About USGenWeb Project...
USGenWeb was established in 1996 by a group of genealogists who shared a desire to create online centers for genealogical research. Each of our literally thousands of web sites have been created and are maintained by volunteers. Some of the offerings you're likely to see in these diverse and creative sites include query boards, listings of local sources for records, county and state histories, online genealogy books, research tips, maps, and links to helpful internet resources. You'll even find transcribed records online, accessible for free from the comfort of your home. Our Special Projects, such as the nationally-recognized Tombstone Project, assist in the effort to gather these record transcriptions. The USGenWeb Archives are a major repository of data, which is provided by helpful contributors - people just like you!
About ARGenWeb
Yes, there IS a group of volunteers concentrating on Arkansas. We are proud to be a part of the US GenWeb project!
The current State Coordinator is Betsy Mills and the Assistant State Coordinators are Jeff Kemp & Sundee Anderson. Our main web page can be found at: http://www.argenweb.net/index2.html
Picture above - brothers George and Clarence Harper out for a ride (Property of Jeannette Harper)