Greene County, Arkansas
Wanted Posters

These posters were  in one of the old Greene County, Arkansas Jailhouse record books. Sometimes records like these explain why our families might of had to move so often, if they were running from the law. Some of these came from The International Sheriff , Saint Paul , Minnesota and The National Detective Bureau , Inc. Indianapolis, IN. also The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington , D.C.

Henry Vasler

James Henry Kidd

O. F. Calvin

Frank Armstrong

Ezra Brewer

Robert S. Smith

Earl Brown

Grover C. Osbern 

Here are some that were just on a separate list with no pictures.

Walter Pool - white, wanted for burglary . Light complection , red headed, about 20 years old.

Jim Jordan - white , wanted for swindling . About 35 or 40 years old, about 6 feet high , weighs between 160 and 175 pounds , stands very erect , dresses common , usually wears boots and works with stock.

Bob Guinn- white , wanted for theft , about 30 years old , about 5 feet 6 inches high , weighs between 135 and 150 pounds, talks a little fine.

$ 150 reward for Ad Neal , alias Ad Hall , a Negro woman , bright yellow , about 30 years old , medium size , scar across right cheek small pox marked , hair about half straight , looks to be part Indian. Wanted for murder.

$150 reward for Will Jones colored, wanted for the murder of a white man , about 35 or 40 years old , about 6 feet high, has small scar from tip of ear leading across right cheek , scar on breast, scar just above forehead , covered with gray hairs , corns on right foot, When working without coat usually goes with shirt sleeves rolled up.

Fred Terry , black , young Negro, wanted for rape, large mouth heavy built. His people all live near Alto, Cherokee county , Texas.

$10 reward for Babe Case , alias Marion Case wanted for assault with intent to murder, forfeited bond , weight 150 pounds, blue eyes, dark complexion, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, always chewing tobacco has scars somewhere about forehead . Raised in Rains and Wood counties , has a wife at Zana, San Augustine county , Texas, is a common laborer.

$10 reward Fed Calhoun , black wanted for bribery , about 6 feet high , weighs about 165 pounds , generally wears good clothes , a little stoop shouldered , generally wears mustache, raised in Houston county .Last seen at Clinesberg , Texas , on June 10, 1907, then wearing a light suit of clothes and a new black Stetson hat.

$25.00 reward W. J. Snodgrass a white man , indicted for forgery and forfeited bond, Age 47 years, height 5 feet 9 or 10 inches , light hair, blue eyes and light complexion , stoop shouldered , very sharp and peculiar features , well educated and has been teaching school in this county , may have scar on neck caused by boil last winter , usually goes shabbily dressed and cleaned shaved , likes to play dominoes and is often found about saloons . His wife now lives at Cherryville, Kansas and has a brother J. F. Snodgrass , at Caro , Ohio.

Kit Reynolds , white wanted for theft from the person , Medium size , small pox marks , usually works on railroad or public work . Forfeited his bond , will pay reasonable reward for his capture . Last heard from at Hornbeck, La.

Charley Middleton , a colored person , wanted for assault to murder . About 5 feet 10 inches high. weighs about 160 pounds, about 50 years old very polite , talks very fast and low, usually found about Negro women or saloons . Forfeited his bond . Reasonable reward will be paid for his capture.

Fern Williams black, wanted for murder . Has thick lips , little gold in jaw teeth.

Bud or Jessie Runnels, white about 40 or 50 years old talks very fast excitable, smokes pipe a great deal. Wanted for murder , has been gone about 24 years has lived in Florida most of that time , where he joined the Masons there are in Alabama , his wife taking the Eastern degree . Is said to now live in Mexico . Is thought to have joined the Masons under a assumed name (perhaps Brown) claiming his home in Kentucky. Reward $100.

Jess Keen , white wanted for assault with intent to murder about 25 or 30 years old, medium size . Light complexion , has scar about face or forehead , drinks a great deal.

$10 reward for George Radford black wanted for burglary . About 25 or 30 years old height 5 feet 8 inches high a little round shouldered , weighs about 140 pounds, talks a little slow and low. Generally around saw mills , gambles and dresses very shabby.

J W. Harris a horse - trader , about 45 or 50 , a little gray, heavy built , drinks some whiskey . Wanted as witness in robbery case and will pay liberally for his whereabouts . Home said to be at Abilene , Texas.

Ike Batty , black Negro , about 19 or 20 years old. Has relatives in Beaumont, Texas. Wanted for a assault .

Antoma Luna , a Mexican , "Wanted for forgery.

Henry Martin , wanted as a witness in murder case, about 40 years old , about 6 feet, high , weighs about 165 , a little round shouldered, brown or auburn hair, when last seen had long brown mustache , common laborer, don't talk much, has wife and six or eight children


Transcribed by : Sandy Hardin


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