Ransom 1/15/1882
Hammett Charlie 8/7/1884
Hammett Zeb 11/17/1888
Hammond John 10/17/1883
Hammond Oscar 1/20/1884
Hancock Buford 4/30/1889
Hancock Faburn 9/15/1884
Hancock John R 8/13/1887
Hanley Sam 2/4/1895
Harber Clyde 2/6/1897
Harber Homer 9/4/1890
Harber Luther 1/22/1897
Harbison Elmer 1/27/1890
Hardaway Owen 10/17/1895
Harkleroad George 3/14/1887
Harper John 12/1/1882
Harris Charles 10/12/1883
Harris Charles L 6/1/1883
Harris James 7/1/1893
Harvell James Frank 8/28/1884
Haskett Raymon 9/10/1886
Hastings William 2/5/1884
Hatman George 11/9/1893
Hayden Jesse 2/13/1886
Helm Walter 5/12/1879
Heml John 3/4/1887
Henderson George 10/15/1887
Henderson John Michael 7/23/1882
Henley John 10/28/1889
Hicks Charles 1/14/1894
Hicks John W 6/10/1892
Hicks Wiley 8/19/1883
Highland Wash 4/14/1887
Hightower Alexander 8/1/1881
Hightower Charlie 2/23/1894
Hightower Henry 12/17/1878
Hightower John 3/7/1886
Hightower Thoams 3/6/1896
Hightower Tim 10/3/1882
Hightower Wallace 8/17/1882
Hightower William 12/27/1894
Hill James W 7/15/1892
Hill John Evans 11/4/1896
Hinkle Bernard 6/7/1883
Hinkle Jefferson 4/8/1881
Hinson Walter 3/14/1888
Hodges Harvey 5/10/1892
Hodges Hubert 10/22/1892
Huff Frank 9/7/1890
Hulsey James 10/12/1887
Hunt James O 5/19/1890
Hurst Gus 9/19/1882
Hutcheson Boman 3/7/1892
Hutson Albert 3/19/1889
Jackson Cyrus 4/27/1889
Jackson Emmit 11/13/1894
Jackson James 1/28/1888
Jackson James Richard 6/15/1879
Jackson Lucius 5/31/1891
Jeffery James C 8/7/1882
Jeffery Thomas 2/31/1880
Jeffrey John W 3/29/1888
Jennings Aaron 3/21/1891
Jennings Homer L 6/16/1891
Jennings William 5/16/1887
Jennings Columbus 9/22/1886
Jennings Lee 1/29/1892
Johns James L 10/26/1886
Johns Samuel 3/11/1884
Johnson Henry 10/7/1885
Johnson James 7/9/1891
Johnson James R 9/20/1885
Johnson Joe 10/16/1891
Johnston Sidney 10/6/1889
Jones Albert 12/12/1888
Jones Arch 7/23/1895
Jones Bill 2/16/1896
Jones Edward 4/12/1888
Jones George 10/10/1887
Jones Hiram 4/3/1893
Jones James W 1/4/1878
Jones John F 11/1/1892
Jones Joseph 8/1/1893
Jones Mack 7/29/1884
Jones Owen 12/26/1881
Jones Ramon 3/30/1882
Jones Robert 4/4/1879
Jones Seth 10/23/1882
Jones Sim 4/12/1883
Jones Theodore 8/5/1882
Jones Thurman 11/25/1893
Jones Wiley 11/21/1879
Jones William 11/12/1884
Julian Richard 7/9/1884
Kankey William 2/5/1883
Keever William 11/1/1880
Kelley Eugene 8/29/1894
Kennard Joseph 7/13/1891
Kennedy William 1/14/1888
Kent William 6/28/1882
Kerr George 11/14/1888
Kilman Dave 8/20/1895
King Samuel 11/1/1883
Kissinger John H 10/11/1880
Kytle Edward 6/20/1885
Kytle John A 11/16/1884
Lafevers S A 10/4/1879
Lafferty Charlie 4/3/1886
Lafferty Thomas 8/7/1881
Landers Philip 6/10/1887
Landers Richard 1/10/1889
Landers Robert 5/9/1883
Langley George 4/3/1890
Langley John 2/12/1882
Langston Albert 8/5/1880
Langston Alva 3/5/1893
Langston Clarence 11/21/1895
Langston George Franklin 3/20/1891
Langston George W 3/20/1893
Langston Homer 6/18/1894
Langston Luther 3/14/1895
Langston Thomas 1/14/1895
Langston William 10/20/1888
Langston William Thomas 2/14/1889
Lankford George 11/17/1895
Lankford Will 9/21/1897
Lantz Ralph 1/26/1895
Law William 4/6/1878
Lawhon Columbus 9/16/1888
Lawhon Shelby 3/27/1894
Lawhon Thomas 10/30/1882
Lawrence Albert 10/6/1882
Lawrence Eugene 10/9/1895
Lee James 1/10/1880
Littrell John S 3/21/1891
Long Franklin 8/28/1883
Long Levi 6/7/1890
Love Andy 2/24/1890
Lowrance William S 3/7/1890
Luckett Henry 9/8/1889
Luster Allen 8/11/1881
Lynch William 10/22/1890
Madison George 10/1/1891
Majors James W November 1878
Marchant Alvin 3/23/1896
Marlin Lee 10/6/1887
Marlin Thomas 10/26/1885
Marlin William 4/29/1877
Martin O E 10/4/1896
Martin Robert 9/3/1892
Martin William 11/27/1884
Mason Albert 10/24/1887
Mason Walter 12/30/1886
Mason Wesley 8/31/1884
Matheny James W 7/30/1877
Mathis John W 1/29/1896
Mathis Will 11/6/1889
Mathis L D 1/22/1892
Matthews Andy 1/6/1886
Mauldin John 7/25/1888
McAnally George 8/8/1878
McAnnally Christopher 2/20/1881
McCuiston Albert 11/14/1882
McCuiston Francis 12/7/1857
McCuiston Mary Elizabeth 4/25/1855
McCullough John 12/31/1892
McCurley Alton 6/15/1879
McDonald Henry 12/5/1896
McDonald N 4/1/1894
McElmurry J N 11/20/1880
McElmurry John T 3/8/1878
McElmurry Virgil 12/16/1890
McJunkins Samuel 3/25/1880
McKay Joe 8/12/1886
McKay L J 4/19/1883
McNairn Henry G 5/5/1891
McNairn Zeff 2/13/1886
McSpadden John O 9/14/1880
McVay Riley 2/17/1894
McVey James 5/27/1880
Melton Andy 11/20/1894
Melton Arch 11/3/1893
Melton Chester 6/22/1893
Melton Clarence 3/25/1886
Melton John H 9/16/1877
Miller Clarence 11/21/1896
Mitchell Forrest 8/10/1895
Montgomery Aubra 5/7/1885
Montgomery Barrette 5/16/1889
Montgomery Clifton 2/16/1897
Moody John 3/24/1893
Moore Claude 2/10/1893
Morgan William 7/1/1894
Morrow James 10/2/1889
Morton Nealey 9/15/1895
Moser Allie 6/2/1892
Moser Arthur 12/16/1896
Moser Charlie 11/1/1890
Moser James 11/20/1896
Moser Rufus 6/2/1892
Moser Willie J 6/7/1893
Moss Houston 12/15/1892
Moss Sam 10/13/1882
Moss William 6/8/1885
Moss Zordon 8/24/1893
Mullins Samuel 6/8/1888
Murdock Oscar 1/21/1889
Mustain Tom 4/11/1881
Nail Richard 11/22/1893
Neal Joseph 9/16/1884
Neel Grayson 8/14/1888
Neel R D 12/26/1897
Neel Truman 9/28/1894
Nicks Hubert 12/25/1886
Ogle A E 1/19/1887
Oneal John 8/29/1887
Owens David 2/9/1891
Owens Dean 6/22/1877
Owens James 1/25/1884
Owens William 1/19/1881
Parish Alfred 12/25/1888
Parish H S 2/13/1891
Parish Larkin 4/3/1882
Parsons Frank 7/19/1894
Patterson Willie 1895
Pearson Odus 1/22/1894
Peck Herbert 10/24/1896
Perryman Henry 1/26/1880
Perryman Ray 12/24/1895
Perryman William 9/14/1882
Porterfield John 2/22/1871
Richardson Alvie 2/16/1892
Sanders William Marion 1840
Shaver Gracie 1918
Smith Joseph 6/9/1892
Smith Lonnie 3/14/1895
Smith Mattie 3/24/1901
Smith Rufus 1/31/1897
Smith Warren 8/1/1895
Stewart John Henry 4/13/1879
Street William 10/30/1858
Stroud John Bernard 9/18/1880
Stroud Jonnie 12/6/1885
Stroud Jonnie 11/10/1935
Walker Perry 12/21/1883
White Jim 5/15/1888
Woods Irene 5/31/1880
Woods Nina 11/9/1893
Woods Nomer 11/4/1898
Wren Margaret 10/22/1882
Yancey Almon 3/3/1899
Yancey Elmer 10/27/1900
Yeager John 5/22/1890
Young Claude 2/8/1898
Young Mary 8/29/1898

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